official immortal road

Chapter 154: Causes and Consequences

Who broke my zero record?


Lin Ran's reputation was completely launched in the fairyland. Everyone knew that he was used by Li Jing's conspiracy, and then he was found to be abandoned and taken under the command of Lao Jun again.

Many people can't fully believe this matter. After all, Lao Jun got the greatest benefit, which made the royal mother's faction disgusted with Li Jing. In this way, the sky obviously tilted to Laojun's side.

No one can be sure whether Li Jing's conspiracy has been exposed or the bitter meat trick used by Lao Jun and Lin Ran. However, many people still believe that it was Li Jing's conspiracy that was exposed. After all, Lao Jun's previous behavior was completely consistent with what he said later. At that time, Li Jing wanted to save Lin Ran and was stopped by Lao Jun.

When the ruling fairy announced that Lin Ran had won, the scene did not cheer as before, but was very dull. Everyone was thinking about which one was the real conspiracy.

Lin Ran was also too lazy to pay attention to them and staggered directly to the lounge. Wang Yu and others immediately greeted them and helped Lin Ran.

Just as Lin Ran entered the lounge, a fairy officer in a white robe immediately came in with a faint smile on his face.

Lin Ran frowned and looked doubtfully at the unfathomable immortal. In his image, he seemed to have never seen this person.

"Are you?" Du Ming asked first.

"I'm here to help Lin Ran recover from his injury."

Everyone suddenly realized that this is the convention. Every time he is promoted to the next game, there will be a fairy officer to help the winner heal the injury so that he can participate in the next game at his best condition.

The fairy official maintained the harmless smile, then walked to Lin Ran and took out a light purple elixir in his hand.

"Five Princess, go out first. He is seriously injured and can't be disturbed." The fairy official said to the purple clothes next to him.

Ziyi pouted and knew what the fairy official was saying, so he went out, and Du Ming and others hurriedly followed.

"Ha ha, Lin Ran, I have to say that the bitter trick you played with Lao Jun was very successful." When Ziyi and others left, the fairy said with a smile.

Lin Ran frowned, "I don't know what you're talking about. Hurry up and treat it."

The immortal official didn't care. He shrugged his shoulders and handed the elixir to Lin Ran.

"Take this elixir, and then I will guide you."

Lin Ran took the elixir and looked at it a few times. He didn't find anything wrong, so he was relieved to accept it.

The entrance of the elixir melted, and a warm stream flowed from the mouth into the esophagus, and then slowly flowed to the whole body, making Lin Ran groan comfortably.

The immortal official directly put his hand on Lin's back, and then secretly released Yuanli. Lin Ran's upper body's clothes turned into powder, revealing the ferocious scars on his chest. There was no bleeding, but he could faintly see the burnt black organs inside.

"You are really good at being able to take this blow without losing." The fairy said sincerely.

Lin Ran just smiled and did not reply.

The immortal official kept pinching all kinds of fingers on Lin's back, making Lin Ran feel that a trace of cool breath was constantly injected into the wound. Looking down at the scars on my chest, a circle of green airflow kept flowing next to the wound, and the scars were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A quarter of an hour later, Lin Ran's injuries were also healed, which made him look at the immortal officer next to him.

"Ha ha, well, your body is different from ordinary people. In fact, you have not been seriously injured. Now you are completely cured." The fairy officer clapped his hands and laughed.

Lin Ran shrugged his shoulders, "Thank you."

"My task has been completed, so I'll go first." After saying that, the fairy official turned around and left. When he arrived at the door, he stopped again and turned his head. "We are just soldiers. I'm really not sure who will be used by whom."

Lin Ran's heart beat and suddenly raised his head. He could no longer see the shadow of the other party. He frowned, and Lin Ran was a little uneasy.

This series of things is indeed a bitter trick carried out by Lin Ran and Lao Jun together, because Lao Jun also suddenly knew that the Queen Mother suddenly killed two powerful players, and knew that the Queen Mother valued the selection of this Xianwu Association very much.

Lao Jun grasped this point, so he directly discussed with Lin Ran and designed to frame Li Jing, so that the Queen Mother's side became hostile to Li Jing.

First, Lao Jun took action to stop Lin Ran from killing the flying dragon, and then Lao Jun was angry and seriously injured Lin Ran, which made everyone confused. In this way, he was more eager to know what happened in it, and the attention increased greatly.

Lao Jun concluded that Li Jing would fight for Lin Ran no matter what. When he went down to find Lin Ran, he would naturally be found by other people, and it was inevitable that Lin Ran might turn to Li Jing.

Then Lao Jun helped Lin Ran recover from his injury and personally taught Lin Ran and Li Jing's combat skills. For Lao Jun, although he could not master the essence of Li Jing's famous combat skills, Lin Ran could still learn a rough look.

Then Lin Ran participated in the game as if he was injured, fought with Zhou He, and was embarrassed everywhere.

Laojun can be said to have completely included Li Jing's thoughts this time. He knew that Li Jing actually wanted to get Lin Ran. When Lin Ran was dying, he wanted to take action and decisively stop Li Jing. In this way, everyone thought that Lin Ran had become Li Jing's person. Lin Ran suddenly used Li Jing's combat skills to fight back Zhou He.

Finally, during the confrontation, Lao Jun personally pointed out Li Jinghe's intention. Lin Ran deliberately sent a message to Li Jing and let Yi He realize that when Li Jing became angry, Lao Jun immediately accused Li Jing, slandered him for wanting to kill Lin Ran, and then blatantly recalled Lin Ran to his command, which also showed Lao Jun's Air volume.

It's interlinked, and everything is calculated.

Li Jing and Lao Jun have fought for so long. It can be said that this is the worst loss. Maybe it was because he was eager to fight for Lin Ran in front of him, so he didn't pay attention to it. It was not until Lin Ran used his combat skills to kill Zhou He that he saw the whole conspiracy, but it was too late.

Lao Jun and Lin Ran's plan directly made Li Jing be wary of Master Feilongzi, and then made Wang's mother's faction think that Li Jing was eager to win the championship and did not hesitate to ask Lin Ran to kill all the players in the competition, so he would definitely be dissatisfied with Li Jing.

In fact, the most important point is that Lao Jun really doesn't want the Queen Mother's faction to be big, although now the Queen Mother faction does not participate in the battle of civil and military officers. However, in the past ten years, the royal mother has begun to slowly penetrate her hands, which has the intention of seizing power with civil and military officers. Lao Jun doesn't want the royal mother's people to win the selection of this Xianwuhui, and he can't make the royal mother hate herself, so he played this scene with Lin Ran, making Li Jing black.

Lin Ran carefully recalled the whole story and found that there were no big loopholes, but why did he regret being uneasy when he heard the immortal official's words?

"Are you all right?" At this moment, Ziyi and Du Ming came in, and Ziyi hurried to Lin Ran and asked worriedly.

Lin Ran came to his senses and smiled, "It's okay. I've recovered."

"Very good." Du Ming said with a meaningful face.

"Are you really following Li Jing? You were almost in danger just now, but Lao Jun was also generous and even put you under his command. Zhou He died. I'm afraid that his mother will blame Li Jing. Ziyi said thoughtfully.

Lin Ran cracked his mouth and smiled, and then stood up, "Well, now the comparison is over, just waiting for this round to be completed and receive the award."

"So what are you going to do now?" Ziyi frowned and asked, and Du Ming also looked at Lin Ran curiously.

Lin Ran smiled bitterly, "You are so generous and don't care about the past, why should I tell you? Du Ming, you can help me get the prize later. Are the last rewards still in your hands? Well, give it to me when I come back."

When Du Ming heard this, he twitched the corners of his mouth and stared at Lin Ran fiercely, "Why don't you die? Is it not good for me to ask for help? Where is such a good thing in the world?

Ziyi and Hongtian looked at Du Ming and Lin Ran talking with some amusingly. As long as they were idle, they immediately care about it like enemies. Then they thought of Du Ming's selfless giving Lin Ran Xuandan in front of them, and sighed in their hearts that this was their friends.

"Five Princess, you have been out for a long time. Should you go back? Why don't I give it to you? By the way, go to the Eightfold Sky." Lin Ran said with a smile.

In fact, he was very moved. Du Ming's selflessness and the generity of purple clothes could give himself such a good elixir at that moment. If Lin Ran hadn't had a play to perform, I'm afraid he would have really accepted it. Of course, now that he is all right, he will naturally be embarrassed to ask her again.

"Well, I'm going to go, too. Let's see how Gui Tianjue is doing. All right, I'll go first." After saying that, Ziyi jumped out. She was really decisive and left as soon as she said.

Lin Ran looked at the back of Ziyi and shook his head and sighed. It seemed that Gui Tianjue was still quite important in the heart of Ziyi. He would inevitably fight with Gui Tianjue in the future, which may make this girl difficult.

"Du Ming, give me your Xuandan when I come back. I'll keep it for later." Lin Ran's sudden words made Du Ming stag and almost fall down.

"You want to get beauty! Don't give it!" Du Ming almost roared and scolded Lin Ran for being shameless!

Hong Tian and Wang Yu looked at Lin Ran and Du Ming's quarrel helplessly. Why are these two so strange? I didn't want him to die just now, but now I don't give him any dead. It's really two psychopaths.

After Lin Ran, Du Ming and others said something, they turned away and went straight to the transmission channel. When Lin Ran was about to enter, he saw an old acquaintance there.

"Liu Ming? Why are you here?" Seeing Liu Ming, who had begun to become slim by Nanhe, Lin Ran was really funny. Every time he saw him, he remembered his previous appearance and couldn't help laughing.

"Well, it turned out to be an adult. I just finished watching your game and was about to go back to the imperial horse prison." Liu Ming immediately ran over with a smile and said.

Lin Ran stared at Du Ming angrily and patted him on the shoulder, "You boy, I haven't seen you for a few days. The hard-won weight has begun to recover again!"

Liu Ming showed a wry smile, "Your excellency, don't make fun of me. I'm the main fat person, and I will be beaten back to my original shape as soon as my life is comfortable."

"Are you comfortable? That's good. I'll give you more work in the future to make sure you're busy. Lin Ran joked.

Lin Ran is actually very fond of Liu Ming, who can stand on his side from the beginning.

"Hey, thank you very much." Liu Ming smiled and was extremely honest.

"Well, I have something else to do and I'll leave first. It's good for you to go to see more games. There's nothing wrong with the imperial horse prison now." Lin Ran patted Liu Ming on the shoulder again and then walked into the transmission channel and disappeared.

When Lin Ran left, Liu Ming's eyes showed a sigh, and then walked into the passage and disappeared.