official immortal road

Chapter 218: War Breaks out

Now the atmosphere is extremely tense, and a war will break out immediately with a little Mars.

Almost all of the 30,000 guards in the field of Pibit are from Hailong, and there are less than 10,000 people loyal to Pibit.

More than 20,000 people fought against 10,000. How can this be regarded as losing on the side of the side? What's the use of Jiuli Jinjin? Hailong can completely unite with several priests to contain him.

Lin Ran learned a lot from Hailong this time. In this way, it is terrible to find a dark Chencang. Who would have thought that in fact, the field of Jubit has become the private property of Hailong? In particular, Hailongwei's move just now completely participated in the enemy and killed the backhand, so that everyone did not come back to their senses.

Lin Ran has already planned in his mind how to use Hailong's moves in the fairyland in the future. In the future, he really fell out with the fairyland, and he can also make such a big counterattack.

"Hailong, do you really want to rebel?" Bibit's face was pale and he trembled with anger.

It's also because he trusted Hailong too much. He thought that thousands of years of friendship was unbreakable and it was impossible to betray himself. Although the military power was in his hands, he handed over the task of recruiting troops to Hailong.

Now think about it, youbit is so regretful that there are so many people in the field who are Hailong. What about those outside the field? Isn't it all his people? Then he will really step down.

For the divine world, disputes in these fields will not be overly governed. As long as you don't die from important people, you can do whatever you want, and those who have the ability will live. As a lord, how can his ability be better if he is overthrown by his own men? If you go down, the Lord God will not pay attention to these things.

However, this time, because Hayes, the apprentice of the Divine Martial Arts Association, Hayes, can't die, and even if he dies, the good days of the sea dragon will come to an end.

However, if the rule of Hebit is overthrown, Hayes' state will certainly be affected. However, he and He and Bith jointly sued their main god, which is very unfavorable to the sea dragon.

For the sake of the Four Worlds Fairy and Martial Arts Association, the main god may intervene as an exception. After all, the Four Worlds Fairy Martial Arts Association represents the glory of the whole divine world, and they are just fighting within themselves, which is not comparable at all.

"Haha! You have said it many times! What? Are you afraid?" Hailong smiled sarcastically. Now both soldiers and priests have an absolute advantage, and he is not afraid of the butt at all.

"Oh, by the way, almost all the soldiers guarding outside are my people. I just issued an order, and those who are loyal to you have also been subdued. That is to say, now, this field will be officially renamed as the sea dragon field! Hahaha..." Hailong laughed wildly.


"It's over, there are more than 100,000 guards outside!"

"What should I do? This is going to be finished!"

When the Bibit camp heard Hailong's words, it immediately became turbulent. Many of them were not completely loyal to Bit. At present, when they see such a form, they inevitably feel a little unswayed.

Once faced with the threat of life, the true face of many people will be exposed.

"Hahaha! Hayes is an important player of the Four Worlds Fairy Martial Arts Association. What if you control everyone? As long as I report with him, what big waves do you think you can turn over? Pibit laughed angrily. Today can be said to be his most angry day. He was tricked by his loyal subordinates, which made him face the danger of being expelled from his field.

A collar is mainly driven down by his own men, which will definitely become a big joke in the divine world! Being ridiculed by everyone, I'm afraid it's very difficult to turn over again.

Lin Ran was shocked when he heard Yubit's words, and then thought carefully that it was indeed the truth. It was inevitable that he was a little disappointed. He still hoped that the more chaotic the place was, the better. However, when he saw Hailong's expression that he didn't care about at all, he should have been surprised by this, but he didn't know what he had to deal with.

"Is it..." Lin Ran's pupils suddenly contracted, and a bold idea came out of his mind. Then he looked at Hayes, who was standing beside him and looking at the sea dragon with a hazy face.

"I don't think so..." Lin Ran shook his head and smiled secretly, denying his idea. If it's really like what he thought, then this sea dragon will be too horrible and go deep into the sea!

The words of Jubit also made many hesitant people feel reassured. After all, Jubit's majesty is deeply rooted in people's hearts, and they will not fall so hastily until the last moment.

After all, this is an opportunity. If you stand in the right camp, you will definitely have unlimited scenery and be reused in the future.

"Oh? Is that so?" Hailong smiled and then hooked his hand at Hayes, "What are you still doing?"

"It's paralyzed! That's true!" Lin Ran closed his eyes in pain.

Jubit looked at Hayes next to him with sharp eyes and saw a gloomy smile on his face, "Oh, Lord Hailong, you are really. I want to stay a little longer."

Hayes walked to the opposite side with a smile and followed him with dozens of priests. This time, the camp on the side of the Bith was completely chaotic and panicked.

Jibit was so angry that he trembled all over, and a terrible breath swept the audience, making everyone around him feel palpitated, his face turned pale, and the air around his body was constantly twisted and shaking.

Lin Ran now feels sorry for the disciples who have worked hard to cultivate, but he didn't expect to be a Hailong. What a blow is this? If it were Lin Ran, he might have killed Hayes directly.

But this is also good. Anyway, Lin Ran is going to seize the mixed-yuan gold furnace on Hayes. It's really not easy for Lin Ran to start on their side. Now it's okay to run to the opposite side, so it's also a crime to kill Hayes, and you can run away by yourself.

Now, Hayes can't kill, and the status of Hailong will also be consolidated because of Hayes. It can be said that it is completely out of disadvantage.

"Haha! I, Hailong, am also an enlightened person. As long as you choose to be on my side, I will accept you regardless of the past! You are not stupid. Even Hayes has defected to me. What does that mean? It shows that my Hailong is more suitable to be a lord than him, Jubit!" Hailong pointed to the butt and said loudly, and his voice resounded throughout the audience.

Many people showed hesitation and wanted to join the sea dragon but did not dare to be the first person to eat crabs. At this time, whoever stands up first will definitely be beaten into powder by the dragon.

"My lord, what should I do?" Lin Ran knew that it was time for him to talk and make a fire. How boring was it that he was afraid that Bit would escape?

"As long as you give an order, your subordinates will go through fire and water!" Lin Ran said with a serious face.

Youbit took a deep breath and looked at Lin Ran with more emotion. Then he looked at Hailong coldly, "Okay! Good! It seems that you have been waiting for this day for a long time!"

After saying that, Bit turned around and looked at the people behind him, "You know how I am. Follow me to quell this rebellion, and everyone will have a good meal in the future!" If anyone betrays, you should know the consequences!"

"Swear to follow Lord Bit to the death!"

The guards of Jubitt began to shout loudly and were indignant. Other people were gradually driven by emotions, and almost tens of thousands of people roared loudly when they were surrounded.

Lin Ran was secretly surprised. Looking at this, his prestige was really not covered. Any few words without oil or salt made many people excited.

"Hahaha! OK! The road is chosen by yourself. You can't blame others if you die!" Hailong laughed three times, and then his face changed, was extremely serious and murderous, and he raised his right hand.

"Kill them all! Don't leave one!"

War, with the complete outbreak of the words of the sea dragon, more than 20,000 sea dragon legions rushed over crazily, the sound of killing shocked the sky, and the ground shook.

Lin Ran still couldn't react for a while. He stood still and looked at it in a daze. When a soldier killed him, he came to his senses and hurriedly dodged.

The war of 30,000 people was imminent. With a wave of his hand, hundreds of soldiers who rushed directly in front of him immediately shook their bodies into powder.

Hailong shouted and flew up and rushed over directly. He was followed by more than a dozen gods with golden god cultivation, rushing directly to Bit.

Although Jubit's strength is superb, in the face of the sea dragon, which is also a nine-power golden general god, and a dozen gold gods with seven or eight yuan, he can't take care of his side at all. More than a dozen people fought against Jubit. All the places he passed by exploded, and both enemies and companions turned into corpses.


More than 20,000 people can deal with less than 10,000 people, which can be said to be a broken bamboo. The people in the Bit camp have been beaten and retreated steadily, and the casualties are increasing. Those Golden Gods are completely restrained by the Golden Gods under Hailong and can't spare their hands to help those soldiers at all.

Then the most terrible thing happened, and the people of the Bitter camp were dispersed! It's completely the enemy now!

Lin Ran still has a shocked expression. There are people everywhere, and people everywhere. The sky and the ground are everywhere. Those killed angels keep falling like raindrops, and then they are trampled into meat sauce by the people below.

Paralyzed! Is this war?

Lin Ran swallowed heavily. He had never participated in a war in his life, and the most was the time in Wanmo Valley, but compared with here, it was not a grade at all.

What makes Lin Ran depressed is that their camp has been dispersed, and they don't know which one is on their side. Although some people know Lin Ran, they don't know each other! He has been waiting for others to attack him before he comes out.

"Rex! How do I know which one is our person when I am paralyzed? Which one is Hailong's? Lin Ran came to Rex, slapped a soldier who wanted to attack from behind Rex, and shouted.

"I don't know either!"

"..." Lin Ran was completely speechless.

"These soldiers used to be an army, but now more than half of them have rebellion and do not form an attack. They are completely fighting indiscriminately! How do I know who our people are?" Rex shot through a soldier in front of him and said loudly.

The real war is not like this. The commander doesn't have a combat formation at all now, entirely because everyone used to be their own, and it is difficult to tell who the enemy is infighting.

The scene was completely messed up. Many people in the Bith camp did not know which was the enemy, and were often killed by those who thought they were their companions.

Everyone is in a hurry. They are already in a weak position. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid they will really die.

" Paralyzed! How did they sneak up on our people? Won't they make a mistake?" Lin Ran scolded and then caught a person who wanted to sneak up on him. Say it! How on earth did you distinguish me from the enemy?"


At this time, Rex shot behind Lin Ran, and a one-yuan Xuanshen was blown away by him. Lin Ran looked behind him with lingering flin, "Thank you for paralysis!"

It's completely messy! Lin Ran was afraid of hurting his own people, which would lead to danger in all directions. There were already few people on their side, and one less died! No matter how strong Lin Ran is, he will die to deal with so many angels.

"say! Paralyzed!" Lin Ran roared and directly broke one of the soldiers' hands.

"Ah! I said, our arms are all wrapped in a blue ribbon. The soldier could not stand Lin Ran's torture and immediately recruited him.

Lin Ran was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly looked up. Sure enough, he saw a finger-wide blue belt wrapped around many soldiers' hands.

"Bitch! Listen, everyone! The enemy's hands are wrapped in blue ribbons! If you are paralyzed, kill me when you see it!" Lin Ran suddenly jumped into the space and shouted with all his strength. His voice completely suppressed the shouting below and resounded throughout the audience.