official god

Chapter 2170 The Expected Break

The United States finally has something wrong... It's not gloating, but a surprise in anticipation.

proves that Lian Ruoge's influence in the United States is indeed extraordinary, and he planned a counterattack in a short time, which is not simple.

But what is the specific method? Xia thought he didn't know, so he asked, "What happened?"

Wu Caiyang did not answer Xia Xiang's question first, but looked puzzled: "You really don't know?"

"I really don't know." Xia thought he answered with certainty, but he said in his heart that he only knew one and didn't know the other.

"The United States has officially informed China that Chinese teachers of Confucius Institutes who currently hold J- visas in the country will have to leave the country on Key Blade Day. The United States said that it would not renew visas for them. If they want, they can return to China to apply for an appropriate exchange program visa. Wu Caiyang said, "The United States is unreasonable. Despite the opposition of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it insists on releasing the news tomorrow,"

Xia thought nothing and got up to push open the window.

Outside, the night is dim, and white clouds and starry sky can be seen in the distant sky. Not only is the weather cool tonight, but Wang's air quality is good, which is a rare good weather in the capital.

The incident of the Confucius Institute caused Xia to fall into deep gratitude.

There was a tacit understanding between him and Lian Ruoqi. Xia thought of Lian Ruoqi's deep intention after thinking about it. No matter how the Confucius Institute incident was ignited in the early stage, and no matter what the result of the contest would be in the end, in short, the beauty of Lian Ruoge's method was beyond his surprise.

However, the ruthlessness of Lian Ruojiang's method really made him regret it. The incident of the Confucius Institute triggered a diplomatic turmoil between China and the United States, which was far-reaching and deeply influential.

Confucius Institutes have settled in more than 350 educational institutions in 106 countries, and Confucius classrooms in primary and secondary schools have developed faster, reaching more than 500. Since the University of Maryland, as the first university in the United States to cooperate with Nankai University in China, established the Confucius Institute at the end of 2004, there have been 81 Confucius Institutes and more than 300 Confucius Classrooms in primary and secondary schools in the United States, of which 127 are classrooms under Confucius Institutes.

Confucius Institute is not a university in the general sense, but an educational and cultural exchange institution set up by the Office of the National Leading Group for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language to promote Chinese and disseminate Chinese culture and Sinology around the world. It is generally located in educational institutions such as universities and research institutes abroad. Chinese learners provide standardized and authoritative modern Chinese textbooks, and provide the most formal and important Chinese teaching channels.

Interestingly, while the state spares no effort to promote Confucius Institutes to the outside world, there are few educational institutions such as Confucius Institutes in China. More than 90% of primary and secondary school students do not learn Chinese classical culture, but they are desperately learning English and preparing to go abroad.

What an ironic contrast. It vigorously promotes Confucius Institutes abroad, but does the opposite in China. "Do not learn benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and trust, do not learn the Three Principles and Five Permanentities, do not learn the Analects of Confucius," but learn foreign languages and mathematics, physics of various countries. Chinese people don't even learn and respect their own traditional culture, and spend great efforts to promote it abroad. It is reasonable to be suspected by the United States about the motivation and purpose of the college's dissemination.

Even Ruo Qiang is smart and spicy enough. The Confucius Institute incident can not only stimulate the patriotism of the Chinese people, but also trigger people's thinking and reflection, and also make some people who use speech events to provoke things into a passive situation.

Let's see how things end!

"I don't care about the events of the Confucius Institute. I only care about when the speech events will calm down." If you think about it, half of it is true, and half of it is fake.

Wu Caiyang smiled and said, "The matter of the Confucius Institute depends on how some people deal with it. The current situation is that "the side of the family will definitely not give in," and the opposition to the series will not forgive others, and will not let go easily. The civilian department has not made a clear statement for the time being. If the civilian department clearly supports and opposes the department, it will have to bargain well in the end, unless..."

"Unless the General Secretary gives way to the previous step and let Lei Zhixue enter the game."

"That's right." Wu Caiyang nodded, "What I'm afraid of is that some people not only want Lei Zhixue to enter the bureau, but also want Lei Zhixue to jump out of the strange circle of the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and hold important positions. I heard that I really want to get the idea of the secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee.

It's late at night, and Xia wants to lie in ** without sleep.

The context of the whole incident has now been completely clear in his mind. He opposes a series of people who wants to use the speech incident to suppress him and implicate the prosperity of generations. The real intention still falls on the top of Fu Lei's studies.

In fact, it is nothing for Lei Zhixue to enter the bureau. If the nine-member standing committee is eventually changed to the seven-member standing committee, Lei Zhixue's entry position can also be obtained. However, if you are opposed to the first department and still want to take the opportunity to let Lei Zhixue jump out of the reserve force, it is inevitable to escape the tragic end after the failure of the reserve force.

The reserve force is beautiful on the surface, and it sounds good, but it is actually a high-risk position with extremely high risk and a tragic end.

There are usually two or three reserve forces. After one person is finally determined, the other one or two will be reduced from the reserve force to marginal figures, and there will be no chance to become normal in the rest of their lives!

Politics is so cruel!

Since the reserve force is recognized as a reserve force at the beginning, it must be extraordinary. After the elimination, "in order to avoid the conflict between the only person who won the throne," it must be eliminated from the core of power, just like a person who was the reserve force with the General Secretary in that year, the General Secretary stepped into politics step by step by the After being a member of the Standing Committee of the Bureau, although he also joined the Bureau, he was the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Then I worked in the CPPCC for ten years, and ten years later, I continued to work in the National People's Congress for nearly ten years. The 20 years of good time was completely spent on the deputy of the CPPCC and the National People's Congress.

After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the general secretary retired, and he is also old enough to retreat to the end!

If the reserve force can't win the throne successfully, not to mention the permanent position, it can't even hold an important official position, not to mention the top priority of the position of secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee?

Lei Zhixue has been confirmed to be out in the successor's election. If he enters the Politburo, he will normally serve as the deputy of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the National People's Congress until he abdicates. However, those who oppose a series of people who want to use the speech incident to break the routine and take charge of the capital will not be recognized by the general secretary and will not be accepted by the family forces.

Because Guqiu will enter the position of standing committee after the 18th National Congress!

In the past, Xiaxiang had been predicting the prospect of Gu Qiushi and made a low-level mistake - it can't be regarded as a low-level mistake. Domestic political practices have not been formed for a few times, and it has basically not been normal, but it is associated with the general secretary's training as a successor after ten years of serving as It is a special case that Gu Qiushi will not enter the Standing Committee until he serves as a member of the Political Bureau, but he forgets that the General Secretary is directly promoted to the Standing Committee by the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, so as to enter the successor sequence in one fell swoop.

is also Guan Yuanqu's experience that he was about to win the position after serving as a member of the Standing Committee, which made Xiaxiang always think that Gu Qiushi would not enter the permanent position after serving as the secretary of the capital or Xiajiang Municipal Party Committee, but ignored Guan Yuanqu's training as a successor, which was Man is not him.

As the successor of the second generation, the tiger, like Zheng Gong designated the general secretary as the second successor, has made a full ten-year advance. Therefore, Gu Qiushi has to follow the path of the general secretary, not the road of Guan Yuanqu.

It was also Xia's mistake of judgment whether he wanted to enter the game or the normal game in ancient autumn, which made him always entangled in the problem of the Eighth Bureau of Lei Zhixue, and did not see the direction too clearly. Fortunately, he woke up in time at Jiang Xuesong's point, and there was a sense of seeing the sun in front of him.

So what to do next? Xia wants to completely straighten out his mind now. In addition, Lian Ruo-g has triggered a new round of diplomatic crisis. Now the initiative is initially in his hands. Tomorrow's meeting with Song Chaodu will lay the groundwork for the solution of European diplomatic protests. Li Ye, Xia is a good person, but he is not a good person who will not fight back if he is bullied. And when he gets better, he is so simple. But when it gets bad, it's also frighteningly bad.

The next day, Xia wanted to talk to Song Chaodu on the phone and met at the capital of Yan Province.

When Xia wanted to meet Song Chaodu, the United States officially announced the matter of the Confucius Institute. Suddenly, the domestic media was in an uproar, triggering a new round of diplomatic turmoil.

As a result, the protest submitted by the United States to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about Xia Xiang's inappropriate remarks was successfully covered up by the diplomatic incident of the Confucius Institute, and the diplomatic protest from the United States brought pressure to Xia Xiang.

As soon as Song Chaodu sat down, he answered two phone calls before he could say a word to Xia. One is about the diplomatic affairs of the United States, and the other is Song Yifan's phone call.

After answering the phone, Song Chaodu asked puzzledly, "Why do I think the two things have something to do with you? Xia thought that Xiao Fan wanted to open a private publishing company, but unexpectedly shocked Jiang Xuesong's secretary to come forward in person. After thinking about it, even if I call in person, I may not have so much face. Friendship, that's only you who come forward.

Xiaofan is messing around, do you indulge her? No matter how big it is, I'm sorry to bother Secretary Jiang. It's a big favor.

"And the matter of the Confucius Institute, why did it appear so timely? Do you think there is a shadow of you behind it?"

Xia wanted to smile and said, "Secretary Song, Xiaofan's matter is indeed my appearance. The matter of the Confucius Institute really has nothing to do with me, and my hand can't reach the United States. Besides, only the United States interferes in China's internal affairs. How can China interfere in the internal affairs of the United States?

"I won't express my opinion on your words for now. You used Xiaofan's things to advance the favor first. You must want me to return your greater favor. Come on, what did you think of Jijiang again?"

Xia thought did not refute, but said with a smile, "I just heard that a vice president of the second-car Volkswagen was taken away for investigation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection. I heard before that the second-car Volkswagen was interviewed twice by the General Administration of Quality Supervision because of the dsg gearbox incident, and the result was still a result. Secretary Song, hasn't the Jijiang Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government been paying attention to the second-car Volkswagen incident?

Song Chaodu smiled meaningfully.

ps: Ask for tickets, ask for subscription. There is still an update at midnight.