official god

Chapter 1961 What does Xia want to do

Xia wanted to be stunned.

In my impression, Guan Yuanqu's peace and calmness have always been praised. Although Xia Xiang and Guan Yuanqu don't have much contact, they are familiar with Guan Yuanqu and have a little understanding of Guan Yuanqu's personality.

As soon as we met, the first sentence went straight to the point, which was not Guan Yuanqu's usual style, but also explained that the Wu Xiaoyang incident still embarrassed Guan Yuanqu.

can also understand Guan Yuanqu's eagerness. His identity is too **, which is a major event involving the re-division of the sphere of influence of all parties. It is impossible for him to have a clear position. But before making a clear statement, he must know how much appetite the forces of all parties are. Although politics is the art of compromise, it is necessary to know the bottom line of the other party before compromise.

Otherwise, bloodshed is inevitable. Maybe after the bloodshed, it will continue to be performed.

After Xia wanted to be stunned, he smiled and said: "Principal Guan is serious. I didn't provoke the incident. Now I'm still being forced, and I have to wait for the summons of the Military Commission at any time. After all, I'm the victim. I also want to ask Principal Guan to be fair. If anyone wants to use the Wu Xiaoyang incident to achieve any political purpose, it must be someone else rather than me.

Xia wants to call Guan Yuanqu Principal Guan, not Guan [Shu] Ji- [Zhong] Yang [Shu] Ji Chu [Shu] Ji - or Guan [Master] Xi. Obviously, it is intended to point out the fact that he was a student of Guan Yuanqu during the [Zhong] Central Party School, which is also a hint that

Guan Yuanqu listened to Xia's eloquent defense and smiled again: "Don't be indulent first. If you listen to it, it will be clear, and if you believe it, it will be dark. After I have a detailed understanding of the cause and effect of the matter, I will determine whether you are a victim."

Xia wanted to smile: "Principal Guan is wise."

Guan Yuanqu finally smiled and said, "Oyes, let's go in and talk about it."

The facilities inside are not bad, simple and practical, similar to IKEA style. A person's preferences and preferences release his character and political ideas implicitly and strongly all the time. Character is fate. Even if he is the first person, he will unconsciously be deeply influenced by his character.

Guan Yuanqu said as he walked, "I saw you driving a Volvo..."

The concept of Volvo cars is to keep a low profile and luxury, and take safety measures to the extreme, but not to pursue personality and publicity. Volvo, which originated from Sweden, and IKEA, which also originated from Sweden, have similarities in design concepts. Xia wants to hear the string song and know the elegance. He likes the simplicity and exquisiteness of Volvo, while Guan Yuanqu likes the simplicity and practicality of IKEA style, which proves that he has something in common with Guan Yuanqu's personality.

From this, Guan Yuanqu is not only low-key and pragmatic, but also pays attention to practicality in everything. He adheres to the principle of no waste if it is enough, and adheres to his personal philosophy under a gentle style.

Understanding a person's value orientation, and then judging his political philosophy through his personality, you can basically know it.

Xia thought and said, "Some people like BMW, and everyone knows that it is a good car. Some people like Mercedes-Benz and pursue brand effect. Some people like Audi and think that Audi is known as an official car in China and has good taste. But radish and cabbage, each has its own love. When the three major luxury car brands of BBA are popular in China, some people still like niche brands, and may pursue a unique state.

"So what do you think about Volvo?" Guan Yuanqu asked with great interest.

Xia wants to know that Guan Yuanqu is not really casual, but has a deep meaning. Although there is a political attributment in front of the political figure, he is still an individual in the end. He has seven emotions and six desires, joys and sorrows, and will also be judged by his own love and influence decision-making.

Some people are pleasing to the superiors, and some people are not liked by the superiors. There are not only the reasons for the lack of ability to speak and do things, but also the reasons why they are not in line with the preferences of the leaders in question and answers.

Xia wanted to laugh and say, "The reason why I like Volvo is safety first. It makes no sense to talk about driving and branding without safety. The second is the design concept. Volvo may not have too many flashy technology gimmicks, but everything is practical, there are all the functions you can imagine, and it will never be wasted..."

Guan Yuanqu smiled knowingly and did not answer again, but his smile made Xia want to breathe secretly, knowing that the answer just now met Guan Yuanqu's preference.

In many cases, many major talks, the importance of gossip before formal dialogue, will even play a decisive role. Xia wants to believe that the meeting between him and Guan Yuanqu will definitely have the expected effect after a good start.

But when he was about to come to the room, a person came towards him, which immediately stunned Xia.


What no one expected was that the ups and waves in Jijiang, Hei Liao, Hunan Province and Chu Province caused heavy damage to the behind-the-scenes black hands, but it was only the first wave of counterattack of Xia Xiang, followed closely, and there was a second wave of greater waves, surging!

While Xu Guanhua walked into the Military Commission with his head held high, and just as Xiaxiang and Guan Yuanqu were about to have a face-to-face conversation and agreed on a plan, Yan Province also made a move.

Since Gao Jinzhou served as the provincial party committee [book], Yan Province has been working hard, not showing no mountains or dew, only striving to develop the economy, not shaking, not slacking, not tossing. As the only province that defends the capital, Yan Province's low-key is in line with the expectations and positioning of [

In addition to being ruled in the Gaocheng Song era, the later provincial committees [books] are all peaceful and pragmatic. However, no matter how low-key Yan Province is, the close relationship with the capital is far from comparable to other provinces.

Not to mention the geographical location of Yan Province, which closely surrounds the capital, nor mention the capital's encroachment on the resources of Yan Province - living in the capital and dying in Yan Province is the most [real] real portrayal - Yan Province still provides more than one-third of the drinking water to the capital under the premise of its own water resources The development has made an unknown and great contribution.

Perhaps the people of the capital will not be clear that without the resource supply of Yan Province, there will be a comprehensive shortage of resources in the capital in less than three days. What is even less known to the outside world is what kind of abuse Yan Province took in the stone milk powder incident that year, and how it made great sacrifices under the pressure of [Zhong] Central!

In fact, before the melamine incident of the four milk powders, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine had received countless reports, and it was not only the four milk powder in Yan Province, and all the major brands of milk powder in the country fell, such as the four-gas milk powder in the capital and the sheep-cheating milk powder Almost all domestic milk powder is poisonous milk powder!

But even if it is all poisoned milk powder, it is impossible to shut down all. You can only find a scapegoat to show off first, so as to give an account to the people of the whole country. After comparison, although the Fu family intervened in the milk powder industry at that time, it was only the deepest intervention in Siniu, while the other companies, the Fu family also participated in shares, but it was not as high as the proportion of shares occupied by the first series.

After a series of bargaining, the Fu family finally made concessions and sacrificed the four milk powder in Yan Province, and the Fu family was also compensated. But in fact, the Fu family lost a move in the competition against the first series.

And the most serious loss is in Yan Province.

As the most well-known brand in Yan Province, the collapse of the four milk powder has made the losses of the upstream and downstream of Yan Province, as well as the loss of brand and intangible assets, more than 100 billion! Finally, [China] The central government also made appropriate concessions and allocated tens of billions of yuan of special funds to Yan City in the name of financial allocation.

Citizens in Yan City have personally felt the rapid changes in Yan City since the Fourth Milk Powder Incident, such as the rapid opening of the Second Ring Viaduct, the rapid launch of the Third Ring Road, the completion of the Lower Horse River, the construction of the airport expressway, the expansion of the airport, etc. In the past few years, tens of billion Investment in infrastructure in the past ten years.

Where does the money come from? The citizens just felt the real change, but they knew nothing about the truth, but they didn't know what a huge loss Yan Province was behind his back!

Yan Province has not mentioned the milk powder incident for several years. After the Four Niu incident, the Beijing dairy industry took over the four milk powder, and gradually penetrated and erggressed the sales channels of the four milk powder for decades, adopting a silent and tolerant attitude.

But all of a sudden, Yan Province broke out in silence.

Almost overnight, the Yan City Quality Inspection Department found that in the random inspection of major supermarkets in the city, there were serious quality problems with some dairy products in the capital, fungi exceeding the standard, and even carcinogens.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

The Yanshi Municipal Government immediately held an emergency meeting and issued a notice requiring the removal of Beijing dairy products from the whole city, and officially notified the manufacturers to take due attitude to solve the problem. Otherwise, any products from Beijing dairy manufacturers will be restricted throughout the city.

With Yan City as the center, as soon as the news came out, it immediately received a response from Qi Province, Lingnan Province and West Province. Several provinces detected the same problem at the same time. Suddenly, the news media were in an uproar. The Internet, TV and newspapers were full of reports for a while, which almost destroyed the Beijing dairy industry!

Yan Sheng's behavior made the behind-the-scenes black hands extremely angry, and even patted the table and asked, "Xia, what on earth do you want to do?"

What does Xia want to do? What Xia Xiang wants is not only a comprehensive victory in the Wu Xiaoyang incident, but also a rectification of market order and a safe and healthy living environment for the people of the whole country.

After the dairy product incident in Yan Province was just ignited, in addition to actively responding to the dairy product incident, the quality door of well-known pot products brands was exposed at the same time, and the local quality inspection department detected that heavy metals exceeded the standard, and long-term use can cause cancer.

The media is in an uproar again!

If the first wave of shock wave in each province mainly revolves around the political and economic levels, then the second wave of shock wave is only carried out from the simple economic level on the surface. In fact, in Xiaxiang's long-term plan, he has the idea of rebuilding the market order, rebuilding industry rules, rebuilding market credit, and And with the help of Lian Ruohan's huge investment of hundreds of billions of dollars, it will gradually penetrate into all aspects of the domestic economy, a round of unprecedented reshuffling from top to down!