official god

Chapter 2072 I really want to do it

When Xia wants to use the Coca-Cola incident as a fulcrum to influence the domestic and even international situation, within the seemingly calm western province, it is also a surging surge of forces from all sides, and they are completing a savings of strength.

It seems that from another perspective, when Xia wanted to concentrate on the fight with Coca-Cola, he just lost the other, gave some people a chance to take advantage of it, let some people breathe, and quickly adjusted his tactics and accumulated strength again.

Xia's move made Chen Yan quite puzzled. If Xia wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue, he would directly encircle Anda Mining, instead of using the Coca-Cola incident to make a big detour, and finally used the source of pollution to find trouble for Anda Mining. Maybe Jiang Gang has been defeated now.

But now, when Xia wanted to free up his hand and challenge Coca-Cola, it happened to win a good opportunity for Jiang Gang to heal the demobilization of the wounded. Now, Jiang Gang has had plenty of time to organize the power of counterattack, and the power of the Pan-Xiaxiang Alliance has grown unprecedentedly. It is not only composed of coal There are also many coal worms and gangsters at the grassroots level who have lost their gray and black income because they want to clean up the Municipal Public Security Bureau in summer, as well as deputies to the Provincial People's Congress who have predisposition and resistance to the transformation of the energy economy.

The Pan-Anti-Summer Thinking Alliance is now led by Jiang Gang, with a large number of people, which is the weight of thousands of people, covering almost all heavyweight coal enterprises in the Western Province. The great political influence has brought in dozens of deputies. It can be said that there are a lot of talents and a great momentum.

What you want is to set up customs layer by layer, and don't miss any opportunity to kill Xia's thinking. What you want is to let Xia want to pass the first level by chance. He will definitely not pass the second level. Even if Xia wants to pass the second level, he will never pass the third level of the people's election.

In a word, Jiang Gang contributed money, coordinated by multiple parties, and responded in the center. He successfully dug an unfathomable pit for Xia Xiang in the Western Province, and it was also a serial pit. As for whether he is a personal behavior or driven by political forces behind it, Chen Yan is unknown.

All she knows is that she believes that Xia wants to have really taken a wrong step. She shouldn't have an endless quarrel with Coca-Cola. What's the South China Sea turmoil? What's the international situation? What's the matter to him? Someone behind him has sharpened his knife. He still has spare time to worry about national and international affairs. I really don't know what he thinks.

Chen Absolute Xia Xiang's behavior is puzzled. Of course, with her political wisdom to understand Xia Xiang's far-reaching intentions, the realm is too far apart. After all, Chen Yan is known as the first sister of Jinyang, even if she is the first sister of the Western Province. After all, she is not a person in the officialdom,

While not understanding what Xiaxiang has done, Chen Yan has been fighting with Jiang An and Lei Xiaoming recently. The reason why she was able to temporarily avoid Jiang Gang's pressure, Jiang Gang did not find trouble for her when there was no breakthrough in the Xiaxiang incident, was also because she borrowed the power of Jiang'an and Lei Xiaoming. Another point was that she helped Jiang Gang find Jiang'an, so that Jiang'an ended his drunken life in the capital and returned to Jin , also let Jiang Gang owe her a favor and postpone the persecution of her.

But she knew that the conflict between her and Jiang Gang would accumulate deeper and deeper. Jiang Gang was very suspicious of her, thinking that she didn't really want to attack Xia, but just wanted to defraud the benefits of Anda Mining. She also believes that unless she can make Xia want to ruin her reputation, she will be destroyed by Jiang Gang one day.

Now it is fortunate that Jiang An and Lei Xiaoming are two stupid birds in front of her, otherwise, she would have been swallowed up by the cruel Jiang Gang. Coal bosses are all cruel people. Whose mine doesn't have many lives? Although the coal boss has hundreds of millions of dollars of wealth, every money has bloody life and bloody money, which is not so easy to spend.

Think about it. My appetite is too big. Unconsciously, I ate so many shares of Jiang Gang. It's time to take action. When she thought so, Chen Yan received a phone call from Li Qin.

Li Qin's appearance was really timely rain. Chen Yan was not reserved and immediately met Li Qin.

I thought that Li Qin was the only one, but I didn't know until I saw it. It turned out that there were two other beautiful women to accompany me.

Chen Yan has always been self-taunted to be more beautiful than others, and it is also the most powerful weapon for her to fight invincible in front of all kinds of men, but when she saw Li Qin, she had no reason to feel dizzy in front of her eyes.

Li Qin is not the type of amazingly beautiful, but her beauty is capable and clean, just like a blue sky, like an endless grassland, which makes people feel relaxed and happy at a sight, and the sky is wide.

When he looked at Wei Xin again, Chen Yan's self-confidence began to waver. To be fair, the beauty of Wei Xin is not as quiet as Li Qin at first, but the fine taste is far away from the mountains, like the breeze blowing on the face, like the ripples of water, which makes people feel indescribably comfortable.

Chen Yan's eyes finally fell on Song Yifan. Finally, her self-confidence was like a suddenly falling vase. With a bang, she was broken like paper. Song Yifan was as clean as white clouds, as beautiful as the sky, and as beautiful as an orchid. Chen Yan, who had seen the beauty in the world, was still confident. For I feel a sense of self-sense.

The three beautiful women, each with their own advantages, made Chen Yan lose her calmness and calmness in an instant.

"Sister Yan, you are really beautiful and temperamental. I like you." Song Yifan was familiar with her. As soon as he saw Chen Yan, he went up and hugged Chen Yan's arm and said affectionately, "I didn't expect that Jinyang could produce such a beautiful woman. I've learned a lot."

Wei Xin said softly, "It's nice to meet you, Chen Yan."

Li Qin said quickly: "Chen Yan, please sit down. I won't be polite to you anymore. I believe you also understand. I invite you to come. There must be something important to talk about.

Chen Yan woke up from the shock. Although she didn't like Li Qin's directness and arrogance very much, she didn't like Song Yifan at first sight. She felt that she was as kind as her sister.

must also admit that Xia wants to deliberately arrange Song Yifan and Wei Xin to accompany him, which is really smart. What's more, it should be pointed out that Song Yifan is naive and lively, seemingly innocent, but in fact it is the best lubricant for the talks.

At the beginning of the meeting, the talks of the four beautiful women are different. If they are seen by outsiders, they will definitely feast their eyes. Unfortunately, the place of the meeting arranged by Li Qin is secluded, and it is a noble club, and ordinary people can't enter at all.

"I have something to say, Mr. Chen, I want to buy 11% of the shares of Anda Mining in your hand. You can make a price." Li Qin's words are indeed direct, and can even be said to be condescending, not a proposal, but a request.

Chen Yan was not very happy: "Li Qin, I'm sorry, I don't have the intention to cash out my shares for the time being, so I won't bother."

Directly resolute!

Li Qin smiled implicitly, as if she had achieved her expected effect. She was not angry but happy. She picked up the glass and toasted: "I'll toast Sister Chen."

What does Li Qin mean? Chen Yan also picked up the wine glass and gently touched Li Qin: "Li Qin, don't say anything secret in front of Mingren. You clearly tell me that it's your personal intention to buy the shares in my hand, or what Governor Xia?"

"Gourer Xia is Governor Xia, and I am me. I'm in charge of economic affairs. Governor Xia doesn't care about economic trifles. Li Qin replied vaguely and smiled mysteriously, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to cash out. As you just said, you don't say anything in front of the Ming people. 11% of Anda Mining's shares are not only eye-catching, but also hot. I'm just kindly reminding that if you don't do it in time, you may be forcibly taken back by Jiang Gang, and it will be too late to regret it.

Chen Yan was shocked. What a Li Qin, her eyes were really like a torch. Xia wanted to get her help, which was really like a tiger adding wings.

In fact, when Li Qin proposed to buy the shares in her hand, she was secretly shocked. Li Qin's timing was so accurate that it appeared in time when she wanted to cash out the stocks in her hand, which proved that Li Qin not only had a keen business vision, but also knew her every move.

Chen Yan has a feeling like a man on her back. She is a person who likes to control everything and doesn't like to be controlled by others.

In fact, Li Qin proposed to acquire shares at this time, which was also expected. She also knew a little about Xia Xiang's layout in the Western Province. In fact, it is also a good time for her to come up with gloves, but on the one hand, Li Qin is too aggressive, and on the other hand, she also wants to pinch it so that she can sell it at a high price, so she refused to come up.

I thought that her reserve could have a certain effect, because she came straight to the point and proposed the acquisition from Li Qin. Chen Yan thought that Xia wanted to tighten the net, that is to say, she urgently needed the shares in her hand to control Anda Mining, so as to crack Jiang Gang's layout. Chen Yan calmed down and picked up the teacup Drinking tea shows an indifferent posture.

"I want to mention more of your reminders, but I still don't want to rush to take action. It happens that a few companies are also interested in proposing acquisitions..." Chen Yan also smiled indifferently.

"Oh, it's so boring not to talk about acquiring shares." Song Yifan made trouble in time, "Sister Chen, what kind of cosmetics do you use? Why is your skin so good? Oh, your figure is really well-proportioned. Have you practiced Yu*? Teach me quickly. I'm worried every day that my skin will be loose and my figure will be out of shape in the future..."

As soon as Song Yifan broke in, Wei Xin also took the opportunity to answer, so several women talked about the topic between women, such as political and economic events, which were left behind. While dealing with Song Yifan and Wei Xin's words, Chen Yan secretly observed Li Qin. Seeing that Li Qin was also very interested, she joined the discussion and no longer mentioned the shares just now.

Chen Yan was very uneasy. She casually said that several companies proposed to acquire, but it was just pretending to be amazing in order to raise the price, but Li Qin's attitude made her unable to understand Xia's real intention. Is it to buy her shares, or is it just a test?

The problem is that she really wants to do it!

But until the end of the party, Li Qin did not mention the stock issue again, which made Chen Yan worry about gains and losses. If it had been before, she would not have been so calm. The point is that this is an extraordinary time...

After breaking up with Li Qin and others, Chen Yan returned home. When she was about to take a shower and go to bed, a mysterious phone call came in.

"Chen Yan, you have 11% of the shares of Anda Mining in your hand, you offer a price..."

PS: Before and after zero, there is an update. ( To be continued)