official immortal road

Chapter 350: Haunting the Heavenly Palace Monkey King

When Lin Ran walked out of the door, he saw a flame bursting out of the alchemy room, blowing the whole door into powder. Lin Ran fixed his eyes and saw that it was the alchemy furnace and fell directly into the direction of the mortal world.

"This monkey is really unreliable." Lin Ran cursed in his heart. He told Sun Wukong to break the alchemy furnace, but he didn't expect that the man would kick him directly down to the earth. However, thinking that there was nothing he could do about the alchemy furnace at the beginning, I also guessed that Sun Wukong might not be able to break the elixir furnace, so he kicked it out.

Lin Ran rushed to the alchemy room and saw Lao Jun standing in it with a depressed face. The cabinets around him that had been hard to recover for the elixir were now burning with fire, and the whole alchemy room was all dilapidated.

Lin Ran looked around and did not find the trace of the Monkey King. He was secretly relieved. If the man stayed here, I'm afraid he would slap him to death.

"How can it be... How can it be..." Lao Jun muttered, "That monkey is not dead!" How can it be..."

He has always been very confident about the alchemy. He dares to say the second level of alchemy in the whole fairyland. No one dares to say the first, even the Jade Emperor! However, he couldn't kill a monkey, which really hit him.

Lin Ran felt a little ashamed, scratched his head and walked to Laojun, "Laojun, what's going on?"

"The monkey ran away." Lao Jun smiled bitterly and said.

Lin Ran pretended to be surprised, "What? Run away? It's been 7749, can't you die for so long?


At this time, there was another loud noise in the distance, and the whole Doushou Palace shook again. Lin Ran's face changed greatly, and he scolded the dead monkey for being thick! Don't run yet!

Lao Jun suddenly turned his head and looked at it. His eyes were murderous, and he directly turned into white smoke and disappeared. Lin Ran also went out in his heart.

When he got outside, Lin Ran suddenly took a breath of cold air and saw that the transmission channel of Dousu Palace had been completely destroyed, and the ground was full of wounded heavenly soldiers and generals.

"The paralyzed dead monkey! Are you really going to make a scene in Heaven? At that time, I won't be able to save you!" Lin Ran scolded in his heart and rushed out.

The whole fairyland was completely disturbed at this time, and the sound of explosions came from everywhere, deafening and shaking. No one knew what was going on and looked terrible.

"Erlang God! Damn! Come out and play hundreds of rounds with Lao Sun! Refining me! Lao Sun is not only not dead, but also his cultivation has soared! I have become a golden eye!" The voice of the Monkey King spread throughout the fairyland.

"That one is not dead yet?"

"Oh, my God! Lao Jun refined him himself and didn't die?"

"Hide quickly! Now he's going to kill a lot!"

The bottom of the whole fairyland was completely chaotic, for fear of being seen by Sun Wukong. The Jade Emperor stood up directly in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, and the immortal officials below were also angry.

"I knew you couldn't subdue that monkey! Isn't it coming out again now? And looking at the breath, it's even more powerful! It has arrived at Xianzun!" Li Jing said with a bad face that other immortal officials immediately echoed.

The Jade Emperor frowned, "King Li, go in person and capture the monkey and send it to the demon-killing platform!"

"Yes." Li Jing wanted to leave, but at this time, Laojun came.

Seeing Lao Jun, Li Jing smiled sarcastically, "Lao Jun, what did you say at the beginning? Now the demon monkey has not only been refined into elixir, but also its cultivation has soared and become a golden eye. This is your dereliction of duty!"

Lao Jun's face was gloomy, "Jade Emperor, this time it is the old minister's negligence and willing to be punished."

The Jade Emperor waved his hand, "That's all. Lao Jun didn't expect the monkey head to be so capable. Now it's enough to be captured and beheaded. Li Tianwang, go ahead, don't you have to stay."

Li Jing listened to the order and retreated, leaving the immortal officials looking at each other.

Sun Wukong was also bold. He came down directly from the eight heavens and made a lot of noise. People were panicked. For a moment, no one could stop him.

Countless buildings were destroyed by the Monkey King, and many heavenly soldiers will be knocked to the ground. This guy completely wants to destroy the fairyland.

Lin Ran kept looking for Sun Wukong, but every time he slowed down and saw the bitterness in his heart of the devastated fairyland. I'm afraid I'm going to die this time. There is no room at all, and I don't know what the monkey thinks.

"Lord Lin, can you see the demon monkey?" Just when Lin Ran was sad, a six-yuan golden fairy suddenly appeared and asked with a frightened face.

Lin Ran turned his head and looked, his eyes flashed with a trace of murder, and the corners of his mouth bent. Monkey, monkey, it's already so noisy that you don't have to worry about too much debt, so you're welcome.

Lin Ran looked around with immortality and found that all the immortals around him were scared away. Only the six-yuan golden fairy was here, and his heart rose.

"I don't know. I just arrived." Lin Ran said and walked to the golden fairy, who was completely scared by the power of Sun Wukong. How could he pay attention to what was wrong with Lin Ran?

"Then let's go up quickly. Li Tianwang will arrive soon, and then the monkey will be finished. Stay here"

Before the six-yuan golden fairy words were finished, the purple burning hand penetrated from his chest, and his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't imagine looking at Lin Ran.

"I'm sorry." Lin Ran smiled ferociously and devoured the six-yuan golden immortal in an instant.

After experiencing ten-yuan devouring, Lin Ran's devouring this time was obviously not as painful as before. He quickly destroyed the golden fairy's body and found that his spirit-eating hole was exaggerated again. He was overjoyed and knew that he could reach the third level immediately! And his current cultivation has reached four-yuan golden immortals! Directly promoted to two yuan!

Lin Ran devoured the first fairy and was out of control. He immediately continued to look for the next target. He still need one yuan to reach the five-yuan golden fairy, and everything will be known at that time!

Lord Lin? Why are you here?" An eight-yuan golden immortal saw Lin Ran rushing towards him and hurriedly asked. There were still many golden immortals around, all of whom were bloodless, and all of them escaped.

Lin Ran pretended to be embarrassed, "I was almost killed by the monkey demon just now. Fortunately, I ran fast! Everyone, leave quickly, the monkey demon is coming soon!"

Hearing that the Monkey King was about to kill, the golden immortals immediately panicked and flew away without saying anything, while Lin Ran followed the eight-yuan golden fairy, and his eyes flashed.

Sun Wukong was also cunning. After running to a place, he immediately destroyed it. If there was obstruction, he flew directly, and then immediately fled, so that Li Jing really couldn't help him for a while, and he was furious.

The whole fairyland was turned upside down by a fairy-level monkey. This time, the fairyland's face was greatly lost! But the fairyland is too big. It is too difficult for Li Jing to catch the Monkey King quickly.

The Jade Emperor was furious and directly sent 18 immortals to seize the Monkey King, and Erlang God was also on the list.

Some immortals did meet the Monkey King and immediately delayed the war and waited for the arrival of reinforcements. Sun Wukong was not stupid. He knew that the other party wanted to delay the time and encircle him. After a fight, he immediately fled again. He was so angry that the other party almost scolded his mother.

In fact, there are many people in the fairyland who can pay Sun Wukong more, but that he has a strong ability to escape that even Li Jing can't do anything about it. Of course, if the Jade Emperor wants to take action, it will be much simpler, but now that the fairyland is humiliated enough, how can he still take action? It is known that in order to catch a fairy Jade Emperor, he has to take action in person. Did the fairyland grow up eating shit? Are all the others dead?


In the ruins, countless stones suddenly burst out, and a man with a purple flame rushed out of it. The air around the man's body was completely distorted, especially around his hands, forming slender crack-like black holes, which was very strange.

"Haha! Finally, it's the five-yuan golden fairy! And the decision has also broken through to the third level! Now the cultivation I get from devouring others will be more pure than before! More!"

This person is naturally the messy Lin Ran. After finding the opportunity to sneak up and devour the eight-yuan golden immortal, he also successfully broke through to the five-yuan golden immortal, and the devouring decision also reached the third level.

" Paralyzed! This dead monkey!" Lin Ran was just happy. When he saw the situation around him, he immediately cursed and turned into purple light and disappeared in place.