official god

Chapter 2064 What a big pit

From the economic point of view, the break in the Western Province has begun, and the Fu family has successfully taken the key first step. Whether the wrist is bright or not, at least the goal has been achieved.

From the political point of view, the time in the West Province is also ripe. The adjustment of the policies of the State Council, the inspection of Fu Boju's work, Wang Shengshuai's Shenghua Mining has become the first pilot enterprise, etc., all of them have provided all-round support for the deepening of the reform of the Western Province to further The soil for economic transformation and rebirth is already available.

In fact, Xia wants to see that the first battle of the real situation in the Western Province is not the formulation of the state's policy for the Western Province, nor is it the Fu family's action, but the success of the cleaning of the first bureau of the Municipal Public Security Bureau!

The root cause of the problem in the Western Province is the deep collusion between the public security forces and the coal bosses.

It is true that the umbrella on the coal boss is not only the front of the public security system, but also many hidden behind-the-scenes forces, even involving the senior management of the provincial party committee. However, Xia can't move the senior management of the provincial party committee. As soon as he moves the senior management of the provincial party committee, it involves the senior management of the central committee, which is almost impossible.

But he can focus on the big and settle on the small, and cut off the layers of the grassroots first. The network at the most grassroots level is the network that does the most specific and practical things and harms the people. As long as the foundation is broken, the above network will become the rootless water and the rootless tree.

Therefore, Xiaxiang must win the first battle of cleaning up by the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

"Comrade Xiaxiang, I want to ask you to explain, what do you mean you can't suppress it?" Lei Zhixue was very unhappy. Xia wanted to dare to challenge his authority in public at the Standing Committee, and dared to speak against him openly, which made him feel that his self-esteem had been hurt. The governor is the deputy monitor. He should consciously safeguard the authority of the monitor and obey the command of the monitor. How can he play the piano randomly?

"Comrade Zhixue, according to reliable information, Di Guogong may not have absconded, but was controlled by the national security department." In the face of the pressure of Lei Zhixue, Xia wanted to say a sentence that surprised everyone here. "There is news that Di Guogong not only instructed Sang Tianliang to kill people, but also suspected of betraying state secrets."

Lei Zhixue looked stunned: "What state secrets does Di's function know?"

Yes, Di Guogong is just a small deputy director of the municipal bureau. His level is limited, and he has access to very few confidential documents. What state secrets can he sell?

Facing Wang Qianqian's strong doubtful eyes, Xia Xiang shook his head slightly and said with emotion, "I also heard the news from a special channel. It is said that Di Guogong sold many geological materials in the Western Province to [Sun] Ben and the United States. The coal reserves in the Western Province are state secrets, which is related to the long-term If you master it, it will bring long-term adverse effects.

As soon as Xia finished talking. There was a sound of inhaling cold air above the venue. Although everyone here is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, they are all senior government officials. They usually do not deal with the national security department, let alone rise to the level of selling state secrets.

Di Guogong played a lot, but a small deputy director of the municipal bureau was controlled by the national security department. It's not ordinary, really unusual.

As soon as Xia finished speaking, Wang Qianqian, who was ready to agree with Lei Zhixue, opened his mouth as if he had been gagged by something, but couldn't say a word. It was as funny as if it looked funny, and the embarrassment jumped on his face.

Lei Zhixue was also shocked by the news revealed by Xia wanted on the spot. How could he get involved in Guoan? It was too scary. Although he is a member of the Provincial Party Committee, he also has no boundary with the national security department. He knows more about the handling of cases by the national security department, and the local authorities have no right to intervene at all. Moreover, if, as Xia wanted to say, Di Guogong is suspected of betraying state secrets, doesn't it mean that Xiao Lei will also be implicated?

If you push it up again, doesn't it mean that the whole city's public security bureau may not have many deputy directors,

The director of the division was involved. After thinking about it further, Lei Zhixue is even more frightened. Is it possible that some coal bosses in the Western Province may also unknowingly betray their state secrets?

What a big pit!

At this time, Lei Zhixue knew that Xia thought was really a terrible opponent. He was one step ahead of others in everything, and even he was bypassed. It was a big mistake.

However, the words have been spoken and can't be taken back. Fortunately, Wang Qianqian also woke up at this time and knew that it was time to learn for Lei Zhi. He hurriedly said, "Has Xia Xiang's statement been confirmed?"

"That's all I can say..." Xia Shang's eyes swept over the faces of everyone here, with a solemn expression and a solemn tone. "I learned from a special channel that the national security department detained Di Guogong. If the news is confirmed from the official channel, I believe the provincial party committee will be passive"

As soon as he said this, Lei Zhixue was quietly shocked and immediately thought of Xiaxiang's relationship with the Qiu family, and the national security department is the traditional sphere of influence of the Qiu family. If you think about it again, it is not the case. If the official channel confirms that Di Guogong betrayed state secrets, the procedure will be reported by The court ordered the Ministry of Public Security to finally be transmitted by the Ministry of Public Security to the Western Provincial Public Security Department. After the transmission, the Western Provincial Party Committee and the Jinyang Municipal Party Committee will be in a very embarrassing position.

Lei Zhixue made a decision in an instant, and he would suffer from the chaos. He made a decision on the spot!" Thoroughly investigate the criminal facts of Di Guogong, thoroughly investigate all the public security officers related to Di Guogong's case, and thoroughly investigate all the black sheep of the municipal bureau!"

Three consecutive "thorough investigations" show Lei Zhixue's firm determination to investigate to the end.

If Xia Xiang's experience had to be compiled into a chronicle, Xia Xiang's second victory at the Standing Committee of the Western Provincial Party Committee was agreed by historians that it was the beginning of Xia Xiang's real situation in the Western Province. In the past, large and small actions could only be regarded as foreshadowing, and even Xiao Lei's Continue, the fuse in the fuse.

How do historians comment that Xia Shang will not care. All he knows is that after the resolution of thorough investigation was passed by the Standing Committee, the Jinyang Public Security Bureau... To be precise, the whole public security system is about to change.

And it's also a complete change.

However, Lei Zhixue still left a foreshadowing. From beginning to end, he did not nominate anyone to take over as the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Political and Legal Committee [Book] and Director of the Public Security Bureau.

Three days later, the first wave of turbulence in the public security of Jinji City came as scheduled.

There is a large poplar forest in the backyard of the Jinyang Public Security Bureau, which looks like snow in spring. At this time, it was the day of deep spring when Yang Hu was flying. Several major leaders of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection stepped on Yang Hu on the ground and came to the office building of the municipal bureau and held an emergency meeting.

After the meeting, the municipal bureau issued a notice requiring the deputy director and the directors of each branch to come to the municipal bureau for a meeting immediately, and specifically stressed that no one is allowed to ask for leave.

The deputy director and the bureau directors of each branch took the usual steps and came to the conference room of the municipal bureau in twos and threes. At present, Qiu Tang is still presiding over the overall work. Before it is fully confirmed that Qiu Tang will take over as the head of the municipal bureau, many people, the deputy director and the sub-directors, are still not optimistic about the future of Qiu Tang.

Qiu Tang is Zhang Pingshao's people, not Lei Zhixue and Wang Qianqian's people. It is difficult to help him smoothly.

They all thought that there would be no new topics in today's meeting. There was nothing new under the sun, and it was estimated that it would convey the spirit of the latest instructions of the provincial or municipal party committee, such as.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the conference room, he found that the atmosphere was wrong. Qiu Tang Duan sat on the stage, but he was not sitting in the middle. The middle seat was left. Obviously, a leader at a higher level than Qiu Tang would come to the venue in person.

And Qiu Tang changed his previous gentle and modest expression, and his face was as gloomy as water. Since he did not pose an equal dialogue to preside over the comprehensive work, Qiu Tang knew that he did not have enough prestige in the municipal bureau. He spoke to anyone with was modest and low-key, but a superior leadership posture, which made many people beat

It's impossible. I didn't hear any news in advance.

After all the others arrived, the deputy director and the branch director suddenly found an abnormality. Several strange faces appeared outside the door, which were listed at the door. Obviously, they guarded in and out. Many people looked at each other in consteries, and a strong ominous foreboding rose in their hearts.

When Wan Xiaohong, deputy director of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, slowly stepped into the conference room, the deputy directors and sub-directors present finally realized that the big thing was not good, and the largest-scale cleaning was still coming.

... At this meeting, the Jinyang Public Security Bureau was dismissed by three deputy directors and four sub-directors, and the captains and detachment leaders were no less than a dozen, which is equivalent to about one-third of the middle level of the Jinyang Public Security Bureau!

Jinyang Public Security Bureau has changed a lot!

After this incident, Qiu Tang's control over the municipal bureau was further strengthened, and he basically established an absolute leadership position. At this point, Qiu Tang completely understood what Governor Xia said about the east wind, which was really magnificent and refreshing. At the same time, his admiration for Xiaxiang has also risen to an unparalleled level.

With the fall of the deputy director and the sub-bureau director, the Municipal Party Committee quickly held a meeting and reappointed new candidates. Basically, Zhang Ping Shao won most of the vacancies, leaving only a few limited positions for Fan Jinglun.

Zhang Pingshao won a complete victory, and the situation of the Jinyang Municipal Party Committee has once again been further tilted towards Zhang Pingshao, and Zhang Pingshao's authority in the Municipal Party Committee has been consolidated and strengthened.

Shortly after that, the captains and detachment captains of the municipal bureau and the branches, who were mainly responsible for criminal and economic cases, were either transferred, idle, or removed from office on the spot. The second wave of fluctuations swept over the Jinyang public security system. It is no exaggeration to say that after two waves of shocks, the Jinyang public security system has taken on a new look from the bottom up, and the original network has been uprooted!

That is to say, the first layer of umbrellas of coal bosses has been destroyed, and it is impossible to omit, falsely report and conceal all kinds of accidents in the future.

Xiaxiang's long-awaited first step has been solid, and the second step is to fully collect the network.

No, in fact, from the moment when the Fu family officially entered the energy industry in the Western Province, it has begun to close the net. Xiaxiang's net has never been one, but a superimposed one, layer by layer, dense, and there will never be a fish missing the net.

The next step is a big play specifically aimed at Jiang Gang, which will make a grand debut in the near future.