official god

Chapter 2191 Uniform

In my impression, Xiaxiang has always been the type of knife hidden in laughter. When did he become so strong and aggressive? Yanai was so oppressed by Xia's hard words that he couldn't speak. He only felt that his chest was very dull, and the air in the room seemed to stop flowing.

I don't know how long it took for the government to finally grow a turbid breath. He was shocked by Xia's momentum in his heart, which made him feel out of breath. With his knowledge and experience, even in the face of the General Secretary, it was not like this!

Yan Nei felt very ashamed. He put on a gesture to respect Xia, trying to create a good atmosphere of talks, but he was not really afraid of Xia. Now that he is really pressed short by Xia, he will not admit defeat.

"Gour governor Xia, the cowhide is bragging too much. Be careful not to blow it, haha." The government laughs loudly.

Xia wanted to smile and said, "You have known me for so many years. Have you ever seen me say something big once?"

"..." Ya Nei's laughter stopped abruptly, and his mind quickly turned around. Indeed, Xia Xiang never said a big word in front of him, and as long as he said it, it would come true without discount.

Ya Nei calmed down and slowly sat back in his seat. As soon as he looked up, I don't know when Xia thought that he had already sat back one step ahead of him.

"Gourten Governor Xia..." The government considered the sentence, "I don't understand why you have to protect Liu Yilin?"

"I don't understand why you have to hit Liu Yilin?" Xia wanted to say, "I don't understand that in a government house in your hall, it is already very shameless to fall in love with other people's women. If you can't make love, you have to force her. Don't you think the means are very bad?"

"You..." The government's uncontrollable anger rose again, "Xiang, it's not your turn to teach me a lesson."

"Good, goodbye!" Xia wanted to just get up and leave.

The government was almost furious. Today, he invited Xia to come here to peacefully solve Liu Yilin's problem in the starting point of friendly negotiation. Of course, what the government did not want to admit was that when he heard that Xia wanted to deliberately release the rumor to intervene in Liu Yilin's problem. He was afraid that Xia would really take action at him. That's why I put on a big position to invite Xiaxiang.

I thought Xia would give him some face. Maybe some exchange terms will be proposed for negotiation, as long as Xia wants to make a request. It proves that there is room for negotiation. Unexpectedly, Xia thought that he had no intention to negotiate at all. He didn't give him a good face or sell him any face.

There is a seed, it really has a seed.

"Gourer Xia, please stay!" Xia thought, "If you have something to say, it's easy to discuss."

Xia wanted to turn around and stood still: "What's wrong? Have you decided to stop?"

"No, on the contrary, what I want to tell Governor Xia is that I will also eat Liu Yilin." The government yin smiled, "Liu Yilin is not your woman. Why do you have to take the lead for her? As long as you tell me yourself that she is your woman, I will give up immediately.

Yannai said it well, but in fact, he dug a trap to make Xia want to jump.

Xia didn't want to accept the words of the government and said, "The government, what I just said is not empty words. Be careful not to waste your pension money for the rest of your life. On Liu Yilin's issue, you don't want to bargain. There is no room for bargaining for some problems. Also, if you want, let's figure out the new and old accounts together today!"

The government can't believe his ears. Xia's momentum is so strong that it was different from before. He thought slightly and still forced his words: "I value friends but not interests. As long as you say a reason to convince me, I will immediately stop on Liu Yilin's matter, and And I will apologize to her face to face.

The government is still playing Tai Chi, and Xia's patience has been worn out.

"In the government office, I'm ready to accept the three industries under your name." Xia said bluntly and unequivocally, "If you think it's not exciting enough, your deposits in the United States, Switzerland and other places will either be frozen on suspicion of money laundering, or the account will be hyped in foreign media. No matter what kind of trigger it is, there is only one final result - your deposits abroad will be exposed. After that, it was legally confiscated.

"Not to mention the above, several of your industries in the United States will go bankrupt within a month and then be acquired at a very low price. That is to say, in about two months, the fruits of your 20 years of hard work will become a delicious meal on other people's plates. In other words, more than a month after the end of the 18th National Congress, you will change from a beautiful government to a penniless poor man!"

"You..." Ya Nei was so angry that he trembled all over.

I'm shivering, not only because of anger, but also because of fear. He didn't expect that his hidden industries and deposits abroad would be clearly touched by Xia, just like being stripped naked and standing in front of Xia.

Shame, shame, panic!

"Xia Think, you bully people too much!" The government was afraid. He had seen Xia Xiang's wrist and tasted the power of Xia Xiang. He knew that Xia Xiang's character had always said less and done more. Now he openly threatened him. Thinking of the fight with Xiao Jia some time ago, Xia Xiang was so hidden. It was not until the end that he knew that the black hand behind the scenes was Xia Xiang

Now Xiaxiang no longer hides and threatens him directly, which shows that Xiaxiang not only has a lot of real evidence, but also is likely to be fully prepared.

The government is in the capital. No, it has been in the whole country for many years, and has never tasted the taste of being threatened face to face. Today, Xia wants him to taste what it feels like. In the past, he threatened others more than once, always thinking that he was very unrestrained and could play with others in the palm of his hand. Every time he saw that the other party was angry but embarrassed, he would laugh and get a great sense of psychological satisfaction.

But now, when he changed his role and became the threatened party, he personally experienced the mentality of his opponent who was forced to be desperate by him - resentment, helplessness, and anger. He felt that there was a fire burning in his chest, and he almost broke through his chest.

"Think about the innocent women you occupied before, and the entrepreneurs who were forced to destroy their families in those years. In the government, you are not qualified to say that I bullied people too much!" Xia wanted to sneer, "If I really bully you too much, I won't warn you in advance, but take action directly. If I hadn't been too respectful to you, if I hadn't given you three points of thin noodles, would you still be able to bargain with me now? You have been burning your eyebrows for a long time.

The government is so angry that I can't speak!

Indeed, after Xia wanted to make an inappropriate statement in Germany and triggered a diplomatic disturbance, the conservative forces launched an offensive against Xia wanted. At that time, the government thought that it could beat Xia wanted to be embarrassed. Unexpectedly, Xia wanted not only calmly in the end, but also put the conservative forces in danger. A flash of the old waist is equivalent to stealing chickens, but eating rice. On the contrary, the civilian system betrayed the conservative forces at the critical moment, and also made the regiment and the family forces cooperate more closely.

If before the turmoil of speech, the government could still fantasize that it could defeat Xiaxiang politically, but now, it is very clear in his heart that Xiaxiang has grown into a forest, and no matter how big the storm is, he can't do anything about it.

The government was like a discouraged ball for a moment. He looked directly at Xiaxiang for a long time. Finally, he retreated under Xiaxiang's aggressive eyes. He withdrew his eyes and sat back in his seat helplessly: "Gunch Minister Xia, I promise that I will not harass Liu Yilin from now on!"

"How to solve Liu Yilin's divorce?" Xia thought that he would not let go of the government account easily. Several troubles were provoked by the government account on the initiative to teach him a lesson. Maybe he would never die, and he still wanted to cause trouble. "And, how can you figure out the last account of the business entanglement between you and Xiao Jia?"

Although the business entanglement between the government and Xiao Jia ended in the overall failure of the government, the government is unwilling to fail. It has never given up the counterattack. From time to time, it creates a little trouble to add chaos to Xiao Jia's business. Although the trouble is not big, it is like a toad falling on the foot. It does

But from the practice of not daring to fight again since he was a child, it can also be concluded that the government's internal confidence is insufficient, and he can only take some unsavage measures to show his shamelessness and behavior.

"All written off!" The government agreed very readily. He was afraid, and he was really afraid.

"I just want to say..." Xia wanted to turn around and leave. With a firm back, he finally left a sentence that had always impressed him, "Remember, I want to live in peace. From now on, be a person of my own business! Don't have selfish thoughts, and don't have crooked ways, otherwise, you will live on pensions like the majority of retired enterprise employees.

Xia Xiang's back disappeared at the door without any hesitation. He looked out from the window in a daze. Seeing that Xia Xiang quickly got on the car, and then the car drove away silently, like a black lightning, the flashing black light, leaving an indelible shadow in the heart of the government.

It is not only a shadow, but also a nightmare. From now on, it has been tormenting the nightmare of the government for the rest of my life.

"Mr. Gao, what should I do?"

Not long after Xiaxiang left, Guo Huarui came out of nowhere and asked mysteriously.

"What should I do?" Yannai looked at Guo Huarui impatiently, "Don't mention today's things to the public, otherwise..."

The government snorted coldly and looked at Guo Huarui coldly.

Guo Huarui nodded repeatedly: "I'm sure I won't talk nonsense. I'm not an unreliable person, isn't it Mr. Gao?" But I thought to myself, Shit, what is it? Xia wanted to be scolded like a dog. What's the prestige in front of me now? Do you have the ability to destroy Xia?

Guo Huarui turned around and went outside, took out the phone, thought for a moment, and still dialed out a number. It took a long time for the other party to answer the phone. He bent down respectfully and said, "Gend Minister Xia, I'm Guo Huarui..."

Xia wanted to be slightly surprised to receive the phone call from Guo Huarui. Then she figured out something and smiled, "Hello, Huarui, what's the matter?"

"It's not a big deal. There is a small thing about Zong Gao. I want to report it to Governor Xia." ( To be continued)