official god

Chapter 2164 Wind touching

It will be windy in the afternoon.

The wind rose quietly at the beginning, I don't know from which corner it was generated, and then slowly spread, finally filled the whole courtyard.

The wind is vast and full of heaven and earth, coming and going without a trace, just like the hearts of the people in the world. Sometimes it looks calm and gentle, and maybe there will be a lot of wind in a blink of an eye.

Unlike ordinary people who close their doors and windows and open the air conditioner in midsummer, the door of the Wu family is open and let the breeze pass through the hall. Although it is hot air, the natural wind is incomparably comfortable as the cold air made by air conditioners.

The breeze is clear first and then turbid, first small and then big. After a while, it stirred up the dust all over the sky. Xia wanted to get close to the door and hurriedly closed the doors and windows.

"There will be a thunderstorm in the afternoon.

" In the northern sky, dark clouds cover the sky and the earth, accompanied by faint thunder.

As soon as the window was closed, a burst of thunder from far and near came from the sky, as if hitting the root of the window from the nine heavens, shaking the window buzzed, which reminded Xia of the afternoon when she fell asleep more than ten years ago.

Over the years, he has always had a different feeling about the afternoon thunderstorm, as if he was afraid that a thunderstorm would wake up his dream for many years. Fortunately, he has encountered countless afternoon thunderstorms for more than ten years, and he has always felt the truth of years of struggle and hard work.

All the hard work and struggle in life, I'm afraid that my eyes will suddenly open. It turned out to be a dream.

After listening to Xia Xiang's inference, Mr. Wu and Wu Caiyang were silent for a long time without saying anything. They just looked at each other with shock and appreciation in their eyes.

What is shocking is that Xiaxiang's analysis is indeed very reasonable. What is appreciated is that Xia wants to grasp the current situation and his understanding of the political situation is one step faster than them. Before they could draw a specific direction from the appearance of the event, Xia Xiang had already taken three steps, and even planned. By the fifth step, it was really amazing.

Mr. Wu and Wu Caiyang did not think of the deep intention of opposing the sudden rise of the first series. It was not that their political wisdom was not as good as Xia thought. The main reason was that the incident happened suddenly and they were not in it. They could only infer the general idea based on speculation.

Wu Caiyang was also concerned about the chaos. He came back in a hurry to meet Xia, and did not think deeply about the things behind the incident.

Xiaxiang also benefited from experiencing a series of changes in person, and met Ye Tiannan and Zhou Hongji in Zhongnanhai. After talking with the Prime Minister and Gu Qiushi separately, he straightened out the whole context of the matter.

As far as political wisdom is concerned, Xia Xiang thinks that he is slightly less than the old man and Wu Caiyang.

"The ancient saying is to meet the old man." The matter was put on the table, and Xia thought put forward Lao Gu's proposal.

"Caiyang, you call Lao Gu in person and say that it's Deyuelou in the evening, and it's my treat." Mr. Wu had little hesitation and immediately decided to meet with Lao Gu, and he offered to treat for the first time.

The relationship between Mr. Wu and Lao Gu means that whoever invites guests is the one who makes the decision. Obviously, Mr. Wu wants to take the initiative in the incident. In his mind, the relationship between him and Xia Xiang is closer than that between Lao Gu and Xia Xiang.

"You don't have to worry about this matter. Xiaxiang, the old man and I will deal with it in person." Although Wu Caiyang was slightly dissatisfied with Xia Xiang's tough remarks, after all, it has happened. Out of his love for Xia Xiang, he must try his best to protect Xia Xiang at the critical moment.

At night, living in Lian Ruohan's room, he smelled the fragrance left by Yi Ren. Thinking of Lian Ruohan and a pair of children thousands of miles away, Xia wanted to sleepless, so he got up and turned on the computer again.

Wu Caiyang said that he would not let him ask about this matter again, and everything would be discussed and solved by the upper class. Xia Xiang didn't want to stand by. The matter was caused by him, and he had to do something to feel at ease.

Besides, he can't only look at the sidelines. He has the ability to intervene in this matter, and may even influence the progress of the matter to a certain extent.

Now he is no longer than before. Although he is only the governor, he already has enough influence. He has no way to influence the game between high-level officials, but he can take action from the periphery to detrate the offensive from abroad.

The linkage between Europe and the United States to submit diplomatic protests to cooperate with domestic actions is indeed a well-planned drama.

Xia wanted to get in touch with Lian Ruohan.

"Do you still know to report that you are safe? I'm thousands of miles away from you. You can completely think that I don't exist, and I can't be your husband within a foot. Lian Ruohan was angry with Xia. Of course, she knew that Xia was angry that she had returned to China, but she didn't call or send messages. It's strange that she was angry.

"Today, there are too many things to do. I wanted to make a phone call to you..." Xia wanted to explain, "Who knows that things are one after another, which makes people breathless, and now I have time to sit down and surf the Internet."

"What's the matter?" Lian Ruohan and Xia miss their husband and wife, that is, they just hit him. They hurriedly asked, "It's definitely not a small matter that can make you think of it as a thing."

"That's right. Some people want to take the opportunity to make trouble, and with the cooperation of the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom, another five countries will be the new Eight-Nation Alliance."

"Say it, what do you want me to do for you?" Lian Ruohan simply asked, "In the United States, I also know some members of Congress and have a good cooperative relationship."

Lian Ruohan is not interested in politics in China, but in the United States, he has a close relationship with politics. Of course, her industry is very large, and it is necessary to establish a broad and close relationship with the political circles, among which funding the senatorial campaign is the most direct shortcut.

Xia can't figure out how much influence Lian Ruohan has in politics in the United States. What he only knows is that Lian Ruohan can do many things that outsiders can't imagine.

... Many years later, Mei Ting entered the U.S. political world and ran into obstacles everywhere. It was Lian Ruohan who helped her through the initial difficulties. It can be said that without Lian Ruohan's foundation in the United States for many years, not to mention that Mei Ting could serve as the Secretary of State of the United States, even

The reason why Lian Xia's growth is very fast is also due to the deep foundation laid by Lian Ruohan in the United States. Xia thought that there were more childlike figures in the Xia family. In fact, it was not. The main reason is that under the condition that the Xia family has the same IQ as Ruohan's mouth, the family conditions are ten times better, and the growth prospects will be more than ten times wider.

The unfairness of the world lies in the fact that growing up is not on the same starting line because of different origins! In today's extremely rich material conditions, the prodigy can only be achieved by the innate conditions and the acquired conditions. Both of them are indispensable.

"You always have to find a way to make the United States treacherous." Xia thought casually, "You can't always let the evil shadow of the United States stand in front of you, which will affect the mood of eating and sleeping."

"Do you still have time to joke?" Lian Ruohan made a big question mark and a smiling face, "Ok, I know, just leave it alone. I'm in charge of the American affairs."

I haven't heard Lian Ruohan's domineering words for a long time. Xia Xiang laughed. After laughing, she found that he didn't open the video. She only chatted with Lian Ruohan. No matter how loud she laughed, she couldn't hear it.

He typed and said, "Thank you very much, madam."

"Less talk!" Lian Ruohan warned Xia, "I help you, I love you. You should be careful. It's okay to make inappropriate remarks, but don't make international gossip.

Lian Ruohan went offline, but Xia Xiang couldn't sleep. What's the matter? He hasn't done anything yet. How come all the women seem to believe that he and the public master have developed? Please, the princess is a married woman, okay?

Xia was speechless. Is it possible that his women all think that he is charming and can rush out of China and go to the world?

The next day, Xia wanted to receive a notice that the general secretary temporarily cancelled the meeting with him, and the specific meeting time has not been determined.

Things are very subtle. The general secretary's cancellation of the meeting must be based on special considerations in some aspects. Is there a tendency for things to expand further?

Then Xia wanted to receive another notice that Dai Fusheng wanted to see him.

After a quick bite of breakfast, Xia thought hurried to Zhongnanhai and came to Daifusheng's office.

Dai Fusheng's face is not very good. Maybe it's because he didn't have a good rest, or for other reasons. As soon as he saw Xia, he said directly, "Comrade Xiaxiang, you don't have a psychological burden at the Sino-German Industrial and Commercial Dinner. The responsibility of the matter is not yours. No It's a battle."

If the previous words are normal comforting, then the following words are obvious hints. It is to warn Xia that she should not panic. If she is in a mess, it is easy to make mistakes. As soon as she makes a mistake, it is easier to be caught.

Xia wanted to nod sincerely: "It's my responsibility. I'm willing to take any punishment. Please criticize on behalf of the Prime Minister."

"Why are you criticizing you? I also want to praise you!" Dai Fusheng's voice suddenly increased by eight degrees. "Europe and the United States jointly protested to the WTO and asked China to open the rare earth market. Your alarm bell was ringed in time, but if you want me, it was not loud enough, and some people were not alert."

Xia thought basically understood the position of Dai Fusheng. From the sudden improvement of Dai Fusheng's voice, it can be guessed that he made a fuss about the incident and wanted to take the opportunity to take the opportunity to deal with him.

Dai Fusheng did not mean to sacrifice him, so Xia Ning was slightly moved, and he was also deeply gratified by Dai Fusheng's calm and responsible political wisdom. A responsible national leader has followers behind him.

also proved that Dai Fusheng saw the direction clearly in the sudden trend and was not misled by the sudden action of the other party. Otherwise, if Dai Fusheng can't withstand the pressure to throw out Xiaxiang in order to protect himself, the final result may be more serious.

After listening to Dai Fusheng's words, Xia wanted to walk out of Dai Fusheng's office. When she was walking outside, she accidentally glanced at them, but found the figures of Zhou Hongji and Ye Tiannan.

A gust of wind blew, and the figures of Zhou Hongji and Ye Tiannan were covered by the shaking flowers and plants. They couldn't see clearly, and they couldn't hear what they were talking about, but it could be faintly seen from their solemn expressions that the matter did have an intriguing reversal.

PS: There are a few more recommended tickets, and I will update them again today! ( To be continued)