official god

Chapter 2193 What happened

The car drove all the way from the capital to Yanshi.

There are a total of five people in the car. In addition to the drivers, there are Wei Xin, Song Yifan, Fu Xianxian and Xiaxiang - as Fu Xianxian said, Xia Xin was accompanied by three beautiful women all the way south to Yanshi.

Now Xia wants to stop driving. He is at a high level and is no longer allowed to sit on the driver's seat. In fact, at his current age, he is very willing to drive by himself. It's just limited to the regulations, so I have to give up.

If he was allowed to drive, the car would not be so crowded, but now there are five people, so it's a little crowded. Song Yifan insisted on squeezing over and refused to take another car. Xia wanted to do nothing about her.

And she had to sit in the back, leaning on Xiaxiang. Xia wanted to sit in the back right position, Wei Xin sat in front of him, Song Yifan sat on his left, and Song Yifan's left was Fu Xianxian.

Originally, Fu Xian wanted to sit next to Xia. She still had a lot to say to Xia. Unexpectedly, Song Yifan played tricks and insisted on sitting in the middle. She was the youngest and most favored by Xia. Fu Xian had no choice but to give in.

For the first time, Fu Xianxian felt the threat in Song Yifan. Usually, Xia wanted to spoil her the most, but now she knows that Song Yifan is Xia's favorite sister.

But it's okay. Song Yifan is just Xiaxiang's sister, not Xiaxiang's woman.

The reason why Mr. Fu Xian was angry was that Song Yifan was in the middle of her and Xiaxiang, which made her conversation with Xiaxiang very awkward.

In Wei Xin's villa, Fu Xian didn't finish her idea. Xia wanted to propose to talk while walking on the road.

He said it while walking on the road, but Song Yifan's big light bulb was dazzling. Fu Xian couldn't help but be angry and laughing at Song Yifan. Song Yifan laughed at her that sometimes she really had no plan. She was just a child's temper, so he let Fu Xian be embarrassed and insisted on having trouble with Song Yifan. .

"Your idea is very good, but it is very difficult to implement. I'm not attacking your enthusiasm. I invest in a public welfare hospital, and I have to lose at least a few hundred million yuan every year." Xia wanted to deal with the idea of first, first affirmed it, and then put forward a pertinent opinion. "Zhong] There is an old saying that it is a good thing to save the poor, save the dead and help the wounded, but it is not completely free. If you want to have a suitable and reasonable free policy to treat the poor people who have no money Wisdom is indispensable for all three.

"Simple things, you are always complicated, and I will open the door of free. Whoever comes into my door can get free treatment, and what's wrong?" Fu Xian thought that the problem was a little simpler, and she was very unconvinced and wanted to say to the summer.

"You think the problem is too idealistic." Xia wants to shake her head slightly, "How many people who drive BMW and Mercedes-Benz apply for affordable housing in China? Even the domestic subsistence allowance is 1,000 yuan per month, which is not enough for some rich people for a meal, but there are still many rich people who pretend to be subsistence allowance households and have successfully applied for the subsistence allowance. 〖 The wisdom of the Chinese people is shrewdness that you can't imagine. And the selfishness and dignity hidden under shrewdness are also cheap that you can't imagine.

Fu Xian opened her mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time. Although her appearance was very cute, her shocked expression made Xia want to be helpless.

Fu Xianxian's wish is good, but she doesn't understand the inferiority of some Chinese people. Some Chinese people can exert their wisdom to the extreme in order to covet a little cheapness, but in fact, they still hurt themselves in the end.

In Italy, there is a city with a population of 200,000, and there are as many as 30,000 Chinese, most of whom are from Wenzhou. The gathering place of Wenzhou people is called Wenzhou City. At first, Wenzhou people made outstanding contributions to the local economic development and were very popular with local residents.

But now, due to competition, due to the inherent cleverness of the Chinese people, they began to play tricks when doing business and began to use inferior products. As a result, the reputation that has been hard-established for more than ten years has been destroyed, and the local ** has made a lot of actions to search for fake and shoddy products from door.

The former glory is gone forever, the Chinese are discriminated against locally, and the business has plummeted, so it can only be supported.

Just like the fallen master in the Northeast, he did business with Russia at the beginning and abided by the law. Soon he became smart, cut corners and used inferior goods, and completely destroyed the Great Wall. Until today, when it was mentioned in Russia, domestic products, it was still regarded as fake and inferior products by the locals.

After all, cleverness can't become great wisdom. Legal and honest management is the long-term way.

Unfortunately, there are too many Chinese people who like to look for all kinds of loopholes, and there is only one country in the world that can produce gutter oil, toxic rice and Clenbuterol, that is, [China].

Fu has money first, and can't fill the selfishness and greed of cheap Chinese people. Free hospitals can only be an unrealistic dream. If you really want to open it, I'm afraid that many rich people who pretend to be poor will be hospitalized, and the real poor will not have a chance to benefit.

A reasonable system is a necessary prerequisite to ensure the healthy development of public welfare hospitals. Xiaxiang will not crack down on Fu Xianxian's kindness, let alone help her realize her dream. He continued: "Public welfare hospitals should provide free treatment. It is impossible to examine applicants for qualifications like affordable housing or low-rent housing. Sometimes patients If you are in critical condition, you must save people first. But the question is, how to ensure the healthy and orderly long-term development of public welfare hospitals, and not let the rich and powerful take the opportunity to occupy the resources of the poor? Have you thought of a reasonable system that can not only guarantee free treatment for the poor, but also ensure that the rich and powerful can make up for the resources that do not belong to them?

Fu Xian shook his head like a tumbler: "No, I didn't think about it. If I think about everything, I won't pay first. I must have thought about it.

Xia wanted to smile helplessly and said, "Although the public welfare hospital is only for the poor, if your hospital has superb medical skills and a long reputation, there will definitely be many rich and powerful people. When they come to seek medical treatment, you can't refuse. Saving lives and helping the wounded is the foundation of the hospital. What should you do?"

Fu Xian blinked a few times and smiled badly: "I understand, kill them hard, and then take their money to subsidize the hard-working public."

Xia wanted to nod: "That's right, it's not right. You can't ask them to kill them, but let them be willing to pay more money. For example, it can be said that an entrepreneur donated a love money, and then left his name on the public monument of the hospital, carved their names into the stone, and let them be immortal on the stone. I'm sure many people will be willing to. For example, the list of the largest donated charity philanthropists in the public welfare hospital is published once a year, and their names are printed on the clothes of free patients and various living utensils, etc. Reputation, especially good fame, is also the greatest wealth in life.

"You are so smart." Fu Xian nodded repeatedly, "In the end, he is an official. He has a lot of intentions. He calculates people one by one, and he can't let people not be fooled."

Xia wanted to laugh: "Are you praising me or hurting me? Besides, there is a surplus to make up for the loss. It is the way of heaven. How can we calculate it? It's also a good thing to accumulate some virtues for the rich and unkind people. They will thank you in the future.

While talking, the car unconsciously drove under the Xiama River Bridge. At this time, the sunset was just right, and people came and went on the bridge, a harmonious and happy scene.

Xia just discussed a heavy topic with Fu Xian first. His eyes were attracted by the beautiful scenery outside, and he felt much more relaxed and said, "Stop!"

As soon as the car stopped, he got out of the car and stood by the bridge. He looked at the vast Xiama River from afar. Seeing thousands of golden lights flashing, it was indeed a boundless beautiful scenery. Thinking of a flood in the Xiama River in those years, the former ** and dreams were realized today, which made people feel a feeling of

The disembarkation area is the real take-off place of Xiaxiang's officialdom road, and it is also the first time to show Xiaxiang's civilian feelings. It is in the disembarking area that he has experienced a series of ups and downs and hardships, and finally successfully stood at the beginning of the tide, but

Get off the horse area, why is it not memorable?

Get off the horse river, how can it not be imaable!

Xia thought about the car. Fu Xianxian, Song Yifan and Wei Xin all got out of the car. Several people stood behind him silently and were attracted by Xia's demeanor without saying a word. Several people rarely see when Xiaxiang is stunned. The afterglow of the sunset is reflected on Xiaxiang's resolute face, making his eyes melancholy and sad, as if the time is extremely long. At this moment, it is still, and only in Xiaxiang's eyes flow slowly like a river.

Although Fu Xianxian, Yan Xiao and Song Yifan had different minds, they remembered the time when they first met with Xia at the same time. In those years, they were hot in the Xiama District. In those years, they died in the Xiama River to resist the danger of the flood. In those years, the warmth of Xia wanted to walk in the Xia Ma

No matter how difficult the memory is to reincarnated, and the past is difficult to emerge, the best thing in life is to have memories that can be recalled again and again.

Suddenly, a fierce shout woke up the quiet dreams of several people...

"Save people, someone jumped into the river!"

Just as Xiaxiang's eyes reached, just dozens of meters away, a man jumped down from the bridge. Under the sunset, a dazzling light flashed and fell into the Xiama River a few meters deep.

Xia wants to see the score clearly. The white light flashing is the silver hair of the person who jumped into the river, that is to say, it is a white-haired old man!

"Save people quickly!" Wei Xin also screamed in a hurry.

Because they were far away, Fu Xian and Song Yifan could see it clearly. Where had they ever seen the suicide scene? They were shocked, scared and nervous. Song Yifan rushed forward with a "ah" and tried to hold Xia Xiang's arm.

Fu Xianxian was also panicked for a moment, and he couldn't help relying on Xiaxiang... Xia wanted to support the railing with both hands, and his center of gravity moved forward. He was pushed by Song Yifan and leaned on Fu Xianxian. Unexpectedly, his hand softened, and the whole person turned over and fell from under the railing

In the blink of an eye, Xia thought followed the person who jumped into the river and fell into the water with a "plop".