official immortal road

Chapter 171: Unexpectedly

Lin Ran returned to the imperial horse prison, and no one went directly to the grazing grassland. Tomorrow is the top six competition, and it is likely that he will be on the throne. He can't help but be fully prepared.

No one knows what the reward for entering the top six and entering the top three is so far, but the rewards after winning the top six are so eye-catching, and it is estimated that the game of entering the top three will be even more frightening.

In fact, the selection of Xianwu Club depends to a certain extent on luck. For example, that week and luck were very bad. He met Lin Ran halfway. With his strength of seven-yuan immortals, it is actually very simple to enter the top six.

Now in the top six, except for Lin Ran, Ningyu and Gui Tianjue, the other three people's cultivation are all six yuan. It can be imagined how unjust Zhou He is.

However, those who can represent the fairyland to participate in the Four Worlds Fairy Martial Arts Association can only be the top three. At that time, both reputation and rewards will be very scary.

Some people have been unknown to the four worlds, but once you participate in the Four Worlds Fairy Martial Arts Association, no matter what the result is, you will have a certain reputation in the four worlds. If you win the championship, you will definitely become the focus of the four worlds, and your status will soar to a terrible level.

For example, Lin Ran is only a five-grade immortal official now. If he can win the first place in the Four Worlds Fairy Martial Arts Association, then even if the four-grade immortal official sees him in the fairy world, he dares not do anything presumptuous and must treat him with courtesy.

This is the hidden status. At that time, a lot of people will come to beat him, and the power of Laojun will also increase accordingly. That's why Laojun and Li Jing are very concerned about the Xianwu Club.

A champion of the Four Worlds Fairy Martial Arts Association, won the first place in the four worlds within a hundred years of cultivation. That weight is very heavy. The future is boundless. Others who are not fools will choose to follow him before he grows up, so that he will have a boundless future after becoming a confidant in the future!

On this day, Lin Ran familiarized all his fairy warfare skills. Now he has learned almost all the learning that Gu Wutian passed on to him. Although he has not yet reached the point of being fascinated, he can still do it freely.

The higher Lin Ran's current cultivation, the more he can feel the fear of the ancient law. The various fairy tactics in the inheritance can be said to be absolutely the top existence, and they can be used together, so that the power will be doubled and will not be rejected.

Some fairy warfare skills will repel each other, and those ancient and law do not have that kind of situation at all. Not only are they not repelled, but the superimposed power is not as simple as one plus one at all, which can be called horrible!

In fact, Lin Ran has not used all his strength since he was promoted to Jiuyuan Immortal, and even he has not used much of his ancient immortal skills. Even he does not know what level his strength has completely exploded to reach.

From time to time, there was a shocking explosion in the depths of the grazing grassland, and the whole Tianma of the imperial horse prison has always been in an extremely irritable state, which is a pain for those who watch horses.

But they all know that Lin Ran is practicing fairy tactics. Who dares to say anything? Wang Yu and others are waiting for Lin Ran to win the first place, so that their future status will be higher and they will get more benefits.

When Lin Ran finished practicing and preparing to rest in his mansion, he immediately received an order from Lao Jun to go to the palace.

He really can't figure out why Lao Jun would summon himself to come at this time? Could it be that the seed player hidden by the imperial horse prison was found out? Thinking of this, Lin Ran immediately got up and went. For the person hidden by the imperial horse prison, it has always been Lin Ran's heart disease. The whole imperial horse prison is so big that there is such a powerful person hidden, which can make Lin Ran feel comfortable.

When she came to the main hall of Doulian Palace, Lin Ran found that many immortal officials were there. Even Ning Yu stood behind her master with her head down, and everyone looked worried.

Lin Ran's heart thumped, and a bad foreboding instantly filled his heart.

"See you and join us." Lin Ran hurriedly said hello.

Lao Jun waved his hand directly and looked very impatient, which made Lin Ran even more uneasy, and many speculations kept surrounding his mind.

Lin Ran looked around. Everyone's face was extremely ugly. Among them, Ning Yu's master's face was almost black. Ning Yu kept lowering her head and didn't know what expression it was.

"Laojun, what's going on?" Lin Ran frowned and asked.

"The list of the top six has come out." Lao Jun opened his mouth slowly, and his tone was a little vicissitudes.

Lin Ran's heart thumped. Why did the list come out before the game started?

"Hasn't the game not started yet?"

"It was drawn up by the Jade Emperor himself." The canopy next to him said.

Isn't it paralyzed? Did the Jade Emperor draw up it himself? Lin Ran was shocked, and then thought of everyone's expressions. Is it possible that he is against Gui Tianjue this time?

"Who am I?" Lin Ran asked hurriedly.

Lao Jun raised his head with strange eyes and finally sighed, "You have nothing to do. It's Ning Yu."

Lin Ran trembled all over, and then suddenly looked at Ning Yu. At this time, Ning Yu also raised her head, her face was pale, and squeezed out a very reluctant smile at Lin Ran.

"Ning Yu against the ghost Tianjue."

Lin Ran's whole face changed in an instant. He was not afraid of his opposition to the ghost Tianjue, but he was afraid of Ning Yu's opposition! Ning Yu is only seven yuan immortal, and Gui Tianjue is nine yuan. Where is his opponent? And judging from the behaviors in front of Gui Tianjue, that guy doesn't follow the routine at all. What if Ning Yu is seriously injured or killed?

"Can you ask the Jade Emperor to change it?" Lin Ran took a deep breath and looked directly at Lao Jun and asked.

Everyone's eyelids jumped suddenly, looked at Lin Ran in surprise, and then looked at Ning Yu. Some shook their heads secretly, some looked sarcastic, and some were puzzled.

"Nonsense, let alone the Jade Emperor will not change this decision, do you think you can fight against the ghost Tianjue?" Laojun was a little angry and scolded loudly.

Lin Ran's cultivation of immortals has only been more than half a year, and Laojun is very satisfied that he can reach the current level.

Laojun actually doesn't expect Lin Ran to defeat Gui Tianjue at all. He only hopes that he can enter the top three and represent the fairyland to participate in the competition. There is still a three-month buffer period after the selection of the Xianwu Association. Maybe Lin Ran can still break through to Xuanxian with the elixir, but now, no one thinks that Lin Ran can beat the ghost Tianjue.

"I have confidence!" Lin Ran said confidently, his eyes were like torches, and he was not afraid of Lao Jun's murderous eyes at all.

"Lin Ran, this matter has been settled, and no one can change anything." At this time, Ningyu's master Dongdou Xingjun spoke in a somewhat helpless tone.

After all, it is about to enter the top three. As long as the other three players with poor strength make steady progress, who knows that the Jade Emperor will make such a move? It's completely beyond everyone's expectation.

"Is there really nothing you can do?" Lin Ran still did not give up. After all, the reward of the top three must be very tempting, which made Ning Yu lose so unfairly. Lin Ran was very unbearable.

"Do you think I don't want to? But the Jade Emperor chose his opponent himself this time. Who dares to say anything? Lao Jun is already very angry and his tone is extremely harsh.

Ning Yu's face was very ugly and kept shaking his head at Lin Ran. He knew Lin Ran very well. With Lin Ran's temper, he may fall out with Lao Jun again this time.

"Old and immortal things! Play this trick at this time!" Lin Ran scolded the Jade Emperor in his heart, obviously targeting them.

"Why did the Jade Emperor do this? This is unfair." Lin Ran said.

Lao Jun took a deep breath and said in a quiet tone.

"Do you think the Jade Emperor is targeting us? On the contrary, he is protecting you. The royal mother has always been worried about the last Zhou He incident. This time, the Jade Emperor did not intervene to select the opposing player. The royal mother may directly use means to make you and Gui Tianjue.

Everyone present at Laojun's words did not expect it. They all looked surprised, and then thought carefully that it was indeed such a truth.

The player of the Queen Mother faction was killed by Lin Ran. Although Li Jing carried the blame at that time, it was Lin Ran's hand anyway. It is likely that it will be secretly bad in the next game and let Lin Ran and Gui Tianjue match, so that no matter who wins, it can make the Queen Mother breathe a bad breath.

Paralyzed! So righteous! But the heart is like a snake and a scorpion! Lin Ran simply wanted to strangle the Queen Mother. Although he didn't like the Queen Mother, at least he was not disgusted, but now he is completely resentful.

"But Gui Tianjue is moody and unpredictable. What if he kills Ning Yu?" Lin Ran said what he was most worried about.

Everyone thought of this, that's why she had such an expression. Ning Yu's talent is beyond doubt, and she is very malleable. She is likely to be immortal in hundreds of thousands of years.

There are only a few immortals in the fairyland, and one palm can count them. If Ningyu becomes a fairy, it will be very beneficial to their faction! No one wants to see Ning Yu killed by Gui Tianjue.

If you become a female fairy, you can be in charge of female officials. At that time, all female officials in the fairyland will be under her jurisdiction. You can imagine how many benefits there are.

The most important Li Jing's side must have thought of this, which will definitely make Gui Tianjue attack Ning Yu. The game of entering the top three is the most cruel, and the dead often happens, and there is another rule that he can't admit defeat at the beginning. He must go all out. If Gui Tianjue really wants to kill Ning Yu, it is completely The opportunity made her speechless before Ning Yu opened her mouth, and then everything will be settled.

The unprecedented anxiety filled Lin Ran's heart, making him feel extremely irritable and completely chaotic.

Lang Laojun and the others didn't listen to anything behind. They had been thinking about how to make Gui Tianjue not kill Ning Yu. He immediately decided to find Gui Tianjue as soon as he went out and let him open up.

At this time, Ning Yu's life is the most important thing. If Gui Tianjue disagrees, then Lin Ran may directly take action against Gui Tianjue.

Until now, Lin Ran found that Ning Yu had unconsciously occupied a very important position in Lin Ran. If something happened to her, Lin Ran would definitely go crazy. Thinking that Ning Yu might be killed by the ghost Lord Lin Ran, she felt that it was so difficult to breathe.

"Lin Ran, I'm fine. Really, at worst, I can just admit defeat." Lin Ran came out with Ning Yu. Seeing Lin Ran's soulless appearance, Ning Yu comforted Lin Ran instead.

Lin Ran showed a smile that was more ugly than crying. Others didn't know, but Lin Ran was very clear about it. If they want to kill the other party, with their current strength, they can completely prevent the other party from talking. If Gui Tianjue really wants to kill Ning Yu, then he can definitely kill him.

"Well, I know that you can't beat him. At that time, you can find a chance to admit defeat. Remember that you can't fight hard. I don't want you to be fine." Lin Ran's expression was serious, turned his head and looked straight into Ning Yu's eyes and said, his tone was unquestionable.

Ning Yu smiled and nodded.

"Looking that your relationship with Gui Tianjue is not very bad, he should not embarrass me." Ning Yu thought that although Lin Ran and Gui Tianjue were hostile, judging from the conversation before these games, there should be no big hatred.

Lin Ran doesn't think so. Gui Tianjue has always made him feel like a poisonous snake. I don't know when he will give you a blow. If you say that you have a good heart, you will never have anything to do with Gui Tianjue.

Lin Ran's resentful eyes in the Wan cave mountain ghost Tianjue are now vivid. That guy is more hidden than himself. No one can figure him out. Maybe he will only lose his temper in front of purple clothes.

After talking to Ning Yu for a while, Lin Ran left immediately. He was going to do something. He wanted to know what the attitude of Gui Tianjue was.

"If you really want to kill Ning Yu, then I won't do the immortals! Kill you on the spot!"

Ning Yu's matter can be said to have completely disturbed Lin Ran's reason.