official god

Chapter 2177 The Way Home

After a calculation, Xia thought that he had not returned to Shancheng for nearly a year and set foot on the familiar land of Shancheng again. He was slightly excited.

For those who go home, it is nothing more than returning to their hometown or being timid, but Xia Xiang has another mood.

Originally, he had decided to go home quietly. He neither notified the Yan Provincial Party Committee nor informed the Shancheng Committee, and he deliberately did not determine the specific day to go back. He was afraid of leaking the news. He was learned by the Shancheng Municipal Committee,...

Unexpectedly, Xia wanted to inform his family to go back early tomorrow morning the night before. As a result, he departed from Yan City the next day and was stunned at the exit of Shancheng, which was already full of dark crowds at the exit of Shancheng. There was also a large banner hanging high, with a few big words written on it: Warmly welcome

Xia can't laugh or cry. What's the matter? He went home to reunite with his family, not to guide the work. The single city committee is too enthusiastic!

Not only the people of Shancheng, but also the common characteristics of the people of Yan Province are hospitality, and especially the people of Shancheng in the warm welcome to their superiors.

The current single-city committee has no direct line of Xiaxiang, but Xiaxiang's direct line has served as the mayor and the municipal party committee [book] in Shancheng, and it has lasted for several years, especially Peng Yunfeng once served as a single-city committee [book]. Basically, it can be said that the current single-city committee, Although the first or second leaders are not Xiaxiang's direct line, except for one or two leaders, almost the whole team is the power cultivated by Xiaxiang's direct line in the past ten years!

Not only these current single-city [book] Wang Duanjie and Mayor Wu Aizhou, who are all cronies of Gao Jinzhou.

The news that Xia wanted to prepare to go home was sent to the Single City Committee early on. Wang Duanjie and Wu Ai decided to mobilize all forces on Monday. They must find out the exact date of Governor Xia's return home, so as to greet him at the highway intersection. As the pride of Shancheng, Governor Xia is the highest-level senior official of Shancheng going out, and Governor Xia's upward momentum is unstoppable. It may be a lifelong event to be able to get a relationship with Governor Xia!

After a lot of effort, Wang Duanjie and Wu Aizhou launched almost all the relationship. Finally, they found out the exact date when Xia wanted to come back. They prepared the welcoming ceremony early, and made banners overnight to make Governor Xia feel the enthusiasm of Bin's concubine's home.

Originally, Wang Duanjie wanted to ask all the members of the single city committee to welcome him, but Wu Aizhou heard that Governor Xia didn't like to make a big voice, so he was afraid that it would be troublesome if he didn't shoot the horse on the horse's hooves. Who doesn't know that Governor Xia's future is How much worse is it than the current governor of Yan Province? The key is that Governor Xia has now initially shown signs as a successor. Not to mention the governor of Yan Province, even the provincial party committee [book] can't compare with the light of Governor Xia.

The top of the officialdom has always been huāhuā bridge. The better Xia Xiang's trend is, the stronger the centripetal force is, and the more various official figures around him, approaching him for various reasons and trying to win his favor.

Xia wants to go home and takes Cao Shuyu and Xia Dong. In addition, there is a driver and Tang Tianyun. Tang Tianyun is one of Xia's secretaries. The only one who wants to accompany Xia wants to return to his hometown in Shancheng is mainly because Xia's different status now. Even if he travels on a private business, he must It's easier to deal with.

Xiaxiang has a total of two cars, that is, an ordinary Audi, and it is also a general license plate in Yanshi, which is very inconspicuous, but on the highway, it is still greeted by the enthusiastic single city committee [book] and the mayor, which proves that the wisdom of official figures is infinite, and the .

In another city, Xia thought that he could ignore the kindness of the other party and get on the car and leave, but after all, Shancheng is his hometown. The parents of his hometown must be given three points. Although he was unhappy, he still got out of the car and said a few words with Wang Duanjie and Wu Aizhou.

"Duan Jie, Comrade Ai Zhou, I'm just going home to visit my relatives. What are you doing with such a big situation? Don't you want me to be quiet and not be reunited with my family? Xiaxiang's face darkened slightly.

Wang Duanjie and Wu Aizhou looked at each other, and their hearts jumped wildly. Governor Xia in front of them was several years younger than them, but the power of the superior burst out, which still made people involuntarily succumb to the authority.

"Govertain Xia, it's not easy for you to go home. As the parent officer of Shancheng, Ai Zhou and I didn't come forward to receive you. I'm really sorry. You are the pride of Shancheng. Please allow Ai Zhou and I to represent 10 million villagers in Shancheng. Welcome Governor Xia home!"

The welcoming team was not large, with only four or five cars, but because it was the peak of returning home, it still attracted passing vehicles to watch. Xia Xiang was more and more dissatisfied. He didn't like to confuse business and private affairs, but it was not easy for him to snub Wang Duanjie and Wu Aizhou in front of him, so he Zhi's kindness, since you have received me, please reply, so I don't have to bother you anymore.

After saying that, Xia wanted to get in the car and go.

Wang Duanjie and Wu Ai looked at each other. Knowing that they really took pictures of the horses' hoofs, they couldn't help but regretful and afraid. The two met for a long time and finally had no choice but to do it. They unanimously decided whether Governor Xia was against it or not. Anyway, it was already like this, and he Cheng Xiao

Go to the


In the car, Cao Shuqi also complained about Xia and thought, "The villagers, don't let Wang Duanjie and Wu Aizhou be too embarrassed. After all, it's also kind."

"Good intentions don't necessarily do good things." Xia wanted to hummed, "There are too many people sent in the officialdom. It doesn't make people quiet during the festival. When you go home to visit relatives, you have to walk through the scene and put on official articles? Do you still think I'm not tired?

"Look at you, have you eaten gunpowder? Say one sentence and you still have three words. All right, what do you say? I can't control you anymore. Cao Shuyu said a strange word.

"Dad was so majestic just now. His eyes narrowed, and he was so scared that both uncles immediately became short."

Xia Dong observed carefully, "I will also be an official when I grow up, so that others will be afraid of me."

Xia wanted to laugh: "I'm afraid what's good about you? The ancient emperor was called the emperor, that is to say, he was the largest in the world. As a result, he was the most lonely and had no friends. Living alone in the world does not mean that others are afraid of you, but that you have to be useful to others. Everyone needs you, so that you are the happiest person in the world.

"I see." Xia Dong didn't know whether he really understood or falsely. Anyway, he nodded and said thoughtfully, "I won't be a nose officer when I grow up. I want to be a person who is useful to everyone. I want everyone to understand the truth of what I say and hear what I say."

Cao Shuqi asked curiously, "Then what do you want to be?"

"I don't know. Anyway, it's a person who can influence the thoughts of many people."

Xia Dong realized Xia's literary dream, and he also realized the dreams of many [Zhong] Chinese literati. Countless years later, Xia Dong flew to Sweden, received an important literary award in Stockholm, and made a speech that was enough to be included in the history of Chinese literature.

Xiaxiang did not think deeply about Xia Dong's dream of a child at this time. His eyes penetrated the window of the car and saw his parents waiting at the gate of the community.

My father is old and his hair is white, but he still stands upright. My mother is also old, wrinkled and neatly dressed. Although she is simple, she is very decent.

For many years, from the time when Xia wanted to stay in the provincial capital, to Xia wanted to serve as the district governor, mayor and even the governor, the couple had been living in a community. They did not move to a larger and more luxurious house, and there was no car, only an electric car, and the furniture and household appliances at home were the same as As simple as before, I have never forgotten because my son is in a high position.

The clothes that Xiacheng wears are all the clothes left by Xiaxiang and Xia'an. He never buys new clothes to wear. Even if Xia wants to buy them for him, he doesn't wear them, saying that it's uncomfortable to wear new clothes. Zhang Lan's clothes are often bought by Cao Shuyun, and she wears whatever she gives her.

The two old people have raised two sons in their lives. One son is in the high position of governor, and the other son is now the mayor. But if you don't say it, no one will believe that Xia Cheng and Zhang Lan, dressed like ordinary people, will be the father of the hot governor Xiaxiang Xia in China!

It is also the simplicity of summer that makes Xia want to keep quiet when he goes to a high position step by step, and has not been troubled by too many unreasonable demands put forward by his distant neighbors. He maintains a sense of justice and moves forward on the road of official career.

Xia wants to have a deep respect for his parents who have always maintained a sincere and low-key erce.

As soon as he got out of the car, Xia Dong threw himself into Zhang Lan's arms and called his grandmother sweetly, which made Zhang Lanxin angry and couldn't close his mouth.

Xia wanted to get out of the car, came to Xia Cheng with Cao Shuqi and said softly, "Dad, I'm back."

"The boss is back" Xia Tiancheng's voice was also very soft. He stretched out his hand and patted Xiaxiang's shoulder. "It's good to come back. No matter how busy you are, you have to go home and have a look."

Whether Xia wants to be the mayor or the governor, whether he is a young man or a young man, he is the eldest son of the Xia family and the eldest in the eyes of his parents.

A sentence made Xia Chang's mood calm down a lot, and he realized his father's strong love for his son. In his heart, his heart was silent. Father's love was really as good as a mountain. Father's love was not as good as mother's nagging, but it has always been like a calm mountain, always giving people strength and

Summer has been the experience sent for many years. Although it is not a person in the officialdom, it is better than the person in the officialdom. At a glance, he saw the special car No. 1 and No. 2 of the municipal party committee far behind, and guessed something and said indifferently, "The things in the officialdom are originally coming and Your heart, you don't have to refuse people thousands of miles away.

In a sentence, Xia wanted to wake up. Xia wanted to smile happily and waved to the distance