official immortal road

Chapter 213: Strength!

Lin Ran's words made everyone dumbfounded. Even Rex looked at Lin Ran with an idiotic expression.

There are a total of 100 people in their team, three of whom are at the Xuanshen level, and one of them is still at the same level as him. He dares to boast that one person picks the whole escort team.

The members of Renbit's guard team have some ability, and even Rex is not sure that they can win. Their combat effectiveness is not as simple as one plus one.

"Are you serious?" Fisher heard that Lin Ran was so arrogant, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. He was not sure to win Lin Ran one-on-one, but if the whole escort team went together, he would still not abuse him like abusing vegetables?

Rex walked to Lin Ran and pulled the corners of his clothes with a worried face. This man was really too arrogant! He just went to challenge Harris, and now he has to challenge his team. Isn't he happy if something doesn't happen to him?

"You were appointed by Lord Jubit himself. Even if they don't recognize you, there is nothing you can do. Why do you need to?" Rex really didn't understand what was thinking in Lin Ran's head.

"Haha! I will keep my word! As long as you can beat me, then I will talk to the adults! Automatic abdication for you! However, if you lose, give it to me honestly! If you dare to turn east, I will cut off your feet immediately!" Lin Ran's eyes are like torches and he is very confident.

Rex looked at Lin Ran helplessly and didn't know what to say. It seemed that the man was really dependent, but Sanyuan Xuanshen's cultivation could win this team's guard team, so this team was too bad, right? It's almost the same to replace it with the escort team of other priests.

"Good! Everyone heard it! As long as he can beat us, we will be loyal to the death in the future. If he loses, I will be the captain!" Fisher looked excited. He had been peeping at this captain. How could he let go of such a good opportunity now? It doesn't matter if others say more or less.

"Yes!" Therefore, the guards immediately answered loudly. For them, Lin Ran was simply arrogant. When they joined hands, they could defeat even the five-yuan Xuanshen, let alone a three-yuan Xuanshen.

Where to go to the test? You choose." Fisher said with a sneer.

Lin Ran shrugged his shoulders, "No, it's right here. It doesn't take much time."

"What!" Hearing Lin Ran's such nonsense, everyone was angry and looked at Lin Ran with fire. This was a naked contempt for them! Which one is not extremely proud to be a member of the guard of the Temple? Lin Ran's words completely stabbed their self-esteem fiercely.

"Are you sure you want to be here? I'm afraid that too much noise will destroy this temple!" Fisher also said with an angry face and gritted his teeth.

"Why are you so much talkous? It can start now." Lin Ran looked impatient, took a few steps back, stretched out his right hand, and waved to them very provocatively.

Rex knew that there was no room for this matter. He had no choice but to retreat far away and was ready to take action at any time. He didn't want anything to happen to Lin Ran.

"Okay! Very good! Go!" Fisher snorted heavily, and the long gun in his hand shook, and a light green water pattern slowly opened from the tip.


The guards behind him immediately shouted, with a long gun in their hands, forming a triangle-like formation. Fisher was in the front, and the remaining two binary gods were in the other two corners.

"Three knife array." Rex's heart passed on to Lin Ran.

Lin Ran had never seen this kind of formation. He was quite curious and kept walking back and forth without rushing to take action. What kind of formation is it?

"The three most powerful people are located at the front of the three corners, with both the beginning and the end, connected with vigor and great power! This is the most powerful combat formation of the escort in the field of Jubit! No matter where you take action, they can defend themselves, and the other two corners can form a pinch attack on you. When you defend against the other two corners, the triangle will turn into three sharp knives to attack you at the same time! Kakarot, I think it's okay. Even the five-yuan Xuanshen will suffer losses. Rex said hurriedly, very worried.

Lin Ran raised his eyebrows. He had never encountered such a formation in the fairyland for so long, but when he was still a fairy, he seemed to vaguely remember that the guards of Wude Xingjun also used the formation, but he was directly dispersed by him.

"It's okay. They're not my opponent." Lin Ran smiled confidently. For this formation, Lin Ran had dozens of ways to break it, and he didn't pay attention to it at all.

Seeing that Lin Ran has made up his mind, Rex can't say anything. His body is tense. As long as Lin Ran is defeated, he will take action immediately.

"Three knife array, go!" Fisher shouted angrily, and the long gun in his hand pointed directly at Lin Ran. The team members behind him also shouted in a low voice and moved quickly. A light blue airflow emanated from their bodies and floated to the top of their heads, and finally formed a trident-like atmosphere.

Lin Ran sneered. The weakness of the three-knife array is in the air. As long as he attacks the interior from above them, he will break the formation. That's why they condensed the atmosphere similar to the Trident, which seemed to be horrible and unbreakable, but it was just an illusion, in order to make their opponents afraid to attack from the air.

This kind of battle-like formation requires a one-on-one attack, which is obviously not as powerful as possible.

"It's really naive. Compared with the runes of the fairyland, it's simply rubbish!" Lin Ran sneered in his heart and moved his right foot forward slightly.

"Look, I'll let you know what strength is! Cultivation and strength are different concepts!" Lin Ran shouted in a low voice, and his body disappeared in an instant.

With this move alone, all the people present were stunned. Rex had an unbelievable expression on his face. His four-yuan Xuans cultivation did not see how Lin Ran disappeared at all.

"Space...move?" Rex swallowed heavily. For the movement of this space, it can only be used by angels above the Golden God. Lin Ran can only use the Sanyuan Xuanshen.

At this moment, Rex vaguely understood why Lin Ran dared to challenge Harris and did not necessarily lose.

"Everyone keep your position! As soon as it appears, attack immediately!" Fisher was worthy of being a veteran and soon came to his senses and looked around warily.

The other team members were obviously a little afraid. They were afraid of people who could move space. That's what the Golden God could have. They were just gods, and they were so scared that their hands and feet trembled.

Lin Ran's figure has never appeared. There was silence in the whole temple. The guards' eyes were wide open, and their spirits were tense, and everyone's forehead oozed with sweat.

Lin Ran's mind is really vicious, but he just made everyone extremely nervous and nervous with one move, and Lin Ran has never attacked, and some people have begun to calm down.

"Carrot! Come out if you have the guts! What's the matter of hiding all the time? If you are afraid, you will admit defeat!" Fisher finally couldn't calm down and shouted angrily, echoing the whole temple.

"Do as you wish." Lin Ran's voice suddenly sounded above their heads, and Fisher's eyes flashed.

"above!" Then the whole person flew up in an instant, and the team members behind him also flew up, forming a three-dimensional triangular tip, and Lin Ran's figure was above their heads.

"Death!" Fisher shouted angrily, and the long gun in his hand suddenly emitted a blue gas, and the team members below released their energy to support Fisher's body at the same time.

Fisher's long gun turned into a huge blue blade, and the surrounding air was quickly torn apart, making a roar, and instantly hit Lin Ran's body.


The whole temple shook violently, some stones collapsed and fell off, and Lin Ran's figure was also smashed at that moment.

Rex's face turned completely white. He didn't even have a chance to take action just now. He thought Lin Ran could hold on, but he didn't expect to be bombarded directly.

"Kakarotto!" Rex looked a little painful. He finally looked forward to a lucky star, but he didn't expect to be killed by his men because of this. How ironic it was.

Fisher was also shocked. He thought that Lin Ran was a character, so he made a heavy move. Unexpectedly, he was smashed like this. It was inevitable that he was a little worried. After all, Lin Ran was the captain who was personally appointed and removed by them. If they were killed, they would not escape punishment.

Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what to do.

"Hmm?" Rex's eyebrows suddenly raised, his eyes widened, and he could hardly believe his eyes.

Fisher also found an abnormality, suddenly turned his head and looked behind him, and his pupils suddenly stood up.

"The array! Formation!" Fisher shouted in panic. The team members didn't understand the situation at all, but they quickly formed a three-blade array again.

"Is this what you call a cling? Is this your confidence that you can be confident in the position of captain? Is this the strength you should have?" A series of sounds echoed throughout the temple, with a long history, which made people feel like being hammered and panicked.

Everyone looked behind in panic and saw Lin Ran's purple flame burning like a scorching sun. The air of the place was all burned and twisted, and there were bursts of "sneer" in the air. The whole person was like a fire god, with purple eyes flashing and coming to them without expression.

The momentum emanating from Lin Ran's body has overshadowed the momentum of the whole escort team. Even Fisher is afraid, let alone others, has forgotten to attack.

Rex was completely shocked by Lin Ran's appearance, because Lin Ran's breath even felt his own heart palpitations.

"Next, I'll let you see what I, Kakarot Vegeta, are qualified to be your captain!" Lin Ran suddenly shouted angrily, and his body appeared directly in front of Fisher, with his palm aimed at Fisher's face, and a purple whirlpool quickly formed in his palm.

Fisher came to his senses at this time. His pupils suddenly contracted and shouted harshly, "Prevent..." Before he finished speaking, Lin Ran had already launched an attack.



At this moment, the 100 people were blown away by the purple gas that broke out from Lin Ran's palm, but the strange thing is that no one was smashed by the terrible attack. Hundreds of people flew into the air and then fell like rain, smashing the ground.

"How is that possible?" Rex let out an exclamation and his eyes were widened.

(It will be updated tonight. Ten thousand words for a month in a row are even more tiring. I'm sorry to take a night off.)