official immortal road

Chapter 42: Jade Pei

Lin Ran found that Chang'e had been standing beside him and did not leave. He looked at her suspiciously and didn't find anything wrong? Can't you grow flowers on your face?

"Sister, what are you looking at?" Rabbit also found Chang'e's abnormality. He came to Lin Ran with a curious face and looked at it carefully. He also didn't find anything. Instead, he was choked by the smell of sweat and blood on Lin Ran's body. He quickly covered his nose and exaggeratedly slapped his hands, "Lin Ran! You stink!"

"The stink has come a long way against you, but you still dislike it at this time." Lin Ran said speechlessly, and then smelled his clothes. Suddenly, his eyebrows were locked and paralyzed. Sure enough, it smelled bad!

"Rabbit, you go out first. I have something to say to Lin Ran." Chang'e's voice suddenly became a little flustered, and her eyes flashed with a little excitement.

Ah? Why? Is there anything I can't know?" Rabbit was unwilling to say that Chang'e had never driven herself away like this, and she was inevitably a little unhappy and doubtful.

"I told you to go out!" Chang'e's voice suddenly intensified, and countless fog suddenly floated around her body, wrapping the rabbit and pushing it directly out of the door.

The rabbit was scared by Chang'e's tone and her eyes widened. She couldn't believe that Chang'e would talk to her like that just now. In her image, this is the first time in history, even the former fairy fallen Chang'e did not treat herself like this.

Lin Ran was also shocked. Isn't this Chang'e becoming too fast? Why did you change your face immediately when you smiled at someone just now? Is it possible that she found out that I practiced the formula? Thinking of this, Lin Ran's heart suddenly accelerated and began to worry.

"Well, fairy, what's wrong?" Lin Ran asked cowardly, and his eyes did not dare to look at Chang'e.

"Where did you get that jade pendant on your body?" Chang'e's tone trembled slightly, and her eyes kept staring at Lin Ran's chest.

"Jade pendant? It's my ancestral. Grandma gave it to me. I've worn it since I was a child. Lin Ran took out the jade pendant on his chest and weighed it in his hand and said.

He is getting more and more confused now. What kind of treasure is his jade pendant? Is it worth Chang'e's gaffe? But I have been wearing it for more than ten years, and there is nothing special except that it is hard enough to be cut off?

"Can you show me?" Chang'e stretched out her slightly trembling hand and took the jade pendant without waiting for Lin Ran to answer. Her face was bloodless, and her graceful figure trembled slightly, as if she were very excited.

No way? What kind of baby is it? Does Chang'e want to seize it? Lin Ran had a bad feeling when he saw Chang'e's appearance. If Chang'e really wanted to take herself, there was nothing she could do? But that's the only thing left by grandma. You can send the bed or the body. He really doesn't want to give this jade pendant to Chang'e like this, although he has a good impression on Chang'e.

Chang'eyu's hand kept touching Lin Ran's jade pendant. The jade pendant is pale yellow, and only the word "Lin" is carved on it. There is no jewelry luster and is inconspicuous at all.

"Who is your grandma? Where is she? Where did you live before? Chang'e suddenly raised her head, her eyes were extremely excited, and she asked three questions in a row.

"Wait, you asked too fast. How can I remember so many questions?" Lin Ran felt dizzy. Is this too sudden? I didn't turn his head around at all.

Chang'e took a deep breath, "Well, the first question, who is your grandmother? You have to tell me truthfully."

"My grandmother Yushanpu is dead." Lin Ran answered truthfully.

"Yushanpu? Dead? How did you die?" Chang'e pondered for a long time after hearing the name, and then asked.

"Dead of illness, fairy? What exactly do you want to know? I used to be just a villager living under Mount Tai. I have no power. This jade pendant is also my heirloom. Is there anything special? Lin Ran's curiosity was also completely aroused by Chang'e. Isn't it just an ordinary jade pendant? Is it worth being so gaffe?

"Taishan, Yushanpu, Sugiura, Lin Ran, it's like this, it's true, it's true!" Chang'e muttered to herself for a while, and then she was excited, with a charming flush on her face.

Ah? How is it?" Lin Ran couldn't figure out what Chang'e was talking about.

"Kum away the jade pendant! Remember! Don't wear this jade pendant from now on! You don't need to know anything! Do you understand? I saw that you have a Xumi ring, put it in! Don't take it out at any time, let alone let others know that you have this jade pendant! Do you know?" Chang'e stuffed the jade pendant into Lin Ran's hand and told her with a rigorous look.

Chang'e's hand was even colder than ice, which made Lin Ran shiver.

Chang'e's words made Lin Ran more confused. He looked at the jade pendant in his hand, and then put him into the Xumi ring.

"Why? Will the jade pendant of my heirloom lead to death? Lin Ran had a faint bad guess in his heart. Is this related to his parents? But didn't grandma say that her parents fell into the valley and died in the mountains? Their family has lived under Mount Tai for generations, and they have never heard of any great people appearing?

"You don't need to know why! Just do what I say! Remember, don't let others know your jade pendant, or you will be killed by the whole heaven!"

Chang'e's words really scared Lin Ran. It's just a jade pendant. Is it so serious? Killed by the whole heaven? If Chang'e is right, isn't it dangerous for her to wear this jade pendant all the time? And Chang'e's expression doesn't look like a joke at all, and there is no need to make such a joke with yourself.

Thinking of this, cold sweat instantly wet his back, and his left hand unconsciously held the index finger of his right hand carrying the ring.

"I have a hundred four-yuan Dan and ten five-yuan Xiu Shen Tiandan. Use it at critical times! There are also some fairy techniques here, you can practice them! Do you know how to improve your strength as much as possible?" Chang'e took out two golden gourds and kicked them to Lin Ran, with a solemn face.

Tiandan? Lin Ran can't believe his eyes. Tiandan can only be obtained by immortal officials of more than five grades. Even Wude Xingjun's monthly payment is only a hundred pieces of nine-yuan elixir

, just give yourself Tiandan, and there are still so many, isn't this Chang'e too good for herself?

"Fairy, do you really want to give it to me?" Lin Ran didn't know why he suddenly felt a little weak. Chang'e's behavior was too abnormal. He just gave Tiandan to himself and seemed to care about himself?

Looking at the fairy techniques given by Chang'e, although they are not as powerful as those inherited by ancient and lawless, these are also eye-catching things for a four-grade immortal official.

It's so sudden! It's so sudden! Lin Ran now doubts whether he is dreaming. How can a piece of jade fairy make Chang'e almost treat herself as a family member?

"Conceal it! Remember what I said to you, Yupei must not let others know! No one can do it except me, including the rabbit!" Chang'e told it again, which showed how much she was about this matter, and she couldn't wait to engrave this sentence in Lin Ran's mind.

"Uh, I know, remember." Lin Ran answered in consternation that he was still in a daze and did not fully recover.

"Okay, I have something urgent to deal with now, so I'll go first. Remember what I said to you, and don't ask about the source of the jade pendant. Does anyone know who will die? Improve your strength! If you have any difficulties, come to Guanghan Palace directly to find me. After saying that, Chang'e directly turned into a white fog and dissipated in front of Lin Ran.

Lin Ran stood still in a daze, looked at the golden gourd in his left hand, looked at the fairy technique of his right hand, and his eyebrows twisted into a ball.

Although Chang'e is good to herself, she has not yet sent a baby. She just looks at the face of saving the jade rabbit, but why did she change into a person after seeing the jade pendant? I really treat myself as a family member, and my expression is still so serious that I have repeatedly told myself. What's the secret of this jade pendant? Or is there a map of some anti-sky treasures hidden in it?

Thinking of Lin Ranma's hand, he put it into the Xumi ring, quickly walked back to his room, locked the door, and took out the jade pendant to look at it carefully.

But soon Lin Ran was disappointed. He first injected Xianyuan power into it and did not respond. Then he threw his divine consciousness into it, and there was no reaction. He was completely the same as other ordinary jade pendants. Finally, he did not react to the blood drop jade pendant.

What is the reason? Lin Ran grabbed his hair impatiently, put the jade pendant on the table, and walked back and forth.

Chang'e's words have made it so clear that this jade pendant can't be seen by others, but Lin Ran now really wants to know why. However, Chang'e refused to reveal anything, which may be afraid that she would know something and lead to death.

If this is really the case, then this jade pendant is really a dangerous thing!

"Hm?" Lin Ran suddenly stopped and then quickly stepped forward to pick up the jade pendant.

"How can there be words?"

Lin Ran saw two lines of small fonts under the word "Lin" on the jade pendant, but he didn't recognize one of the big characters and didn't know the meaning of the above.

He has worn this jade pendant for 19 years and has never found any other fonts on it, and he has also checked it carefully just now, and there are no those words at all!

Is it because of your blood dripping, injecting immortal power or divine exploration just now? Lin Ran's heart moved and experimented again to see if it would be effective. After waiting for a long time, there was still no change.

"Fuck! I don't know how to read!" Lin Ran is really annoyed and extremely annoyed now. He only knows a few fonts on the jade pendant, and he can't read what it means at all.

"Why didn't grandma teach me to read?" At this time, Lin Ran suddenly thought that he had been since he was a child. His grandmother just taught him some basic fonts, and he didn't teach him anything else. At the beginning, it was useless for him to ask for it. Isn't it too abnormal to think about it now?

Originally, Lin Ran wanted to copy these words and show them to others, but on second thought, if these words revealed something, wouldn't he be dead? Life-threatening things, there can't be any accidents.

" Paralyzed! From tomorrow, I will start to read!" Lin Ran put the jade pendant into the Xumi ring and said viciously.


Under Mount Tai, two women are floating in the air, looking at the weed-filled wasteland below. The two women are Chang'e and Yutu who left the imperial horse prison.

"Sister, why did you leave so suddenly? Your appearance scared me just now. What on earth did you say to Lin Ran? The rabbit pouted and said unhappily.

Chang'e's willow eyebrows have been frowning, and her eyes keep sweeping at the wasteland below. "It's nothing. Just tell him something."

After saying that, Chang'e's body began to fall, and the barren grass on the ground was instantly cut into pieces by a white cyclone, giving out a dry and bare land for the two of them to land.

Chang'e squatted down, reached out and grabbed a handful of soil. Her eyes flashed with a strange light, then clapped her hands and disappeared with the rabbit.

If Lin Ran was present, he would have been shocked, because this is the village where he has lived for 19 years, but now it is desolate, with more than ten miles of barren grass, and there is no trace of house construction.