official god

Chapter 2010 It's a worthwhile trip

In the evening, the turmoil on the Internet has spread to the whole province of the West Province.

At the beginning, Lei Zhixue was not regarded as a big deal, and he happened to be busy recently and did not surf the Internet. In addition, Chen Hao did not report to him in time. When he knew it, the situation was already big.

Chen Hao also made a mistake... In fact, it can't be blamed on his mistake, but the Propaganda Department did not inform him at the first time. As the first secretary of the provincial party committee, it is impossible for him to stay in front of the computer all the time. In addition, in order to welcome Xiaxiang's appointment, Lei Zhix Taking the reception work as a political task, the attention of almost all the leaders of the provincial party committee has been focused on Xiaxiang's arrival.

As a result, there was a small accident, or a mistake.

The publicity work in the western province has always been very important. For personal reasons, it goes without saying that Dongfang Xiao, the propaganda minister of the provincial party committee, ranks higher in the provincial party committee team. Although she was suppressed by Lei Zhixue, she also explained from the side that Lei Zhixue did pay great attention to the propaganda mouth. He repeatedly instructed that there should be no problem with the propaganda mouth. Whoever smeared the face of the Western Province, he smeared his face.

It is precisely because of this that Lei Zhixue's publicity work is very fast, which makes Dongfang Xiao feel that he has been seized of power.

When Lei Zhixue learned the news, it had already shown a spreading trend. It was impossible to kill the spread of the news. He was furious and immediately asked Dongfang Xiao to plead guilty in person.

"Minister of the East, why doesn't the Propaganda Department have any control? Such a thing happened on the eve of Comrade Xiaxiang's appointment is to smear the face of the Western Province. In fact, Lei Zhixue was not aggressive because of the big situation. In fact, he did not realize what the Chen Yan incident would be at this time. No matter how fierce the Internet was, it could not hurt the root. In the end, he could calm down the public opinion by casually finding a speech.

The reason why he was angry was that he used the topic to play and wanted to take the opportunity to suppress Dongfang Xiao. Last time Dongfang Xiao reported that Lei Zhixue thought that Dongfang Xiao and Xia wanted to play double reed, but deliberately gave him eye drops.

But Lei Zhixue never thought that Dongfang Xiao's informing of the news was really not to play a double reed with Xia, but the Chen Yan incident was deliberately done by Dongfang Xiao.

"Now the central government is paying close attention to the situation in the western province. What will the central leadership think of the employment system in the western province? Comrade Dongfang Xiao, your years of publicity work are not short. Why don't you have a sense of urgency and mission?

Lei Zhixue criticized Dongfang Xiao mercilessly, which made Dongfang Xiao feel useless, but she knew that Lei Zhixue had the same courage. When he was training people, he could not refute it, so she had to put up with it.

Fortunately, she did it on purpose. On the surface, she put up with it, but she was complacent. If Chen Yan's problem is hot, Lei Zhixue will not feel good. It will definitely make him feel better. So let Lei Zhixue play power first, and sooner or later, he will feel good.

Coming out of Lei Zhixue's Office, Dongfang Xiao has regained her peace. She was not in a bad mood because of Lei Zhixue's thunderous anger. On the contrary, Lei Zhixue's anger became more and more powerful, the more she felt that things were really right.

But she just lit the fuse. The final direction of the matter and the power of the detonation are not in her hands, but in Xia Xiang's hands. It is necessary for her to report to Xia Xiang.

I picked up the phone and dialed Xiaxiang's mobile phone, but the prompt was that it was turned off.

Dongfang Xiao suddenly remembered that Xia thought that he should have been on the plane, so he shook his head and smiled. He was really confused. After thinking about it, he sent a text message to Xia Xiang's mobile phone: "Secretary Xia, please pay close attention to the deputy mayor's empty pay. There is an inside story."

As Lei Zhixue expected, the Chen Yan incident made a lot of noise on the Internet, which actually did not attract the attention of the central leadership. As long as there is no central leadership to question this matter, things can be turned into big and small things, and in the end it will be an end.

But for the sake of safety, he still made a phone call to the capital, so that the relationship in the capital should keep an eye on the internal ginseng reporter, and did not let the Chen Yan incident get involved.

After finishing the work, Lei Zhixue felt relaxed. In addition, he received a message in the afternoon that Tang Tianyun had booked two tickets to return to Beijing. Although it was not clear whether Xia wanted to go with Tang Tianyun, it was basically certain that Xia wanted to leave Jinyang. Thinking that Xia wanted to quietly come to Jinyang very sinisterly, it's okay if you don't say hello to him. It's really heartless to dig his wall before taking office.

Fortunately, Xia wanted to come here for nothing and returned without success, which also made him very gratified. As for Dongfang Xiao's intention to get closer to Xia, he didn't take Dongfang Xiao seriously in the first place, so he would not pay attention to it.

At the thought that Xia wanted to come secretly, but finally left empty-handed, he must be very depressed and embarrassed, and he couldn't help but be in a good mood.

Should it be regarded as a small victory? Lei Zhixue smiled coldly in his heart. He wanted to arrive in the Western Province a few years earlier than Xia, and he was another leader. Xia wanted to arrive late, and he was also the second leader. He still wanted to turn over and sing? Dreaming!

"Ling Chen..." Chen Hao knocked on the door and came in. "I checked. Tang Tianyun booked two airports, not with Xia to register with his name, but to have nothing else to do with him."

"Oh?" Lei Zhixue's good mood was swept away, his eyelids jumped, and he asked slowly, "So, Xia wants to attack east and west with Tang Tianyun, but he hasn't left Jinyang yet?"

"I'm not sure whether I left or not, but I definitely didn't go the road." Chen Hao's eyes blinked quickly a few times, "But I just noticed that the main leaders of the provincial party committee are still in the office, and there is no entertainment."

Lei Zhixue also knew that even if he was the secretary of the provincial party committee, it was impossible to prevent the members of the provincial party committee against thieves. In the name of the meeting, he restrained the standing committee members not to leave the compound of the provincial party committee. It was indeed a meeting, not unreasonable, let alone to prevent Xia from

Of course, there is no lack of selfishness. In fact, after Xia wants to officially take office, he will approach or associate with a member of the Standing Committee in private. Even if he knows, he can't obviously show dissatisfaction. The tolerance of the secretary of the provincial party committee must be kept above the surface. But I'm really angry that Xia wants to come to Jinyang in advance to find out the truth and restrain the actions of the Standing Committee. There are also factors of anger.

Xiaxiang is really cunning. Could it be said that an idea flashed through Lei Zhixue's mind. Could it be that the Chen Yan incident was written by Xiaxiang? However, on second thought, he also knew that the incident could not have the shadow of Xiaxiang. Xia wanted to not even know who Chen Yan was. If he could use Chen Yan as a fulcrum to open the situation, he would not be a person, but a god.

As for why Xiaxiang quietly came to Jinyang, Lei Zhixue's idea is that Xiaxiang only wants to open up the situation in the western province as soon as possible, put the pilot of resource-based economic transformation and reform into practice, and become his governor's achievements. The power that Xiaxiang can use is very limited, which is nothing more than the legacy of Xing Duantai, Lu Yuanyuan and Cao Yongguo.

The legacy of the three people in Xing Duantai? Lei Zhixue is more confident that as early as two years ago, the legacy of the three people was out of place. Even a few missing fish have been marginalized for many years. Do you want to return to the mainstream political stage and rely on a governor who does not have much personnel power? Just think about it when you have nothing to do, and it is not impossible to think of it as a kind of spiritual sustenance.

According to the comprehensive analysis, Xiaxiang, as the future political star, will unexpectedly end up with political achievements. Lei Zhixue didn't want to kill Xiaxiang with a stick. He just needed to bind Xiaxiang's hands and feet when Xia wanted to run, and not let him run too fast.

Whatever Xia wants to play again, whether he likes to walk or not. Whatever Xia wants to hide from the world, he will not accompany him. Lei Zhixue's self-confidence returned to his chest and waved his hand and said, "Never mind, from now on, I will no longer pay attention to Secretary Xia's movements, and there are still Chen Hao, let's go on. In order to welcome the official appointment of Comrade Xiaxiang, he held the last mobilization meeting.

"Yes, leader." Chen Hao bent down respectfully. He appreciated Lei Zhixue's confident look the most, as if everything was under control, as long as there was no major problem that could not be solved in China. With such a leader, why doesn't he worry about having no future?

If Lei Zhixue knew that his self-confidence had almost caused him a big defeat, and if he knew how much trouble the Chen Yan incident would eventually set off, he would not be able to laugh.

Let's not talk about the long-term impact, but talk about the present.

If Lei Zhixue knew that when the Chen Yan incident was making a lot of noise on the Internet in the afternoon, Xia wanted to decide to let Tang Tianyun no longer go to Beijing as soon as possible, stay on stand by, and changed the itinerary again, so as to create a first opportunity, he would definitely regret it.

At that time, Lei Zhixue was in a meeting.

If Lei Zhixue knew that when he criticized Dongfang Xiao condescendingly, Xiaxiang had completed all his tasks in Jinyang and met all the people he wanted to see, he might lose his elegance and be extremely angry.

In fact, what Lei Zhixue didn't know was that in fact, Xia Xiang decided to intervene in the Chen Yan incident after keenly discovering that the Chen Yan incident might trigger the officialdom earthquake in Western Province. Xiaxiang's politics** is much higher than Dongfang Xiao imagined, although he doesn't know who Chen Yan is at this time.

Xia wanted Tang Tianyun to stay because Tang Tianyun encountered an accident on his way to the airport. The accident is not big, and it seems to have nothing to do with Xia Xiang's break-up in the western province, but the evolution of things is often unexpected to everyone.

Tang Tianyun met an old man who shouted injustice on the road.

Although Tang Tianyun is the second secretary of the western province in the future, he is not yet, and he is not qualified to meddle in other people's business. When passing by, the beaten old man fell under his wheels. Seeing the white-haired old man falling on him helplessly with tears, he couldn't bear it and got out of the car to help the old man.

As soon as I helped out a shocking case.

Coupled with the Chen Yan incident, coming to Jinyang, Xiaxiang is worthwhile. The long-silent Western Province will blow a whirlwind with Xiaxiang's official appointment!