official god

Chapter 2143 Collect it when you see it

Coincidentally, Xia thought about the plane and met Qiu Renli, who had just landed.

The special car that came to meet Xiaxiang returned empty. Xiaxiang sat on Qiu Renli's special car.

It's really a coincidence. In the last call, Qiu Renli hasn't decided when to return to Beijing. He didn't want to meet unexpectedly at the airport, so he made Xia think a little clear that Qiu Renli's sudden entry into Beijing must be related to personnel changes.

Personnel changes should have little to do with Qiu Renli. Qiu Renli's entry into the game is a certain fact, so the matter that can alarm Qiu Renli's emergency to Beijing can only be related to Qiu Xufeng.

Qiu Xufeng is now a deputy department. If he wants to enter the main department, it is enough in terms of qualifications, but obviously he has to wait at least for the last term, because Qiu Renli will soon be a member of the Politburo.

It is impossible for Qiu Renli to be a member of the Political Bureau, and then a governor's son, but Qiu Xufeng can go from the deputy governor to the deputy [book] position of the provincial party committee. The executive vice governor is pragmatic, and the deputy deputy of the provincial party committee [book] remembers the retreat, each has its own focus, and must serve for one term to better move to a high position in the future.

Xia's guess was really right. He just got on the car. Qiu Renli did not hide it and said the key point of his coming to the capital: "Xu Feng has been in Yan Province for a long time. It's time to move. I think the West Province is not chained..."

Xia thought about it and smiled slightly: "Zhang Weizhao's term in the Western Province has also arrived. It's okay to change another place. If Xu Feng goes to the Western Province, it will also be a good thing, as long as he can put his place in the right position..."

There was something in Xiaxiang's words, and of course Qiu Renli heard it. When he was in Anxian County, Qiu Xufeng was the superior of Xiaxiang. Since then, Xiaxiang has been promoted all the way and will slowly surpass Qiu Xufeng. Generally speaking, it will be very embarrassing for people in the officialdom to avoid work with their former subordinates and current superiors. No one wants to jump over their heads in the face of people who were not as good as themselves in those years.

Qiu Renli laughed and patted Xiaxiang on the shoulder: "Xu Feng is much more mature than before. If he doesn't even have this self-restraint, how can he take charge of the Qiu family in the future?"

Xia was relieved: "After more than ten years, I am also looking forward to shaking hands with Brother Xu Feng again in the Western Province."

If Xia wants to guess correctly, Qiu Renli will be the layout for the future of the Qiu family. At Qiu Renli's age, it is not impossible to further enter the Standing Committee after serving as a member of the Politburo. However, from a balanced perspective, unless Wu Caiyang retires after serving as a member of the Standing Committee, another member of the family will enter the Standing Committee and must make huge concessions in other aspects.

That is to say, it is unlikely.

Looking at the future layout of the family forces, it is very unlikely that Qiu Renli and Mei Shengping will join the Standing Committee, but they will support the follow-up forces of Qiu Mei's two families at least after serving as members of the Politburo. After one term, Qiu Xufeng was able to Fuzheng in the Western Province and successfully entered the main department on the condition that Qiu Renli retreated.

The situation of the Mei family is also similar to that of the Qiu family, but Mei Xiaolin only mentioned the deputy department. After one term, she was raised to the main department. She was a little not qualified enough, but the matter is man-made. If Mei Shengping retreated in exchange for Mei Xiaolin to take office, Mei Xiaolin is also very likely

In this way, the layout of the third generation of the family power is basically completed.

Of course, the situation of the Mei family may also allow Mei Xiaolin to be promoted to the main department in the evening, and then Mei Shengping can enter the regular session. The specific balance and compromise at that time depends on the development of the situation.

Yes, there is also the family.

Among the four families, it seems that the Fu family was finally powerless. After Fu Boju retreated, Fu Xianfeng could not take the lead for the time being. At least the Wu family will have a member of the Standing Committee, a member of the Political Bureau of the two Qiu Mei families. At best, Fu Xianfeng made a small step forward in Hunan Province

And after the provincial party committee [book], it is not known whether Fu Xianfeng can enter the game as he wishes.

However, everything has two sides. Maybe after five years, Fu Xianfeng can not only enter the game calmly, but also enter the game for another term. Fu Xianfeng is a genius. He can't use common sense. He always has unexpected tricks.

The Wu family, the most powerful of the family, is expected to serve as a two-term member of the Standing Committee. He can wait for Gu Qiushi to win before he can calmly retreat.

Even if he retires, with his prestige as a two-term member of the Standing Committee, he still has enough say to influence the national situation. But the biggest shortcoming of the Wu family is that there is no follow-up, except for Xia Xiang.

Xia Xiang is also the luckiest of the Wu family.

Without Xia Xiang, the Wu family would have fallen into a very embarrassing situation after Wu Caiyang. In addition to Lian Ruohan's talent in business, the other third generations have neither political wisdom nor outstanding talents in other aspects, so they can only eat the old capital.

The Ze of a gentleman is cut for five generations. Without the support of Xia Xiang, I'm afraid that after the three generations of the Wu family, it will be difficult to continue. Even the Mei and Qiu families are inferior. It was also Mr. Wu who was too strong to win the fortune of a family with the strength of one person, which led to the subsequent failure of the family. There is not enough blessing to continue. Unless there is a lucky star coming, the Wu family will definitely not escape the bad luck of the family.

Throughout the ages, in the great country for thousands of years, it is recorded that there is only one person's family in Yongchang, inheriting more than 70 generations of Confucius.

Xia Xiang is the lucky star of the Wu family. It is a strong guarantee that the Wu family can preserve its strength and continue to the fourth and fifth generation. Therefore, whether it is Mr. Wu or Wu Caiyang, he spares no effort to protect Xia Xiang, and absolutely bet all the treasures on Xia Xiang alone.

Large and broad, Xiaxiang is also the lucky star of the whole family's power. If Xia wants to act as the fulcrum, the conflict between the family's power and the [general] reason may become more and more intense, and the general [book] can't join hands with the family's forces in many things, and acquies

It is no exaggeration to say that without Xiaxiang, the family power cannot be so strong as it is now, and it is impossible to have a good future.

Similarly, without Xiaxiang, the general [book] and [general] will not receive the support and cooperation of the family forces in dealing with many things.

"I'll leave the work of Xu Feng and the work of Xi Province to you." Qiu Renli and Xia wanted to shake hands in the car. Although the posture was very awkward, it also showed Qiu Renli's heavy trust. "Dingshan's work arrangement, I have submitted a suggestion to [Zhong] Yang. If you say hello to Minister Wu again, it won't be a big problem. I am still very relieved that he can serve as the executive vice governor of Qi Province, which is also a blessing for Qi Province.

In fact, if there is no matter of Qiu Xufeng, the matter of Li Dingshan is not a problem. Xia Xiang is not what it used to be. As long as he opens his mouth, Qiu Renli must take it seriously and consider it carefully.

Qiu Renli didn't go back to Qiu's house, so the special car drove all the way to Zhongnanhai.

When he arrived in Zhongnanhai, Qiu Renli went to [General Manager] to meet, and Xiaxiang went directly to meet Dai Fusheng.

Fortunately, the meeting place arranged by Dai Fusheng is an elegant room, which is neither an office nor a private place, indicating that his meeting with Xiaxiang is half formal and half private.

Dai Fusheng looks good, with a square face and thick eyebrows. When he smiles, his mouth gives people a very amiable feeling. He holds Xiaxiang's hand tightly: "Comrade Xiaxiang, you have worked hard all the way."

"It's not hard, thank you for your concern." Xia wanted to feel the enthusiasm of Dai Fusheng, but he recalled Chen Haotian's words in his heart. He said modestly and respectfully, "I should have come to the capital a long time ago to report to Dai [Mr.], but recently the merger of the land power of the Western Province by the State Grid is relatively cumbersome, so it has been delayed

Xia wanted to come to the capital late for a few days. It had been more than ten days. He deliberately said this, but he took the initiative to mention the land and electricity in the Western Province, and he also knew that Dai Fusheng came to him for this matter.

Fortunately, the debate has stopped, otherwise it is possible to talk about the debate between him and Dai Fusheng. I have to say that Dai Fusheng is becoming more and more interested in him.

It is also understandable that with the approach of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Dai Fusheng is about to fully enter the historical stage, and in his position, he will seek his government. He must start to focus on the future now.

We should not only strive for the support of a group of provincial party committees [book] to him, but also strive for the recognition of the current governor's future provincial party committee [book], so as to avoid the embarrassment that the decree does not come out of Zhongnanhai. What's more, we need the support of the backbone of the My good friend.

Under the premise that Chen Haotian and Gu Qiushi have a good relationship with Xiaxiang, if he and Xiaxiang have a good relationship, it will be extremely unfavorable for him to serve as the leader of the regimental group in the future.

"It doesn't matter. Government affairs are important." Dai Fusheng said very kindly, "In addition, I don't have anything important to discuss with the State Grid and the merger of the land power of the Western Province."

"Please give instructions for [General Manager]." Xia said formally.

"It's not an instruction, it's a discussion." Dai Fusheng emphasized, "You also know something about the situation of the State Grid. I don't need to say more. I am entrusted by others and want to ask the Western Province to make concessions."

Dai Fusheng's tone was very kind, without a trace of condescending taste, and added, "Of course, I'm just making a suggestion. The specific decision is still in the Western Province."

Xia didn't expect that Dai Fusheng was direct. When he came up, he clicked on the question, but let him hesitate: "Dai [Mr.], as far as I am concerned, I do not oppose the merger, but there are still some details that have not been reached..."

"I think the key is not the details, but the attitude." Dai Fusheng smiled and said, "The State Grid is really used to it. He thinks that he can speak loudly in front of anyone, but it hits your hand. In this way, I will say hello to the State Grid and let them put down and talk with sincerity. How about it?"

Since Dai Fusheng has come to this point, Xia wants to take the opportunity to take the opportunity, but he doesn't know how to advance or retreat. Moreover, he is now almost at the mercy of the State Grid. When it's time to accept it, he said, "Okay, let's do it according to the

"No, don't say it's my guiding spirit, just say that I have enough face?" Dai Fusheng emphasized, "If it's feasible, Xia think, I owe you a favor."

In an instant, Xia figured out something and guessed the real intention of Dai Fusheng's repeated intervention in the State Grid...