official immortal road

Chapter 165: Gathering Armor

In the high platform, I don't know when there are several immortal officials sitting on it. Three of them are known by Lin Ran. Of course, they are old acquaintances Li Jing and Lao Jun, and the other is the platinum star they saw in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall that day, but the others have never seen them.

The people who can sit on it are all immortals. The immortals who watch dare not make a sound, and the whole scene is very quiet.

Tai Platinum Star shook his sleeves, stood up and came to the edge of the high platform.

"Today is the time when the top 12 were born. Now all our top 12 players have stood under the stage. Everyone cheered them with warm applause and congratulated them on being shortlisted in the top 12!"

The voice of the platinum star is very encouraging, making the onlookers applaud desperately, and the applause is overwhelming, making people's ears roar.

Lao Jun and others in the back seat also applauded gently with a smile.

"This selection of the Xianwu Association is undoubtedly the highest quality in our history! What does this mean? It shows that there have been many talents in our fairyland in the past hundred years! In three months, the Immortal Martial Arts Association of the Four Worlds will definitely beat the heroes! Let the other three worlds dare not underestimate our fairyland!"

As soon as the words of the platinum star were finished, there were thunderous cheers again.

For the previous four worlds fairy martial arts, the fairyland is undoubtedly at the bottom, and as a fairyland, people feel ashamed and aggrieved. Nowadays, there are many talented players, who are likely to raise their eyebrows and defeat the enemy in the Four Worlds Fairy Club, which makes every fairy excited.

The Platinum Star continued to say a lot of inspiring words and the glory that the fairyland had gained before, completely mobilizing the atmosphere at the scene. Everyone was excited and indignant.

Lin Ran was helpless. This man is really demagogic. Even Lin Ran, an anti-sky and rebellious character, is heartbroking and hot-blooded.

Tai Platinum Star's speech lasted for an hour, which made Lin Ran complain. It was undoubtedly those things. The original hot-blooded mood was now completely extinguished as if it had been poured cold water.

The immortals at the scene did not applaud and clap their hands, and sat down, like a frosted eggplant, really wither.

Soon, Tai Platinum Star also knew that he had almost said it, and some people might go back, and then asked Lao Jun to speak in turn.

Hearing this, Lin Ran simply scolded countless mothers in his heart. These players are different from those audiences. They can move as they want and stand as they want. They have to stand with their hands on their backs, looking up, and can't even move their necks.

However, Lao Jun and others' speech was very simple, that is, after saying encouraging words, they sat back. A quarter of an hour later, all the immortal officials finished speaking, and Tai Platinum Star spoke again.

"Okay, let's start issuing rewards now." Taibaixing smiled, and then the immortal officials behind him stood up collectively, and the audience outside the venue also stood up.

Lin Ran secretly cheered in his heart that his baby armor was finally coming.

"The players who enter the top 12 will be rewarded with a gourd seven yuan Xuandan and a piece of spiritual armor! Whoever reads the name now will come up to receive the award. After saying that, Taibai Jinxing took out a golden roll of paper from his hand and spread it out in his hand.

"Fairy Department, Ghost Lord!"

The first person was Gui Tianjue, which made Lin Ran ** the corners of his mouth. He had a hunch in his heart, and the second one was definitely himself!

Gui Tianjue answered, flew up and down in front of the platinum star, and bowed deeply. At this time, Li Jing came out from behind, holding a small golden gourd and a dark black armor in his hand.

Lin Ran stared and found that there was a trace of golden light flowing on the armor. It seemed to be a blessing of rune in it, but he couldn't see anything special. There should be an obvious difference between the armor in the spiritual period, right? Why can't you see it?

After taking the elixir and armor in Li Jing's hand, Gui Tianjue bowed deeply to Li Jing. Li Jing smiled and said nothing, so he walked back and sat in his seat.

Then Gui Tianjue bowed to everyone present, turned his head and bowed to the audience, and finally came down, making Lin Ran depressed.

Is it still paralyzed? Fortunately, the first one is Gui Tianjue, otherwise I may be disgusted by everyone!

With Lin Ran's nature and insight, I'm afraid that he directly took the armor and the elixir and came down, but the ghost Tianjue made a model for him, and of course he would do the same.

"Imperial Horse Supervisor, Lin Ran."

When Taibaixing called Lin Ran, the whole scene was surprisingly quiet. There were cheers in the name of Ghost Tianjue just now, but there was no sound when it came to Lin Ran.

Lin Ran smiled bitterly in his heart. It seems that his reputation is really bad! There is not even a cheer.

"Good job, Lord Lin!"

"The Imperial Horse Supervisor is proud of you!"

Just as Lin Ran was about to come to power, the subordinates of the imperial horse prison began to cheer with their lives. Their voices were extremely abrupt, and everyone looked at them with strange eyes.

Lin Ran was slightly relieved, and finally he was not so good to them for nothing.

Lin Ran also learned from the ghost Tianjue just now and bowed to the platinum star. At this time, Lao Jun stood up and came over with a smile and handed the elixir and a purple armor in his hand to Lin Ran.

When Lin Ran took over the armor, he found that the armor was strange, extremely light and almost weightless. The light golden rune gold light kept flowing, which was fantastic.

The surface is covered with scales the size of a nail cap, and the shoulders are slightly raised, forming a dragon-shaped sculpture, and a vast atmosphere spreads from above.

And the armor is extremely soft, just like silk.

Just now, Lin Ran thought that this armor should be very thick, but he didn't expect it to be the opposite, and he could obviously feel the resilience and vitality absorption contained in the armor.

This spiritual armor can also absorb the external aura into the body, which surprised Lin Ran.

Lin Ran hurriedly bowed to Laojun, which made Laojun's mouth twitch. If Lin Ran went straight down directly, he might make Laojun feel better. The way he bowed was so hypocritical. Who bows just to the head? The body is still straight there.

However, Lao Jun didn't bother to say anything about him. He knew a lot about what kind of person Lin Ran was. He directly waved his sleeves and turned around and walked away.

Seeing Lin Ran's stiff bows, Du Ming and others blushed. Lin Ran's man was really hopeless. Will you bow and lower your back to death? Many people laughed in a low voice, and Ning Yu below also held back the smile.

The third is Ning Yu. When Ning Yu's name was mentioned, the whole venue immediately burst into violent cheers, making people's heads in a trance.

It's paralyzed! How can it be like this? Are women so popular? Lin Ran scolded in his heart. Ning Yu's reaction to the court and others were completely two extremes!

The armor that Ning Yu got was pure white, the same color as his white lotus. It looked cold and shining, a trace of white airflow faintly dispersed, and there was also a lotus flower on her chest, which looked much better than that set of Lin Ran and Gui Tianjue.

Lin Ran frowned. Gui Tianjue's vitality is inclined to black, while he is purple and Ningyu is white. In that case, the color of these armors is the same color as their own vitality.

Are these armors tailor-made? Lin Ran had such an idea in his heart, but he was not sure.

Soon the remaining players also got their own rewards. They were all excited. Juling armor is very important for them now. Their own defense is very strong. As long as the opponent's strength is not much higher than themselves, there will be no complete defeat.

Of course, all the players who were shortlisted in the top 12 this time got the spiritual armor and collectively improved their defense, so that they reached the same level again.

After the platinum star announced the end, Gui Tianjue, Lin Ran and Ning Yu stayed in place without leaving, which shocked the other players who were about to leave. They secretly said that what Lin Ran had just said was true, right? If the three of them really work together, they will be in danger.

And Lin Ran, who can enter the top three this time, is undoubtedly the hottest candidates. Now they see the three people coming together, and their good mood of getting the spiritual armor just now is instantly extinguished.

"Who the hell is he?" Lin Ran stood in front of Gui Tianjue and asked with squinting.

Ning Yuliu frowned and was a little worried. After all, the two of them were the biggest enemies and were in two different camps, so it was inevitable that other people would pay attention to talk together.

Gui Tianjue shrugged his shoulders and said, "You will know then, but don't worry, his strength is only a nine-yuan immortal. It's just because of the Jade Emperor that he became a seed player."

Lin Ran and Ning Yu breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. What he was afraid of was that the other party was Xuanxian, so that he could not fight at all. The gap between Xuanxian and Tianxian could not be made up by immortal skills at all.

"How confident are you about him?" Lin Ran looked to the right and then asked.

People who don't understand think that the three of them are good friends and completely look like they are chatting. The more intimate they are, the more frightened the other players are, and Lin Ran deliberately turns his head at them from time to time, which makes them more suspicious.

"I'm not sure. After all, he is a member of the Jade Emperor, and he must have got his true biography. However, the last time we had a relationship, it was a draw. After so many years, I don't know how much he has grown. Gui Tianjue didn't know what medicine he took today, and he was very cooperative with Lin Ran. When Lin Ran asked him, he also turned his head and looked at the other side.

Ning Yu smiled faintly. He knew what the two of them were thinking.

The rapid rise of Gui Tianjue and Lin Ran made many people jealous of them, and began to be isolated. Lin Ran's presence in the Laojun faction is not serious, but Gui Tianjue, as Li Jing's faction, has a prevailing martial arts style and many talents. He must have a grudge against Gui Tianjue.

However, Lin Ran is also rejected by others because of his personality and dealing with people.

With the arrogance of the two of them, they naturally disdain to be with them, but they will definitely be unhappy and naturally want to play tricks on each other.

Moreover, although Gui Tianjue is not as violent as Lin Ran, he is also very serious. Even if he dealt with Li Jing's faction, he seriously injured the other party without mercy at all, and directly killed his opponent. This makes others hate him even more.

"Forget it, it's useless to ask you. Let's prepare for tomorrow's game. Maybe we'll meet directly." Lin Ran smiled faintly, pulled La Ningyu and walked aside.

When the players who did not leave saw Lin Ran coming towards them, they suddenly looked unnatural and didn't know what Lin Ran was going to do.

"Well, after discussing with Gui Tianjue just now, we agreed that it's too bad for you to be isolated, so we may kill people in the next game." Lin Ran left this sentence and turned to the exit. Ning Yu behind him covered his mouth and smiled secretly. He knew that Lin Ran was teasing them. He had never discussed these things with Gui Tianjue.

After hearing Lin Ran's words, the people immediately turned green, and then subconsciously looked at Gui Tianjue. The guy was also looking at them, with a ferocious smile on their faces and murderous.

Everyone felt a cool breath from the soles of their feet to the back of their heads, and their faces were extremely dry.

They dare not doubt what Lin Ran said! After all, he has killed a lot of people in front of him, and there is also a seven-yuan fairy!