official god

Chapter 2002 The First Step

Jinyang is the capital of the Western Province and a standard inland city. Because it is on the edge of the Fen River and surrounded by mountains on three sides, it has been known as "Beautiful Jinyang City" since ancient times. As the former hometown of Tang Yao, the famous city of the Warring States Period, and the important town of Jiubian, Jinyang has a much longer history than Yan City, the capital of Yan Province.

"For no reason, I crossed the mulberry dry water, but I hope that Bingzhou is my hometown"

The Western Province has a long history and splendid culture, forming a unique local customs, the famous Jin merchants and the unknown Qiao family compound, which makes the Western Province a strange flower of the inland provincial capitals in China.

Xiaxiang is not strange to Jinyang, and he is even very familiar with it. Jinyang, which is only more than 200 kilometers away from Yanshi, is only two hours' drive. Xiaxiang used to travel between Jinyang and Yanshi, so he knows almost the streets and alleys of Jinyang.

But after entering politics, I have hardly ever been to Jinyang again.

The memory will not be forgotten. As soon as he entered Jinyang, a familiar breath came to his face, which made him feel inexplicably excited. It was a feeling that he had never been to Xiangjiang, Lushi or Yangcheng.

Maybe having feelings for a city is a good start.

Xiaxiang and Dongfang Xiao came all the way south from the capital. The capital is more than 500 kilometers away from Jinyang. The speed on the road is maintained at a safe speed, so they have been driving for more than 5 hours. It is inevitable that they are a little tired.

Dongfang Xiao has arranged food and accommodation, saying that he wanted to pick up the wind and wash the dust for Xia, but Xia wanted to refuse.

"I won't bother Minister Dongfang. I'll take a break first and meet after dinner." Xia's words are not a negotiable tone, but an indisputable tone.

Dongfang Xiaowei was stunned. It seemed that he didn't expect Xia to enter the role so soon. Thinking about it again, no matter whether Xia wanted officially took office or not, the fact that he was the first deputy of the Western Provincial Party Committee and replaced the governor of the province could not be changed.

"Good, Xia [Book] Let's take a break first." Dongfang Xiao smiled and said goodbye at the door of the hotel where Xia wanted to stay, but did not go upstairs.

Xia wanted to deliberately prevent Dongfang Xiao from going upstairs. It was not that he avoided suspicion, but that he had other arrangements.

On the surface, he only brought his secretary and guard to Jinyang. In fact, Chen and Xiao Wu opened the way and arranged a lot of things secretly. Dongfang Xiao did not know about this, and there was no need to let her know.

In addition, Dong Wenwu, member of the Standing Committee of the Western Provincial Party Committee and political commissar of the Provincial Military Region, has been waiting for Xiaxiang in the hotel for a long time.

Dong Wenwu is the direct line of the ancient times, and he is also Xu Guanhua's classmate who graduated from the same military academy. He thought to Xia in an all-round way, and there is almost no need to doubt the fact. If it weren't for the important things to do,

Dong Wenwu has already attended the party in Yanshi and wanted to get to know Xia.

Dong Wenwu was born tall and powerful, with the rank of major general. As soon as he saw Xia, he saluted first: "Xia [Book] Remember it well."

Xia wanted to reach out and shake hands with him: "Brother Wenwu, I've been waiting for a long time. Please come in quickly."

The sentence "Brother Wenwu" made Dong Wenwu enthusiastic in his heart. He is an emotional person. He is loyal to the ancients. He regards the old man as his father's generation. His friendship with Xu Guanhua's classmates is also the same brotherhood. For Xiaxiang, which has always been respected by the ancient and Xu Guanhua, he

Dong Wenwu worships Xiaxiang very much. Yes, it is worship. Not only because Xia wants to sit high as governor at a young age, but it is much more difficult than being promoted to major general, but also because Xiaxiang is an ancient designated successor.

What is different from Dong Wenwu, Xu Guanhua and Zhao Mingke is that he has an almost blind worship of the ancient times, believing that as long as it is an ancient person and thing, it is absolutely correct, and there is no doubt.

As the first alliance that Xiaxiang can absolutely trust without investigation, he is relaxed about the meeting with Dong Wenwu.

Entering the room, Dong Wenwu looked at Xia Xiang with an eager face, with warm eyes, just like looking up to the respected chief.

Facing the warm eyes of Dong Wenwu, who was a teenager older than him, Xia thought was a little uncomfortable, so he smiled and said, "Brother Wenwu, you don't have to be polite in front of me. They are all his own people. Today, we sat together to chat and get to know each other. If it's convenient for you, I'm a guest from afar. You have to treat me to dinner.

Dong Wenwu laughed and was convinced by Xia. He rubbed his hand and said, "Please, I will definitely invite Xia [Shu] to dinner. What do you like to eat in summer?

"It doesn't matter what you eat. What matters is who you eat with." Xiaxiang also liked Dong Wenwu's straightforward personality very much. He waved his hand and said, "Go downstairs to find a room, eat and talk, and take the bus all the way. I'm really hungry. By the way, introduce a few friends to Brother Wenwu.

Dong Wenwu closed his mouth and said, "That's good. I like to make friends the most. As long as it's a friend introduced by Xia [Book], I won't refuse."

Although Dong Wenwu is very marginalized in the Standing Committee, and as a military representative, he has little say in many matters, he always has a vote in hand, which can serve as a great help for Xia Xiang in the Standing Committee. In addition, his military power is also the guarantee of Xiaxiang's safety.

Xia wanted to come to Jinyang for the first time and did not officially take office. He has guaranteed a vote in the standing committee.

If Dongfang Xiao is included, Xia Xiang can't trust Dongfang Xiao 100%, but under the pressure of the situation, Dongfang Xiao should not fall back to Lei Zhixue. It can be regarded as two votes in hand.

In addition, he still has a few cards to play. It is no exaggeration to say that he is no more confident than before. Compared with going to Hunan Province, going to Qi Province in the past and Lingnan a few days ago, he is much more confident.

I believe that Lei Zhixue must have done a lot of work behind his back in order to welcome his arrival, but... Xia wants to have reason to believe that no matter what the layout of Lei Zhixue is, he is confident to break through the siege and break the situation in the Western Province for many years.

Xia thought that he was not arrogant, but that he was holding Zhizhu. During his leisure time in the capital for more than three days, he not only raised huā and planted grass to recuperate his mind, but also turned his ears to the things outside the window and only played the big game.

Dinner with Dong Wenwu, the guests are happy. Not to mention the identity of Xiao Wu's retired soldier and Dong Wenwu at first sight, that is, Chen Ba's exquisite personality and knowledgeable conversation also won Dong Wen's weapons.

The first time we met, the first time we had dinner, Dong Wenwu entertained Xiaxiang again. As a result, he was drunk under the attentive persuasion of Xiao Wu and Chen.

Xia Shang didn't care about Dong Wenwu's rudeness at all. Bai, from the fact that Dong Wenwu was so happy about him that he was drunk, it can be seen that Dong Wenwu is not only credible, but also can be included in the core system.

Yes, in fact, according to the layout of the ancient times, Dong Wenwu was originally one of the forces in Xiaxiang's army.

Xia wanted to specially arrange Dong Wenwu to sleep in his room in order to buy people's hearts. Sure enough, after Dong Wenwu woke up, he found that the ** lying in Xia [Book] was not only rude and embarrassed, but also flattered. He fully recognized Xiaxiang's person and was determined to follow Xiaxiang to the death!

If Dongfang Xiao's approach is not the first game of Xia Xiang's upcoming victory in the Western Province flag, then Dong Wenwu's vow to follow to the death is the first step for Xia Xiang's layout in the Western Province.

However, there is reason to believe that Dong Wenwu's behavior of falling to Xia Xiang, as early as Lei Zhixue's expectation, could not be regarded as an unexpected victory.

Don't worry, Xiaxiang still has a back hand in the back.

Leaving Xiao Wu to wait for Dong Wenwu, Xia wanted to slowly go downstairs with Tang Tianyun and go to Dongfang Xiao's appointment.

Shortly after Xiaxiang and Tang Tianyun went downstairs, oh, Chen also went downstairs and disappeared into the bustling night of Jinyang.

Xia wanted not to fight an uncertain battle. Perhaps Dongfang Xiao thought that Xia wanted to leave for Jinyang in advance because of her proposal. In fact, she was wrong, and it was a big mistake. Even if she didn't go to the capital to have an interview with Xia, Xia would also appear on the streets of Jinyang in advance. However, her appearance just provided a reason, and Louxiang pushed the boat along the water.

To say something that lacks respect, although she is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Minister of Propaganda, she is not enough to startle Xia to go to Beijing. After all, she is only the Minister of Propaganda, but not the Minister of Organization, perhaps, not the Executive Vice Governor.

It happens that Xia wants to come to the Western Province. In his blueprint, there are many plans that need to be made with the help of the propaganda department. Since Dongfang Xiao's appearance is very timely, he is naturally willing to take over the other party's olive branch.

The place agreed with Dongfang Xiao is a * coffee shop. Xia Xiang does not reject * coffee, but feels that the * coffee shop is too much like a place for young people to fall in love. I don't understand why Dongfang Xiao does not choose a tea house, but chooses to talk in the * coffee shop.

* The name of the coffee museum is Prague, which is quite emotionally arranged, but it is not the atmosphere that Xia wants to like.

Under the leadership of Dongfang Xiao, Xia wanted to come to a secluded elegant room. After sitting down, he casually asked for a cup of coffee.

Dongfang Xiao specially changed a professional suit, and it seemed that she had slightly modified her eyebrows. She also asked for a cup of the same * coffee, added sugar, and stirred it gently. Maybe it was because she returned to Jinyang, or maybe she was much more confident. In short, she had a lot of feminine charm than a few hours ago.

"Xia [Book], the situation of the provincial party committee is roughly like this, what else do you want to know?" Previously, in the capital, on the way, Dongfang Xiao Xiangxia wanted to introduce in detail the personnel composition of the Western Provincial Party Committee, as well as the opportunities and challenges faced by the Provincial Party Committee. Of course, it is an explanation from her standpoint.

"When I first arrived in Jinyang, it was in the afternoon. I remember that when I passed Huande Street, I looked forward, surrounded by a black fog, which blurred the extremely majestic provincial party committee building.

"Xia thought that he didn't drink the coffee in the glass. He just held it in his hand and rotated it a few times at will, but said something meaningful.

What Xia wants to say about the black fog not only refers to the intricate network and shady operation of the Western Province, which makes people unable to see hope, but also implies that the air pollution in Jinyang has become heinous. Some people even describe that living one more day in Jinyang is equivalent to living less than ten years!

Xia's voice is not high, and the speed of speech is not fast, just like the usual chat, but his question is sharp and pointed to the essence: "Minister of the East, please answer me a question. The West Province is the largest energy province in China, and the energy produced is almost supplied. With every inch of land in the country, why is the salary level in the Western Province the last in the country?

Dongfang Xiao was stunned for a moment, and a strong thought suddenly flashed in his heart. Xia [Book] recorded that when he took office in the Western Province, he really wanted to move the lifeline of the Western Province!