official immortal road

Chapter 142: Watching the battle

When he came to the martial arts venue mentioned by Wang Yu, the people here and Lin Ran's venue just now were simply as good. There were immortals everywhere, and the roar of cheers all over the sky were like thunder, making people's ears roar.

"Why are there so many people?" Lin Ran frowned and asked, and then squeezed into the crowd. The immortals who were squeezed away immediately showed dissatisfaction and shouted at Lin Ran in an arrogant tone.

Lin Ran snorted coldly and released his momentum, shaking the whole crowd back. When those shouting immortals saw that Lin Ran was a fierce character, they immediately shut up and dared not say anything more.

"Many immortals have come from you. After all, Ningyu Fairy is known as a century-old woman in the fairyland, and many immortals admire her very much." Hongtian kept looking and saying.

Lin Ran glanced at Hongtian, "Do you also admire her?"

"Yes, who doesn't admire her strong strength and a great beauty?" Hongtian returned casually, and then felt that there seemed to be something next to him, which made him feel cold all over his body. He turned his head and saw Lin Ran's faint eyes staring at him.

"Don't mind, my lord, I'm just saying, you don't need to look at me, do you? Can't I do it if I don't admire it?" Hongtian said with an ugly face, secretly scolding Lin Ran as a jealous jar, not your wife. As for the expression of eating people?

"Well, I'm conscious." Only then did Lin Ran return to his original state. He nodded with satisfaction and said, which made Du Ming and Hongtian beside him roll their eyes. He didn't know that the fairyland did not allow immortals to marry? It seems that Ning Yu has decided on her wife.

Huh? Five-yuan fairy?" Lin Ran raised his eyebrows, and the one who fought against Ning Yu turned out to be a five-yuan immortal, which surprised him. The two should be Laojun's people in the same fairy department, right? And the five-yuan immortal is already very powerful. Is there anything higher than five yuan in their fairy department?

If the other party is from Li Jing's faction, it will undoubtedly waste another quota. Ning Yu sent a five yuan for the sake of Qiyuan Tianxianxiu for now, isn't it the same fiasco?

Ning Yu's white skirt is like a white lotus blooming, which is extraordinary and pleasing to the eyes. She has empty hands and does not carry any weapons.

The man who is against Ning Yu is simply a replica of Wu Ling just now. He is completely a muscular man. Standing in front of Ning Yu with a big blue knife in his hand is completely the confrontation between a beautiful woman and the beast, making the fairy on the platform boo constantly.

The man did not show any pity for Yu at all. He waved the big knife in his hand quickly, and countless knives hit Ning Yu like a meteor shower.

Ning Yu's face did not change at all. She swam quickly to avoid, and her body released a white aperture to cover her. The jade hand kept hitting various handprints. A white lotus flower floated beside her, and then the ground immediately formed a thick layer of ice.

The white light of the white lotus suddenly soared, shooting a burst of ice arrows from the petals, covering the world, and colluding with the man's knife gas, making a loud noise, and the two seemed to be evenly matched.

"Who is that man?" Lin Ran asked Du Ming beside him.

Du Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, "Yu Hengzi and Ning Yu are in the Fairy Punishment Department, and there are many talents in it. It is said that in addition to Ning Yu, there is also a six-yuan immortal, but he will not fight with her according to the rules."

Lin Ran was stunned for a moment, and now he knew that Ning Yu was originally from the Immortal Punishment Department.

"Li Jing's side?" Lin Ran continued to ask.

Du Ming shook his head, "That Yuhengzi is not. He is a neutral faction, a disciple of Taibai Jinxing, and another six-yuan immortal is from Li Jing's faction."

Lin Ran pulled the corners of his mouth, and the paralyzed Li Jing was really talented this time! Paralyzedly, four or five yuan immortals appear. How dare Nanhe and Lei Mingzi are all rubbish? At the same time, he sighed that Laojun's side was really withered. The good seedlings were dug up by Li Jing, and only he and Ningyu supported the scene.

"It seems that Li Jing has taken away all the good goods!" Lin Ran whispered that he was afraid that he would kill until his hands were soft, and even the Jade Emperor would be unhappy if he kept killing like this. After all, what he killed was the future of the fairyland. In case he killed a clean one for himself, he would not accept it.

"Otherwise, why do you think Laojun looks at you so much? Laojun is a civilian. Those who have just become immortals will naturally choose to follow Li Jing, a military attache. After all, the reputation of power is there. Du Ming shrugged his shoulders and returned.

Lin Ran nodded without any doubt. If he had changed himself, he might have chosen Li Jing. After all, a main article, a master martial arts, all those who come to become immortals are pursuing higher cultivation, and naturally choose Li Jing.

Ning Yu and Na Yuhengzi fought darkly and flew vigorously. There were still a few small white snows floating above, and the explosion kept ringing, shaking the whole venue.

Ning Yu put her hands together, and then the white lotus flowers around her body suddenly merged to form a one-person-sized giant lotus, emitting a cold atmosphere.

Na Yuhengzi's face is solemn. He has done his best just now, but he still can't defeat Na Ningyu, and he is also helpless. Ning Yu is an extremely talented person, and his cultivation is a few yuan higher than him, which makes him really depressed.

Originally, according to his strength, there was no problem in entering the top 50. It was only because of their immortal masters. His five-yuan immortals were only the third in the ranking, which made him so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. I simply regret that I chose to enter the fairy punishment department at the beginning. If I choose a fairy department with no strength, I will definitely be able to kill all the way.

Ning Yu moved, and his body gave birth to lotus step by step, like walking on water, with a little ripples, and instantly appeared around Yu Hengzi, divided into nine, and surrounded him.

"Ninefold split?" Lin Ran was surprised. He secretly said that Ning Yu really had two brushes. No wonder the tiger demon saw Ning Yu and ran away as if he had seen the plague god. The tiger demon was completely defeated.

Yu Hengzi shouted angrily, and the big knife in his hand burst out with a blue light, spinning his body to attack Ningyu.

Ning Yu also shouted, and the giant lotus beside him bloomed, and countless long white strips came out of it. Every time it could resolve Yu Hengzi's attack, and the white and blue light flashed and made a loud noise.


Yu Hengzi made an unknown move. Ning Yu's head was suddenly covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning rolled and exploded, and then turned into a dark blue thunderbolt with arm size, which was overwhelming.

Ning Yu retreated quickly, and Yu's hands quickly fit apart, so fast that they could hardly be seen clearly. It was just a time to breathe, and the fingerprint formula had been formed. Then the giant lotus flew to the top of her head, and a circle of light appeared, helping Ning Yu catch the thunder and lightning offensive.


Thundered everywhere, heaven and earth changed color, but it could not break the defense of the giant lotus at all, and it was all resolved.

All the immortals watching on the platform were stunned and their eyes widened. For people at these levels, whether it was Ning Yu or Yu Hengzi, their attack methods made them feel like a gap.

Lin Ran narrowed his eyes and then smiled, "That Yu Hengzi is going to lose."

Hongtian and others looked at Lin Ran doubtfully. Now the appearance below is completely evenly matched. Why do they say that Yuhengzi will lose?

Lin Ran saw the doubts in their hearts and shook his head and smiled, "The thunder and lightning gathering that Yu Hengzi just used has consumed almost all his immortal power. Compared with Ning Yu, his Xianyuan power is simply a heaven and an underground. Now Ningyu Xianyuan power consumes less than half, and her face is calm. It's a game without suspense at all. I don't know why she took so long.

The others suddenly realized that they only valued the surface and forgot the gap between them when they saw the gorgeous offensive.

"Yu Hengzi is a neutral faction. Naturally, Lao Jun will not let Ning Yu defeat his opponent as soon as he comes to the opposite side. In that case, it will inevitably cause the platinum star to be dissatisfied and it will not do us any good." Du Ming explained.

When Lin Ran heard this, he secretly said that it turned out to be the reason. It seems that he will also pretend to fight against players from neutral factions in the future, let alone kill the other party. Lin Ran was wondering if he killed the neutral faction, and whether those people would directly defect to Li Jing.

Sure enough, after Ning Yu resisted Yu Hengzi's thunder and lightning attack, Yu Hengzi immediately retreated quickly and his face was pale.

Ning Yu chased step by step, floating half a foot from the ground, moving forward quickly, and the giant lotus above her head also followed closely. From time to time, it emitted a white ribbon-like momentum to Yuhengzi, with a muffled sound.

Yu Hengzi is now completely embarrassed to avoid. Ning Yu's offensive is so dense that he can't calm down. As long as she pauses, she will immediately face the white ribbon attack. Seeing that the air was disorderly and exploded with the ribbon, Yu Hengzi had no doubt that if he was hit, he would be directly pumped to vomit blood.

Lin Ran's eyes are now shining, and he is surprised. Looking at Ning Yu is like playing, he doesn't have to move his hands and directly let the giant lotus attack.

Lin Ran has always been used as a fairy warfare skill at the same time, and the two are more keen on close combat, but today when he saw such a leisurely battle as Ning Yu, he was a little envious.

Paralyzed, I will also practice this in the future. I can chase others all over the ground without moving anything. Just think about it! Lin Ran thought secretly in his heart.

Soon, Yuhengzi surrendered and admitted defeat. After all, everyone now knows the victory or defeat. Yuhengzi Xianyuan was greatly damaged and could only avoid it. If he was hit if he did not admit defeat, he would be injured in vain.

After the election of immortal officials won the election of Ning Yu, the whole venue immediately burst into shocking cheers, and each shouted hard, making Lin Ran feel a roar.

Ning Yu's face was still as indifferent as ever. She looked around with charming eyes. When she saw Lin Ran in the crowd, she was slightly stunned, and then smiled.

Everyone saw the admiring ice lotus fairy smile and screamed crazily, especially on Lin Ran's side, which was like thunder.

Lin Ran covered his ears helplessly, flew directly into the air and landed in front of Ning Yu.

Seeing suddenly a fairy flying from the platform to Ning Yu's side, those immortals quit and kept shouting to let Lin Ran go away. Hongtian and others looked at each other and shook their heads with a wry smile. Lin Ran really surprised their expectations.

When they saw that Ning Yu was still smiling at the man, the people above suddenly broke their hearts and howled endlessly.

Ning Yu gave the impression of those immortals as a cold ice lotus, which can only be seen from a distance, not close. It has always been jumping with a face and indifference. And because of her giant lotus, she has the title of ice lotus fairy.

Now I see my ice lotus fairy showing a smile that they have never seen before at an inexplicable man, constantly guessing who the man is.

"Are you finished with the test?" Ning Yu's slender eyelashes blinked and asked, and then she saw Lin Ran's calm breath and knew that there was nothing wrong with him. She was secretly relieved.

"Well, it's over. I'll come to see you by the way. Let's go. Get out of here first. Now I feel countless hot eyes poke me. I'm afraid it will become a hornet's nest after a long time. Lin Ran said jokingly.

Ning Yu glanced at Lin Ran angrily, "It's not serious. Let's go."

Seeing Ning Yu and Lin Ran leave together, the immortals on the platform were simply heartbreaking. The ghost cried and howled, constantly inquired who the guy was.

Hongtian and others also slipped out in a hurry and completely found that they were surrounded and questioned with Lin Ran, which was not good.


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