official god

Chapter 2123 The First Heavy Punch

A news that can change the situation in the West Province, just after Chen Yan and Xia wanted to meet, it detonated the final stalemate!

In fact, it has not been a long time since the mine disaster occurred, and not even a week has passed. It should be said that in dealing with mining accidents, the decision of the provincial party committee and the provincial government is relatively wise and timely. Coupled with the pioneering move of Xiaxiang's press conference, the mining accident did not discredit the Western Province. On the contrary, it also won a reputation for Xiaxiang.

The West Province has also benefited a lot from the feat of Xiaxiang's press conference. It changed the previous negative image of false reporting and underreporting as soon as the mine disaster came out, and won a lot of praise from the media, sweeping away the negative image accumulated in the Western Province over the past few years.

Xia's contribution is indispensable.

After Xia Xiang served as the governor, while vigorously promoting the transformation of the energy-based economy, he is actually trying to eliminate the problems of the Western Province, from the economic transformation to drive the political trend, from the provincial party committee to the transformation, to drive the change of the work style of the organs throughout the province.

Basically, it can be said that Xia's goal has been achieved, and although it is not very comprehensive, it at least gives him hope.

However, the style of the organs that have just changed. With the shelving of the reorganization of the land and electricity in the western province, with the occurrence of the mining accident, there are signs of a new head again. Some of the organ personnel who have begun to work seriously and are buried in the work in the provincial party committee have returned to the previous [ The eyes pretended to work, but one eye looked out from time to time, waiting for the final victory.

This is the case with people's hearts. A little wind will change the wind direction. Xia wants to work hard to pay for everything, for the take-off of the economy of the western province, and for the change of the work style of the organs and institutions in the western province, if there is a little change, it may be in vain immediately.

Xia thought that on the basis of the mine accident and the reorganization of the land power in the western province, he could only move forward, not backward, and could only win but not lose.

On the surface, Xia wants to be calm, but in fact, he is also very anxious. What he cares about is not personal success or failure, but that if the reform he promotes in the Western Province ends in failure, it is no exaggeration to say that the political reform and economic development of the Western Province will go back 30 years!

With his bold strength, he can't cure the stubborn disease of the Western Province. The conservative forces in the Western Province will not only make a comeback, but also calculate the new and old accounts together, which will push the Western Province to a more conservative and backward state.

Therefore, at the moment when Xia wanted to see Chen Yan, he made a greater determination to take down all the roadblocks and kick away the stumbling blocks on the road.

The meeting place is a remote private residence, which should be one of Chen Yan's properties.

Chen Yan was shocked. When she saw Xiaxiang in untidy clothes, she almost jumped into Xiaxiang Huaiping. As soon as she took a step, she withdrew her footsteps. She saw Ji Rulan behind Xiaxiang.

In an instant, Chen Yan understood something, showed a helpless and miserable smile, and gave a slight nod to Ji Rulan: "Lanlan bless you!" After all, a woman is still a woman. When did she still want to be jealous? Xia thought didn't explain anything. For the first time, she took the initiative to have a close contact with Chen Yan. She stretched out her hands on her shoulders, pressed her seat and said, "What the hell happened?" Chen Yan was stunned. She didn't expect Xia to have such a move. After a while, she came to her senses and opened her mouth to say an amazing news: "Jiang Gang still has a back hand in the mine accident. He is about to go crazy."

In fact, Jiang Gang has been half crazy about the mining accident. How crazy can he be?

Xia Xiang and Ji Rulan looked at each other and their hearts were connected. Xia wanted to take a step back, so Ji Rulan asked Chen Yan.

"Yanyan, don't worry, say it slowly." It's easy to communicate between women. Ji Rulan hugged Chen Yan's shoulder and comforted her softly.

Chen Yan, the former first sister of Jinyang and the senior, finally cried bitterly under the soft whisper of Ji Rulan. She cried very sadly and wrongedly. Li huha with rain and cried silently.

Chen Yan's clothes were not neat, but she was not torn up by others. She seemed to be in a hurry to run and panic. Xia wanted to wait patiently for Chen Yan's mood to stabilize, and was deeply satisfied with Ji Rulan's just right comfort.

Thinking of Ji Rulan's waywardness and nonsense in the past, and now her gentle voice is also as tender as water.

More than ten minutes later, Chen Yan's mood slowly stabilized. As soon as her mood calmed down, she realized her gaffe. Embarrassment, Xia wanted to smile: "Let Governor Xia laugh." He turned around and ran into the bathroom, washed his face, mend his makeup, and then came out again.

Women are women, especially women who care about their appearance, that is, Xiaxiang, if she changes to someone else, she may not have the patience to wait for Chen Yan to cry and make up her makeup.

"Jiang Gang wants to ** me." Chen Yan raised her face and said, "I'm going to sue him for his attempt."

How did Jiang Gang want to ** Chen Yan, and how he was kicked in the crotch by Chen Yan, which just allowed Chen Yan to escape from the claws. In the detailed process, Chen Yan only passed by. The focus of what she told was that she had been under house arrest by Jiang Gang for more than two days. While with Jiang Gangxu and the snake I can feel it clearly.

It's hard to explain things in the world. Some people are born to be the nemesis of others. Jiang Gang tried to plot Chen Yan several times, but it turned out to be wrong. Chen Yan always escaped, and let Chen Yan fight back every time.

Chen Yan is Jiang Gang's natural opponent, Jia Kexing.

Jiang Gang put Chen Yan under house arrest. In fact, he wanted to make Chen Yan a scapegoat when things could not end. The whole plan has been carefully designed. Chen Yan could only suffer a dumb loss, but she didn't expect it. In the end, it was destroyed by her own greed.

Jiang Gang had already warned himself that Chen Yan was a beautiful poisonous snake. It's okay to be far away. If he is close, he will be bitten. Although he coveted Chen Yan's beauty, he has never done anything to Chen Yan. He is afraid that he can't control it for a while and Chen Yan will take the lead.

Who knew that later, she was still caught by Chen Yan's beauty trick. She was called to the room by Chen Yan on the grounds of discussing the incident. Then Chen Yan undressed her belt and threw herself into her arms. Jiang Gang surrendered. Just as she was about to achieve a good thing, she was kicked to the point by Chen Yan with a flirt

He escaped and took away some of his top-secret information.

Chen Yan not only took away some of Jiang Gang's top-secret information, but also secretly heard and saw a lot of Jiang Gang's secrets in the past two days. After learning that Jiang Gang did not have enough lethality in the mine accident, she decided to take the risk and encourage the family of the deceased to stage a self-immolation farce And push up **.

While self-immolation, Jiang Gang also organized a small part of the family members of the victims to make trouble. Most of the private bodyguards who were dismissed in the heavy punching operation were dismissed. In order to complete the big business of smearing Xia, Jiang Gang was ready to take out 50 million yuan of activity funds. A scoundrel who can't buy money and lose his life.

... Xia wanted to listen to Jiang Gang's vicious follow-up plan revealed by Chen Yan, and finally sneered: "What a Jiang Gang, what a richest man in the western province. Well, let's play a real cat-and-mouse game next."

In the early morning of the next day, accompanied by several people, Chen Yan went to the Municipal Public Security Bureau to report the case, accusing Jiang Gang of illegally putting her under house arrest and trying to **. After receiving the report, the Public Security Bureau attached great importance to it and immediately dispatched the police to take Jiang Gang to the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Unlike the previous two invitations to Jiang Gang into the bureau, the Municipal Public Security Bureau came forward directly in the form of arrest, which immediately made the outside world have different opinions. They all speculated that the heavy punch action of the Municipal Public Security Bureau was finally going to hit the most powerful punch.

What's more shocking is that the Standing Committee of the Western Provincial People's Congress held a meeting and announced the suspension of Jiang Gang's qualification as a deputy to the Provincial People's Congress!

As soon as the news was announced, there was an uproar. The qualifications of deputies to the National People's Congress were covered, and the qualifications of deputies to the National People's Congress were suspended, which meant that Jiang Gang had violated the law and was about to be arrested in accordance with the law.

Sure enough, just a few hours after the Provincial People's Congress announced the suspension of Jiang Gang's deputies to the National People's Congress, the Municipal Public Security Bureau officially announced that Jiang Gang had been arrested in accordance with the law on suspicion of illegal detention and ** attempt!

As soon as the news came out, it immediately shocked the whole Western Province!

In Jiang Gang's status, even if something happens, he will at least retain his dignity. Unexpectedly, he was recorded and directly exposed to the public, which was humiliated.

If the illegal detention is acceptable, then the richest man in the western province was arrested for an attempt and made public announcement. The slap was too loud.

It is equivalent to Jiang Gang, who is directly on the stage under the light, and he just takes off his underwear!

Such a huge contrast makes people stunned and realize that Governor Xia is so determined to promote the transformation of the energy-based economy. No matter who is in the way forward, he will win it, whether it is the richest man in the Western Province or the nobody.

The method of taking Jiang Gang was straightforward, so that before Wang Qianqian could react, all the dust had been settled. He immediately shocked Wang Qianqian on the spot and couldn't say a word for a long time.

Xia Xiang was cruel to Jiang Gang with lightning speed, which was an indirect warning to him. The implication was that if he dared to take the richest man in Western Province, he dared to take down a higher-level senior government official... Wang Qianqian didn't want to be fine. When he thought about it, he broke out in a cold sweat.

Thinking that Jiang Gang was arrested because of Chen Yan's attempt, Wang Qianqian hated him so much that he really deserved it, or he lied to Chen Yan's problem. It's really not a thing.

Chen Yan, Chen Yan, are you Pan Jinlian or Liu Ru? Why does it disturb the peace in the western province? It's really a disaster. No, it's a fox spirit that harms the country and the people.

It won't help to scold Chen Yan again. The most scratching problem for Wang Qianqian now is not Jiang Gang, let alone Chen Yan, but how to end the mining accident. He thought he was extremely smart and did things seamlessly. Now it seems that he dares not say that Xia has mastered all the truth. At least the second landslide accident can't hide Xia for a long time.

What should I do? Is it to hide it to the end, or to find a scapegoat?

Just as Wang was in a dilemma, the sudden change of another thing made him frightened and smelled the atmosphere of great changes in the political situation!