official god

Chapter 2157 Next Stop

Xia wanted to leave his seat, and only took a few steps. Zhong Yang chased him and said behind him, "Gend Governor Xia, isn't it too rude to leave Mr. Edward behind?"

Xiaxiang was finally angry: "Director Zhong, what do I do? I don't need your approval, do I?"

Zhong Yang stopped and his face changed greatly.

Xia didn't leave much mercy, so he directly returned him back to his original form. Yes, he is the hot deputy director of the Development and Reform Commission in China. He holds the approval power of countless major projects. To tell the truth, if he is not happy and deliberately gets stuck in the approval of major projects in a certain province, then the province may lose money Tens of billions of investment!

But if Xia wants to hold him and doesn't hold him, he can't do anything about Xia. He doesn't have the right to decide Xia's future. On the contrary, maybe one day Xia will have the power to affect his fate.

Zhong Yang's mind changed for a moment, and he felt that he was drunk by Xia, which made him lose face. He said with considerable dissatisfaction, "Goverdue's words are not pleasant to listen to. I'm just a kind reminder."

"I'm sorry, Director Zhong, I have something else to do. I'll listen to your advice in the future." Xiaxiang's attitude was estranged and indifferent. He turned around and left without leaving a trace of affection for Zhong Yang.

Zhong Yang stood on the spot and finally got angry.

It doesn't matter whether he is angry or not. What matters is that the contradiction between him and Xiaxiang is seen by Dai Fusheng not far away. Although Dai Fusheng only glanced at him quietly and his face remained calm, the secretary next to him still noticed the distach in Dai Fusheng's eyes.

The secretary followed Dai Fusheng's eyes and happened to see Zhong Yang's back. A strange light flashed in the secretary's eyes, and Zhong Yang's back was deeply branded in his heart.

The last stop of the trip to Europe is Germany.

The last stop of Germany also shows the importance it attaches to Germany, which is China's largest trading partner in Europe. Among them, the largest trade is attributed to Volkswagen.

When talking about patriotism, many people in China will mistakenly think that buying a Japanese car is not patriotic. It is a fallacy to buy a German car for this reason. Japan has indeed caused irreparable damage to China, but another reality is that Germany is actually one of the most ** countries in Europe.

A foreign survey showed that Germans and the Czech Republic are the most ** countries in Europe, ranking first and second. The reason is puzzling, not because of political problems, but because of the fear of China's economic and military threats. So I don't like China the most.

German media have always liked to portray Chinese clowns.

One of the ugliest ** things Germany has done is to support **. Not long ago, nearly a thousand cities in Germany raised the flag for **'s "freedom" and "justice" in front of the city hall to commemorate the 53rd anniversary of the so-called "** uprising". At that time, the German public in China were trying to cover The truth of the SG gearbox incident.

This matter is rarely reported in the domestic media, naturally because of political and economic needs, and I don't want to hurt the feelings of the German people. After being hurt by the German people, the Chinese people still laughed generously. What power behind it made the Chinese people break their teeth and swallow? It's very thought-provoking.

Compared with the other two ** pioneers, the German ** is deeply hidden and deep in the bones.

The vanguard of the first ** is - there is a country where he always stands on the opposite side of history. Every time he chooses the wrong side and stands in the wrong team, which is known as the footrest of Europe - Poland. Needless to say, the vanguard of another ** is naturally the little follower of the United States, Britain.

But compared with Poland and the United Kingdom, it does little harm to China. Germany's ** is treated economically and politically separately after earning the maximum benefit from China. It is a typical type of eating and drinking and slaping you in the face.

Xia wants to have no prejudice against German cars and admires the rigor of the Germans, but he doesn't have much good impression of the shrewdness and calculation of the German nation. This trip to Germany. He intends to just watch and not talk about it, and not discuss any political or economic topics with the other party, so as not to cause unnecessary disputes.

After the ceremonies of the day, Xiaxiang did not attend the evening dinner, but went back to the room and surfed the Internet quietly.

I chatted with Gu Yu first.

Gu Yu is very satisfied with the car that Xia wants to give her. He said that unlike the cars on the market, the performance and control are better. Of course. As a customized limited edition, it will not be sold to the public. Although the appearance and style are the same, it should be more refined and more exquisite from the suspension to the chassis. It will definitely bring a different feeling.

Originally, Gu Yu was resting alone in a small town in Europe, and her heart was like water, but now she was inspired by Xiaxiang. She told Xiaxiang that she would travel around Europe from now on and welcome the arrival of a new life with a new attitude of life.

Xia Xiang won't ask Gu Yu not to move around like other men, not to run around, and to rest at home or something. He just asked Gu Yu not to drive fiercely and be tempted by the fetal gas. At the same time, when traveling, everything should be properly arranged. All the assistants were accompanied, and no less than two vehicles.

Gu Yu's assistants are all special female soldiers. They are both assistants, drivers and bodyguards. With them, Xia wants to be a hundred hearts. What made Xia more reassuring was that although Gu Yu was thin and weak, he did not have a strong reaction during pregnancy, so he came over calmly.

In my memory, when Cao Shujun and Lian Ruohan were pregnant, they were also in good physical condition. Xiao Jia and Mei Xiaolin reacted fiercely and vomited for a period of time.

After chatting with Gu Yu for a while, Xia wanted to let her rest earlier, and then he said a few words to Ji Rulan.

The reorganization of the State Grid and the land power of the Western Province has entered the final stage of negotiation. The State Grid has finally shown its eagerness. For the three conditions proposed by the land power of the Western Province led by Ji Rulan, two have been agreed for the first time, and only the last one is still deadlocked.

The last condition is the most critical. Ji Rulan proposed that after the land power of the Western Province belongs to the State Grid, one person from the land power in the Western Province should be allowed to enter the middle layer of the State Grid - only the middle layer was not raised, leaving room, and the strength and scale of the land power in the Western Province could not enter

If the State Grid did not agree, Ji Rulan did not give in and got stuck in the last level.

"No hurry, just put it off first." Xia said, "You also heard the news that the news of power reform will be released before the end of the year."

The State Electricity Regulatory Commission is drafting a relevant regulation on the entry of private capital into the power industry, which not only involves private capital entering traditional power generation fields such as thermal power, hydropower, nuclear power and new energy, but also allows private capital to enter the power grid that has always been a natural monopoly of the state. It is revealed that the regulation will be introduced within the year.

Although the power grid will not be completely liberalized like the discharge and development of electricity, it will take the form of "partial opening", that is, only private capital will be allowed to invest and operate. But at least it opened the way to the monopoly of the State Grid, which played a positive role in promoting Xiaxiang's use of land power in the Western Province to enter the State Grid with a Trojan horse.

It must be said that it is indeed a great asset to know the direction of the policy in advance.

"It's easy to say about the power grid, that is, as soon as you leave Jinyang, you feel that the whole western province is empty, and you will be back soon, right?" Ji Rulan just talked about the business, and suddenly became infinitely tender. "I read the news on the Internet that some Swedish forums are rumored that princesses are very fond of you. You should be careful not to make international scandals."

"..." Xia wants to be speechless. Good things don't go out, bad things spread for thousands of miles. Gossip is the nature of the people of the world. Swedes in Northern Europe also like to spread gossip. "It's all nonsense. Do you believe it?"

When he thought it was wrong, he asked, "Do you speak Swedish?"

Ji Rulan smiled proudly: "I can only speak Swedish, so I went directly to some current affairs forums in Sweden to see the comments."

No wonder, the relationship between the princess and him will definitely not be reported in the official media, nor will it be in China. It will only be spread among the Swedish people, but Ji Rulan knew it. Xia wanted to say, "Actually, I only like Chinese women."

"It's strange to believe you." Ji Rulan mocked Xia again and went offline.

Then, Xia Xiang reported peace to Cao Shuqi and Lian Ruohan.

Lian Ruohan was ready to leave for the United States, and she also persuaded the old man to go abroad with Lianxia at the same time.

Xia thought it was a pity that he didn't have time to send Lian Ruohan and Lian Xia off in person.

Originally, Xia thought about going offline to rest, but she didn't expect to receive a message from Mei Xiaolin. Mei Xiaolin said that she had gone through the procedures for Mei Ting to go abroad and would leave in the next few days. I'm afraid she couldn't wait for him to come back.

Xia Xiang was melancholy for a long time and did not reply. He quietly turned off the computer, got up and came to the window. Looking out of the window at the night of Scandinavia, there was a trace of sadness and reluctance in his heart.

For a long time, Mei Xiaolin may think that he doesn't love Mei Ting. In fact, he loves every child from the bottom of his heart. As an incompetent father, he has always felt guilty, especially since his last trip to the capital with Mei Ting and Xiao Jia, he has more love for his two daughters beyond his son. .

One son is in good mood, and one daughter is in good luck. Lian Xia is more handsome than before, which makes people happy, and Mei Ting is more sensible than before, which also makes him happy. When his fatherly love for Lian Xia and Mei Ting was about to overflow, the two of them left his sight, which was inevitable to be sad.

Now that Lianxia and Meiting go abroad at the same time, they live alone at a young age. Presumably, their future growth will be full of challenges, and they don't know what kind of unique path Lianxia and Meiting will take in the United States.

Like all fathers in the world, Xia wants to be full of concern about the future of Lian Xia and Mei Ting in the United States. Of course, what he did not expect was that the life of Lian Xia and Mei Ting in the United States had not intertwined. It was not until many years later that he shook hands To be continued)