official god

Chapter 2161 Triggered

Finally, the trip to Europe was over. Two days later, Xia wanted to embark on a return journey.

In the next two days of his trip, Xia wanted to keep a low profile again. He not only stopped publishing any [words], but also deliberately kept the mystery and did not attend any public occasions, which made the outside world speculate. Did Xia think that he was silenced because of the improper [words]?

Or, have you been ordered not to appear in public again?

No matter how the outside world guesses the current situation of Xiaxiang, the second wave of Xiaxiang's [words] theory will come as scheduled.

Sitting on the special plane to the capital, Xia wanted to sit opposite Dai Fusheng, and the others consciously kept their distance.

Everyone knows that Deputy [General Manager] Li and Xia want to have something to talk about.

In fact, Dai Fusheng had already talked with Xia Xiang. For Xia Xiang's speech at the German dinner party, he first gently criticized Xia Xiang a few words, pointing out that Xia Xiang should not say too fiercely in diplomatic occasions, but later, he affirmed Xia Xiang's position.

Xia wanted to sincerely admit his mistake, saying that he must attract a lesson and will not do it again next time. The main reason is that the German people are too enthusiastic, and the wine brewed in Germany is too pure. Under the persuasion of the enthusiastic German owner, he couldn't help drinking a few more drinks and saying drunken words that he shouldn't have said.

Dai Fusheng half joked and half seriously criticized Xia and said, "Nonsense!"

Xia wants to get along with Dai Fusheng for a period of time, and he is also very close to Dai Fusheng's temper. He knows that Dai Fusheng's criticism of him is an official attitude of business and a necessary passage.

And his affirmation is Dai Fusheng's personal view of the incident itself.

In other words, the future governance style and political position of Daifusheng have revealed a part of the [truth] in front of Xiaxiang, so that Xiaxiang can more accurately grasp the direction of Daifusheng after taking office.

In fact, Xia Xiang's angry speech at the dinner party was neither a catharsis under the loss of control of emotions nor a shocking word to gain fame. He had a far-reaching intention.

When Xia wants to enter the officialdom for the first time, he has calmness and calmness that is not commensurate with his age. After more than ten years of officialdom ups and downs, he will still be attacked by a few words to get out of his emotions? Joke, he will not be irritated by Zhong Yang's general goods.

Xia Xiang's speech is the result of careful consideration, which implies three aspects of Li.

First, take the opportunity to announce his political ideas to European and American opposition forces. Since the other party is too curious about him and tries his best to know his political ideas, he can't let the other party be too disappointed. Of course, the political ideas that can be made public are not real political ideas, but can only be made public. On the contrary, part of it can play a role in confusing the public, so that the other party does not have to take all kinds of means to disturb his normal life.

The second is to take the opportunity to beat some anti-China forces. Don't think that [China] country is still a weak [China] country that was bullied when the embassy was bombed more than a decade ago. In those years, when the embassy was bombed, [China] did not respond for two days, and the top leader did not even make a tough speech. Instead, it was the general [book] of the deputy [master] at that time, which made the Chinese people shout for weakness.

The current [China] country is no longer a [China] country that is allowed to be bullied by foreign forces. The rare earth war can be seen as a small-scale economic war, which is the rough behavior of trying to rape the [China] country after the insatiable requirements of foreign forces are not met.

The third is to take the opportunity to test the bottom line of Fusheng's foreign affairs and the bottom line of patience with him. The successor of Fusheng will certainly be the most difficult period of China's diplomacy. It will face stronger joint containment between Europe and the United States, and the [China] country that wants to break through the first island chain will definitely have a war in the South China Sea or the East China Sea.

If you don't fight, it's not enough to show off.

Daifusheng is tough on the outside world or continues to promote and will determine Xia's support for Daifusheng!

Fortunately, Xiaxiang was very satisfied with Dai Fusheng's performance, at least he set up a preliminary impression of neither humble nor arrogant in his mind.

However, to Xia's surprise, after having a long conversation with him afterwards, Dai Fusheng still had something to say to him on the way back, which seemed to be very important.

"Xia Think, you and Chaodu have known each other for more than ten years. Tell me what you think of him." It has been a long time since I flew back to the capital from Munich. Dai Fusheng was in a good mental state and put on a long talk with Xia.

Xia thought that Dai Fusheng was going to discuss the speech at the dinner party, but the topic fell on Song Chaodu, and he couldn't help but jump in his heart.

It is basically not a big problem for Song Chaodu to enter the game, but the position he will hold after entering the game has not been finalized. The first rumor was that it was possible to serve as the Shancheng Municipal Committee [Shu], and there were also rumors that they would go south to Lingnan to serve as the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee. Some even said that Song Chaodu was expected to take charge of Xiajiang, but as far as Xia wanted to know, the biggest possibility of Song Chaodu was to stay

Of course, it is not the Book of the Beijing Municipal Committee. The Song Dynasty was not the direct line of the General Book. He must not be in charge of the capital. For those who are in charge of the capital, Guqiu is the first choice.

However, there are also rumors that Gu Qiushi will serve as the Xiajiang Municipal Party Committee [book], but Xia thought clearly that Gu Qiushi may also go to Xiajiang to take office, but the price is too high, it depends on whether the general [book] is willing to exchange. Anyway, in the capital and Xiajiang, there will definitely be one deacon in each department.

Dai Fusheng suddenly mentioned the Song Dynasty. Xia thought flashed and immediately realized something.

"Song [Book] Remember to be pragmatic and practical, and I have always respected him as a good teacher and friend." Xia wanted to answer truthfully, and at the same time emphasized, "I admire the person of Song [book] very much."

"Don't always say good things, talk about the shortcomings of the dynasty. He said that his lack was his love for him. Don't be afraid. I won't tell Chaodu. Dai Fusheng smiled and actually made a joke.

Xia Xiang's speculation in his heart became clearer and clearer, so he said, "If you want to talk about the shortcomings of Song [Shu], in my immature opinion, Song [Shu] is sometimes too inhumane and doesn't know how to change. Some things can obviously be detoured, but he has been moving forward Dai Fusheng said with a straight face, "Comrade Xia Xiang, let you talk about the lack of the dynasty, but you praised him in disguise. You disappoint me so much."

"I'm talking about the inadequacy of Song [book]." Lou thought he was still very wronged. "If he knows how to be flexible, he won't be so principled, and he won't be delayed for two or three years in Yan Province."

If Song Chaodu is not suppressed by Gao Chengsong for a few years, he can enter the bureau one term in advance. With his age and qualifications, it is possible to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau. But now it's a pity that I can only serve as a member of the Politburo.

But it's okay. If Song Chaodu can really serve as the deputy [general] reason as he wishes, maybe with the efforts of Song Chaodu, it can improve the crux of many national economy and people's livelihood.

Yes, Xia wanted to guess the intention of Dai Fusheng to talk to him. Dai Fusheng intended to let Song Chaodu be his help.

Of course, with the current influence of Fusheng, he is not enough to determine the whereing of the Song Dynasty will go, but at least he can ask for instructions on who can nominate as the deputy of the State Council.

Xia wants to think that it is indeed an excellent step for Song Chaodu to serve as the deputy [general].

Just as Xiaxiang and Dai Fusheng were talking in the air, the second wave of his speech at the dinner was taking shape, affecting the whole area of the nose.

The shock wave formed on the Internet started in Germany, triggered Lou Chao in the United Kingdom, received a warm response in Sweden, and set off ** in the United States.

Netizens in Europe and the United States agree that Xia Xiang, as a senior ministerial official of [China], made a speech at the official dinner was the strongest statement made by the highest-ranking officials of [China] so far, and it was the loudest cry for [China] to change its diplomatic thinking.

Xiaxiang's speech was taken for granted by netizens as the official statement of the country. Although Xiaxiang repeatedly stated that he only expressed his views in his personal capacity at that time, the more he denied it, the more people thought that he wanted to cover up.

It should be said that the effect that Xia wants has been achieved. His indulgent method has completely learned from the two-faceted skills often played by the United States, and has successfully aroused the appetite of European and American netizens.

Xia's [words] on the ** set off in the United States is so fast that everyone's expectations.

The American people are the kind of people in the world who don't care about other countries. To be honest, they actually don't know the truth than the people who don't know the truth of [China] country. Most of the American people only know that [China] country is in the East, not to mention that they know who the national leader of [ It's too clear.

Basically, Americans only care about their own lives and family. For them, family is above all else.

But all of a sudden, the strange name of a distant eastern country suddenly filled the large and small websites of the United States. The titles of almost all websites shouted loudly, or shouted that the country made a threat of war, or exclaimed that the governor of the country warned Europe and the United States, [China] the country wanted to liquidate from the Eighth National The old account of the military invasion of the country.

There are also websites that are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, or it is eye-catching with the title of the birth of a war maniac in the country, or claiming that Xia wants to launch a rare earth war, and then Xia wants to extend the transformation of the energy-based economy in the Western Province. Finally, it is concluded that Xia wants to launch Battle for the source!

Compared with the eye-catching headlines on the Internet, the major newspapers in Europe and the United States are much calmer when reporting this matter. However, in addition to calmness, the views of newspapers in Europe and the United States are also divided into two factions. One is to comment on Xiaxiang's [words] from the perspective of a calm and bystander, and the other is to publicly accuse Xiaxiang's [words] theory, which is a warning to the Western world, demanding that the government Explain and apologize. I apologize.

The objective news report recognizes Xia Shang's statement. It is indeed the civilization of [China] for thousands of years, and it has always been the image of a great power that is kind to people. The radical news report attacked Xiaxiang's [words], and also attacked the civilization and history of the [Zhongzhong] country, and was exposed by the image of Xiaxiang's painful red face.

If it's just a lot of news reports, before Xiaxiang's party landed, the U.S. protest has been submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of [China].

: Urgently ask for recommendation tickets, there are too few recommendation tickets, brothers.