official god

Chapter 2206 The biggest winner

The prospects of the Western Province have become clearer and clearer.

Lei Zhixue is about to leave. Xia wants to take full power. In the eyes of outsiders, it is obviously to prepare for the appointment of the provincial party committee. Many people in the provincial party committee are guessing that Governor Xia hasn't been governor for a long time. No, it's not long, but he hasn't been appointed by the National People's Congress. That is to say, Xia wants to be the acting governor now.

A deputy governor took over as the secretary of the provincial party committee before the appointment was officially approved. It is a unique precedent in China. How can it be possible?

But if Xia didn't want to take over as the secretary of the provincial party committee, who would be the secretary of the provincial party committee after Lei Zhixue left?

In everyone's puzzlement and speculation, the footsteps of the 18th National Congress approached.

However, on the eve of the 18th National Congress, the Western Province held a significant standing committee to discuss the issue of the party secretaries of the political party committees of various cities in the western province no longer serving as the director of the public security bureau.

Xia wanted to support it, but Lei Zhixue did not object. Finally, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee passed the vote. As a result, the Western Province became the second province after Lingnan that the municipal law committee secretaries in the province no longer also served as the head of the public security bureau.

Moreover, the adjustment speed of municipal law secretaries in various parts of the western province is surprisingly fast. It was adjusted in just a few days and completed a historic move.

The adjustment of the Western Province has just passed, and the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was officially held in the capital in October.

Xiaxiang set out for the capital with Lei Zhixue and more than 40 other elected deputies to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to participate in the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which is destined to go down in history.

The convening of the 18th National Congress marks that the domestic political pattern has entered a new period, and also indicates that the next decade will be a brand-new era, and China has stepped into another historical period.

As expected, Guan Yuanqu was elected as the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Wu Caiyang, Dai Fusheng, Gu Qiushi and others were also elected to the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau, a total of seven people!

As soon as the news was announced, it shocked the foreign media. The restoration of the Seven Members of the Standing Committee is a major political event, which indicates that the domestic political situation may change in a more favorable direction.

Song Chaodu, Qiu Renli, Mei Shengping and Lei Zhixue were successfully elected as members of the Political Bureau of the 18th Central Committee, as speculated by the outside world. Given that there is no precedent for members of the Political Bureau to serve as secretaries in the provincial committee where the above four people are located, it is foreseeable that several people will leave office.

In the political pattern after the 18th National Congress, the strong rise of the family power, and the conservative department has lost sharply. The civilian department has not weakened the city much and has not moved forward much. The regimental system has also won a lot. The family power and the regimental system have become the biggest winner. Another hidden winner is Xia Xiang!

At least four of the seven members of the Standing Committee have a good relationship with him. Needless to say, Wu Caiyang can conclude from his ranking second only to Guan Yuanqu that he will be elected as the National People's Congress Committee after the Two Sessions in March next year. There is also a lot of personal friendship between Guan Yuanqu and him. Don't mention his experience as a student of Guan Yuanqu, even the origin of Guan Yuanqu's traditional family power will also have a natural closeness to him.

Dai Fusheng is a general of the regiment. If he and Xiaxiang were not close in the past, and Xiaxiang did not know much about him, he and Xiaxiang had established an unbreakable bridge between him and Xiaxiang. Since then, the friendship between Daifusheng and Xiaxiang has lasted for many years.

Guan Yuanqu is calm, Fusheng is gentle, and Wu Caiyang is important. The new central group led by the three of them will certainly lead China to make great strides forward with a more confident and steady pace, and Xia Xiang, who has a good relationship with the three people, will usher in after the 18th National Congress. The golden age of rapid growth in his life!

As for the relationship between Gu Qiushi and Xiaxiang, not to mention the personal relationship between Gu Qiushi and Xiaxiang, which can be described as a confidant. There is no confidant in the officialdom, but between Gu Qiushi and Xia Xiang, they are indeed friends who cherish each other.

Moreover, the friendship between Gu Qiushi and Xiaxiang has been passed down to future generations and has become a model of sincere friendship in officialdom. Gu Qiushi has been doing his best to support Xiaxiang. It was not until Xia wanted to take office that he retreated freely, and as soon as he retreated to the end, he did not miss power.

Gu Qiushi's tenure was also the most clear and economically stable period in domestic politics after the founding of the People's Republic of China, which laid a good start for Xiaxiang's governance.

Xia wants to be grateful for many people in his life. Gu Qiushi makes him feel the closest person psychologically. Not only is Gu Qiushi the closest to his age, but also the lifelong friendship between Gu Qiushi and him.

After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the leaders of some provinces have made adjustments. Of course, the provinces involved in the adjustment are several provinces where the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee was elected as members of the Political Bureau.

The Western Province is also just within the adjusted province.

Before the adjustment, Xia wanted to be ordered to go to Beijing and was received by Guan Yuanqu and Dai Fusheng.

As the governor of Xiaxiang, as soon as he enters Beijing, he can be received at the same time as No. 1 and No. 3, and he is the only first person in China.

Guan Yuanqu and Dai Fusheng solicited Xiaxiang's opinions on the candidate for the secretary of the Western Provincial Party Committee.

Generally, for the candidates of the standing committee of the Party committee at the same level, the Central Committee will solicit the opinions of the Provincial Party Committee. But the general election of the secretary of the provincial party committee, "The general secretary wants to ask for the governor's opinion. Xia thought that this governor is indeed extraordinary.

When meeting with Guan Yuanqu, Xia wanted to briefly mention the public welfare hospital. So far, under his promotion, more than a dozen public welfare hospitals have been built across the country, hoping that the central government can publicly support the cause of public welfare hospitals.

When meeting with Dai Fusheng, Xia wanted to mention the issue of education industrialization. His relationship with Dai Fusheng has surpassed the relationship between superiors and subordinates, so he mentioned the issue of education in front of Dai Fusheng. Ten years of trees, a hundred years of people, the direction of the education system is wrong, and the students who are educated will be in the wrong direction.

And students are related to the future of the country. If a country's students only pursue scores in school and only pursue money after leaving the school, the future of the country will be worrying.

Dai Fusheng said that he would seriously study Xiaxiang's proposal, and affirmed the public welfare elderly care and public welfare hospitals under the leadership of Xiaxiang, pointing out that the relevant departments of the state are studying the feasibility of legislation to encourage public welfare elderly care and public welfare hospitals. The Legal Working Committee of the National People's Congress is being demonstrated by all parties The first stage of exploration has begun.

The chairman of the National People's Congress is Wu Caiyang. If the law is legislated, Xia Xiang's opinion will be directly transmitted to the Legal Working Committee of the National People's Congress through Wu Caiyang.

Then, Xiaxiang met Gu Qiushi again.

The ancient autumn is normal, which is equivalent to completely surfaced. Major foreign media are reporting on him in a row. True or false, false, false and false, which makes him overwhelmed.

Fortunately, in Guqiu's internship, the outside world speculated about him, and he has long been worried about all kinds of gossip. As a superior, if you don't have the heart, even if you fool the vast number of people who don't know the truth, you can't deceive the domestic high-level officials, or you will be pissed off by foreign news reports.

"I'm coming, Xiaxiang." Gu Qiushi still said in a faint tone, shaking hands gently with Xia, "Sit down."

Xiaxiang has not changed, and he is still the governor, but Gu Qiushi has been promoted from a deputy state-level national leader to a national leader. His identity has been very different from before. It is unknown whether he has changed in front of others, but in front of Xiaxiang, he is still as kind as before.

Xia Xiang is also indifferent in front of Gu Qiushi, and does not have more formality because of the improvement of Gu Qiushi's identity.

"Secretary Gu, I have some ideas about the arrangement of the Western Provincial Party Committee." Xia wanted to get straight to the point, but he did not have any scruples because of the new height of Gu Qiushi's status.

"Oh..." Gu Qiushi looked at Xiaxiang with great interest! Eyes, "What do you think?"

Gu Qiushi also knew that Xiaxiang had met Guan Yuanqu and Dai Fusheng separately before. He didn't hear that Xiaxiang also put forward ideas for the two, but only mentioned them to him. It can be seen that Xia wants to trust him the most.

"In terms of my personal immaturity, the team in the West Province should try to take into account the overall situation and take less attention to personal emotions, and I don't think I'm ready..." Xia wanted to say his true thoughts directly.

Gu Qiushi stared at Xia for a moment and smiled meaningfully: "Sometimes I don't think I know you well enough... Well, I respect your opinion. Maybe you're right."

Xia wanted to smile with relief: "Thank you, Secretary Gu."

"If you say thank you again, I'll see you outside." Gu Qiushi waved his hand and said, "I happen to be free in the evening. Let's have a casual meal together."

In the current Gu Qiushi's identity, the daily arrangement must be very tight. He can take the initiative to invite Xiaxiang to dinner, which is a special expression of Xiaxiang's great importance, and he also wants to talk to Xiaxiang in private about important things.

Xia thought for a moment, nodded and agreed, "I'll say hello to the chairman first. I had already agreed to have dinner with him in the evening, so I pushed his dinner first."

Gu Qiushi laughed and said, "Well, my face is bigger than the chairman's."

With a smile, Gu Qiushi and Xiaxiang completed another tacit exchange.

After dinner with Gu Qiushi, Xia wanted to stay in Lao Gu's home, talk to Lao Gu and talk about the future.

Speaking of Gu Yu, who was about to come back, Lao Gu was in an extremely comfortable mood. Gu Yu gave birth to a son, and he had been named Gu Lai. He always had a great grandson. In his lifetime, he saw a successor of the Gu family. He took Xiaxiang's hand and said with infinite emotion, "Xiaxiang, I

Xia wants to comfort Lao Gu: "You are very healthy, and you will definitely live to the day when you grow up in ancient times. How nice it would be to see the birth of ancient children with your own eyes..."

"Good, good, who doesn't want to live a long life?" Lao Gu said with infinite vicissitudes, "I have a hunch that I will definitely not live to grow up in ancient times. As long as I can accompany Gu to grow up to ten years old, I will be satisfied. Xia think that in the future, Gu Yu and Gu Lai will be handed over to you. When I'm not here, you must treat them well and let them live a safe and happy life!"

Xia wanted to hold the old man's hand tightly, heard the old man's last words like his last words, and remembered Lao Gu's meticulous love for him for more than ten years, and burst into tears.