official god

Chapter 2099 The overall situation is to be determined

"Chen [book] Remember it well! Xia wanted to hear Chen Haotian's voice. He was very happy. He knew that Chen Haotian's call must involve the implementation of a major national policy. "Chen [Book] said that there is good news, it must be great good news."

"Hehe" Chen Haotian smiled, but he was not in a hurry to get to the point, "I heard that you are promoting the transformation of the energy-based economy in the Western Province, and it is going well?" I dare not say it's going well, I can only say it's going well. Xia thought sincerely said, "I only hope that my efforts can really do something practical for the people of the Western Province. Maybe one day when I get old and return to my hometown in the Western Province, I can smile happily when I see the blue sky and white clouds and the children running in the sun."

"..." Chen Haotian was silent. After a long time, he said with emotion, "How many officials will really care about the happiness of the people? If every party member and cadre can have universal feelings, there will be great hope for the future of the country and the nation. There are still a lot of things we have to do at present. Xiaxiang, your pioneering road will be remembered by history!" I hope that one day, both the media, party members and cadres no longer think that the current happy life is a gift of the party and the state, but obtained by their own hands, and the country has the foundation to realize the [people].

As one of the top politicians in China today, Chen Haotian can say the above and connect the realization of the [people] Lord, which makes Xia want to know more about Chen Haotian, and also expects that Chen Haotian can lead Lingnan as the first pilot province of political system reform in China in the last half year of his term. Towards greater success. And so on.

"The Party [China] Central Committee and the State Council have officially approved Lingnan as the first pilot province for political system reform in China!" Chen Haotian finally said one of the things that Xiaxiang was most looking forward to, "It will be announced to the public in a future."

Finally, the dust has been settled, and Lingnan has become a pilot province for political system reform, which is more pioneering than the pilot of energy-based economic reform in Xi Province. The energy-based economic reform in the Western Province is only an economic transformation and does not involve the political system. Lingnan's political system reform is a major event in the country's political life, especially before the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Lingnan was thrown out as a pilot of political system reform, which had a far-reaching impact and laid the tone for the political situation after the 18th National Congress.

But it must be said that the reason why the country is determined to carry out political system reform in Lingnan is also based on the initial results of the transformation of the energy-based economy in the West Province. In other words, it is the result of Xia's efforts that has contributed to the success of Lingnan's early schedule as a pilot province for political system reform.

Generally speaking, many words will not be said too clearly at the level of Chen Haotian, especially Chen Haotian's personality that he doesn't like to express his position directly is almost everyone's, but he just likes to say something straight in front of Xiaxiang. Maybe everyone has two sides.

"The reason why I made up my mind to make a decision is that Lingnan became a pilot province for political system reform in the ** period before the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Your work in the Western Province has also played a positive role in promoting it. Xiaxiang, I hope you can make greater achievements in the Western Province."

The night of the car window was bright and colorful, but Xia wanted to appreciate it, and his heart fluctuated after Chen Haotian's meaningful words. From a civilian in those years, even his own future was in the hands of others. He wandered at the door of officialdom and could not enter. Today, his high position can not only benefit the people, but also indirectly affect the direction of national policy. In order to realize the ten-year blueprint in his heart, he is unswervingly moving forward steadily. More than ten years have passed his identity, status and power, which are not what they used to be, but what remains unchanged is the feelings of the people for the country.

Xia's mood was calm and far away. For a moment, he remembered a lot of past events. Maybe when he was old, he really wanted to walk from beginning to end to his successive places, and put his experience and mental journey into words into a memoir that could be left for future generations to comment on.

When I arrived at Jiujing Villa at the party, the phone rang again. Tang Tianyun said, "Lead, why don't I pick it up?"

Xia wanted to know whether Tang Tianyun wanted to block him. He waved his hand or answered the phone in person: "Mr. Chen, what's the matter?" It's Chen Yan who called.

Today's party did not inform Chen Yanyi that Chen Yan has firmly taken a firm position and no longer swayed. Her weight in the reorganization of local electricity in the Western Province is not heavy, and it is also Xiaxiang who still lacks enough trust in her.

Chen Yan still laughed before she opened her mouth, and her laughter was very frivolous: "It's an honor for Governor Xia to answer my phone in person..."

Xia wanted to frown slightly: "I don't have much time."

Chen Yan heard the impatience in Xiaxiang's tone, quickly put away the frivolous and said solemnly, "Jiang An was sent to the drug rehabilitation center in the capital by Jiang Gang, and it is also possible to arrange to go abroad. Also,

Jiang Gang asked me to meet him immediately. If I don't go, I will bear the consequences.

Xia wanted to meditate and knew that it was a corrupt official or a rich man who was preparing for the way to arrange his wife and children to go abroad. Jiang Gang's wife has always been abroad. Now she wants to send her son abroad, which proves that Jiang Gang is ready to be desperate.

"Oh." Xia wanted to answer lightly and directly filtered Chen Yan's last sentence. As for how to solve the conflict between Chen Yan and Jiang Gang, he would not express his preference and believed that Chen Yan could cope with it.

"Wang Qianqian also called me and asked me to meet him, saying that as long as I promised him, he could do it." Chen Yan bit her tongue and deliberately wanted to impress Xia Xiang in a ** tone to test whether Xia wanted to think of her.

Xia wanted to go through a lot of battles, but how could he be seduced by Chen Yan's little tricks? He smiled and said, "Mr. Chen, I'm going to have a meeting. I'll contact you later."

Holding the phone that had been hung up in her hand, Chen Yan, dressed in a gauze pajamas, blushed her face. It was flushed, not ciced, which proved that she was shy and angry. Although a beautiful woman is confident that she has a natural beauty weapon, she also lacks enough self-confidence in indifferent men, especially in the face of excellent men. Her charm has never been lethal in front of Xiaxiang, and she can't help but be angry.

What Chen Yan didn't notice was that just as she was resentful, in the opposite building, someone holding a high-power telescope was observing her every move. Chen Yan was too narcisive. She didn't pull the living room curtains at night, and maybe she subconsciously longed to be peeped.

The danger has forced Chen Yan step by step with the increasing tension of the situation in the Western Province.

The danger is not close to Xiaxiang.

After learning the lesson of Lingnan, Lao Gu did not dare to let Xia want to take risks. He specially transferred Song Yi and Lu Li to Xiaxiang's side, and repeatedly told Song Yi and Lu Li that they must be inseparable from Xiaxiang.

Xia Think is the father of Gu Yu's child. Although he may never make it public, Lao Gu's love for Xia Think has risen to a higher level because of Gu Yu's pregnancy.

In addition, Xiaxiang is a senior official at the ministerial level after all. The security force has been strengthened again, and Xiao Wu and Chen came to Jinyang in advance to fight in front. Therefore, although the power of the interest group that Xia wants to touch is larger, and there are many private bodyguards with illegal arms as the backing, Jiang Gang is also The coal boss is not afraid to mess around.

Also in the early days, a mysterious military team fell from the sky and arrested the private bodyguard who went to help Sang Tianliang escape. After the news came out, some people who wanted to secretly attack Xia immediately gave up their thoughts and did not dare to hit the stone with eggs.

But Xia wanted to meet with Ji Rulan and others today, and there was still a tail behind him. When he got out of the car, Song Yi whispered in front of him, "Leader, if you have a tail, do you want to deal with it?" Xia thought and shook his head slightly: "Let's go. As long as they don't move, they will ignore it. If there is any movement, don't be soft."

"Yes!" Song Yi appreciates the powerful side of Xiaxiang the most.

Xia Xiang, accompanied by Tang Tianyun, came to the elegant room of nine twists and eighteen bends, Ji Rulan, Yan Xiao

Shi, Li Qin and Fu Xian have been waiting for a long time.

In fact, on top of the reorganization of the land and electricity in the Western Province, Ji Rulan, Yan Xiao, Li Qin and Fu Xianxian had reached an agreement and signed an agreement on the proportion of capital contribution, equity distribution and the proceeds after the reorganization. It can be said that there is no dispute between the four women. The biggest problem of the reorganization of land power in the Western Province is the resistance within the land power in the Western Province and the obstruction of the national power grid.

The local power of the Western Province has a cautious welcome attitude towards the reorganization. Half of the major leaders support it, one-third firmly oppose it, and some wait and see. Those who firmly oppose and watch are the forces of Wang Qianqian.

Wang Qianqian's influence on all aspects of the Western Province is ubiquitous. It is indeed the biggest stumbling block to Xia's way forward in the Western Province, even more spicy than Lei Zhixue. At least Lei Zhixue can be transferred by him with the trick of turing the tiger away from the mountain. The foundation of Lei Zhixue is not in the Western Province, and the heart is not in the Western Province, and Wang Qianqian's foundation and heart are all in the Western Province.

As soon as we met, Ji Rulan spoke first. It seemed that as soon as Ji Rulan joined, she meant to come later. There was a vague trend among several people. She also reported good news: "The news from the capital said that preliminary progress has been made, and it is good news for the reorganization conference to be held tomorrow. But what I'm worried about is, will there be more opposition within the land power in the western province?

"We will know the result tomorrow." Xia thought that he didn't answer directly. He smiled. "Today, we gathered everyone to sit together and only talk about one business. I just asked a question about the money. Are you ready?"

The four women burst into laughter. Fu Xian thought for a glance: "It's the first time I've seen you so rich." He also said, "It's been ready for a long time. Who dares not to be active in your business?"

Ji Rulan smiled, and her eyes turned into a crescent moon: "Cash transfer or cash check, it's up to you want." Li Qin nodded: "You can propose 1 billion US dollars at any time." Yan Xiao's voice was the weakest and the lightest: "Ready, when did you worry about money?"

Xia wants to laugh. The combat effectiveness of the Women's Legion has always been strong. He slapped the table: "Okay, let's start the most important part of today's party... eat."

While Xia Xiang and the Women's Legion were laughing, Wang Qianqian and Jiang Gang also met secretly and reached a consensus on a major event that was about to make a sensation in the West Province,