official god

Chapter 1984 Causes and Consequences

Xia Shen's heart suddenly sank.

Is there something wrong with Wei Xin?

Wei Xin has always been the pain in Xia's heart. Her weakness and illness have always made it difficult for him to let go. Now Jiang An and Lei Xiaoming have been intercepted. Song Yifan is fine for the time being, but Wei Xinren is not there. There are only blood stains, which makes his blood rush up for a moment, and the car is almost out of control.

Xia wanted to pull over in a hurry. It was too dangerous to get out of control on the highway. After stopping the car, he said, "Okay, please ask the Baoshi police to stand by at any time, but don't do it yet. Let me ask about the situation first."

"Good!" Qiu Xufeng didn't say much, "T take care."

"If anyone harms Wei Xin, I will never spare him!" Gu Yuyuan opened his eyes and said angrily, "I asked my grandfather to mobilize the troops of Baoshi..."

Half an hour later, Xia wanted to see the intercepted Land Rover and BMW on the server in Baoshi, and also saw Song Yifan, who was crying with rain.

As soon as Song Yifan saw Xiaxiang, he threw himself into Xiaxiang's arms and cried: "Brother Xia, Sister Wei..."

behind Song Yifan stood Jiang An, who looked careless, and Lei Xiaoming, who was slightly ashamed.

, surrounded by [police], he also called arrogantly, said that he was going to pay a few million yuan, then said that he wanted to move rescue troops from the capital, and then said that he wanted to hire the best lawyer in the capital, and threatened the [police] who was present. Whoever dared to touch a finger, he would let the

On the contrary, Lei Xiaoming bowed his head slightly, with a young and slightly arrogant face, faintly ashamed, and he didn't know whether to pretend or sincerely. Anyway, under the appearance of a gentleman, his behavior was indeed much more elegant than Jiang An.

It should be said that Lei Xiaoming and Jiang An stand together. Obviously, it is not a kind of people. As the saying goes, friends make friends. Lei Xiaoming is at least a person with status. How can he hang out with Jiang'an?

"What's wrong with you? What's wrong with Wei Xin?" Xia thought that he couldn't pay attention to Lei Xiaoming and Jiang An and asked Song Yifan first.

Song Yifan shook his head: "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine." He said three "It's okay" in a row. It can be seen that he was still shocked. "Sister Wei is not good."

Song Yifan was so scared that he couldn't speak well.

No one expected that Gu Yu would not be excited, but today she suddenly broke out. As soon as she got out of the car, she came to Lei Xiaoming and raised her eyebrows: "Are you Lei Xiaoming?"

Lei Xiaoming was also honest and nodded and admitted, "I'm Lei Xiaoming, didn't you ask?"

The answer to him was a loud slap: "Dare to provoke Yifan's sister, beating you is the truth to teach you to deal with people for your father!"

If Gu Yu hit people unexpectedly, what she blurted out was also surprising, and she really had awe-inspiring momentum. I don't want Gu Yu to get angry. He is not only happy and angry, but also particularly touching.

Gu Yu hit Lei Xiaoming. Lei Xiaoming was unprepared. He was stunned and took a step back.

Jiang An just finished the phone call at this time. Lei Xiaoming hadn't fought back yet. He didn't take a step forward and reached out to grab Gu Yu's hand: "Where did you jump out of the crazy woman? Hit people when you come up?"

As soon as Gu Yu hid, Jiang An did not catch it. At this time, Jiang An saw the appearance of the ancient jade.

immediately showed his lustful eyes: "Yo, it turned out to be a beautiful woman, a spicy beauty, I like it more. Let me tell you, beauty, there are five mines in my house.

With that, his hand stretched out again to touch Gu Yu's face.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lei Xiaoming came forward to stop him. Gu Yu was angry and had nowhere to go. He raised his foot and kicked it.

She originally wanted to kick Jiang'an and worked very hard. Unexpectedly, Lei Xiaoming's unlucky step was blocked in front of Jiang'an and was kicked by Gu Yu.

And Gu Yu happened to kick the key point of Lei Xiaoming's man.

With this kick, Gu Yu hurt Lei Xiaoming. With this kick, Lei Xiaoming's pain was unbearable, and he had no gentlemanly demeanor. He covered his crotch with his hands, his face was twisted, and his legs were clamped. He only had time to say, "You..." He fell to the ground with a plop.

Gu Yu was also stunned. She didn't expect her magic skills to be so invincible. The main reason was that her simple heart did not expect that the man was so unbeatable. It was also because Xia didn't want to teach Gu Yu the man the knowledge that was actually easy to hurt, so she covered her mouth and stared at Lei Xiao Why is he so unplayed?

Jiang An saw that Gu Yu was cruel. No, he was fierce and furious. Lei Xiaoming was the prince he had just met. He was a big tree that could be hugged tightly. He was beaten by Gu Yu. He had the opportunity to show him. He immediately stepped forward and grabbed Gu Yu's chest with both hands.

The difference between a dirty man and a normal man is that even if a normal man is furious, he will hit a woman in normal parts, such as the face, and even if a dirty man hits a woman, he will also hit the unique part of a woman, both hitting and touching, killing two birds with one stone, so Jiang'an's claws want .

Gu Yu has never seen such a shameless person. In addition, she was stunned by the accidental injury suffered by Lei Xiaoming. In a moment of distraction, she was almost won by Jiang An!

Jiang An's hand was about to fall on Gu Yu's white breasts that had only been touched by one person. He could even feel the softness and elasticity of the beautiful woman's chest in front of him. Suddenly, the figure in front of him flashed, and a person was in front of Gu Yu.

Jiang An's hand couldn't stop. He was just caught by the person who suddenly appeared in front of him. The person's hands were pressed back, and his pair of claws were pressed back in the opposite direction, and he screamed in pain: "You fucking..." As soon as he said, he was suddenly pulled down by the other party. How could The next low, and then something flew in front of him, just between his eyebrows.

Although Jiang An can't say how magnificent he is, he is not ugly. To put it, he was hit by his knee once, and his strength was amazing. Jiang An only felt that his brain roared, and then his nose was like a five-flavor bottle. There were all kinds of joys and sorrows, and the pain was so uncomfortable.

"You, you, you" is different from Lei Xiaoming who fell directly to the ground. Jiang An squatted down and insisted on not falling down. "How dare you hit me? There are five mines in my house. Before I finished speaking, I was kicked in the door and fell to the ground on the spot!

The person who kicks him is not someone else, but the ancient jade who claims to be the incarnation of a righteous woman.

After Gu Yu woke up, he realized that he had almost been poisoned by Jiang'an just now. He was angry and angry. He flew up rudely and kicked Jiang'an directly in the face.

It's a bad breath.

As soon as Gu Yu took action, Lei Xiaoming fell to the ground, Jiang An was unlucky, and the chivalrous woman's demeanor was clear at a glance.

The [police] who intercepted Jiang An and Lei Xiaoming was stunned. It was the first time to see such a beautiful but ruthless beauty in her life. However, the ancient jade was more gentle and not as fierce at all, which made people even more stunned.

Face to face, Lei Xiaoming and Jiang An both fell to the ground. Xiaxiang and Gu Yu's first combination of two swords were really strong.

Just in time, when Lei Xiaoming and Jiang An were in unbearable pain and fell to the ground and scolded his father and mother, Song Yifan intermittently wanted to tell Xia what had happened.

... When they got off work, Lei Xiaoming and Jiang An both appeared downstairs and proposed to invite Song Yifan and Wei Xin to dinner as the final farewell lunch. Jiang An solemnly promised that after today's meal, if Lei Xiaoming and he can't win the hearts of Wei Xin and Song Yifan, he and Lei Xiaoming will be willing to bet and lose, and will never harass Wei Xin and Song Yifan again.

As soon as Wei Xin and Song Yifan heard this, they believed it and agreed to Jiang An and Lei Xiaoming's invitation. The two of them wanted to drive their own car, but Lei Xiaoming came forward and invited them to get into the car with a very gentlemanly manner, saying that it would be degrade to let the lady drive, hoping to give him the last face.

In the end, Wei Xin and Song Yifan got into Lei Xiaoming's car.

The meal was very tasteless. Lei Xiaoming said some sweet words and tried to impress Song Yifan. Song Yifan was unmoved, saying that she really had no feelings for him. If she reluctantly dated, it would mislead both sides. It's better to break with each other and stop dealing with each other.

Jiang An talked to Wei Xin about the wealth of his family. He claimed that his family was the richest man in the Western Province and pursued his first-class second-rate and third-rate female star. He could line up from Tiananmen to Zhongnanhai, but he didn't like any of them, so he fell in love with Wei Xin alone. Moreover, his family has five mines, all of which are large mines. The coal transported from his coal mine every day is available for one province.

"Five mines, do you know, five mines!" Jiang An spit on his saliva, kept stretching out five fingers, and swaying in front of Wei Xin. Wei Xin was so disgusted that he almost vomited his face.

Fortunately, Wei Xin finally resisted.

After eating a meal for nearly an hour, the final result is naturally fruitless. After dinner, Wei Xin gave Jiang An an ultimatum, asking Jiang An not to go to the company to find her again, otherwise he would bear the consequences.

Wei Xin is now extremely tired of Jiang'an and is determined that if Jiang'an harasses her again, she will take the necessary measures.

Song Yifan and Lei Xiaoming also drew... cleared the line. From then on, they went their separate ways and had no relationship with each other.

Surprisingly, Jiang An and Lei Xiaoming nodded and agreed as soon as they exchanged eyes.

When he wanted to go back, he made the last request, asking Wei Xin and Song Yifan to sit on the BMW and Land Rover respectively. Wei Xin and Song Yifan agreed as soon as they agreed. Anyway, people are in the capital, and in broad daylight, what can Jiang An and Lei Xiaoming do? It doesn't matter if you take the bus separately.

What's the result?

As soon as I got on the bus, I found that something was wrong. Instead of going back to the company, I had to drive out of the city and went all the way south and went straight to the highway!

Wei Xin was very angry and asked Jiang An to stop immediately. Jiang An refused. He smiled and said with a playful smile that he would take Wei Xin to Yan City to prepare a romantic and huge courtship scene for Wei Xin in Wei Xin's hometown. Wei Xin could not believe him. He saw from Jiang An's treacherous smile and wandering eyes that the other party was malicious and wanted to coerce her to comply.

Not long after the car left the capital, it was only a few dozen kilometers on the highway. Wei Xin was in a hurry. In fact, if Jiang An turned around in time and sent Wei Xin back to the capital for treatment, he might not really annoy Xia.

: All kinds of tickets, do you have any?