official god

Chapter 1934 The Approach of Danger

The breeze blows a pool of spring water.

There is a gazebo by the water. The location of the pavilion is very open, and you can see the vast water surface and the surrounding scenery at a glance. It can also be said that if someone wants to lurk here within a radius of nearly 100 meters, the feasibility of ambush a few people present is extremely low.

The gathering place is carefully selected by Xu Guanhua, and it is also the place of his trusted friends. Xu Guanhua dares to invite Xia Xiang to visit. After all, not only Xia Xiang, Tang Tianyun, and Xiang Minxin.

Xiang Minxin is the director of Yangcheng Public Security Bureau, holding the powerful power of the people's dictatorship,

At critical times, iron fists can be used to protect Xiaxiang's safety, and can also smash the enemy's conspiracy. Based on the few things that have just passed, we can draw a conclusion and move firmly to Xiang Xiaxiang.

is also the deputy of the Provincial Party Committee [Book], who holds the power of promotion of cadres, and also serves as the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book]. In addition, he has a close relationship with the Provincial Party Committee [Book] Chen Haotian to a certain extent. Xiaxiang is definitely a hot figure in the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee.

But none of the above is the point for Xu Guanhua and Mufeng to protect Xiaxiang safely. Xu Guanhua cares about Xiaxiang, and when Xiaxiang is a close relative. Mu Feng was even willing to charge for Xia, even if he wanted to block the bullet for Xia, because he admired Xia, and it was Xia's personality charm that impressed him.

"Meng Zan and Jiao Liang are missing." Xu Guanhua said Wu Xiaoyang's first abnormal move in a heavy tone. Meng Zan and Jiao Liang, as the trump card behind Wu Xiaoyang's nose, their disappearance is very different from Kang Xiao's disappearance. Kang Xiao's disappearance is an escape, and their disappearance means the approaching danger.

Originally, Xu Jihua and Mu Feng had been secretly monitoring Jiao Zan and Meng Liang's every move, and they thought they had completely controlled their whereabouts. As long as the two of them are always in sight, everything will be safe.

But suddenly, Jiao Zan and Meng Liang disappeared in vain, just like they disappeared after blinking their eyes. It was strange and amazing, which also made Xu Guanhua and Mu Feng realize a problem. Jiao Zan and Meng Liang had always known their surveillance behind them. The reason why they can disappear under their eyes proves that their anti-tracking skills are still above them.

If it is just the disappearance of Jiao Zan and Meng Liang, it is not enough to make Xu Guanhua and Mu Feng like a big enemy, because only Jiao Zan and Meng Liang want to assassinate Xiaxiang or create some incident. The difficulty is quite high, not to mention that Xia wants to have a lot of guards around now, but recently Xiaxiang Do you dare to run into the provincial committee in broad daylight to commit murder with Meng Liang?

But Wu Xiaoyang urgently mobilized his guard regiment, ordered the guard regiment to destroy some documents in the Yangcheng Military Region, and also checked some confidential facilities, which was equivalent to Wu Xiaoyang alone over the political commissar and wanted to carry out a cleaning operation in the Yangcheng Military Region.

The guard regiment is a direct unit of Wu Xiaoyang, that is to say, only listening to the command of Wu Xiaoyang is quite his personal guard class. It is no exaggeration to say that if Wu Xiaoyang ordered to attack the provincial party committee,

Soldiers will also obey without hesitation.

It was precisely because the above two things happened at the same time that Xu Guanhua and Mu Feng were anxious to know that Wu Xiaoyang did not stop at the last moment, but would become more and more crazy.

The main reason is that Wu Xiaoyang is still in power now. He has stepped up the layout of the Yangcheng Military Region on the front, and there are ghosts of Jiao Zan and Meng Liang behind him. They take action in two places. Xu Guanhua and Mu Feng are very anxious.

In fact, behind the scenes that Xu Guanhua and Mu Feng did not know, Wu Xiaoyang's layout is deeper than the surface.

Wu Xiaoyang was really furious.

Kang Xiao's foot came to the door and betrayed him with his backhand, which was equivalent to Kang Xiao fell into the well again after the Ji family pressed the last straw on his body!

Why are they all bad people!

Wu Xiaoyang was disappointed in everyone. He wanted to take revenge on everyone. Before he died, he not only wanted Laxia to avenge his son, but also let Kang Xiao lose his reputation. In short, he would not let anyone who offended him go!

While sending Meng Zan and Jiao Liang, Wu Xiaoyang mobilized the guard regiment and took the opportunity to move around within the Yangcheng Military Region, aiming to collect evidence of Xu Guanhua and Mufeng. Whether it was planted and framed or the facts were clear, anyway, Xu Guanhua and Mufeng were blackened first.

He will defeat all his enemies. Whoever wants him to die, who he wants to die!

Xiaxiang, Kang Xiao, Xu Guanhua, Mu Feng, and even Ji Rulan all have to pay the price. Wu Xiaoyang went crazy. From the moment he received a phone call from the Military Commission, he decided to take a risk and take revenge on everyone at all costs. Even if he is escorted to Beijing tomorrow, he will draw his gun tonight to find Xia to work hard.

But things did not fully develop in the direction expected by Wu Xiaoyang.

After Meng Zan and Jiao Liang quietly hid themselves, Wu Xiaoyang thought that the good news would come soon, but it was bad news.

During the martial law of the whole city, Meng Zan and Jiao Liang stayed in the Yangcheng Military Region honestly and did not go out of the gate of the military region. They were afraid that the [police] would investigate. After all, they had a record. Although you are a soldier, you should keep a low profile.

Speaking of the jewelry robbery case, it was Mengzan's idea.

Meng Zan's wishful thinking was very shrewd. He carefully studied Xia Xiang's experience and knew that Xia wanted to be in Lang City and Qin Tang Dynasties. He not only had the courage to stand alone, but also took the lead. He wanted to take a few hostages on the grounds of the jewelry robbery case, followed the scene in Lang .

I believe that at the critical moment of human life, Xiaxiang will stand up with a fearless spirit as before. Then he took advantage of the chaos to solve Xiaxiang, and everything was completed. How easy and simple.

Unexpectedly, people are not as good as God. They were accidentally found by the patrol police, and a large number of [police] were summoned. As soon as Meng Zan saw that the situation had changed greatly, he knew that the plan to take hostages again to threaten Xia to appear was not possible, so he adjusted his strategy in time, and finally escaped calmly with his ability.

As a result, the whole city was on alert, nestled in the military region for three days in a row, making Mengzan and Jiao good.

After receiving the final order from Wu Xiaoyang, Meng Zan and Jiao Liang jumped out of the Yangcheng Military Region like tigers, ready to show their skills and let Xia want to taste the bitter fruit.

It turned out that it hit the wall!

Mr. Wu had many industries in Yangcheng during his lifetime, and Hetian Health Center was only one of them. Although the Hetian Health Center has been closed down and Mr. Wu is also dead, many of his industries are still all over the streets and alleys of Yangcheng, which is an excellent contact place and meeting area. Meng Zan and Jiao Liang thought that with the advantages of Mr. Wu's industry in every area of Yangcheng, they can easily layout, calculate routes, monitor and observe, etc.

As a result, after three days of security, when they returned to Mr. Wu's property, they found that things had changed. The industry was either closed, changed hands, or monitored by plain clothes. In short, there was no place to stay!

Meng Zan and Jiao Liang have a big head. They are not Jiangyang thieves. They need to use strongholds to complete the task. Now that the strongholds are gone, it is impossible to find a hotel to stay casually, and then engage in some less bright careers, which is easy to be found.

At this time, Meng Zan and Jiao Liang realized the strength of Xia Xiang. The whole city was on guard for three days. In the name of solving the jewelry robbery, they not only ensured the safe return of Kang Xiao on the third day, but also swept up Mr. Wu's industry within three days, so that Mr. Wu's industry for nearly

It was this move that made Meng Zan and Jiao Liang step out of the gate of the Revolutionary Military Region again, and suddenly found that it was difficult to raise their noses.

That is to say, if you want to lay out calmly, you must start with finding a foothold, which will take at least three days. In three days, the cooked ducks flew away. Time, for Wu Xiaoyang, has been so nervous that he is racing against time.

After receiving the report from Meng Zan and Jiao Liang, Wu Xiaoyang was even more calm. Xia Xiang was really cunning. He didn't think he was difficult to fight before, but now he finally understands that Xia Xiang is really difficult to deal with. It's simply a complex of a calm wolf and a cunning fox.

What should I do? Let go and let Xia want to escape? No way! Even if Wu Xiaoyang exchanges his life for Xia's life, he is willing to do so. He has nothing left. Anyway, he is old. Xia is still young. It's enough to exchange his life for him.

If you add Kang Xiao, it is equivalent to making one.

But how to break the current deadlock, Xia Xiang is equivalent to setting up a fortress. It is difficult for him to break through from the periphery, unless he opens the gap from the inside. Wu Xiaoyang thought repeatedly and finally came up with a way. With that, Zhang Li and Ji Rulan are the best bait.

Xia wanted a group of several people to redeploy the next step plan in the pavilion by the water. After learning about Wu Xiaoyang's series of changes, Xia wanted to adjust the strategy again and carefully discussed the countermeasures in response to Wu Xiaoyang's behavior.

It should be said that Xiaxiang's vision is watertight and takes care of all aspects, especially the containment of Meng Zan and Jiao Liang. The tactics are very effective, which can definitely form a strong counterattack against the two, so that whether they start from the perspective of assassination, or from the aspects of car accidents, accidents, etc., they Under the strict prevention of Mufeng, under the strict defense of Xiang Minxin, it is difficult to win.

But if a wise man is worried, there must be a mistake.

In fact, it can't be regarded as Xia's mistake. After all, Xiaxiang has no obligation to protect Kang Xiao's safety, nor does she have the responsibility to ensure Ji Rulan's safety.

It's just that the swing of tension and Ji Rulan's waywardness have brought a lot of trouble to Xiaxiang and triggered an unimaginable turning point.

At the end of the meeting, Ye Tiannan and Kang Xiao also used up dinner. They left the hotel one after the other, because they returned to the provincial party committee residence, they sat in the same car.

The journey was smooth. When the car arrived at the residence of the provincial party committee and Ye Tiannan and Kang Xiao got out of the car, they suddenly found something wrong