official immortal road

Chapter 227: Killing

Seeing Lin Ran's ferocious smile, the four-yuan Xuanshen's face turned white in an instant. At a glance, he knew that the man must have been plotting something in his heart, and it was also aimed at Hayes!

If something happens to Hayes, if the Lord God blames him, no one will have a good life. It is because of this that Hailong will let Hayes be responsible for logistics and prevent him from participating in the war.

Although youbit was put by Hailong, there are still some means in his heart for today's changes, and Carlos' 100,000 soldiers are his last card.

In order not to have an accident, Hailong can't spend all the time with Youbit. He can only gather all his troops to attack. Lin Ran just wants to sneak into the back of them and kill Hayes unconsciously when he fights in front of them.

"You don't want to deal with Hayes, do you? No way! In the field of Bubit, the main god will not intervene too much, but if the players of the Four Worlds Xianwu Association have an accident, no one will have a good time!" The four-yuan Xuanshen shook his head and his face was distorted. Is there a fatal difference between Lin Ran forcing him to kill him directly?

Lin Ran sneered, "Now you have no choice but to take me into Hayes' side. Even if he dies, it will be Hailong and Bit who suffer. What does it have to do with you? But if you don't agree, I promise that you can go to see the king of the den right now!"

"King of Hm? What is it? When the people present heard Lin's words, they all showed a trace of doubt.

"King of the Wild?" The four-yuan Xuanshen's face immediately changed greatly and roared sadly, "You are not a person in the divine world!" You are from the fairyland! Only the fairyland will talk about the king of the world!"


The people around them showed a shocked look. They had never heard of the fairy world at all, but it turned out to be a world, so it should be as powerful as the divine world, right? That is to say, it is the enemy!

Lin Ran secretly scolded himself for his big mouth and inadvertently revealed it. In that case, they can't be left behind. All the people here must die except Avril and others. However, Lin Ran did not intend to save their lives. What if he leaves by himself in the future and finds trouble for Avril's family? He doesn't want things to happen again in Huaiyin City.

"I don't have time to spend time with you. If I don't say I will kill you immediately. Anyway, the battlefield is so big that it's not impossible to sneak in!" Lin Ran looked vicious and increased his strength.

Siyuan Xuanshen was pinched by Lin Ran and his face was blue and kept twitching. Lin Ran's pressure continued to invade his nerves, making him almost collapse, and the gravel on the surrounding ground kept shaking.

"I said!" Lin Ran deliberately relaxed, and the other party immediately roared hoarsely. He was also forced to do nothing about it. If he took Lin Ran, he might not die, but if he didn't take him there, he would definitely die.

Now he finally knows why this Kakarot suddenly rose. It was completely sent by the fairy world to kill their four worlds fairy martial arts players! No wonder the cultivation was so powerful, and he also began to think that this war was completely deliberately provoked by this man.

This war was indeed caused by Lin Ran's killing of Eroni, but Lin Ran didn't want to. Who would know that the sea dragon would hide so deeply? He directly used this matter as a rebellion, so that he almost died.

"That's right." Lin Ran gave a cold voice and hit the knife. The four-yuan Xuanshen only felt black in front of him and fainted.

Throwing the other party to the ground, Lin Ran looked coldly at the people around him. These people can never be kept, so the next time he wants to do it is the massacre! There are at least thousands of people present, including outside! Lin Ran wanted to kill them all at one time. In fact, he was a little unbearable, but he didn't want the thing in Huaiyin City to happen again, and he didn't want them to reveal his identity, so he had to kill him!

"Your excellency! We don't know anything! Please spare us!" The archbishop had become an elite figure. When he heard that Lin Ran's identity had been broken by the four-yuan Xuanshen, he knew that they could not live.

But there is still a trace of fluke in my heart. After all, so many people are really killed. Is that still a person? What's the difference from the devil?

Lin Ran took a deep breath and then smiled faintly, "Don't worry, I won't kill you all."

Hearing Lin Ran's words, the archbishop immediately thanked and kept kowtoing. He snotted with tears, and thousands of people around him kowtowed hard enough. The scene was very strange.

"However, for the safety of Avril's family and the safety of their village, I can't help it. Their lives are more precious than you combined!"

When everyone heard this, their bodies seemed to fall into the abyss, and the archbishop collapsed directly on the ground and looked at Lin Ran.


"Everyone, run away!"

"He is a demon, everyone, run away!"

Those soldiers immediately jumped up, one moved, and the others immediately began to run away, roaring in all directions. The scene was chaotic for a while, and many people were directly trampled to death by their companions without being killed by Lin Ran.

"Alas." Lin Ran sighed secretly and slowly stretched out his right hand. A trace of purple electricity flowed out, making a "crackling" sound, shaking and twisting the surrounding space. Then a purple ball began to form in Lin Ran's hand and kept rotating.

"Don't blame me, the fairyland and the divine world are dead enemies." After Lin Ran finished saying that, he clenched his right hand, and the purple ball immediately exploded. Countless purple streams began to rush in all directions. With Lin Ran as the center, soldiers began to be shaken into powder by those purple streams. In less than two breaths, there was no living person within a kilometer! Not even a body was left!

Lin Ran is really fierce! If the fairyland does this, I'm afraid it will be hunted down endlessly! But if you do this in the divine world, even if it spreads to the fairyland, others will not deal with Lin Ran with this!

This is the so-called race! If it's not my family, why don't you die? It is our clan. If we commit this crime, we will kill it in groups!

The old man in the high air is now almost fainting, and thousands of people just disappeared and died under his eyes. It's good that the shock and excitement of the heart did not scare an old man in his sixties to death.

Lin Ran waved to the air, and the old man and Lavigne's body automatically flew down.

Because Avril had been covered by the old man and didn't know what time had happened, she immediately jumped on her mother and cried loudly.

"No one will know who did this, and no one will come to you continuously. Don't worry about this." Lin Ran looked at the old man whose feet were almost paralyzed with trembling and said lightly.

"Avell, your mother is fine. She's just a little scared. She'll be fine after going back to sleep."

Lin Ran squatted on the ground and said with a smile, smiling very reluctantly.

No matter how cruel Lin Ran is, he kills so many people at one time, and many of them are innocent people, he will feel uncomfortable. But if Hayes is killed by himself and the giants of their divine world find out and leak the wind, then it is Avril and the others.

For Lin Ran, the lives of these people are really not as important as the mother and daughter of Avril. If they hadn't been afraid that Avril would have been exiled from their residence and no one would take care of them, Lin Ran would have killed their mountain village directly.

Avril kept sobbing and didn't say anything, and the old man beside him had been standing silent. He didn't dare to say anything at all, and he was so scared that he couldn't speak.

"Go back." Lin Ran said lightly, holding Avril's mother in one hand, holding the fainted four-yuan Xuanshen in the other, and taking Avril and the old man quickly leaving the town.

Soon, Lin Ran took them to the village where Avril lived. Because of this matter, although it was midnight, no one could sleep for fear that the angel would cause some disaster to them.

Everyone was relieved to see them come back safely, but when they saw the old man's lost appearance, the villagers were worried again.

"I think you also know the importance of this matter. Don't say it. I have a lot of gold and silver treasures here. You can take them, move here and find a good place to settle down. Don't worry, you will be fine. I promise my life. Of course, the premise is that you don't say anything. Lin Ran whispered to the old man, and then suddenly took out a big burden in his hand, which was full of gold and silver treasures that were useless to him.

The old man took what was in Lin Ran's hand, nodded, and squeezed out a very ugly smile.

"When you settle down, I will send someone to guard you." Lin Ran knew that the old man must be worried, but there was nothing he could do. He didn't want to get things like this. He could only hope to meet Rex and ask them to help take care of a village.

Lin Ran is running out of time and has no intention to stay. He squatted beside Avril and touched her head. " Avril, my brother is leaving. Take care of yourself."

Where is my brother going? I haven't even thank you for saving my mother!" Avril wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said in a hoarse voice.

Lin Ran smiled faintly, "These are all what my brother should do. My brother still has urgent things to deal with. I will come back to see you after processing."

"Really?" Avril's big wet eyes kept blinking and stared at Lin Ran.

Lin Ran's face was a little stiff and patted her on the head, "Really."

Then he stood up and looked at the villagers who looked at him with reverence. "Take good care of their mother and daughter for me. I, Kakarot, thank you all."

After saying that, he bowed deeply to the crowd, and then grabbed the mysterious god on the ground and disappeared into the sight of the crowd, leaving only the people who were stunned and had not returned to God.

(near graduation, there are many things to do, and I am so busy every day, so the update may be unstable, but there will be no less two every day. Thank you for your support. With your support, Tianjue has been sticking to it. Thank you.)