official god

Chapter 1995 North to Heiliao or South to Chu Province

During the whole session of the Two Sessions, Xia wanted to be so busy that he could almost describe it without touching his feet. Although the busy way is different from that of Xu Guanhua and Li Qin, the direction is exactly the same, all for the future plan.

To be precise, it is all about Xiaxiang's growth.

In other words, whether it is Xu Guanhua or Li Qin, all the bets are placed on Xia Xiang. If you want to win, the world will be settled. Xia wanted to be defeated, but he was defeated, and there was no possibility of a comeback.

So Xia Xiang didn't dare to take it lightly. He couldn't let Xu Guanhua and Li Qin pay everything for him, but he got nothing. He must ensure a solid foundation and go further.

The so-called foundation is the political team. Under the existing domestic political system, politics is the foundation that determines everything.

Xia wants to seize the opportunity of the Two Sessions - whether his importance and position are stable or not after the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it is the last time in this meeting - from the top to the General Secretary, Chairman and Premier, to Wu Caiyang, Gu Qiushi and others, and from almost all the political team, he has completed a For deployment.

Compared with someone's political tragedy, although Xia Xiang did not have any form of exposure in the media during the Two Sessions, nor did he pretend to be calm in front of reporters like someone else, but he made a fortune in silence and quietly completed the largest political layout since he came to politics.

It is no exaggeration to say that the layout during the Two Sessions has changed Xiaxiang from a towering tree to a lush forest.

Lei Zhixue's belief that Xia Xiang will be destroyed by the forest wind is just his wishful thinking!

If the meeting with the senior management makes Xia want to take the road to heaven, and the talks with Wu Caiyang, Gu Qiushi and others are to broaden the thinking and complete the necessary preparation, then the talks with the political team represented by Peng Yunfeng, Liang Qiurui, Peng Yong, Xu Ziqi, Chen Tianyu, Lu Ming and Zhu Ruile, It is equivalent to rambling the foundation again, which means that with the favorable opportunity for Xia to move forward, a group of people in the political team are also expected to rise, and the overall strength will be upgraded by another level!

Among them, Peng Yunfeng, Zhu Ruile and Chen Tianyu have enough qualifications at the level of the main hall. They can be ready to borrow the east wind of the current situation at any time to complete the key leap from the main hall to the deputy department.

And the rest of the people also have the capital accumulation from the deputy hall to the main hall.

As for some political teams that are not qualified to participate in the Two Sessions, Xia Xiang also remembers them one by one. When the time is right, he is ready to use his influence to promote the deputy to the right place and the deputy department, so that he has worked hard to run the political team for more than ten years and initially has a certain political energy.

Political influence is the embodiment of comprehensive strength. It is not possible for a person to submit to the world when he is in a high position. He also needs a group of loyal direct descendants, so that he can not only have the spirit of climbing high and looking far, but also the confidence to be down-to-earth.

Xia wants to advance the progress of the situation in an orderly manner. It can be said that the convening of the Two Sessions is a victorious conference and has achieved significant results, and he has never appeared on the Two Sessions - even when the Lingnan delegation answered reporters' questions, Xiaxiang was not photogenic, and he has learned that he will fall into Compared with someone who still forced a smile at the press conference, he is much more low-key - but he has gained a lot of achievements that senior officials in front of and behind can't.

Compared with Xia Xiang's low-key, Chen Haotian raised his profile a little. At the press conference, he once again publicly shouted a speech on political reform, indicating that after the Two Sessions and before the Eighth National Congress, the Central Committee will take political reform as the main direction.


is exactly the same as the news learned in advance that on the second day after the end of the Two Sessions, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China announced its handling opinion on someone - to remove him from the post of secretary of the Shancheng City Party Committee. As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar. The ghost of the Sailing Update Group may be because the news is too sudden and surprising, and the corruption case of Wu Xiaoyang, which was announced by the Central Military Commission at the same time, was submerged in the reports of major news media. Under the strong impact, the Wu Xiaoyang incident was ignored intentionally or unintentionally.

Even so, the military's problem generally does not want the hype of the news media. I believe that the Military Commission chose to announce Wu Xiaoyang's charges at this time, which is also the intention to use the Shancheng incident to prevent the Wu Xiaoyang incident from becoming a topic of media pursuit.

The military's goal has been achieved, because the mountain city incident is too dazzling. The focus of all news media is on someone, and Wu Xiaoyangquan is gratified. After all, he has nothing to do with someone's planning behind it. Now there is someone who diverts the world's attention from scolding him at the cost of losing his reputation, and he is also dead.

But... Maybe Wu Xiaoyang will look forward to meeting some people as soon as possible below.

Xia thought that he was not shocked because he had learned the news in advance. In fact, it was rumored that he was expected to be the deputy prime minister, but he was suddenly kicked out of the capital and fell to the southwest. It can be seen that someone was not liked by the senior management of the central government.

It can also be understood. Thinking of what someone's father did to the current leaders, coupled with someone's innocent history, his gongs and drumming in the southwest is actually the last trump card, the purpose is to reach the sky in one step.

It's a pity that there is an unliteratened rule set by the former leader in those years, one of which is that the Red Guards are not allowed to serve as the leaders of the party and the state. The identity of someone's Red Guard is a historical stain that cannot be covered up with many red songs!


Wu Jia.

Xia wants to sit under Mr. Wu and Wu Caiyang and listen to Mr. Wu's teachings.

"The country is basically going formal now, and there can be no more deviations. Guan Yuanqu is steady and successful. He is more able to govern more smoothly than that one, which is conducive to the power handover of the country and can lead the country forward steadily. The old man narrowed his eyes slightly and sighed, "In those years, my relationship with Lao Hou was not bad. Lao Hou was a little more radical, offended a lot of people, and also left a hidden danger for that one."

Wu Caiyang said, "When Guan Yuanqu was working in the countryside, the one who fought and robbed in the capital, and the elders kept it in mind. Southwest China has developed rapidly on the surface in recent years, but his approach is to pull out seedlings to help, laying the root of high investment and low return. Now the economic development of provinces and cities in China has abandoned the initial stage of relying on huge financial investment. The last trump card he played has received the opposite effect.

"No more about him, no more about him." Mr. Wu waved his hand, "Since he began to target Xia Xiang's layout, I have said hello to a few old guys. I was not allowed to give him tickets. I had to vote against him and excluded him from the gate of the capital. It's normal for everyone to want to enter the cabinet, but the country doesn't need to toss people.

Wu Caiyang smiled and said, "Yes, let's not talk about him. Anyway, he has completely withdrawn from the stage of history. Now it's time to talk about you. Xia Xiang, the ancients really love you very much..."

There is something in Wu Caiyang's words. Xia wanted to smile silently and didn't answer. Instead, he said, "Now that the overall situation has been settled, it's time to take back my eyes. It's no longer too far away. I have to focus on one province and one place."

Wu Caiyang saw that Xia wanted to be unwilling to talk more about Lao Gu. He guessed that Xia thought might avoid the topic of Ji Lao and Zheng Lao in front of the old man. The old man supported Xia Xiang behind the scenes of Ji Lao and Mr. Zheng. On the surface, he supported it, but secretly did not like it. Lao Gu was fine A little friendship, but Mr. Ji and Mr. Zheng have little contact with the old man.

But even if the old man doesn't like that Xia wants to get too close to Mr. Ji and Mr. Zheng, he will not obviously show it. After all, Mr. Ji and Mr. Zheng also want to help Xia, although the second old man's heart is also the intention of betting on Xia.

Wu Caiyang couldn't help admiring Xia's carefulness, and said down Xia's words, "What, do you care about your next step?"

"It's a lie to say that I don't care, but I really don't want to be the target of public criticism early." Xia's words are true. If he goes further into the door of the main department now, he will definitely become the central figure of attention, exposed to the public, which is not conducive to his long-term layout in the dark.

But Lao Gu is starting to vigorously promote it. Even Mr. Ji and Mr. Zheng spare no effort to help him. It is impossible for him to be ungrateful. In addition, Mr. Wu and other emerging family forces also take advantage of the east wind of Cao Yongguo's retreat to help him take the throne. Does he still have to be humble?

Above the officialdom, there is no humility at the time of promotion.

Today... It was also the first formal dialogue between Mr. Wu and Mr. Wu and Wu Caiyang on the road ahead when Xia Xiang was about to take a step forward!

"In fact, your arrival in Lingnan is still short. Now that you are transferred out of Lingnan, it is indeed a little easy to trigger speculation from the outside world. In addition, as soon as Cao Yongguo retreats, you help correct, which is also easy to remind people of the result of your bargaining with the central government." Wu Caiyang said eloquently, "Although you have not been in Lingnan for a long time, you have completed your historical appointment. Now that you stay in Lingnan, it is not only difficult to have political achievements, but also makes the outside world suspect that you and Chen Haotian are too close."

Xia Xiang's heart was moved. Wu Caiyang said that it was reasonable. Chen Haotian's ticket has been obtained, and the next main contradiction will be transferred to the distribution of power. If the relationship between him and Chen Haotian is too close, it will inevitably affect the handshake between him and Guan Yuanqu.

The domestic political pattern has changed greatly. With the adjustment of the new round of wind direction, Xia Xiang needs to re-evaluate what kind of trend the domestic situation will be from now to the Eighth National Congress. Only by standing in the right position and grasping the opportunity can we be invincible after the Eighth National Congress.

"In that case, where is the next step suitable for me to go?" Xia Xiang showed an open and sincere attitude and asked Wu Caiyang.

Wu Caiyang did not answer directly and asked, "What do you think personally?"

"Cao Yongguo went to Beijing, I definitely won't go to Beijing..." Xia Xiang was embarrassed to call Cao Yongguo his father-in-law in front of Wu Caiyang, so he had to call him by his name directly. He thought for a moment and remembered that Chen Feng and Cao Yongguo left office almost at the same time, and suddenly felt that