official god

Chapter 2057 Work Inspection Bureau 1

General leaders inspect, in addition to clearing the streets and carpeting, cleaning blind currents, controlling ** personnel, eliminating all kinds of hidden dangers, etc. A series of preliminary surface work must be implemented, and no one wants to cause major problems during the inspection of superior leaders.

Not to mention big things, even small things can't be done. I am willing to make a good impression on the leader.

In order to welcome Fu Boju's inspection, all the reception work in the western province has been in place, and all the work has also been responsible for people. Who is responsible for the reception, who is responsible for the guard, who is responsible for the accommodation, who is responsible for the route, etc., and their respective duties have been implemented for a long time That is to say, if there is a problem in any link, the person in charge will be held accountable accordingly.

In the western province, if facing a big enemy, the deputy premier's inspection is not small, and it comes with policies. In the energy-oriented economic transformation plan of Kansai Province, everyone has to be accompanied by a hundred precautions. Moreover, the provincial party committee has also repeatedly held meetings to emphasize the importance of the inspection of Vice Premier Fu Boju's work, .

All the leaders of the Western Provincial Party Committee led by Lei Zhixue and the main leaders of the four teams arrived at the airport to warmly welcome the arrival of Fu Boju.

When Fu Bo appeared at the door of the cabin, Lei Zhixue and Xia Xiang took a step forward and led all the members of the provincial party committee team to wait in line.

Fu Bo was full of official prestige, and the underground machine slowly came to Lei Zhixue and shook hands with Lei Zhixue: "Comrade Zhixue, thank you for your hard work."

Lei Zhixue and Fu Boju have no friendship. In addition, the Western Province is not the territory of family forces. Fu Boju came to the Western Province to inspect the problem from the perspective of the masses who do not know the truth. It is not inappropriate for the Vice Premier to inspect the work in any province, but from the normal situation of officialdom,

Generally speaking, not to mention the Vice Premier, he is the Prime Minister. Even the General Secretary will not easily go to a province to inspect the work. Unless it is his own territory, even the Prime Minister's inspection work may not receive the expected results.

Fu Boju deserves to be the Fu family. There is something in common with Fu Xianfeng's wrist. The move is very direct, sometimes it is not common sense, and sometimes it is too direct and strong, but not to mention that the Fu family also relies on such means to finally occupy a place in the domestic political situation.

When he wanted to shake hands with Xia, Fu Boju's words were obviously a lot more. First, he asked Xia Xiang's life and work in the Western Province with concern, and solemnly conveyed the Prime Minister's greetings to Xia.

Fu Boju's words did not have to be said in person at the airport's welcome ceremony, but he not only said it, but also deliberately thought about it and Bo Lei Zhixue. His behavior made Lei Zhixue show a slight embarrassment.

Wang Qianqian was even indignant about Lei Zhixue.

All the members of the Western Provincial Party Committee have their own thoughts in their eyes, and they can't help but look for different favors. Is it just the policy of the State Council, or is it the general secretary and the prime minister's consensus?

After the airport's welcome ceremony, the vast convoy returned to the provincial party committee smoothly.

When he arrived at the Provincial Party Committee, Lei Zhixue immediately held a meeting of the Standing Committee. At the meeting, Fu Boju conveyed several decisions of the State Council on the energy-based economic transformation policy of the Western Province, and officially raised the guidelines and policies of pilots and enterprises in the Western Province to the national policy level!

Fu Boju pointed out that in the next three to five years, the country will gradually liberalize the pricing power of coal, and fully push coal enterprises to the market, market-oriented, and let the market price. Based on the timeliness and experience of the pilot in the western province, it will be gradually promoted in the major coal-producing provinces across the country.

As a result, the country has adopted a predatory policy of squeezing resources and coal for decades, and finally died. Although the final decision was made by the Prime Minister, it was announced by him, which is also a memorable historical event. Fu Boju's great name will be with the success of the transformation of the energy economy in the Western Province. And it will be recorded in the annals of history.

After Fu Bo solemnly announced the decision of the State Council, the audience was full of joy and applause for a long time.

Applause, mostly echoing applause, is not a sincere welcome. Xiaxiang is very clear about this.

The situation in the western province is not just as simple as the state's control of coal prices. Admittedly, the state's oppressing predatory policy for large resource provinces has artificially raised coal prices. For example, the coal sold to power plants is not only the best coal, but also the price must be one-third lower than the market price. If you sell it, you have to lose money. If you don't sell it, you have to close the door. However, if you lose money inside the wall, you can only raise the price of coal sold to the outside world. The final cost is still passed on to the people layer by layer.

On the surface, selling coal to power plants at a low price supports power construction and alleviates the current shortage of domestic power resources.

But another fact that cannot be ignored is that power resources are no longer so scarce, and electricity bills have risen year after year. While power companies are shouting losses, power employees enjoy benefits several times higher than the national average level. Where is the loss?

As a result, the country has adopted a predatory policy of squeezing resources and coal for decades, and finally died. Although the final decision was made by the Prime Minister, it was announced by him, which is also a memorable historical event. Fu Boju's great name will be with the success of the transformation of the energy economy in the Western Province. And it will be recorded in the annals of history. Whether it's sofa electricity or oil, it's the same as crying children who have milk to eat. It's just for more luxurious villas, more luxurious cars, and more wages and benefits that are twice as high as the whole country. Now there are any people who don't know the truth to believe that PetroChina and Sinopec are shining in the dry crystal lights. The loss?

I'm afraid that a large number of Maotai has been added to the oil refining process, resulting in a rise in the refining cost of oil before losing money, right?

Therefore, fundamentally speaking, the national pressing policy, the price control of surplus with insufficient losses, and lowering coal prices to reduce the cost of power generation, is itself a paradox. The cost of state-owned enterprises is not on the procurement of raw materials, but on management and corruption.

is also the original intention of Chen Haotian to pilot political reform in Lingnan. If the political system is not reformed, the management links are not perfect, and corruption is not stopped, even if coal is provided to power plants free of charge, power plants can also lose money.

When did you meet people's hearts to be satisfied? If greed is not enough to swallow the elephant, the human heart is a bottomless hole, and it is not satisfied. Just like when China Mobile was dominant, how many years of two-way charging blackened the hard-earned money of the people? As soon as China Unicom and China Telecom appeared, China Mobile immediately lowered its noble head and became enthusiastic about service and reasonable fees.

In the final analysis, every word is cheap. Enterprises, like people, are cheap. They can't get used to it. The more they get used to it, the more they are.

Central enterprises are the sons of the country. They are arrogant and not enterprising. In addition to reaching out for policies and loans, they have hardly done anything meaningful for the country's market economy. They are basically economic traitors.

Just like the famous abandonment of Volkswagen and hurt Volkswagen. In the ten years since Volkswagen entered China, in addition to successfully entering the official car market in four circles, in addition to selling a car that is older than Grandpa, in addition to selling a Jedarapi plastic surgery for decades, the two state-owned enterprises have never designed a self- The main model has not developed an autonomous engine, and has never done any positive price promotion for Chinese cars to enter the homes of ordinary people.

To put it bluntly, it's just another form of economic traitor, helping foreigners make a lot of money from Chinese people and drinking some broth by the way.

The one who really promotes the price reduction of Chinese cars and proposes a national car of 100,000 yuan is Buick, a car called Sail.

The western province is worried about internal and external troubles. Xia wants to know that the outside is the containment of the national policy. Inside, the coal boss's desire is unrestrained. Under the combination of the two, coupled with the fact that many people have been blackened by coal ash, the collusion between officials and businessmen has become so serious that it is heinous. The Western Province is like a huge net built on the coal mountain. Unless the coal mountain is removed, no one can solve the root cause of the Western Province problem.

Now, Xia Xiang's internal layout has been on the line, and the external policy promotion has been cut in the waist. Next, he will cooperate with Fu Boju's work inspection and move the coal mountain in the western province.

Take out the spirit of Yugong Yishan, and don't believe that you can't move Montenegro in the Western Province.

When Fu Boju was holding a meeting at the provincial party committee, Jiang Gang was so worried that he couldn't stand it.

The blow that Jiang Gang is suffering now is all-round oppression.

As the largest opposition force in the West Province, although he stands in his own position, Jiang Gang believes that his approach is understandable. He should protect his own interests from infringement, ensure that the luxurious life of the richest man in the West Province continues, and continues to turn a piece of coal into black gold into his pocket, and so on. As soon as Xia wanted to come to the western province, he was very clear to hold the butcher's knife. He was the first stumbling block for Xia to control the coal industry in the western province.

Xia wants to have two choices, either move him away or bribe him. At present, it seems that Xia wants to move him away, and he still uses an uncivilized method to kick him away.

How can Jiang Gang sit back and wait for his to be killed?

But the problem is that he has no power to fight back.

It's not that there is no strength to fight back, but that there is no chance.

First, Wang Shengshuai was the first to see the wind and take the helm. He privately signed up to become the first pilot enterprise, causing the joint between coal enterprises in the Western Province to break down. Subsequently, he was invited to the municipal bureau to cooperate with the investigation of the private bodyguard in the Sang Tianliang incident. After being interrogated for a long time, he refused to let him go.

As the richest man in the Western Province, a deputy to the National People's Congress, and a famous figure in the whole Western Province, it was the first time that he enjoyed such treatment, and Jiang Gang was very angry.

But no matter how angry he is, he can't leave. Xiao Lei no longer presides over the work of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Now Qiu Tang has the final say in the municipal bureau. He and Qiu Tang really can't talk.

shocked the provincial party committee again. Wang Xiangqian called forward. The municipal bureau promised very well, but he didn't let go, which made Jiang Gang feel the frustration of powerlessness for the first time.

He has been detained in the municipal bureau for nearly an hour. Jiang Gang got angry and roared, but it was useless. The other party just didn't eat soft and hard, and didn't let anyone go.

Finally, after the spirit of Lei Zhixue's instructions was issued, Jiang was just released. As soon as Jiang, who was full of fire, returned home, he met Jiang An's unreasonable trouble. Jiang An wanted to send 5% of the shares to Lei Xiaoming.

Jiang Gang was almost so angry that he had a heart attack. Because of Jiang'an, he had sent out 10% of the shares in a row. Is it really because his shares are worthless? In anger, Jiang Gangyang slapped Jiang An in the face. As a result, his precious son was angry and did something that he regretted for the rest of his life.

The road to the prodigal family begins with the prodigal son. ( To be continued)