official god

Chapter 2086 The middle of the soft side

In fact, it's not just the wolves, it's just the wolves, tigers and leopards.

Chen Yan thought that her introduction work was very easy. It was just knocking on the door, talking, and then sitting aside like nothing to do, coldly watching the swords and shadows between the personality of the lake and the coal boss in the western province. Unexpectedly, it's not as easy as she thought...

Chen Yan first knocked on the door of Wang Haiyang, the coal boss who ranked fifth in the list of the richest people in the Western Province.

Wang Haiyang and Wang Shengshuai are also known as the second kings of the Western Province. Wang Shengshuai has surrendered, and Shenghua Mining has become the first pilot enterprise of the State Council. In the past, Wang Shengshuai and Wang Haiyang had a very close relationship, but after Shenghua Mining became a pilot enterprise, the relationship between the two quickly cooled down and almost became passers-by.

At least in the eyes of the outside world, Wang Haiyang alienated Wang Shengshuai because of his different political positions, or because of his personal emotional dissatisfaction with Wang Shengshuai.

Even Chen Yan thinks so.

But after she led the personality of the lake to knock on the door of Wang Haiyang, she sat aside and heard the dialogue between the personality of the lake and Wang Haiyang. A frightened idea flashed in her heart, whether it was to pay the family one by one or Xiaxiang, according to the layout of the western province, under the gentle wind and dr The fierce action of the sword shadow!

The personality of the lake and the ghost face of the king's ocean, the first sentence is: "Mr. Wang, the second king of the western province, the first king has surrendered. You are now alone, and it's time to make up your mind."

"..." Wang Haiyang, who usually has a little grumpy, was stunned for a while under the threat of the insinuation of the lake's personality. He was stunned for a long time before replying, "I still need more time to think about it. After all, it's a big deal."

Chen Yan was stunned. Wang Haiyang, who had always had something to say and refused to suffer losses, why did he soften three points as soon as they met today? No, it's more than three points, it's simply seven points.

Hu's personality continued to tighten: "Time does not allow, and I hope to hear Mr. Wang's clear reply now. If it doesn't work, isn't it just one sentence?

Wang Haiyang seemed to be facing the threat of life, with panic and helplessness in his eyes. He threw a glance at Chen Yan for help and resentment.

"Mr. Chen..." Wang Haiyang opened his mouth to Chen Yan, obviously trying to ask Chen Yan to help him.

Chen Yan hurriedly said, "I am only responsible for the introduction, and I will not express any biased opinions on the normal dialogue between you..." As soon as she said the words, even she was shocked. Why did she speak in an official tone?

Chen Yan's words seemed to shatter the hope of Wang Haiyang's last life-saving straw. He said with difficulty, "Chen Yan, Mr. Chen, okay, okay, okay, I understand..."

What Wang Haiyang understood, Chen Yan didn't understand at all. She was aware that she might have been fooled by the lake's personality. Maybe her silent speech was regarded as a bargaining chip by the lake's personality. That is to say, in the infiltration link behind the lake's personality, her image is not an introduction of the identity, but

After thinking about it carefully, Chen Yan was even more shocked. The reason why she was called the first sister of Jinyang was that she fought with various coal bosses in Jinyang and knew the privacy of countless coal bosses? And when she personally accompanied the lake personality to the door, she must have been regarded as an accomplice of the lake personality by Wang Haiyang, rather than a simple knocker...

Thinking of this section, Chen Yan's back sweats coldly. God knows how the lake's personality is behind the back that coerced and lured each coal boss, and I can't imagine what role the lake's personality describes her as... Just as she was about to open her mouth to plead a few words, Hu's personality cast a stern and meaningful look at her.

Somehow, Chen Yan's heart suddenly tightened, and she swallowed the words back. She was not afraid of Hujin, but somehow, suddenly there was no trace of self-confidence. The Fu family is a powerful family force, but it is not as generous as the Wu family, the Mei family and the Qiu family. They never play cards according to common sense. With the support of strong political and economic strength, coupled with defenseless means, she was suddenly shocked at this time. Maybe the Fu family's massive invasion of the Western Province can really receive expectations. The effect.

Does it mean that the order formed in the Western Province over the past few decades is really going to be broken?

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Haiyang surrendered: "Okay, since Mr. Chen also said so, I have nothing to say. Mr. Hu, can you relax the conditions you originally proposed?

"This... is negotiable." Hu seems to be very talkative and smiles sincerely.

"How about seven percent?" Wang Haiyang asked carefully.


"I didn't expect that the lake's personality, which had been insistent on 10%, unexpectedly agreed generously and took the initiative to extend a sincere hand, "For Mr. Chen's face, I am willing to make you as a friend."

Holding the hand of Hu's personality, Wang Haiyang glanced at Chen Yan again. Her eyes were so complicated that it was shocking. Chen Yan knew that she could never explain it clearly.

"However, I have a small request. I hope Mr. Wang can do me a small favor." Hu smiled and said, "I hope you can call Hu Dielan and say that Mr. Chen and I are about to visit."

Hu Dielan is the sixth-ranked coal boss in the Western Province. He is strong, but it is not easy to deal with.

As soon as the words of Hu's personality came out, Wang Haiyang and Chen Yan looked at each other and understood in their hearts that the Fu family not only played tricks, but also was very shameless. They adopted various ways to break through. At the same time, they also advanced layer by step, tied everyone to the Fu family's chariot for the

It is believed that after the complete invasion of the Fu family, the unprecedented unity between the coal bosses in the Western Province due to the R&D center established by Jiang Gang will be destroyed.

The situation of the business community in the West Province has changed greatly due to the full intervention of the Fu family!

Just as Chen Yan was making the largest history of attracting wolves into the house in the history of Western Province, the in-depth discussion between Yan Xiao and Ji Rulan also reached a comprehensive consensus.

Ji Rulan, who brought the positive attitude of the Ji family, returned to Jinyang. She first met Xia and had an in-depth exchange of views. It was of great importance. She had to ask Xia to nod face to face before she could rest assured. Although it was inevitable that her personal feelings were mixed when she and Xia wanted to talk, in general, The bow did not turn back one by one, and then negotiated with Yan Xiao about the details of the cooperation.

Friendship is friendship, and business is business. Ji Rulan also shows her little daughter's posture in front of Xiaxiang. In front of Yan Xiao, when it should be serious, she is also serious.

Ji Rulan and Yan Xiao discussed the relevant details of cooperation, the proportion of capital contribution, the distribution of profits, etc. Everything must be said clearly and put in the front, so as to save irreconcilable contradictions due to the uneven distribution of benefits in the future. It's not good.

Yan Xiaoping was shrewd and refused to give in to everything, but on the matter of cooperation with Ji Rulan, he took retreat as progress, regardless of the gains and losses for a while, and even took the initiative to give in a lot. The large range of concessions made Ji Rulan a little embarrassed.

The premise of cooperation is mutual respect for trust. Strict respect for Ji Rulan is to respect the strength of the Ji family and recognize the dominant position of the Ji family in cooperation. After all, she has been in business for many years. Although she is not an official, she also knows the importance of political power when she intervenes in the monopoly industry.

"Rulan, I have known you for many years, and it has always been a pure friendship. I hope our future cooperation will not affect our friendship. If the relationship has been affected by business for many years, I would rather not make money. Yan's words came from her lungs. She made enough money. All she wanted was a career, not a number of money.

Ji Rulan held Yan Xiao's hand: "I understand your intention. Xiao, I can rest assured to cooperate with you. Besides, there is another him among us. Even for him, no matter you or me, no one wants to mess it up.

Yan Xiao said "um" and suddenly his voice was much lower: "If... I'm just assuming that if there is a conflict between us, who do you think he will favor?"

Ji Rulan was also stunned. Yan Xiao's assumption is really hard to guess. In Xia's mind, is she more important, or is Yan Xiao more important? I'm afraid she and Yan Xiao are not sure.

Yan didn't wait for Ji Rulan to answer, and asked himself: "It must be more biased towards you. Now that you are in his mind, no one can replace...

Although Ji Rulan knew that Yan Xiao's words were not necessarily sincere, she was still secretly happy when she heard it. Seeing that Yan Xiao was slightly unhappy, she wanted to comfort Yan Xiao. Before she could speak, Yan Xiao smiled quietly and changed the topic: "Okay, let's not talk about him. Let's talk about when Mr. Ji will City bar..."

Ji Changxing's departure to the capital is to exert influence from top to bottom for the Ji family to intervene in the dispute of the power industry in the Western Province. Ji Changxing will not come forward alone. He will also invite Mr. Zheng to say a few words to him at the critical moment.

When the number of changes suddenly increased when Lei Zhixue entered the bureau, the Ji family suddenly intervened in the power industry, which added to the domestic political situation and added a confusing fog.

While the capital and the provincial party committee of the western province were secretly competing about the conflict between the local power and the state power grid in the western province, Jinyang put aside his attitude towards the disputes in the power industry and put all his energy into the deployment of the first phase of the heavy attack.

At night, when Xia wanted to go to the airport to pick up Cao Shuqi in person, the largest heavy punching operation in Jinyang's history officially fired the first shot.

The first shot was the weakness of Jiang Gang.

Before, Jiang Gang's Anda Mining Industry had been turbulent. Under the involvement of the Coca-Cola incident and the punishment of the relevant departments, the stock plummeted and the business was suspended for rectification. A series of things had made him anxious. In addition, Jiang'an's drug abuse made him even more angry. A series of blows Collapse.

Fortunately, the power incident in Western Province is progressing smoothly. Xia wanted to jump into the pit, which made Jiang Gang feel a little relieved. Jiang Gang was ready to wait for Xia to be anxious, and he could just free up his hand to punish Chen Yan and make Chen Yan pay a painful price.

Jiang Gang has even designed a trap for Chen Yan.

When the phone rang, Jiang Gang was trying to promote the next stage of deployment. When he answered the phone, his face changed greatly: "What, is there any news about Di Guogong?" ( To be continued)