official god

Chapter 2081 Not to negotiate, but to start a war

Wang Qianqian and Ma Yu rushed to the scene to deal with the incident, and the Provincial Party Committee held a meeting on the matter.

Lei Zhixue presided over the meeting.

At the meeting, Lei Zhixuean expressed his views on the contradictions and conflicts between the western province's land power and the state power grid. After making a general guiding speech, Xia wanted to propose a specific solution to the solution to the long-term contradiction between the western province's land power and the state power grid.

Xia Xiang's subsequent speech was called an epoch-making speech by later historians. Although the epoch-making significance of the era has been abused, it must be admitted that the historian's flattery to Xia Xiang did not exaggerate the ruling concept of Xia Xiang's reform of coal enterprises in the Western Province and lead the promotion of After it was revealed, the idea of reforming state monopoly oligarchs such as state-owned enterprises and central enterprises also emerged when dealing with disputes in the power industry in Western Province.

For historians of later generations, the study of Xia's resume is a difficult and tedious project. The growth process of Xia's imagination and the formation of his main thought are inexplicable and obscure. That is to say, Xia's thoughts at each stage seem to be different. I don't know whether it is deliberately concealed or With the rise of Xia's position, many of his previous ideas and practices were slowly hidden in the light of his bigger dreams.

"The reform of land power in the Western Province is imperative." The first sentence of Xiaxiang's speech shows his determination to continue to promote reform. "For a long time, the State Grid has long wanted to eat the land power of the Western Province, but it has not been able to do so for many years. What is the reason? I think all the comrades here are very clear that it is the worship of local protectionism.

He directly mentioned local protectionism. Can it be said that Xiaxiang, as the governor of the Western Province, does not give priority to the interests of the Western Province, but should excuse the State Grid for the sake of his personal future. The forces behind the State Grid can give Xiaxiang a green light for his future promotion. He is not afraid of offending the land power The land power of the Western Province is a provincial enterprise under the jurisdiction of the governor.

Many people looked at Xia Xiang with complicated eyes.

"Although the State Grid's plan to annex the land power of the Western Province has been put forward many times, it has been stranded again and again because of the difficulties. The ground power system in the western province is rigid, the management is backward, the organizational structure is complex, the quality of personnel is relatively low, and it lags behind the national power grid too much in the management system and technology. Although the total assets of ground power are 100 million yuan and the number of subsidiaries are as many as PS, the average salary of grass-roots electric The point!"

There was a sudden sound of discussion on the venue. What a Governor Xia. Before the reform of the coal enterprise was successful, he came up with the idea of land and electricity in the western province. He was really bold and his wrists were really sharp. Even if there were people on the top, even if they acted according to the decree, they had to move forward step Governor Xia, be careful not to go too much, it's easy to fall down!

Lei Zhixue sat quietly in the middle, neither supporting nor opposed to Xiaxiang's speech, as if he were out of the matter, like an outsider quietly listening to Xiaxiang's speech.

"Because of the State Grid's annexation of the land and electricity of the Western Province, there have been two martial arts battles. Comrades, the Western Province has left a bad impression on the leaders of the central government!" Xiaxiang said earnestly, "The power supply area of the western province, which is rich in resources and rich in electricity, accounts for 72% of the western province, but its market share is only 30%. Is it only because of the monopoly of the Xijia power grid? No, it's the problem of the land power in the Western Province itself.

"I personally do not object to the State Grid's annexation of land power in the Western Province!"

Finally, Xia wanted to throw a blockbuster clearly.

As soon as these words came out, there was a sound of discussion in the venue. Many people were excited and even shouted opposition in public.

"Gour governor, I'm against the merger."

"Guncil, there is no harm to the land and electricity of the Western Province, and it can't be merged."

"Guncil, 30,000 employees of the Western Provincial Power will not agree to the merger."

The voices of opposition came one after another and became a mess.

Xia wanted to stretch out his hand to suppress the voice of opposition, with an indifferent smile on his face: "Comrades, don't worry, mergers may not be all bad things, and the State Grid wants to annex the land power of the Western Province, I have three conditions to..."

The voices gradually went down, and many people looked at each other in consternation and didn't understand what kind of medicine Xia wanted to sell in the gourd. In the negotiations on the annexation of the State Grid into the Western Province, the provincial government did not mention any conditions, and there were no more than three conditions, thirteen, but whether it was thirteen or thirty, the first one was vetoed by the State Grid.

No progress has been made in the negotiations.

The first condition mentioned by the previous provincial government is that ~ In fact, it should be said that it is the bottom line of the land power of the Western Province. The State Grid fully accepts all the employees of the land power of the Western Province. The salary is in accordance with the standards of the State Grid, and the employees of the State Grid are treated equally.

The State Grid is naturally not dry. The underground power equipment in the Western Province is old and backward. There are nearly 70 branches, each of which has at least 100 migrant electricians. Together, there are nearly 10,000 migrant electricians, which is a great burden.

The State Grid will not have a huge burden. Originally, the state power management in the western province is backward, the technology is backward, and the quality of personnel is not high. What the state power grid wants to take over is only the network and channels of the western province's land power, not in line with the lofty idea of increasing the income of the land

Xia wanted to put up a finger: "The first condition is that 30,000 employees in the western province will be fully received by the State Grid, and the salary will be raised according to the standards of the State Grid."

As soon as Xia finished speaking, the venue was silent. It was not that he didn't want to say it, but that he had nothing to say.

The crux of several failed negotiations is to accept 30,000 employees. Now Governor Xia mentions this matter again, which is equivalent to... I didn't say anything!

"The second companion allows the local power of the Western Province to be reorganized before the merger."

"Oh?" There was another buzzing discussion on the venue. If Governor Xia's first condition is nothing new, then the second condition is a little interesting. Moreover, it is not only a little interesting, but also profound.

Many people's eyes are bright.

"The third condition" Xia Xiang erected his third finger. "After the State Grid annexed the Western Province, several senior officials of the Western Province were allowed to enter the management of the Western Branch of the State Grid." There was a noise on the venue. Did Governor Xia open his mouth with a lion, or did he pretend to be amazing? The State Grid is a merger of land power in the Western Province rather than mergers and acquisitions, let alone cooperation. Why should the State Grid make repeated concessions and accept the three unequal treaties proposed by Governor Xia?

Even if Governor Xia really strives for the interests of the Western Province, it can't be unrealistic. Not to mention that the senior officials of the State Grid will not think so after listening to it, everyone here also feels that the three conditions of Governor Xia are not to put forward the conditions in good faith, but to set the threshold artificially, not to negotiate

Xia wanted to have a panoramic view of the reaction of everyone here, and smiled: "The goal is very ambitious, and the reality is very grim. Everyone, wait and see!" Half a day had passed, and the scene of the martial arts was under control. Wang Qianqian came forward to coordinate the dispute, appease and treat the injured, and met with the person in charge of the Western Province of the State Grid, hoping that the State Grid would give way.

Ma Yu didn't say anything, just came forward to do the necessary dredging work. However, the workers who besieged the State Grid of the land power in the West Province did not disperse. Only the [police] who assisted the land power in the West Province changed from assisting in the siege to maintaining order, and the whole situation was not completely controlled.

In fact, Wang Qianqian did not take strong measures to let the land power of the Western Province withdraw. Under the favorable situation that the land power of the Western Province continues to surround the national power grid, he can better propose conditions to the national power.

The State Grid was very angry and called the capital and asked the capital headquarters to put pressure on the western province through political means.

The situation is temporarily deadlocked.

After hearing that the situation had not been effectively eased, Jiang Gang smiled and raised the red wine in the glass and signaled to Chen Yan: "Mr. Chen, congratulations for a cup."

Chen Yan was invited to Diaoyutai by Jiang Gang's phone call, saying that there were important things to discuss with her. Recently, Jiang Gang has been discussing important matters with her more and more. People who don't know thought that Jiang Gang was going to hit her body, but she knew that Jiang Gang really didn't think much about her, but she He is with Jiang An.

Jiang Gang said that he wanted to think about it, but it was indeed electric. The confrontation between the western province's land power and the state power grid has alarmed the central government. Rumor has it that the headquarters of the State Grid has sued the Western Provincial Government to the State Council.

I believe that the pressure on Xia will soon come as expected.

Chen Yan sat calmly opposite Jiang Gang. Jiang An sat on her left and Lei Xiao on her right

Ming, four people, with different thoughts, is a very strange combination.

Chen Yan and Jiang just touched the glass and put down the glass with a gentle sip: "Mr. Jiang, it's too early to celebrate. It's hard to say what the attitude of the State Council is. Besides, the power grid incident may not make Naxia think."

"You can't think about Xia, but at least it can disgust him, and it can also make him distract his energy, so that you can take it easy, haha." Jiang Gang laughed and said, "Mr. Chen, I invited you to come today. I just thought of a good way to deal with Xia, but only you can come forward. For our common cause and your commitment to me, I think it's time for you to take Xiaxiang in one fell swoop, and let Xia want to know first-hand that your first sister Jinyang's name is not a false name.

Xie Yan's face did not change his color: "Please tell me, Mr. Jiang, I'm also looking forward to the decisive battle with Xia."

Lei Xiaoming twisted his body a few times, and his face changed.

"I heard that you have a good relationship with Ji Rulan? Please don't think about it now. If you let Ji Rulan take the initiative, can't you have zero-distance or even negative contact with Xia? If the contradiction between the land power and the state power grid in the Western Province suddenly spreads out, the affair of Governor Xia will definitely be full of public opinion. In case that Governor Xia forgets himself and throws himself into the double flight to cause the situation to get out of control, I'm afraid that Governor Xia will be blackened by electricity and his image will be completely destroyed

(To be continued.