official immortal road

Chapter 163: magic weapon?

The whole audience was silent.

Everyone's audience opened their eyes and couldn't believe what happened in front of them. Everyone's mouth was wide open and completely closed.

Wang Lei and Yucheng on the ground lay down completely facing the ground, motionless, and slowly overflowing from their bodies, so eye-catching and scary.

Lin Ran stood still and looked coldly. From beginning to end, he did not take a step and stood still all the time.

You should know that the other party is two four-yuan immortals, and the attack just now was also extremely powerful, but it was directly dispersed by Lin Ran. They couldn't stand Lin Ran's momentum, so they knelt down directly and finally lay down!

This has never happened in the selection of the Xianwu Association. Even if he did not defeat his opponent in the first round, he did not move half a step.

The audience looked at Lin Ran with complex and diverse expressions, including fear, envy, worry and worship.

The ruling immortals in the sky did not come to his senses at all. The players who entered the top 12 competition were already the best in the century of cultivation in the fairy world. He knew that the two of them were not Lin Ran's opponents, but he did not know that it was such a defeat.

There is no power to counter at all. How strong is this bastard? No one is sure. Maybe this time, the first position will really fall into his hands.

Lin Ran looked up and skimmed the ruling fairy in the sky.

"If I don't announce the result, I'm going to kill." Lin Ran said it directly and loudly, causing an uproar.

"This is really bold! Dare to say such a thing!"

"Woth! Can you defeat your opponent with momentum? This is the first time I have seen such a character appear in the game! It was completely wrong for Li Tianwang to kick Lin Ran away at the beginning!"

"Every time I watch his game, it's amazing. I'm looking forward to the next game!"

The whole venue is now completely noisy, which is in sharp contrast to the silence just now.

When the high-altitude adjudication fairy heard Lin Ran's words, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, but he quickly hid it and fell directly to the ground, turning Wang Lei and Yucheng over.

" hiss..."

A sound of inhaling air sounded from the audience, and everyone was shocked again and felt the cold air rushing straight to their heads.

Wang Lei and Yucheng's whole face was completely flat, like a flattened dough. The flesh and blood could not see the original appearance, and the ground was full of bloody broken teeth. Moreover, the shoulder of the arm can be clearly seen assymmetrical and uneven, which is obviously a deep fracture.

"Oh, my God! How strong was his spirit just now? The face is flat!"

"I thought I was just stunned, but I didn't expect to faint."

"This Lin Ran is so bloody! It's like a demon!"

"It seems that he wants to kill Li Tianwang's people! In this way, it will take a long time to recover if you don't kill them.

Lin Ran ignored the conversation of the immortals on the stand, and walked to Wang Lei and Yucheng with a sneer, looking at the adjudication fairy squatting on the ground with a blue and ugly face.

"Announce it, or I won't mind ending them."

"You!" The adjudication fairy glared at Lin Ran and couldn't speak for a moment. His eyes looking at Lin Ran were so resentful.

"Winner, Royal Horse Supervisor Lin Ran!" The adjudication fairy stood up, looked at Lin Ran coldly, then waved his hand, quickly walked into several heavenly soldiers from the entrance, and carried out the fainted Wang Lei and Yucheng.

"Stay on the front line so that you won't be desperate in the future." The ruling fairy said coldly.

Lin Ran shrugged his shoulders and said, "That's what I did. It's very worthy of your faction not to kill them just now. It's only Li Jing's betrayal to me at that time. Wake up yourself. Even a genius like me will give up, not to mention you?"

After saying that, he walked to the lounge without waiting for the ruling officer to reply.

The ruling fairy's face was gloomy, his eyes were cold, and the air around his clenched fists was faintly blurred, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

When he came to the lounge, Wang Yu immediately greeted him and handed a towel to Lin Ran.

"You are too ostentatious, which will arouse the disgust of many people." Du Ming leaned against the wall of the lounge and said faintly, with a trace of worry flashing on his face.

Hongtian also nodded. Lin Ran is so strong and arrogant that no one will give face. At that time, he may offend many forces, which is not good for him.

Lin Ran smiled and said, "It's okay. Anyway, I don't expect them to have any good impression on me. They can only shadow me behind my back, but whether they can succeed or not depends on their ability."

Du Ming frowned, but didn't say anything. He sighed in his heart that Lin Ran's character may be like this in his life. However, thinking of Lin Ran's birth, he has nothing to say.

A mountain boy who doesn't even know a few big words. Who can you expect him to be kind to?

"Let's go and watch Ning Yu's game." Lin Ran's competition is over, of course, he will go to see Ning Yu's. This time, Ning Yu is facing a six-yuan Tianxian. She is seven yuan. The realm of the two is not much different. If you are not careful, an accident may occur.

"Go ahead, we won't go. You remember that this reward is different from the past. It's a public * encouragement. Ning Yu should know that you can go with her later." Du Ming doesn't want to be Lin Ran and Ning Yu's light bulb.

Other people also nodded. They also saw the delicate relationship between Lin Ran and Ning Yu, but they sighed in their hearts that there would be no result between them unless they didn't want to be in the fairyland.

Lin Ran just said casually that he didn't want a group of people to follow him. In that case, it would be uncomfortable to talk to Ning Yu.

Before entering the venue of Ningyu's competition, he heard the loud cheers in the venue. Lin Ran shook his head and smiled bitterly. Every time Ningyu's game, there were a lot of immortals to watch it, and almost everyone cheered for her.

When Lin Ran entered, he was stunned for a moment, and almost all the immortal officials who watched stood up and kept shouting something.

Lin Ran looked at the venue below and immediately understood the reason.

It turns out that Ning Yu is now attacking crazily. The white giant lotus is like a small mountain, constantly pressing towards the other party, and it is spinning rapidly, constantly releasing ice arrows, and the sharp sound of breaking the air keeps ringing.

The opponent was embarrassed and dodged repeatedly. He could not counterattack at all. His body was constantly bombarded by ice arrows and blew up countless ice cubes. Although he has not been attacked for the time being, the debris bursting from the ice arrow has cut countless pieces on his body, and the dark red blood has infected the cloth around the wound.

Ning Yu is now only half a foot from the ground, suspended on the edge of the game venue, with a quick handprint in her hand, and a trace of white energy connected to the huge white lotus.

"That giant lotus is Ning Yu's weapon?" There is a doubt in Lin Ran's heart. He has never seen this kind of weapon so far. All of them are common weapons such as knives, guns, sticks, sticks and halberls, and he has never encountered this kind of weapons.

In fact, Lin Ran has no special requirements for weapons. Now he has met the mixed halberd, and the poor thing is a defensive type of armor.

He has now steadily entered the top 12, and will soon get a spiritual armor, so that his defense will be upgraded to a higher level, at least he will not be smashed into pieces by others.

Of course, if he is a figure like Erlang Shen and Li Jing, I'm afraid that Lin Ran will definitely die wearing the armor of the melting period.


The white light of the giant lotus flashed, and then the white surged, like a dark cloud rolling, quickly condensing into a huge square in the high sky, at least dozens of meters wide, a bit similar to the square seal Lin Ran got from Wuhu Mountain.

Ning Yu's opponent was stunned and hurriedly danced the long gun in his hand. A wave of fire-like air surged around his body in an instant, surrounding him and forming a fire cocoon.

When the fire cocoon was formed, the square ice cubes above his head suddenly pressed down, which was powerful and directly diverted the air.


When the square ice cubes pressed on the cocoon, there was a violent explosion sounding throughout the whole scene. The white shot turned into a long white line hitting the rune prohibition on the wall, and the golden light flowed.

The air is sinking, like a waterfall washed down from a mountain cliff. White swept wildly from the ground to the west, and the place passed by was condensed into a thick layer of white ice.

The sound of a broken vase sounded, and the fire cocoon burst out in an instant. A figure inside burst out, hit the wall heavily, spit out a mouthful of blood and collapsed on the ground.

Ning Yu's face was a little pale. She put away her gesture. The white giant lotus quickly shrank, and then flew into Ning Yu's body and disappeared.

The scene burst into cheers again. Lin Ran frowned and couldn't stand these sounds.

Ruling the immortal officer from the sky, explored the man, and then announced Ning Yu's victory.

Ning Yu saw Lin Ran in the crowd at a glance. She smiled and her face recovered slightly with a trace of blood. It seemed that although she had nothing to do with the battle just now, Xian Yuanli was still very expensive.

"Why are you so fast every time?" Lin Ran came to Ning Yu's side, and Ning Yu said helplessly.

Lin Ran smiled and rubbed his nose, "The opponent is too bad, and I can't help it. Look at your battle just now, it's awesome, haha."

Ning Yu gave Lin Ran angrily, "It's not serious."

"Yes, your weapon is not that huge white lotus, is it?" Lin Ran asked the doubts in his heart.

Ning Yu's face stiffened, and then looked at Lin Ran strangely, as if she were looking at an animal she had never seen before, and Lin Ran was uncomfortable.

"What's wrong? My face is pale?" Lin Ran looked at his clothes carefully and didn't find anything wrong.

"That's my magic weapon." Ning Yu said helplessly.

"What? A magic weapon? What is a magic weapon? Lin Ran was completely confused.

After entering the fairyland for so long, it was the first time he heard this word. There is no magic weapon in the memory of the ancient and heaven.

Ning Yu looked at Lin Ran with an unbelievable face, "Isn't it? I don't know what a magic weapon is?"

"I really don't know, just talk about it." Lin Ran smiled bitterly. He really didn't hear of the conscience of heaven and earth, and no one had ever told him.

"It's really strange that you don't even know the magic weapon. You use magic soldiers, the main battle, and I use the magic weapon, the main magic weapon. The level of the magic weapon is the same as that of the divine soldier, but it is very difficult to refine, and there is no melee means to promote the magic weapon through the immortal power. Many immortals will not choose to use magic weapons and directly use magic soldiers as weapons. That can be both a magic soldier and a magic weapon, but the power of using spells is not as great as that of a magic weapon.

Lin Ran's eyes widened. Is there such a thing in this fairyland? Why hasn't anyone told themselves?

"Isn't it paralyzed? Why don't I know at all? No one told me this?"

Ning Yu shook her head and smiled, "Now that the martial arts style in the fairy world is prevailing, the era of magic weapons has passed, and the power of replacing magic weapons with divine weapons is not much different. Naturally, they will not choose magic weapons. However, most of the senior officials in the fairyland use magic weapons, such as Lao Jun's diamond bracelets and Li Tianwang's exquisite pagodas are magic weapons.

Lin Ran's heart is depressed. There is this thing in the fairyland that he doesn't even know at all, and there is no such thing in the memory of ancient heaven. What's the situation?