official god

Chapter 2155 Don't let an inch

The British patiently explained one by one. It really didn't make sense, so he had to apologize. Zhong Yang touched a soft nail, and the fire became bigger. As soon as he turned around, he saw that Xia wanted to be in a conversation with a British diplomat. He took the initiative to come over. He wanted to join the dialogue and take the opportunity

Unexpectedly, when he heard this, he was immediately furious and made a high argument, which triggered a polem.

Xiaxiang's dialogue with British diplomats seems to be accidental, but in fact, it is inevitable.

Originally, Xia thought that a person would be quiet in a corner. It was not that he could not adapt to the self-service reception, but as his governor, he was not suitable to express any opinions at the national diplomatic level. His identity did not match. If he said it lightly, he would be despised by the other party. To put it seriously, he can't represent the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It's better to stay away from the crowd and have a leisurely nose. Xia wants to taste the delicious food while coming to a secluded place and sit down to relax.

But I have to say that the delicious food in Britain is still not as good as the traditional food of the Chinese nation. It is said that in the world, [Zhongzhong] Chinese people can distinguish more than 140 kinds of flavors, and the rest of people can only distinguish 70 to 100 kinds of flavors. In other words, [Zhongzhong] Chinese people's taste is the most picky, and [Zhongzhong] Chinese food is naturally the first in the world, unique.

When Xia was thinking nonsense, a man came to him and greeted him with a smile: "Hello, Xia, I'm Edward, a British diplomat..."

Edward's accent is a standard British pronunciation. Unlike American pronunciation, he speaks very orthodoxly, which makes people hear clearly word by word. Even Xiaxiang's barely passing level of English can be heard clearly.

Xia remembered to shake hands with Edward and politely asked. He thought Edward was just saying hello to him, but Edward sat opposite him and posed for a long talk.

Regarding foreign affairs, Xiaxiang doesn't seem to have much voice, so he doesn't think there is anything to talk about with Edward. Edward is a senior official in charge of foreign affairs in Asia at the British Foreign Office. Of course, if compared by level, he is still one level lower than Xia, which is at most equivalent to the deputy ministerial level.

Edward is very interested in Xiaxiang, and he is also deeply pleased with his understanding of Xiaxiang. He took the initiative to talk to Xiaxiang is not a purposeless encounter, but intentional.

Even Xia thought did not realize that although he deliberately kept a low profile, in fact, his visit has attracted widespread attention from Europe and the United States, especially in the three European countries, which have risen to a political level. The three countries have adopted different hidden means to try to establish contact with Xia. Even if they can't establish a personal relationship with Xia, they have to test his political position and diplomatic thinking.

As the most staunch ally of the United States in Europe, the United Kingdom is also one of the most effective followers of the United States. Not only the United Kingdom is interested in Xiaxiang, but also the United States has repeatedly asked the United Kingdom to take all means to get in close contact with Xiaxiang. It is necessary to carry out an all-round test Political concept, so that we can take corresponding countermeasures in a timely manner.

The United States has a strong sense of worry, and generally plans for a long-term or even 20 years.

The United States not only does not allow a superpower in the world that can challenge the authority of the United States, but also does not allow a leader with courage and pioneering spirit to appear in [China]. For Xiaxiang, the attitude of the United States is that if it can be won, it can be won, it will be suppressed and All means to prevent Xia from taking the throne.

It's just that the United States did not realize that Xia wanted to secretly take a long-term arrangement for the layout of the United States. In the competition between China and the United States, [China] has always been at a passive and disadvantage. Xia wants to be no longer allowed to be manipulated and bullied by the United States.

It's okay if someone sits opposite him, but Edward is a diplomat. Xiaxiang is not a person with no political mind. On the contrary, he always maintains a calm and clear understanding. In addition to the lack of estimates of his influence and attention abroad, he always reminds himself of his identity. First of all, he is a [China] country. People, don't do anything that can disgrace the image of the country. Secondly, he is a governor. As the highest local administrator in the eyes of foreign countries, his words and deeds can be easily interpreted by foreign media who like to catch the wind, so he must be cautious in his words and deeds.

Xia wants to be wary of Edward. If he is not a diplomat, it's okay. If he is a diplomat, diplomacy is no big deal. After a casual conversation with Edward, talking about the British climate and the fog in London, Edward's topic attracted the Swedish princess intentionally or unintentionally.

"The Swedish princess is the goddess in the eyes of the European people. Her appreciation for you is that your personal courage has conquered Europe."

Xia wanted to wave his hand: "I don't think so. Maybe it's just that the princess has seen more [China] Most of the officials are older and important. Seeing that I'm a little younger, I'm willing to say a few more words with me. The age gap is small, so it's easier to communicate."

Xia was not at all complacent about Edward's exaggerated praise. On the contrary, he felt that Edward's mention of the Swedish princess was in his words.

, Xia, I want to take the liberty to ask, what do you think of the human rights issues in [China]...

After a few words, Edward threw a blockbuster and talked about the weak human rights of the [China] country's favorite attack abroad!

The issue of human rights is indeed a ** problem, and it is also the determination of foreign forces that the [China] country is not [the people] and the dictatorship has led to the situation of human rights. On the grounds of human rights issues, on the surface, they are concerned about the rights of the people of the country. In fact, they want to take the Process.

Unfortunately, the [Chinese] national-style [people] master that foreign countries want is not the so-called [people] master in the eyes of some domestic people confused by foreign forces. Foreign forces do not want the [China] country to truly realize the [people] and become strong, but just want the [China] country to develop according to their ideas and methods, or more accurately, they want the elected leaders of the [China] country to obey their will.

Just like the United Kingdom is a small follower of the United States. If the United States has a small follower in Asia, the whole Asia will be shrouded in the power of the United States.

Although the United States has two small followers from Japan and South Korea in Asia, the misfortune of Japan and South Korea is that they are close to the huge [China] country, and it is difficult to use their hands.

[China] is the largest non-people] main country in the eyes of the United States. If it is against the [China] country, the world hegemony of the United States can be stabilized. If the [China] country fights the polar bears in the north on behalf of the United States, the United States can free up

It's a pity that the United States can't do what it wants after all. [China] The country will never be the little follower of the United States.

"The issue of human rights is a very complex issue, which also involves history, culture and development. It cannot be generalized. Just as some countries call themselves as human rights defenders every day. Think about it, some countries only have a history of more than 200 years. If you recall your ancestors, you can't find the root for several generations without historical burdens. Moving forward lightly is incomparable to a country with a long history of 5,000. Xia's answer was euphemistic, but ironic.

How could Edward not hear the sarcasm in Xia's words, but he thought he was a gentleman and maintained his demeanor. In addition, he also knew the purpose of his initiative to talk to Xia, so he continued: "It makes sense to have horizontal contrast. For example, India also has a long history. India is now the largest [people "The main country..." "Yes, India is also one of the poorest and backward countries in the world. In the face of survival and so-called human rights, the right to survival is greater than human rights." When it comes to the dignity of the country, Xia wants to give up.

"India's economy is very dynamic. It can surpass [China] countries in 2020. Now India's highway mileage ranks second in the world, second only to the United States." Edward continued.

Xia wanted to smile and smiled happily and was very gratified: "I believe that India can definitely surpass [China]. I'm sorry, I'm talking about population, not the economy. As for India's highway mileage exceeding [China], I don't know where Mr. Edward got the data from? Or do you really believe the reports that Western countries deliberately exaggerate in order to confuse India?

With a smile, Xia wanted to wave his hand gently and said, "Maybe you are talking about India on another plane, not India on earth."

Edward smiled slightly awkwardly: "Gend Governor Xia is the most charming and funny person I have ever seen."

Xia also smiled and said, "I'm not attractive, but I dare to tell the truth."

"But I still think that the human rights situation in [China] is worrying, and [China] the government has not worked hard to improve the human rights of the people in [China], which worries the international community.

Is there any reason to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries? Xia's expression was a little serious. He now clearly realized that Edward came to discuss human rights issues with him not to make trouble, but to test his political ideas and diplomatic ideas.

Thinking of the reality of the United States and Britain, he will be more determined that behind the incident is the shadow of the United States.

Of course, the United States, as the most hegemonic country in the world, is also the world's [police] inspector. Unless it flies out of the earth, there will be a shadow of the United States everywhere.

"Has Mr. Edward ever been to [China] country?"

"Of course, I've been there. I know a lot about the country."

"Does Mr. Edward know what most Chinese people are pursuing now?" Pursue [from], [people] master and better living space. Edward replied confidently.

Xia wanted to smile lightly: "Mr. Edward, you don't know enough about a country that has been passed down for 5,000 years. At present, the Chinese people are pursuing larger housing and more luxurious cars. The understanding of human rights and the [people] master is still in the primary stage. If you go to the middle of the people of the country, take a look and talk to them about human rights. It's better to send a bag of flour and a bucket of oil to get benefits. Before you understand the basic needs of the people, you will talk about human rights, and you will get spoiled soy sauce.