official god

Chapter 2004 Carefully deployed

Give Xiaxiang ten years to return a blue sky in the western province. What Xia wants is not a group of bureaucrats around him who only compete for their personal interests, but an alliance that can unite around him, make suggestions for his ideals, and add luster to his blueprint.

Xia wanted to drink all the coffee in the cup and said loudly, "Minister of the East, I will definitely let go of my hands and feet when I come to the Western Province. As I said, I just want to ask you one sentence, do you want to stick to the rules, or do you want to innovate?"

The implication of adherence to the rules and pioneering innovation is that do you want to fight for personal self-interest in the circle of the Western Province, or do you dare to ask for the people for the sake of the future of the Western Province?

Dongfang Xiao just swallowed a mouthful of coffee. Although he added sugar, the bitter taste was only covered up, but it was not eliminated. There is bitterness in sweetness, sweetness in bitterness, and half of bitterness and happiness, just like her ups and downs.

Xia's question is very sharp and direct, and in front of her is a very difficult multiple-choice question.

Xia Xiang's idea, or the idea of governing after taking office in the Western Province, is not clearly stated, but at this time, if Dongfang Xiao is not clear that Xia wants to take advantage of the current situation of the penultimate wage level in the Western Province in the country, which implies his future direction of governance, she is too lack political wisdom.

Unexpectedly, the chips needed to be put in one step by step were much more than she thought, which made her hesitate for a moment and didn't know how to choose.

While hesitating, the door of the room was knocked. Tang Tianyun pushed open a crack in the door and whispered, "Leader, Deputy Secretary Lu Yuanyuan called."

Lu Yuanyuan? Dongfang Xiao was stunned, Lu Yuanyuan, the former Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee? How could Lu Yuanyuan call Xiaxiang? I couldn't help but be relieved. Lu Yuanyuan was transferred from Yan Province to the Western Province as the Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee, and then transferred to another province to serve as the deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.

After thinking about this section, Dongfang Xiao once again thought of not only the period when Cao Yongguo was the governor of the West Province, but also the period when Xing Duantai presided over the overall work. The above people and others all wanted to know or be familiar with Xia, and even Qinwei. That is to say, before Xia wanted to the future of the .

Dongfang Xiao has always thought that she was the first leader of the Western Provincial Party Committee to approach Xiang Xia. Now after waking up, after thinking about it carefully, the previous confidence has completely disappeared. Xia wants to come to the Western Province to take office. There is no shortage of guide people. Maybe the person who secretly wants to approach Xia is far beyond her imagination!


The reason why Xia wants to have a lot of affection for the Western Province is not only that the Western Province is the first road of his main road, but also that there are too many acquaintances in the Western Province. Cao Yongguo doesn't need to mention that Xing Duantai, who served as the secretary of the Western Provincial Party Committee, long before Cao Yongguo

Although the relationship between Xiaxiang and Xing Duantai is not very close, it makes sense, and Xing Duantai and Cao Yongguo are closely related.

During his stay in the capital, Xiaxiang not only met Cao Yongguo, but also met Xing Duantai, who had retired and lived in the capital for a long time.

The meeting between Xing Duantai and Xiaxiang lasted for a full three hours, and they had a meal together. During the meal, Xing Duantai was very interested and said a deep emotion: "Since the Yong Kingdom, if you go to the Western Province, the Western Province will finally see the sun again."

Xia wants to understand the meaning of Xing Duantai. It is not that the Western Province sees the sun again, but that the legacy forces of Xing Duantai in the Western Province see the sun again. Since Cao Yongguo, since the beginning of Lei Zhixue, Xing Duantai, Lu Yuanyuan and Cao Yongguo have been operating the network in the Western Province for many years. Under the impetus of Lei Zhixue's impenetrable Taiji massage, they are now fragmented and have no tendency to echo each other.

The three of them have served in the Western Province one after another. Although their terms of office are not long, they have been together for five or six years. Moreover, they are still the secretary of the provincial party committee, a minister of the organization of the provincial party committee, and a governor. They have all held key positions one after another. No matter how low-key However, the combined power of the three was swept away by Lei Zhixue in a few years, which shows that Lei Zhixue's political skills are indeed extraordinary.

In the officialdom, there are many precedents to sweep away the former forces, but like Lei Zhixue, he was ruthless under the wind and drizzle, transferred Xing Duantai's cronies from key positions, left Lu Yuanyuan's direct line directly idle, and Cao Yongguo's promoted subordinates to the second line. If so, Encirclement and suppress.

Unlike some place to use the powerful power to clean up the former forces, the cleverness of Lei Zhixue is to cook frogs in warm water, and quietly control the overall situation of the western province!

During the period of Xia Xiang's capital, he not only had an in-depth meeting with Xing Duantai, but also received a call from Lu Yuanyuan.

Speaking of Xing Duandai, Lu Yuanyuan and Cao Yongguo, who have the most extensive and hidden forces in the Western Province, are not Xing Duandai, who once served as the secretary of the provincial party committee, but Lu Yuanyuan, the lowest among the three!

The remnants of Xing Duantai were purged most thoroughly, not only because he had left the Western Province for the longest time, but also because the forces he promoted in the Western Province occupied the most important positions. Cao Yongguo's power was the least purged because he cultivated the least cronies. In contrast, the power has been cleansed more or less, but the one that has been retained the most is Lu Yuanyuan.

In fact, Lu Yuanyuan's promotion of cronies is no less than Xing Duantai, but Lu Yuanyuan's character has a characteristic. When he promoted a certain person, he will not particularly show his great importance to a certain person, and he rarely has personal relations with this person. They are all business-style contacts, but often when one person needs Reach out and pull a hand, and let the beneficiaries always remember it.

It is precisely because of this that many of Lu Yuanyuan's forces are hidden so deep that even the shrewd scholars like Lei Zhi could not find all of them, so that in a subsequent duel, there was a major accident...

This is a later story, let's not mention it for the time being.


Facing the slightly chilly spring breeze in Jinyang, when Xiaxiang and Tang Tianyun left Prague, it was eight or nine o'clock at night. The night in Jinyang is far less than the hustle and bustle of Yangcheng. Excessive air pollution makes the city's night sky invisible to a star. In less than a day, a layer of dust has fallen on Xiaxiang's leather shoes.

Getting in the car, Dongfang Xiao, who was still standing at the door and watching politely, waved his hand. Xia wanted to let the driver drive away.

As soon as the car moved, Tang Tianyun smiled and said, "Leader, the Minister of the East is very interesting. He was radical in the capital. When he returned to Jinyang, he was cautious again..."

After Tang Tianyun handed Lu Yuanyuan's phone to Xiaxiang, Xia wanted to answer for a short time and hung up the phone. I didn't avoid Dongfang Xiao. I believe that Dongfang Xiao heard some meaningful content from the short dialogue.

In fact, the result of listening or not is the same. As long as Dongfang Xiao knows that it is Lu Yuanyuan's call, I believe that with Dongfang Xiao's cleverness, it will be clear.

Dongfang Xiao was indeed exposed, but she still did not answer Xia Xiang's question directly, but did not escape Xia Xiang's question. Instead, on the grounds that she waited for her to go back to sort out some information and then report to Xia Xiang in detail, she took the tactic of retreat as progress and took careful procrastination.

Xia wanted to smile at Tang Tianyun's statement: "After staying in the Western Province for a long time, people who have ideas will be much more cautious. In the choice of for the country or the people, many people will choose for the country. It is often said that for the country and the people is actually two concepts, which have to be said to be a kind of sadness.

Tang Tianyun nodded: "This is the normal situation in officialdom, and there is nothing we can do. Officials at every level do not need to be responsible to the people, they only need to be responsible to those who promote him. If you want to change the poor and backwardness of the Western Province, you must dare to bargain with the central government. I believe that most people will not go beyond the minefield.

After learning that Xiaxiang would take him to the Western Province to take office, Tang Tianyun was surprised and also did a lot of work, deeply studied the history and current situation of the Western Province, and also made it clear that the reason why the per capita resource share of the Western Province is the largest but still one of the poorest provinces in China is the coal and electricity in Western Province does not have the right to operate independently!

That is to say, the resources of the Western Province are the resources of the country, and the poverty of the Western Province is the poverty of the Western Province!

Let's talk about coal resources first. The western province produces coal, but it does not have the right to operate independently. On the surface, the operation is nationalized. In fact, the management right of coal resources is in the hands of some dignitaries in the capital.

A modern, German-style coal mining station was built in Dahua City, Western Province a few decades ago, with clean, safe and large-scale production. As a result, this coal mining station, which should have been extended to the whole province, was nationalized and administratively directly under the capital!

There is also Taicheng Power Plant, which is the largest thermal power plant in Asia under construction, but the electricity produced will be shipped to Jiangsu Province at an absolute low price. Why did the Western Province lose money and make an indelible contribution to the Soviet Province? In a word, national interests are needed.

The country not only competes with the people for profit, but also with the provinces. Under the strong control of the country, the Western Province contributes resources to the country and leaves poverty, backwardness and pollution to itself. In the long run, what will the West Province get in the end?

The serious consequence of over-mining is that the whole underground of the famous coal-producing cloud city has been mined, and one-eighth of the area of the whole western province, including Jinyang, has been hollowed out because of coal mining. That is to say, one-eighth of the people in the western province now live on the castle in the air It's a bottomless nightmare.

The West Province has become the first state-level pilot zone in the whole province. We can't just shout empty numbers without taking practical actions, don't reach out to the country for policies, and don't hold the autonomy in our own hands. The future of the West Province will always be a black fog and gray sky.

"Leader, tomorrow's itinerary has been arranged, please have a look." Tang Tianyun handed the itinerary to Xiaxiang.

Xiaxiang waved his hand and didn't look at it. He said with a smile, "There is no need to arrange the itinerary. The itinerary has been disrupted. Tomorrow, there will be a more lively play. If I guess correctly, Lei Zhixue already knew that I had arrived in Jinyang.

Tang Tianyun was surprised: "How come?"

"Why not?" Xia Xiang was confident, "Dongfang Xiao will report to Lei Zhixue when he goes back."

PS: Ah, I'm about to be squeezed out of the top ten, Jianghu emergency, brothers, help, please vote! ( To be continued)