official immortal road

Chapter 57: Four Worlds Fairy Martial Society

After the previous disturbance, Yuma Jianke really became two opposing factions, one is the supporting forest faction, and the other is the anti-Lin faction dominated by the Nanhe River.

And the supporters on both sides also began to look down on each other. In the past, everyone was a subordinate of the imperial horse prison, and more or less gave each other a little face. If they were unhappy, they would hide their hearts, but now it is not the case. If they are unhappy, they will directly scold them. Of course, they don't have the courage to take action.

Nanhe dares to take action against others, and Lin Ran also dares to take action against others. But the two of them dare not attack each other. They both have backers, and now the imperial horse prison is being monitored. If they mess up, they will be caught and killed by their opponents.

This is also the reason why Nanhe's face turned green just now, but he didn't do too much provocative words and deeds. He was afraid that he would not help but beat Lin Ran if he said too much. And Lin Ran dared to talk to Nanhe so arrogantly because he calculated this.

When are you afraid of wearing shoes? If you start, your seat will be changed immediately, and maybe I will change back.

"Your excellency, we have changed your house. Please take it in the mansion of the Beihe River." Wang Yu followed Lin Ran with a flattering face.

Now, in addition to Du Ming, there are also Wang Yu and five other immortal officials who are following Lin Ran after the accident.

Although Lin Ran's identity is only a low-class immortal now, who dares to call his name directly? This guy has never been playing cards according to the routine. Maybe he will come up again in the position. It's safer to call yourself an adult. Anyway, there is no rule in heaven that you can't call yourself an adult.

"Thank you. It's difficult for you during my absence. Here are 60 Sanyuan Didan to take, and you will benefit from following me in the future." Lin Ran directly took out a dark golden gourd and threw it to Wang Yu. These were all from Lao Jun. He bluntly told Lao Jun that it was a bribe to his subordinates, and Lao Jun was also generous. He gave dozens of three or four yuan di pills and some six or seven yuan.

Wang Yu's monthly payment is only a binary elixir. How can he get these? He hurriedly took it and kept nodding and bowing to thank Lin Ran.

The paralysis is indeed the right person! Look, the first time we met was Sanyuan Didan! Can Nanhe handle this handwriting? They are covered by Laojun. Don't you want more or less elixir? In the future, Lin Ran may give more advanced elixir, thinking that he is more sure that he is following the right person in their hearts.

Du Ming's mouth twitched and scolded Lin Ran in his heart. Although he didn't care about those elixirs at all, why do you mean it? I fooled these people for you!

"These are nothing. There are still hundreds of binary elixir here, which can be given to my subordinates." Lin Ran took out a big gourd and threw it to Wang Yu again.

"Thank you, my lord, thank you!" Wang Yu is so excited that he only takes a few pills every month. Now Lin Ran's action is his ten-year offering, and he still sends them to his subordinates. It's a big deal! Absolutely a big deal!

"You don't need to get the monthly payment of the binary elixir in the future. Every month, you go directly to Du Ming to get ten three-yuan elixir and ten binary elixirs, and release this news to let them know that it's absolutely good to follow me." Lin Ran smiled mysteriously at Du Ming.

Unexpectedly know Du Ming's identity, so who won't kill him? Laojun's proud disciple should always be able to alchemy, right? Then there is nothing difficult about Sanyuan Didan.

Lin Ran just wants to make profit and inducement. You and Nanhe, right? There are countless fairy elixirs here, and the monthly offerings taken by Nanhe and those taken by Laozi are simply heaven and earth. If you are stupid and definitely follow Nanhe, I can't help it. Lin Ran can imagine the angry expression of Nanhe.

Du Ming was stunned. Why did he ask me for it? Paralyzed, do you think I'm the Hidden Dan Pavilion? But now there are other people who dare not say anything more here, but with a twitching smile at the corners of their mouths.

On the way, Lin Ran briefly met the six people who defected to him. Their cultivation was at the dual level, and at first glance, they came from mixed qualifications. Lin Ran doesn't care. Anyway, Yumajian is not his eternal home. Even if he wants to stay here all the time, Laojun will not agree. Otherwise, won't so many things he has done in vain?

"Your Excellency, here we are." Wang Yu said respectfully that he was completely conquered by Lin Ran's Xiaozhi with emotion.

"Ye�. All right, you go back first. I'm also tired and have a rest. Oh, by the way, I will graze in the lower world tomorrow. You can go to Ma Jian to help me prepare it when you have time.

"Yes, that subordinate has left." Several immortal officials bowed away, leaving Lin Ran's Du Ming.

"Ok, boy, it's hidden so deep. Let's go in and talk about it." Lin Ran raised his eyebrows and motioned Du Ming to go in.

Du understood Lin Ran and strode in.

I am also familiar with Lin Ran, the mansion of Beihe. I have lived there for a period of time before, but it didn't take long for me to get to Maqi's mansion. Now I have some feelings about living in my hometown.

It's paralyzed, and the position changes too quickly.

When he came to the hall, Lin Ran sat directly in the main seat and crossed his legs and looked at Du Ming leisurely.

Du Ming glanced at Lin Ran, found a chair beside him and sat down, "It seems that you know everything."

Lin Ran smiled and said, "I just knew it. You hide it deep enough and fooled me around. You were so excited when I gave you the bone elixir.

Lin Ran won't say that he has found out for a long time. After all, many things still can't be shown. If Du Ming knows that he is too shrewd, is it okay? Then how to use him in the future?

Du Ming also smiled. In fact, he also had a good impression on Lin Ran. This man really took good care of him before. When he became the imperial supervisor, Ma Wen immediately made himself a housekeeper.

"But what you just said to Wang Yu is not true, is it? I'm not a elixir stove. How can I get so many elixirs for them? How can you be willing to let Du Ming be this wronged ghost?

"Don't pretend to me. Laojun told me everything about you. Just practice some ordinary elixir to send them away. The baby is still hidden in the imperial prison. I'm not an official now. Nanhe must be in trouble everywhere. How can it be easy to find? Only a large number of people came here. Lin Ran has already thought about the excuse and used the baby as an excuse. He is not afraid that you will refuse.

Sure enough, when he heard Lin Ran say this, Du Ming's whole face stepped down, "You are ruthless."

"Hehe, don't mind, everyone is Laojun's people, isn't it? They all help each other under him. Lin Ran said happily that he felt comfortable when he saw Du Ming's expression. Anyway, Du Ming's strength was at the level of immortals, which could make him suffer a unique sense of achievement.

Du Ming is quite good. He doesn't turn his face to command himself after knowing his real identity as Lin Ran thought, and he looks quite easy-going.

"Bright, what's going on with the selection of the Xianwu Club? Explain it to me, I don't know." Lin Ran said that it was really unclear what the selection of this Xianwu Association was.

Du Ming frowned and said, "The selection of the Xianwu Association is just a prelude to the Four Worlds Xianwu Association. It is not very important to say it is important, and it is also important to say it is not important."

Lin Ran gave Du Ming a direct glance. What's the difference between you and what you didn't say? Let's talk about it."

"A friendship competition will be held every hundred years in the four worlds, and the cultivation of the contestants must be within a hundred years. Each industry can only send three representatives to participate in the competition, which represents the faces of all walks of life, so the above attaches great importance to it. If you want to represent the whole fairyland to participate in the Four Worlds Fairy Martial Arts Association, you must be the best in a hundred years of cultivation, so there will be a selection of the Fairy Martial Arts Association. Generally speaking, if you can get the top ten in the selection, you can already have a great future in the fairy world. The top three are the key cultivation objects of the fairy world in the future.

Lin Ran grinned. How many people are there in the fairyland? It is not very difficult to get the top ten, let alone the first three representatives of the fairyland to participate in the fairy martial arts meeting of the four worlds. It seems that what Marshal Tianpeng said before is not exaggerated.

"Lin Ran, I'm afraid you're not feeling well, but this fairy martial arts club really has no future to choose to be immortals. It's just a pass. Laojun is very attached to you now, so you don't have to care about the affairs of the Xianwu Society. In the future, your cultivation will naturally be reused.

Lin Ran nodded and agreed on the surface, but he didn't think so. Isn't it a loss if he missed such a chance to show off? This time, he plans to find a few monsters to swallow and maximize his strength.

"So how many places did you get before?" Lin Ran asked doubtfully. According to Laojun's favor of Du Ming, Du Ming should also be regarded as a person before.

Du Ming smiled bitterly, "It's just the eighth place. How can I have that ability? The last time he went to participate in the Four Worlds Competition on behalf of the heavens was Li Jing's side, but they were all defeated, and our fairyland ranked last.

Do you dare to be so backward in the fairyland? Lin Ran was surprised. Originally, he thought that the fairyland should be the most powerful in the four worlds, but from the perspective of the newcomer competition, it did not seem to be like this.

"Then who won the first place?" Lin Ran asked curiously.

"Those birds in the divine world had a dog-like fighting god. That guy's talent is comparable to that of the ghost Tianjue. He directly fought three people in our fairyland and was completely defeated. At that time, the Jade Emperor was furious and directly let the three people face the wall for a hundred years, and they were about to come out."

So paralyzed? Lin Ran was really shocked, but what does it mean to be compared with Gui Tianjue? Is that ghost Tianjue really that powerful? So if he goes this time, won't he be able to win the first place? Then the Jade Emperor must be happy, and Li Jing will have the power.

No wonder Lao Jun frowned as soon as he heard the name, and Lin Ran thought secretly.

"Is that Ghost Tianjue really so powerful? How sure are you about fighting him now? Why have you never seen him?"

"I'm not sure. He just came here two years ago and killed a demon-level monster in the lower world. Three years ago, he practiced and killed a five-yuan demon in the lower world. He has been practicing in the lower world with the permission of the Jade Emperor. The one Laojun can handle this time is Ning Yu, but Ning Yu can fight against Nanhe at most. He has no chance of winning against Gui Tianjue. Du Ming's face was obviously natural when he said this. He was suppressed by Li Jing for two consecutive years. Lao Jun must have been angry.

"Who is Ningyu? Female, right? Lin Ran is still quite curious about this Ning Yu.

Du Ming nodded, "Yes, Ning Yu is a disciple of Dongdou Xingjun, and she is said to be very talented, but I have never seen her in person. I only know she is a woman."

"And I heard Lao Jun say that this time the Four Worlds Xianwu Association is the highest quality. There are very famous talents in the four worlds. Anyway, the competition will be very fierce, and the Ghost Tianjue may not be able to win the first place."

"It's paralyzed, why can't people live?" Lin Ran scolded, and just listening made his back cold. How could he catch up with this time? Is it all evil! They still rely on the eating formula to be promoted so quickly. The fairy formula they practice is better than the eating formula or what? Is the talent really so talented?

No, you have to swallow something! Otherwise, you are just a soy sauce product. The Jade Emperor will definitely attach great importance to this time after the last competition. This is a good opportunity! What a big reward!

"Okay, I'm leaving. If you're tired, take a break." Du Ming rubbed his eyebrows and stood up and said.

"Are you leaving? What are you going to do?" Lin Ran asked for a moment.

"Alchemy! Do you think I'm really a stove? Where can I give them the elixir without alchemy? Du Ming took a look at Lin helplessly and then went out.

Lin Ran narrowed his eyes and touched the Xumi ring in his hand.

"Tomorrow, even if you play with your life, you will have to swallow a few monsters! Otherwise, this day will not be sent!"