official immortal road

Chapter 24: Old King Support

Lin Ran was indeed bold at this time. He challenged the majesty of Wu Dexingjun over and over again. Wu Dexingjun had a murderous intention in his heart and even wanted to abolish his cultivation on the spot! I don't know why, Wu Dexingjun has a vague feeling in his heart that Lin Ran will not kill him in the cradle now and will become his deadly opponent in the future!

"Go down!" Wu Dexingjun resisted jumping down and pinched Lin Ran's rush, and shouted with a big sleeve.

"Get out of here!" Before Lin Ran could react, he threw away the heavenly soldier who held him away with his backhand.

"You are immortal officials, but you force the crime on others without conclusive evidence! How frightening is it? Is there any other reason? Is there any king's law?" Lin Ran approached the hall and shouted harshly. He seemed to be more indignant and regretful.

Everyone on the court was stunned. To be precise, it was dull, and even Wu Dexingjun was no exception.

Lin Ran is really not the same! They have never seen such a fairy. They have repeatedly resisted arrest and repeatedly remorized their superior immortals, giving no face at all. This product is wonderful in the sky! Thoroughly strange! However, his behaviors are still admired by some of the lower-level immortals of the Imperial Horse Prison, and they can question their superiors. Such courage is worth their thumbs up and have a little good impression on Lin Ran.

"Do you really think I dare not kill you?" Wu Dexing's voice was almost squeezed out of his teeth, and his eyes flashed cold.

" Paralyzed, do you think I'm afraid of you? Wude, I made it clear today! Will you try to kill me? I bet you dare not go down! Do you dare?" Lin Ran cursed, regardless of his image.

This product has returned to normal after all. The immortals in the hall sighed in their hearts that if Lin Ran suddenly became silent, it would be a little unacceptable. On the contrary, this kind of rebellious words could make them feel better.

"Do you say it again?" Wu Dexing stood up and glared at Lin Ran angrily.

"Lin Ran! This time, I will abolish your cultivation! Let's see if you dare to talk nonsense!" At this time, Yu Can acted again and rushed to Lin Ran again, but Lin Ran was not moved at all, and a sinister smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.

" Stop it!" Just as Yu Can was about to attack Lin Ran again, a long and vicissitudes of voice suddenly came in from the outside, and the sound slowly flowed throughout the hall. Everyone felt dizzy for a moment, and even Wu Dexingjun was no exception.

When Wu Dexingjun and Yu Can heard this sound, their faces turned white and there was no blood color. Yu Can also hurriedly turned to the side and jumped aside, and their bodies trembled slightly. Wu Dexing sat in his seat and muttered that he didn't know what to say.

Lin Ran sneered, then turned to the door behind him and made a deep bow in the direction of the door of the house, "Please come."

"What?" Everyone on the court was shocked, and there was only one name in the whole heaven called Laojun, that is, Taishang Laojun! I didn't expect that Lin Ran was really too old man! And his arrival in person was enough to see how much he looked at Lin Ran, but what puzzled everyone was why Lao Jun knew about this? Wu Dexing has blocked the news in order to avoid accidents?

"Why don't you see Lao Jun?" Lin Ran was refreshed and paralyzed when he saw everyone's stunned expression. Look at how awesome you were just now! I will kill you today! Especially you, Yu Can! I almost fainted by you just now. This hatred can't be just about this!

"can...see Lao Jun." Everyone hurried to the door, and a little sweat oozed from their foreheads.

"Although Lin Ran is stubborn, he is not guilty. Wu De, what are you doing?" Taishang Laojun slowly came in from the door of the house in a white Taoist robe, followed by a Taoist boy on both sides.

"Lao Jun's words are heavy. I just want to find Lin Ran to ask something about. Lao Jun, please sit down." Wu Dexingjun hurriedly got up and gave up his seat, and complained in his heart. How could Lao Jun know? Why did it come in such a timely manner? Someone must be informing! Wu Dexingjun simply scolded the informer's ancestor 18 times.

"Laojun, you have to decide this for me today! You also know that Donghe injured me in front of you! At that time, it was lucky for me to escape from your coming. After I went back, I followed your advice to cultivate myself. As soon as I came out to relax, I was forcibly escorted here by them. Wu Dexingjun's apprentice Donghe died for no reason, but they put the blame on me! Laojun, if you come a little later, you will abolish me to repair it! You have to make the decision for me!" Lin Ran cried with a grieving face, almost saying that he was more unjust than Dou E.

When everyone heard Lin Ran's words, his facial muscles twitched, and the paralyzed guy really didn't feel pain in standing and talking! When did you forcibly take him? He was an old man when he came! After coming, he was also an old man. Lawlessness is the most suitable adjective for him! But now even Wu Dexingjun dares to argue, let alone others? Yu Zhen was so scared that he almost didn't spread it out.

"Is that true?" Laojun looked majestically and asked Wu Dexingjun, who bowed his head. At the same time, he glanced at Yu Can, who shivered directly.

"No...nothing, just want to confirm. The bereaved man was heartbroken and may be a little irrational. There were some inappropriate things that I didn't find out in my work. Please forgive me. I will severely punish my men. After saying that, Wu Dexingjun immediately turned his head to Yu Can, "Yu Can! Why don't you admit your mistake to Lin Ran?"

This Wude Xingjun slipped so thoroughly! And the face is even thicker than the wall! Paralyzed, a sentence of mourner's heartache completely shifted the responsibility to Yu Can! This is simply shameless and unlimited! Lin Ran scolded in his heart. Now it seems that even if they blame him for slandering Wu Dexingjun, it won't be a big deal. After all, Wu Dexingjun didn't do anything, not to mention Li Jing.

Poor Yu Can, a bloody scapegoat! Lin Ran mourned for Yu Can in his heart.

In fact, the reason why Lin Ran was so arrogant at the beginning was that Lao Jun suddenly sent a voice to him, reassuring him that this was an opportunity to push Yu Zhuo down! The best result is to pull Wu Dexingjun into the water together, but now it seems impossible.

If only Wu Dexingjun had just been released. Lin Ran felt a pity that in that case, Laojun would definitely save himself, and Wu Dexingjun would also fall into a redress, and it would be difficult not to be demoted. Unfortunately, this guy is so tolerant that Lin Ran was so provocative that he didn't do anything.

Taishang Laojun is in charge of the position of immortal officials. There is no evidence to prove that the death of Donghe and Beihe was done by Lin Ran, so they will convict him randomly. If Lin Ran is not * definitely finished, the fault is that the backer behind him is Taishang Laojun, and such a little problem can kick you down.

"You are wronged! The little one was also anxious for a moment and confused. I beg you to forgive me!" Yu Can hurriedly knelt down and kept worshipping the old man. The ground sounded with a crying voice.

In the current situation, everyone has forgotten that Lin Ran has committed the following crimes. Even if he remembers, he dares not mention it!

"At the beginning, I introduced Lin Ran to the imperial horse prison and repeatedly told him to take care of Lin Ran. It's okay if you don't take care of him, but you continue to harm him and regard Lin Ran as a needle. Yesterday, I just kept Lin Ran from persecution, but I didn't want to repeat it again today! Yu Can, do you really think that I can't cure you? Taishang Laojun's tone was cold and asked Yu Can in a harsh voice. In that way, he was really angry. Even Wu Dexingjun beside him was full of cold sweat.

What's good about Lin Ran's heart full of envy and hatred? Is it worthy of your attention? Isn't it Laojun's illegitimate child? Don't cover people like this! If it goes on like this, won't Lin Ran have to walk across the fairyland in the future?

"I dare not, Laojun, you must have misunderstood! I...I...Lord Xingjun, please talk to Lao Jun!" Yu Can can't even speak and defend now. It seems that he is really scared and looks at Wu Dexingjun with a praying face.

Wu Dexingjun hurriedly looked away from Yu Can. Now if he speaks for Yu Can, he may be in trouble. How dare he speak for him?

Paralyzed, this Wu Dexingjun is so vicious! Turning your face is faster than turning over a book! After knocking down Yu Can's head, he ignored it directly! Lin Ran scolded in his heart, and at the same time understood a truth. In this heaven, I'm afraid there are really no friends to talk about. As soon as he encounters problems related to his own interests, he will be alone.

"Wu Dexingjun, do you have something to say for him?" Lao Jun turned his head and looked at Wu Dexingjun and asked meaningfully.

Wude Xingjun doesn't dare to come out to talk now, shaking his head like a rattle. "Everything is at Laojun's conclusion, as long as you can calm down."

After hearing Wu Dexingjun's words, Yu Can's heart suddenly fell into the ice cave and sat on the ground with a gray face. "Xingjun, you can't do this to me! You can't do this to me! I am loyal to you, and you are the one who made the action! You can't do this to me!" In the end, Yu Can almost climbed to the feet of Wu Dexingjun and cried, and Wu Dexingjun's words had destined Yu Can's fairy journey to end here.

"Get out of here!" Wu Dexing shouted violently, kicked Yu Can away, and turned his red face aside. Originally, everything was fine, but I didn't expect Lao Jun to suddenly come and slap him in the face.

Today, this matter can be said to have disfigured his face and lost his prestige, but the existence of a top-level figure in heaven like Taishang Laojun does not allow him to have any rebellion at all. At present, how can he speak for Yu Can's interests? I just want to leave this place quickly. Originally, he came here to look for the enemy who killed him, but he didn't expect it to be like this. Wude Xingjun is now angry and dares not be angry.

"Yu Can, do you have anything else to say?" The emperor asked Yu, who was sitting on the ground and lost consciousness.

"No! No! I'm right! I'm right! Laojun, you want to be clear!" Yu Can roared crazily and looked extremely embarrassed. The immortals on the field are sweating profusely and their faces are extremely unnatural. Isn't this old man protecting Linran too obvious? It really made them jealous.

No one dares to make a sound, even breathing very slowly, and the atmosphere is breathless. Yu Can now has the smell of betrayal. Seeing Yu Can's appearance makes Lin Ran feel a little guilty, but more guilty that he failed to pull Wu Dexingjun into the water.

"Yu Can abused his power, bullied and slandered his subordinates, detained his crimes, violated the heavenly rules, and separated him from the post of Bi Ma Wen! Bian entered the mortal world and went to Wuhu Mountain to serve on the land. Don't be neglected to leave on the same day!" Taishang Laojun directly gave the order of death, and his tone was unquestionable.

It's so cruel! Hearing this, everyone sighed that the official position of the god of the land could not be lower! Yu Can, a seven-grade immortal official, went to be a land without any oil and water rights. It's really pitiful.

"No! No! I don't want to go down to the land! I don't want it! I don't want it! Lin Ran! It's all yours! I want you to die!" Yu Can's eyes were extremely sinister, and he suddenly rushed to Lin Ran with a murderous face, which almost swallowed him alive.

"Presumptuous!" When Taishang Laojun saw that Yu wanted to attack Lin Ran, he shouted and shook the dust in his hand. A golden glazed fog directly surrounded Yu Can's body, and then shook it again. Yu Zhen's scream hit the stone pillar in the hall. The stone pillars in the arms of the three people were all broken, but there was nothing in the hall. Shake.

"Yu Can! You make mistakes again and again! Do you want to go to prison?" Wu Dexing also spoke at this time.

Lin Ran looked at Wu Dexingjun contemptuously. Relatively speaking, Lin Ran felt that this Wude Xingjun made him more disgusting.

"No! I don't accept it! I don't accept it!" Yu Can got up from the gravel pile and roared with a ferocious face. All this was not his fault in the first place, but now he has to bear full responsibility. It's strange to be convinced.

"Conduck into the heavenly prison!" Taishang Laojun's face was also gloomy, and he could not look good when he was provoked by such provocations. He spoke directly.

After hearing the order, the following heavenly soldiers immediately came forward and detained Yu Can. Although Yu Can struggled to resist, he did not resist the arrest like Lin Ran. He let the heavenly soldiers take him down, but he still kept shouting "I'm not convinced" words. Passing by Lin Ran, his eyes were simply more terrible than the devil of hell. It made Lin Ran shiver.

Paralyzed, I blame you for Wude Xingjun! What kind of look! Did I provoke you? Lin Ran was depressed.