official god

Chapter 2060 Sorry to trouble you

Did Xia want to dig a trap with Fu Boju?

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed in Lei Zhixue's heart, and finally only turned into a respectful sentence: "It seems inappropriate not to arrange an inspection of Anda Mining in advance. Suddenly, it passed. First, it is unsafe, and second, hygiene is also a problem..."

Fu Bo waved his hand and smiled happily: "What are you afraid of? To get along with the people, what you want is to be able to walk to the people at any time, instead of setting up a welcome position in advance and arranging acting in advance... Is it Comrade Zhixue? Fu Boju deliberately turned his body and asked Xia, "What do you think, Comrade Xia?"

The guiding spirit of [general] reason is very practical. Now as soon as the leader inspects, the local government talks about extravagance and waste, which is indeed a phenomenon that cannot be ignored. Xia wanted to extend and took the opportunity to take Fu Boju's words.

Lei Zhixue now increasingly believes that Fu Boju's trip to Anda Mining is not a momentary effort**, but a targeted, but Ji Boju is the deputy [general] reason, and his objection is invalid, so he has to tell Chen Hao: "Notify Jiang Gang immediately and let him welcome the work inspection of Fu [general]."

Fu Boju did not stop Lei Zhixue from informing Jiang Gang in advance, but said generously, "Yes, please tell Comrade Jiang Gang that I have caused him trouble."

It was originally a polite remark, but Lei Zhixue heard it in his ears, but his heart jumped. What a pun added trouble. He thought that only [General Manager] liked to change the schedule at any time when inspecting the work. It turned out that Fu Boju also had such a hobby. Was it affected by [General Manager], or did

In front of Fu Boju and Xiaxiang, Lei Zhixue can't suggest too much at Chen Hao. I don't know if Chen Hao understood what he meant. When talking to Jiang Gang, did he hint appropriately?

In fact, it doesn't matter whether Chen Hao conveys the hint to Jiang Gang. At this time, Jiang Gang is inexplicable and full of confidence. Even if he hears Chen Hao's hint, he will not put it in his heart.

As for his current state, not to mention Fu Boju's visit, that is, [general] reason, general [book] in person, I'm afraid he will not pay attention to it.

In fact, Jiang Gang is not a person in the officialdom after all. He always [book] and [general] reasonable inspection. I'm sure everything will be done step by step, and there will be no accidents. However, the identity of [book] and [general] is very different from that Fu Boju is the deputy [general] and Fu's family. He is more terrible than the general [book] and [general].

Because the general [book] and [general] will not play cards randomly, but Fu Boju will.

The reason why Jiang Gang is full of confidence now is that after receiving Chen Yan's phone call yesterday, he met and talked with Jiang An and Lei Xiaoming, and the conversation was very speculative.

In addition, he held a secret meeting with several coal bosses in the western province who opposed the transformation early this morning. He received a positive response to the investment of 100 million yuan to build a standardized coal mining research center. Several people also expressed their willingness to contribute on the spot. One said that he was willing to spend 50 million yuan, and the other was willing to contribute 1 million, and the other two also pay 20 million each. In this way, plus Jiang Gang's 100 million,

The initial capital of the research center has reached 200 million.

is definitely a high-scale and high-level research center. If you hire some economic experts, policy experts, etc. at a high salary, you should at least do superficial brilliant articles, showing the spirit of self-reliance of coal enterprises in the Western Province. At the same time, it is also the energy-based economic transformation promoted by Xia The face-to-face slap in the face of the policy is to start a new business.

The secret meeting was very successful. In addition, during the meeting last night, I learned that Jiang'an had long imagined creating a mining disaster to smear Xia's face, and he had already envisioned the first step. Basically, it can be said that everything about the mining disaster is ready. What is the east wind? Dongfeng has not yet decided whose mine will have an accident.

If you create a mining disaster, you will definitely not release water from your own mine. It is the act of killing a thousand enemies and injuring 800. No one will agree to take someone else's mine. However, the matter was man-made, Jiang Gang and Jiang settled the tone. Next, Jiang An and Lei Xiaoming were specifically responsible for this matter. Contact the source of the corpse to determine where the mine was, whether it was bought or planted a thief. In a word, they did not do anything to achieve the goal.

In order to completely drag Lei Xiaoming into the water so that Lei Zhixue has no way back, Jiang Gang showed an extremely generous side and kindly patted Lei Xiaoming on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Ming, you are with Jiang An. If you need anything, just ask Jiang An to arrange it. Don't be embarrassed. In addition, if there is a place where you need to use money, you can also say it directly. They are all friends, and friends should help each other. Lei Xiaoming now has no idea about money, but he has love, and his love instructed him to take shares from the Jiang family's father and son. Now there is only Chen Yan in his mind. What Chen Yan said is the imperial edict, which is more useful than Lei Zhixue's words.

"Thank you, Uncle Jiang." Lei Xiaoming has already opened his mouth to Jiang An, so there is no need to repeat it in front of Jiang Gang. He just politely expressed his gratitude.

"You're welcome. I think you are a family member.... Jiang Gang continues to attract Lei Xiaoming. He is old and refined. Naturally, he knows Lei Xiaoming's weakness. "I also have a friendship with Chen Yan. I know her well. I'll give her a little bit when I have time. I also saw it. She also has a good impression on you..."

Lei Xiaoming blushed and said shyly, "Uncle Jiang, this, this, don't talk about Chen Yan, talk about things."

"Good, good." Jiang Gang laughed, and the smile that everything was under his control overflowed on his face.

Everything went well, and things progressed step by step. Jiang Gang naturally settled down. He jumped from the predicament of besieged on all sides to the smooth flow. He was immersed in the joy of victory all day today, although the expected victory was far from coming.

A sudden phone call broke Jiang Gang's arrangement today. He originally planned to have lunch with Chen Yan at noon, but he didn't expect Chen Hao to call in, saying that Fu Boju was going to inspect Anda Mining, and he also praised Anda Mining's canteen, so Jiang Gang did not realize what was going on.

Chen Hao woke him up in time: "Don't guess the intention of [Mr.], hurry up and arrange a visit to receive [Mr.]. The provincial party committee has sent a security force. You should clean it up. Secretary-General Ou will be here soon. He will give specific guidance on how to do the reception work.

Jiang Gang hurriedly answered, put down the phone, and immediately gave an order. In order to welcome the arrival of [General Manager], all of them mobilized. There should be no mistake. Whoever has an accident, let him go home for dinner.

Anda Mining is another star enterprise in the Western Province, and it is also a great honor to receive the deputy [general] level of the State Council.

An hour later, the door of Anda Mining was refreshed and covered with carpets. When Fu Boju and others appeared at the door of Anda Mining, on both sides of the door of Anda Mining, the welcome teams were arranged on both sides. All suspicious people, people who did not know the truth and the mentally unhealthy people had been cleaned up. Welcome the team and make sure that there are no mistakes.

Fu Bo raised the car, looked left and right with interest, shook hands with Jiang Gang affectionately, and said politely, "I'm sorry, Comrade Jiang Gang, I'm an uninvited guest. I'm sorry to bother you." Where, where!" Jiang Gang was the first time to see Fu Boju. He thought that Fu Boju, who was from the family, was full of official power. Unexpectedly, he was so approachable. He couldn't help but be a little flattered. He held Fu Boju's hand tightly with both hands. "Welcome Fu [General Manager] It's too late to inspect. Welcome to pay [General Manager].

"Don't welcome, don't put on a position. I'm here. First, I want to visit everyone, and second, I want to have a free meal in your Anda Mining, so I'm here."

Fu Boju's approachability and wit left a good impression on the people present. In bursts of laughter, Fu Boju stepped into the gate of Anda Mining.

In the crowd, Xia wanted to smile and followed Lei Zhixue closely. His eyes swept and suddenly found a familiar figure in the welcome crowd~

That is to say, his eyes are good. Chen Yan, who can never recognize ordinary people in disguise, can't help smiling secretly. What a Chen Yan, wherever there is excitement, there is her.

Could it be said that she also smelled the intriguing part of Fu Boju's sudden inspection of Anda Mining?

Regardless of what Chen Yan wanted to do, Xia wanted to follow Fu Boju and Lei Zhixue all the way to the canteen of Anda Mining. Not to mention that Fu Boju did what he said, but he really came here for dinner.

Many people are very puzzled. The deputy of the State Council has never eaten any delicacies, but they like to eat the canteen. It's really a quirk.

But just think about it, no one dares to say it. What's more, at the level of Fu Boju, quirks are not called quirks, but rank.

After eating in the canteen of Anda Mining, Fu Boju, accompanied by Jiang Gang, visited Anda Mining. He did not make any supportive statement to Anda Mining, but emphasized that Jiang Gang should support the pilot enterprise policy of the State Council and support the transformation of the energy-based economy of the provincial party committee and provincial government, such as It's full of lichés and official articles.

Seeing it at one o'clock in the afternoon, Fu Boju said goodbye. Lei Zhixue breathed a sigh of relief. Everything went well without any deviation. That is to say, today, Fu Boju suddenly proposed to inspect Anda Mining. Is it really hard-earned**?

Fu Bo raised his party and walked out of the gate of Anda Mining. When he was about to get on the car and leave, an earth-shaking cry suddenly came from the distance. Yes, the cry is sad and desperate. If the sound is thunderous, how many grievances and how deep grievances can make such a sad and heartfelt wailing.

Lei Zhixue's face changed.

Jiang Gang's face changed.

Xia's face... has also changed.

Just as the guards quickly ran to the distance to deal with the sudden ** situation, Fu Bo raised his words: "In ancient times, there were people shouting grievances on the street, and the existing people cried loudly. Let's go, govern learning, summer thinking, let's go and see what grievances the people have. Now that you have met, you have to ask,

sympathize with the people's feelings. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start