official god

Chapter 2048 The most critical moment has come

Everyone knows that the transformation of the energy-based economy is really going to be implemented. Whose interests are really touched, and who will oppose and who will approve.

To put it bluntly, it is still a clichéd proposition of cutting cake.

In the transformation of the energy-based economy, what needs to be cut is the cake of the coal bosses, and what needs to be moved is the interests of the coal bosses. That is to say, the over-expand-expanded cake in their hands is cut into several pieces, one piece is left for them, one piece is left for the country The level of income.

Relevant practitioners are coal diggers and middle and low-level personnel of coal enterprises.

As a coal capital, not to mention Jinyang, not to mention the Western Province, the staff engaged in the coal industry have at least more than 200,000, and the cake is distributed to them - of course, it is necessary to formulate a reasonable distribution system, instead of directly increasing the salary or paying money - is equivalent to raising the income level, which has initially improved the Western The abnormal situation that the salary level of the province ranks first from the bottom in China.

Xiaxiang does not only use coal enterprises, but the unreasonable distribution system of coal enterprises in various industries is the most common. The problem of coal enterprises is the epitome of energy-based economic dependence in the whole western province.

"In order to implement the spirit of the instructions of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on the transformation of the energy-based economy in the West Province, the provincial government plans to introduce a guiding policy in the near future. The general principle of the policy is to improve the unreasonable mining methods of coal production in the West Province, reduce the incidence of accidents, and improve the The provincial government decided to take one or two coal enterprises as pilot enterprises to provide all-round support through tax policies, technical guidance, etc., to transform the current backward mining methods into a modern coal mining mode, and build an international and standardized coal mining process.

Xiaxiang had a thick pile of materials in his hand. He gently knocked on the table. Tang Tianyun came forward to pick up the materials and sent them to everyone here one by one.

Xia's words immediately triggered the whispering of everyone here.

Internationalized and standardized coal mining process, it is not that coal bosses in the Western Province do not know, but everyone knows what's going on.

It is also true that once the international and standardized coal mining process is implemented, it can effectively reduce the incidence of production safety accidents, reduce casualties, and increase the amount of coal mining. The most important point is that pollutant discharge can meet national standards.

But the above problems are obviously not the foothold for coal bosses to consider the problem. They are more clear that the establishment of an international and standardized process requires investment in many new types of coal mining equipment. Not only is the investment amount of huge, but it must also be subject to strict supervision, so that the management department can monitor mining at any time with the convenience of Every link of coal, from safe production to sewage discharge, and production scale, will be transparent.

That is to say, the possibility of coal bosses evading taxes is gone, and they must also meet the standards and management standards to ensure the safety of workers going to the well. At the same time, they have to improve the treatment of workers.

How much does it cost to kill a worker? How much does it cost to invest in a new project? It's not proportional at all! Therefore, as soon as Xiaxiang's proposal came out, the venue was cold, and no one answered.

Xia wanted to have expected everyone's reaction for a long time. The coal bosses in the Western Province have a false reputation. They can donate to primary schools, donate to the Red Cross, or do some charity. However, when it comes to improving the coal mining process - compared with donating to primary schools and the Red Cross, improving the coal mining process is the real The big thing that is in the future - it's all dumb.

It is also a good thing to donate to primary schools and do charity, but in contrast, it is better to improve the coal mining process and standardize production, which is more conducive to the long-term development of the Western Province. It can not only improve production efficiency and reduce the occurrence of safety accidents, but also control pollution and increase the income of workers. At present, it is the first step to change the deformed distribution system. In the long run, it is the beginning of a blue sky in the western province.

But Xia Xiang is also clear that there are many difficulties in promoting the international and standardized coal mining process in the western province. First of all, the Standing Committee of the provincial party committee may not be able to pass the resolution, and there must be a lot of opposition - the coal bosses in the western province are not fighting alone, and the problems in the western province have not The seriousness of the collusion can be imagined - secondly, even if the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee passes the resolution, the coal bosses will try their best to get in the way, either delay, or resist to the end.

It's the same. I'm used to living a comfortable life. No one wants to hand over their rights and interests to others and accept other people's supervision. But Xia thought that he had to seize power from them, for nothing else, in order to break the deadlock in Western Province.

Any reform is a challenge to the vested interests. A reform that does not take the operation of vested interest groups is not a reform.

"Gun governor, why didn't I hear anything about the guiding policy of the provincial government in advance?"

After a moment of coldness, Wang Qianqian finally wanted to challenge Xia.

As the biggest backer of the vested interest group in the Western Province, Wang Qianqian spoke for the coal bosses at this time, which fully met Xia Xiang's expectations.

Xia wanted to answer calmly: "Comrade Qian asked well. I really haven't put forward this policy for discussion at the government's executive meeting. Today, I put it forward at the joint meeting first. It's very sudden..."

After a slight pause, Xia Xiang took a sip of water, glanced his eyes, and noticed the reaction of the people under the stage led by Jiang Gang. They all looked disapprovingly, and he was slightly proud of Wang's difficulties.

It can be said that Xia Xiang is equivalent to fighting alone today. With the strength of one person, the enemy Wang Qianqian and the coal bosses can't make any mistakes. If there is a little confusion, the follow-up policy may be aborted.

It must be admitted that the resistance faced by Xiaxiang is quite great. But it must be said that Xia wants to be quite well prepared in advance.

"But the reason why it was mentioned first without discussion at the executive meeting of the government is based on two reasons. First, this guiding policy is the main topic of Vice Premier Fu Boju's inspection of the energy-based economic transformation work in Western Province. It is a document sent from the General Office of the State Council early this morning. If nothing unexpected happens, it The guiding document of the hospital to guide the economic transformation of the Western Province!"

As soon as he said this, Wang Qianqian's face changed slightly. Xia wanted to lift Fu Bo out and press him, so that he just hit the south wall.

"Secondly, there are also personal reasons. In my personal opinion, I think that the reform of the coal industry in the Western Province is imperative, and it has reached a critical juncture of life and death without reform! I happened to take advantage of today's meeting. I will first take out the guiding policy and discuss it with my friends in the business community. After listening to your opinions, I will discuss it at the meeting and finalize it.

With two reasons, Wang Qianqian had nothing to say, but he looked at Jiang Gang under the stage intentionally or unintentionally. The meaning was to tell Jiang Gang that he was the executive vice governor. In general, he must maintain the authority of the governor. It was the rule of officialdom, and he had no choice.

The deeper hint is that the rest of the thing is that Jiang Gang can challenge Xia. Jiang Gang is not a person in the officialdom, but a businessman in the industrial world. He can make demands or blackmail the government.

It is the norm for entrepreneurs to blackmail the government abroad. In China, it has also become the norm in recent years. Real estate developers have successfully kidnapped countless local governments. In fact, to be honest, the economic transformation of the western province has not been effective, and it is also the reason why the coal boss kidnapped the provincial government.

Jiang Gang got a hint from Wang Qianqian, coughed slightly and said, "Gun Governor Xia, please allow me to show the facts and be reasonable."

Xia wanted to nod slightly, obviously ready to meet Jiang Gang's firepower.

"There is a lot of negative news about coal enterprises in the western province. In the eyes of the outside world, it seems that the coal bosses in the western province are all rich and rich. They have so much money that they use money to take a bath every day. They all live a life of throwing a lot of money and drunken money. In fact, they

Not to mention, Jiang Gang still has a little eloquence. As soon as he opened his mouth, he talked endlessly, or wanted to shoot at Xia like a machine gun.

"In fact, it's not the same thing. It's all the psychology of some news media against the rich. We coal bosses, covered with coal and black fingers, live in fear every day, and dedicate light and heat to the country with burning life. Why should we be misunderstood and abused? There is no difference between high and low in work. Those IT scammers don't create any value for the country, but can only squeeze our real hard-earned money as entities. Why don't they expose their ugliness? For example, Li Yanhong, who is also from the West Province, made a broken website and made so much money by piracy. He also sat on the stage with five people and six people to enjoy the flash? He is much more black-hearted than our coal boss!"

"We are not responding to the call not to support the provincial government, but the production line of internationalization and standardized processes needs to invest billions. The coal industry is the sunset industry, billions... can't be recovered before the coal is hollowed out.

"In addition, I also agree that the governor's unreasonable distribution system is unreasonable. If you don't escape, it is true that the income of front-line workers is not high, risk their lives to mine coal, and finally get sick. Maybe the money they earn is not enough to cure the disease. But the problem can't all be on the black heart of the coal boss. We don't want to be black heart, and we also love the workers as well as brothers. The problem is that the country has taken too much profit from us, and there is nothing we can do. If you don't believe it, Governor Xia can ask everyone here, who can have a good night's sleep? I'm most afraid of receiving a phone call in the middle of the night. The phone call in the middle of the night is a life-threatening charm, either water seepage or explosion. Every time we die, we are almost the same as ourselves entering the ghost gate. I dare say that every coal boss was scared out of a heart attack!"

Jiang Gang was really eloquent, eloquent and talked about a lot of difficulties. No matter how many reasons were sufficient, how vivid the story was. In a word, he expressed an attitude - I'm sorry, Governor Xia, what you said can't be done!

Xia wanted to be neither angry nor straight to take out the governor's authority, but said with a smile, "Mr. Jiang's statement is an objective situation, and I have learned more or less. Let me ask again, if we talk about the production of internationalization and standardized processes, who else thinks there are financial difficulties?

The most critical moment has come. How many people who put up difficulties means how many people oppose Xiaxiang!

PS: Brothers, a few more votes, let the official god advance, please! ( To be continued)