official immortal road

Chapter 145: Golden Group No. 1

Ning Yu also found Lin Ran's figure. The two looked at each other and smiled.

The fairy beside him found that Ning Yu actually smiled. They all followed his eyes and saw a good-looking and slightly strange man with a smile on his face. He walked to them and immediately came to Ning Yu's side curiously.

"Sister Ning, who is that man? He looks pretty good."

"That's right, hee, I rarely see Sister Ning smiling, and she smiles at a man. Sister Ning, don't touch your heart!"

A few fairies laughed in Ning Yu's ears. Ning Yu glanced at them, "Jing nonsense, he is Lin Ran. Isn't it strange in front of you what Lin Ran looks like? Nuo, that flat look."

Hearing Ning Yu's words, the fairies immediately looked curiously at Lin Ran who kept entering.

"Is he that Lin Ran? It looks so simple, not like that kind of butcher?" A fairy in a red dress said in a surprised tone. The talking fairy was quite amazing, and her red look was extremely enchanting, like a blooming rose, which stunned the immortals around her.

Ning Yusi thought for a moment and didn't know how to answer that question. "Well, you will know when you have time to go to see his game. It's really different from his appearance."

"Good night, fairy sisters." At this time, Lin Ran came to them and greeted them with a smile. This was the first time that Lin Ran had seen so many fairies together. He was completely overwhelmed and looked at them one by one.

"Hey, who is your sister? Maybe you are older than us!" A man in an orange dress blinked a pair of big smart eyes and said dissatisfiedly.

Other fairies are also very unhappy, staring at Lin Ran.

Lin Ran smiled apologetically, "Yes, yes, you are all sisters. Am I an uncle?"

"Well, it's always not serious." Ning Yubai glanced at Lin Ran and said, and then looked at the lottery order in his hand, "What's your number? Which group?"

"Well, Jin Group No. 1, how about you?" Lin Ran spread out the lottery order in his hand and said.

"Hey, why only Sister Ning? We are also competing players, okay? You care too much about Sister Ning, don't you? The red-dressed fairy said in a joke tone, and the others immediately echoed.

Lin Ran felt a big head. Why is it wrong no matter what he says? I'm a little afraid of them.

Lin Ran doesn't know how many immortals envy him now and can talk and chat with a group of fairies. They don't have the courage or luck, and they may not even pay attention to them.

"Okay, stop the fire dance." Ning Yu looked at the red-dressed fairy with slight reproach.

Fire dance? It's really hot! Like a big red lantern! Lin Ran thought viciously in his heart.

"I'm on the 19th of the Water Group. It's really surprising that you can draw No. 1 of the Gold Group so late." Ning Yu said funnyly.

"Look, the list is out." At this moment, Huo Wu pointed loudly behind Lin Ran and said.

Lin Ran turned his head and saw that the five-color platform condensed into a large light curtain, with many dense words on it, which made people look dizzy. However, the five groups of gold, wood, water, fire and earth were not in a row. As long as they corresponded to their own group, they could find themselves.

"Hmm? Jin Group No. 1 against each other, Jin Group No. 2? Field No. 1? Is there any need to talk about paralysis? When Lin Ran saw his number, his face was covered with black lines. He always felt that the draw was too strange.

"I found you, opposite to No. 107, on site157." Lin Ran saw Ning Yu's number at a glance.

"Hey, I said Lin Ran, did you buy someone? Why is the number so weird? Field 1, No. 1 vs. 2, isn't it too coincidental? Huowu said with a magical face.

Other fairies are also full of incredible faces. Everyone is randomly matched, and the venue is also random. The probability of drawing all the first one is simply too small.

"I always feel a little strange. Be careful." Ning Yu was a little uneasy. All this was too strange. Maybe it was deliberately arranged by Li Jing.

Lin Ran narrowed his eyes and sneered, "It's okay. Even if it's a ghost, it's useless. Anyway, the result is the same."

"Your Excellency, your game is about to begin. Now please go to the No. 1 venue to prepare." Wang Yu came up completely bravely and dared not look at those fairies with his head down all the time.

"Yes, your No. 1 venue, the game is about to start. We still have a long time to go and see how this butcher Lin defeated his opponent." The fire dance immediately shouted excitedly, and then the fairy next to him was also even more noisy. From time to time, she hit Ning Yu with charming eyes, making Ning Yu blush.

"Ha ha, that's good. With so many beautiful women cheering for me, I will definitely play well." Lin Ran laughed and said that Wang Yu next to him had sweated on his back, and he still lowered his head.

"It's not serious." Ning Yu stared at Lin Ran, but she couldn't stand the ridicule of the fairy next to her, and still followed Lin Ran to the No. 1 venue.

Huh? What did you call me just now? Lin Ran suddenly sounded that he seemed to hear a butcher just now and asked doubtfully.

"Your Excellency, it's like this. Now people outside call you Lin butcher, killing people without blinking." Wang Yu whispered from the side.

"Butcher Lin? Who came up with this name? So ugly? Does such a sven person look like a butcher?" Lin Ran was immediately furious, which made the fairy behind him smile and tremble, stunned the immortals around him.

Wang Yu is very sad now and has been leading the way quickly. He is followed by several beautiful fairies! This made him uncomfortable, an eight-grade fairy official who was even an ants in the imperial horse prison. The resentful eyes of the fairy next to him stabbed him with hot pain all over his body. He just wanted to get to the No. 1 venue quickly and leave.

Lin Ran is nothing on the surface, but he is also a little uneasy. This is too coincidental. It is likely that Li Jing did it, but he can't meet any masters in the second battle. Just kill him.

As long as it is not a well-talented seedling, Lin Ran is still an absolute killer. If there are too many ants, he will bite the elephant to death. A hundred years of cultivation can only show that they are talented, but their cultivation is thousands of years, and no one can say anything in the future. Encountering an adventure or finding a genius treasure may make a fairy rise rapidly in the later stage and pose a threat to himself.

Soon Lin Ran and others came to the No. 1 venue. Du Ming and others were already waiting for Lin Ran at the door. To Lin Ran's surprise, there was also an old acquaintance, and Wu Gang's guy was also there.

Goodbye Wu Gang, Lin Ran sighed in his heart. At the beginning, he was drunk with that guy in the Guanghan Palace and almost missed something.

Seeing Lin Ran coming with so many fairies, Hongtian and Du Ming's eyes turned green, and they scolded Lin Ran in their hearts. How could he encounter any good things? They didn't even know a fairy, but Lin Ran was good. Chang'e, the first beauty in the fairy world, let him know her, and she looked very familiar with her. Ning Yu, a rising star, also let him know her, and now other fairies are also know each other! Is there any other reason? Is there any royal law?

"Lord Lin, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I haven't seen you come to my place." Wu Gang directly gave Lin Ran a big hug, and the grudges between them had been resolved after the drunkenness.

Seeing that Lin Ran and Wu Gang had become so friendly, Du Ming and Hongtian looked at each other. When they saw Wu Gang just now, they didn't say hello. They thought he was coming to see Lin Ran's opponent, but they didn't expect it to come for Lin.

Is this Wu Gang too cowardly? At the beginning, they were beaten like that by Lin Ran and demoted to cut down trees. How could the two get together? The corners of Du Ming's mouth twitched violently.

"Haha, don't embold me. The paralyzed last time I drank with you almost made me miss a big deal! But when I have to go to the first place, I will definitely go to your place to have a big drink with you, haha!" Lin Ran laughed loudly and was obviously very happy that Wu Gang could come.

"Your Excellency, it's time to go in." Wang Yu walked to Lin Ran and reminded him in a low voice.

Lin Ran nodded, "There are five places going to the lounge. Wu Gang, you must go. There is still one place left. Which of you will go?"

After saying that, I looked at Ning Yu's side, which was meaningful.

Wang Yu, as the source of Lin Ran's game, must go. Du Ming, Hongtian and Wu Gang are all close friends of Lin Ran, and naturally they will also go. In fact, Lin Ran's words are mainly to Ning Yu and others.

Lin Ran wants Ning Yu to go, but there are so many tricky fairies. If they call Ning Yu directly, they don't know what they will say.

"Fire dance, go ahead. Haven't you always wanted to see how he will compare? Go to the lounge to see more clearly. Ning'er and I can just look outside. Ning Yu didn't know what Lin Ran was thinking, but she was embarrassed and pushed forward with the fire dance next to her.

Where doesn't the fire dance know the ambiguity inside? With a smile, he narrowed his eyes and turned around gorgeously and rushed behind Ning Yu like a loach.

"I'd better be with Ning'er and a group of men I don't know. I'm not used to it." After saying that, the fire dance pulled a group of sisters into the venue quickly with laughter.

"Cough, what, they don't want to, so you can go." Lin Ran felt a little embarrassed, and Ning Yu's face also turned red. She didn't dare to look at Lin Ran, which looked quite pitiful.

Hongtian and several people looked at each other and smiled, and then walked in. They didn't want to be this light bulb.

When Du Ming passed by Lin Ran, he looked like he wanted to speak and stopped. Finally, he sighed and walked in without saying anything.

"Okay, let's go. It's more convenient to go in and have a look." Lin Ran didn't know what he was talking about, and his head was a little confused.

Paralyzed, why did I suddenly have a convulsion? Lin Ran was puzzled.

Ning Yu nodded slightly, didn't say anything, and followed Lin Ran in.

Not long after Lin Ran and others walked in, a man came out of the corner, looked coldly at the direction of the entrance, and then turned away with a strange smile.

When Lin Ran and Ning Yu stepped into the venue, there was still a sea of people as usual. The heat wave hit the surface, and the temperature of the whole scene rose a lot. Du Ming and others all stood in the lounge waiting for Lin Ran.

"Do you know who the opponent is?" Lin Ran frowned and asked. Ning Yu's slender eyelashes blinked and looked at the lounge at the end of the opposite side. Liu frowned.

"I don't know yet, but I heard that it seems to be a fairy. I don't know how much it is. I only know that it's from the Fairy Fighting Department." Du Ming replied.

Fairy Fighting Department? Lin Ran and Ning Yu's eyebrows jumped at the same time and looked at each other.

"Who is the most powerful in the fairy fighting department?" Lin Ran's tone was a little unnatural.

Ning Yu's face was a little pale and worried.

"Ghost Tianjue!"

"What?" Du Ming and others immediately showed a look of horror and exclaim.