official god

Chapter 2146 Small World, Big Article

Looking at Guan Yuanqu's car disappearing into the vast night, Xia's mood was difficult to calm down for a long time. The Chinese people are rich, but the confinement of thought is still there, the poison is still there, the confinement is not opened, the poison is not cleaned up, and the restoration of the prosperous times of the Han and Tang Dynasties is just an empty talk.

Empty talk is a mistake for the country.

No matter how rich a person is, if he has no education or quality, he will have no spirit and confidence, and so is the country. There are many rich countries in the Middle East, but they are useless except for selling oil, and they are even manipulated by the United States.

Wealth is only strong, not strong.

Xia wants to think that he doesn't know enough about Guan Yuanqu. Although what he said just now is impassioned, it is also a three-point temptation and four-point sincere expression, and there is another five-point performance. People in the officialdom should always know how to protect themselves. Moreover, he only knows three points about Guan Yuanqu's governing philosophy and political position at most.

Whether Guan Yuanqu's last sentence is perfunctory or sincere, Xia Xiang has a general direction in his heart. The new generation of national leaders are more confident and open to the world situation. At least from the perspective of the Dai Fusheng and Guan Yuanqu he came into contact with, they are more mature and facing the complex international situation. Courage.

Back to the living room, Mr. Wu and Wu Caiyang were saying something. As soon as they saw Xia Xiang, Wu Caiyang made a straight face: "Xia Xiang, what you just said was too extreme. Who is Guan Yuanqu? He will be the first person in the future. In case he leaves a bad impression, the risk factor will be too large.

At first, Xia wanted to enter the Wu family for the first time, and Wu Caiyang once did not pretend to him, but that was reprimand. It's derogatory. After Wu Caiyang fully accepted him, he was always pleasant to him, and he was no longer cold-faced. Today is the first time I changed my face.

It's not a reprimand, it's a reprimand, it's love, it's the deep hatred of love.

Xiaxiang hasn't explained it yet. The old man waved his hand and said, "Taiyang, you are old and have no momentum. Don't use your standards to measure summer thoughts. Xiaxiang is a new generation. You always need a new generation to replace the old one, and you can't always restrain the younger generation according to your own way of thinking. The younger generation sticks to the rules like the older generation, so what hope does the country have? Why is the United States strong? That is, the American system guarantees that young people have the spirit of hard work.

It's rare for an old man to be so enlightened. Xia wanted to laugh and say, "The old man is wise."

"Less flatt." The old man laughed and scolded, "Tay what Yuan Qu said to you." Principal Guan said that my idea will definitely come true within ten years. Xia wanted to know that although the old man was generous. In fact, he was also secretly worried that Guan Yuanqu might have a kind of opinion on him. It's not that Guan Yuanqu is afraid that everything will be aimed at him, but that he doesn't want to plant a gap.

In politics, even if you don't become an ally, don't become opposing sides. Even if it's just the alienation of each other, it's better than a political sworn enemy.

Of course, even if Xia wants to offend Guan Yuanqu for a while, he and Guan Yuanqu have no possibility of becoming political enemies.

The old man and Wu Caiyang looked at each other, and there was more meaningful content in their eyes. After a while, the old man looked back slightly and said with deep emotion, "Caiyang, you and I don't want to understand Guan Yuanqu as well as Xia."

Wu Caiyang nod slightly: "Maybe Guan Yuanqu's words are half true and half false. But no matter what, at least he agreed with Xiaxiang's statement... Xiaxiang. Have you done any systematic research on Guan Yuanqu?

To be honest, Xia wants to have a systematic study of Guan Yuanqu.

In the past. Xia wanted to talk to Wu Caiyang and strolled in the courtyard. Today, he and Wu Caiyang came to the study, and it was also the old man's study.

The old man was sleepy and went to bed first.

At the moment when Wu Caiyang sat in the chair where the old man often sat, a strong idea flashed in Xia Xiang's mind. A new generation replaced the old man, and the old man gave up the study to Wu Caiyang, which was equivalent to handing over the helm of the Wu family to Wu Caiyang. From then on, the general direction

No, to be more precise, it will be jointly led by Wu Caiyang and him!

Sitting opposite Wu Caiyang, his eyes swept from every place in the 20-square-meter study. The small room has always maintained what he looked like when he first came to the Wu family. It has never changed a lot, but it is the center of power of the Wu family and a fighting room that is enough to affect the domestic political situation. Xiaotiandi, big article, how many senior provincial and ministerial officials wanted to get in, but they couldn't, and how many national leaders they had received.

Now, the old man has basically handed over the scepter in an all-round way, that is to say, all the major events of the Wu family in the future will be discussed by Wu Caiyang and him in this room!

Even the big plan involving the whole family power will also be born here.

Wu Caiyang opened the window, the night wind blew quietly, and the smell of the night fragrance came through the window, which was indifferent. Standing in front of the window for a moment, Wu Caiyang turned around and looked directly into Xia Xiang's eyes: "Xia Xiang, your layout is so huge that even I have been kept in the dark..."

Xia was stunned, and the first thought that flashed in his heart was that Wu Caiyang knew the huge wealth behind Lian Ruohan? Indeed, even Ruohan's amazing fortune has not been revealed until now. He is not deliberately hiding anything. For Wu Caiyang, who is about to be a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo, it is actually better not to know than to know.

But then thought again, it should not be. Wu Caiyang is not good at economic affairs and does not pay attention to it. His eyes are basically on political considerations.

"This..." Xia wanted to pretend to be confused and smiled.

"I have systematically studied your political team. After the new round of adjustment, there are at least two or three deputy ministries, three or four departments, and below the department level." Wu Caiyang not only shocked the size of Xia Xiang's political team, but also shocked Xia Xiang's political team.

Generally speaking, it is the normal state of officialdom for people to leave the local government. After the leaders with prestige and authority leave the local area, the former circle will be disrupted, the former direct line will be scattered around, and even the most trusted cronies may fall to others.

The direct lineage that Xia wants to cultivate is not much in terms of quantity, but in terms of quality, it is very good!

Xiaxiang will leave one or two cronies in every term. Before he left, most of his cronies had a firm foothold. After he left, almost everyone was promoted - although it is related to Xiaxiang's long-term arrangement, it is also a concrete manifestation of the excellent ability of each cronies - Xiaxiang stayed away from the local leaders Under the situation that the core and influence is gradually faded, some cronies have even been in charge of a city and become the head of a city or a municipal party committee. At this time, according to the normal situation, it is time to weaken the influence of Xia.

However, almost every cronies cultivated by Xia Xiang did not dilute the influence of Xia Xiang at all, and deliberately put Xia Xiang's concept into practice, and even strictly followed Xia Xiang's instructions to ask themselves. According to the performance of several major direct lines of Xia Xiang investigated by Wu Caiyang during his term of office, His picky vision and strict standards can still score more than 90 points!

Wu Caiyang is recognized as the most severe minister in the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and there are very few cadres who can be beaten to 80 points by him.

Wu Caiyang was really shocked. He had an insight into Xia Xiang's real long-term intentions - what Xia Xiang wanted to cultivate was not direct lineage, not cronies, political circles and circles, but a reserve force that can take on heavy responsibilities!

What is especially unbelievable to Wu Caiyang is that none of Xia Xiang's direct lineage has the behavior of corruption**, and no one has been investigated and punished with the problem of life style, and at the same time, no one is mediocre in office!

It's rare, it's really rare, it's very rare!

In the past, Wu Caiyang did not pay attention to Xia Xiang's political team. He thought that Xia Xiang had not been engaged in organizational work. Even if the training team had small achievements, I'm afraid it would be difficult to become a big weapon. He didn't expect the overall improvement of Xia Xiang's team this time, which involved the leap from Add.

Xiaxiang, it's really good. He played a big game of chess behind his back and laid a deep game. If the overall strength of Xiaxiang's team reaches a new level, if there are three or five governors loyal to Xiaxiang in various provinces in China, imagine, if Xiaxiang is a member of the Political Bureau at that time, how shocking it The strength.

Wu Caiyang has served as the Provincial Party Committee [Book], and has experience in organizational work in the Organization Department of the Central Committee. He knows that it is easy to find talents, and it is extremely difficult to find a trusted relative who can be promoted. In officialdom, things often happen involuntarily. Even at his current level, there are few subordinates he really trust.

Of course, his power is broader than Xiaxiang's, and the overall level is also higher, but he is not sure that his power's loyalty to him is comparable to Xiaxiang's cronies.

Loyalty is the most terrible force.

Seeing that Xia Xiang was still sloppy in front of him, Wu Caiyang was angry and smiled: "Xia Xiang, if you don't tell the truth, don't blame me for not helping you. Say, you think about the overall layout of the political team, as well as who is the most promising and who is the most worthy of focusing on training. If you don't tell me, then don't blame me for not helping you..."

Seeing that Wu Caiyang was almost playing tricks, Xia Xiang also smiled and felt the strong sense of care in Wu Caiyang's annoy. He knew that from then on, he and Wu Caiyang entered and retreated together. The general layout of the political team was to tell Wu Caiyang.

Half an hour later, Wu Caiyang got up and closed the window. His expression was slightly solemn. He looked straight at Xia for a long time, and suddenly smiled happily: "You have more ideas and foresight than I thought. If you are my opponent, I want to say that you are a terrible and frightening opponent. But fortunately, you and I went all the way.

When he came to Xiaxiang, he patted Xiaxiang on the shoulder: "Your steps are still a little more conservative. I suggest that your steps be bigger. Before I leave the Central Organization Department, I must open an unprecedented situation for you."

Xia wanted to nod solemnly: "If feasible, Minister Wu's power and my political team can contact in private and slowly establish contact. I believe that in less than ten years, we can weave a dense net."