official immortal road

Chapter 356: Surrounded

Demon world.

In the huge mansion hall, it is full of people, beast-faced monsters and human faces.

"Shen'er is not dead. Now he is being hunted down by the fairyland. We will pick him up immediately!" An old man with white hair and many wrinkles on his face said seriously, and the momentum on his body made the people below dare not look directly at him.

This old man is Lin Ran's grandfather and the master of the demon world, and the nine-yuan demon king is incompetent!

"It's not right! Why did we leave the fairyland at the beginning? Aren't you afraid of being angry with the fairyland? Our current strength still can't compete with the fairyland! If Lin Shen is saved, won't our demon world also suffer?

An old man with his eyebrows hanging upside down to his cheeks said with a firm expression.

There was a trace of cold light in Yao Wudao's eyes, "It was the beginning! Now is the time! How can Yueer leave such a son alone? Let the other four worlds make fun of it?"

"Lord, don't forget how your grandson lost face to our demon world ten years ago! Even if it is saved, what will others think? Another middle-aged man said coldly.

"Lin Shen is very talented and saves us as a person in the demon world. His future is boundless and will definitely become a great help to our demon world. Isn't it better?" This time, someone finally stood on the side of the demon and glanced at the whole audience and said.

"Sacrifice our demon world for a golden fairy? How can such a business be done? I'm against it!"

"I also object!"

"I also object! Who knows if Lin Shen hates us? After all, we abandoned his parents at the beginning!"

There was a lot of noise at the scene, and some opposed to saving Lin Ran and some agreed, but there were obvious opponents.

The demon's eyes flickered, and he looked at the people below arguing with red faces.

"Shut up!" Yao Wudao suddenly shouted, and all the tables and chairs around him turned into powder in an instant. Everyone's faces turned white and suddenly calmed down.

"I said I would go to save it! Who still has objections? Yuhong Haotian, do you have any objection? Yao Wudao looked at the old man who was the first to object.

"I dare not." Yuhong Haotian gritted his teeth and turned his head to one side.

"Beim, how about you?" Yao Wudao immediately looked at the middle-aged man.

"I dare not." Bei Mingxu squinted his eyes and said coldly. Obviously, he was also very unwilling.

"Who is still against it? Stand up now!" The demon looked around, and the pressure made everyone sweat, and no one dared to say anything.

"That's good! Send someone to look for Shen'er immediately!" The demon snorted coldly and disappeared with his big hand.

"Haotian, are you really going to save Lin Shen?" Leaving the hall, Beiming asked Yuhong Haotian with a gloomy face.

Yu Honghao smiled ferociously, "Help! Why didn't you save it? I'm going to save him to meet his parents!"

Bei Ming was stunned, and then a trace of treachery flashed in his eyes, "If a man dies, the old man who is demonless has nothing to say."

The two looked at each other with a smile and strode away.

Five-finger mountain.

Sun Wukong was constantly scolding, but the rune sealed as if it was really a pervert. No matter how much he struggled, he did not waver at all.

"Grandma's Buddha! Old Sun remembers you! Make this stinky mountain to oppress Lao Sun!" Sun Wukong blew up all the soil in front of him in one breath and turned it into a big pit within 100 meters around.

At this time, Sun Wukong suddenly heard Lin Ran's shout of declaring war on the fairyland, and his voice was heartbreaking and furious.

Sun Wukong was stunned, "Grandma, Lin Ran, what the hell are you doing? Lao Sun's buttocks have just been pressed and his buttocks are not hot yet. Why did you fight with the fairyland?

How did Sun Wukong know who De Xianjun was, and he didn't know what Lin Ran said that shocked the world. He just knew that Lin Ran was probably more troublesome than when he made a scene in the Heavenly Palace this time.

Land! Land! Come out for the grandson!" Sun Wukong roared loudly, and all the small mountains and stones around him rolled down.

After a while, an old man jumped out from Sun Wukong with a frightened face, "Great Sage, what are you looking for?"

"say! What's wrong with the fairyland? What on earth does Lin Ran mean? Sun Wukong scolded rudely.

The land shivered all over and said hurriedly. I don't know this old man very well, but Lin Ran is the evil son of a traitor in the fairyland, and now the fairyland is chasing him with all his strength.

A cold light flashed in Sun Wukong's eyes, "Grandma! What evil son? Get out of here!"

The land was drunk by Lin Ran and hurriedly disappeared into the soil.

"Grandma! Lao Sun can't get out now, Lin Ran! You have to escape! Otherwise, who will I ask if the master dies?" Sun Wukong shouted with a red face.


Lin Ran's figure retreated several steps in confusion and looked coldly at the three pale golden immortals in front of him.

Lin Ran has been attacking constantly in the past few days. As long as he sees Jinxian below seven yuan, he will immediately take action. When he meets the level of Daluo Jinxian, he will immediately escape and escape. In four days, Lin Ran has killed no less than 100 golden immortals of less than seven yuan, which is also a large number.

The fairyland finally knew that sending Jinxian down was completely to die, so most of the Jinxian was recalled, and the remaining Jinxian was also eight or nine yuan.

Lin Ran is now fighting against three eight-yuan golden immortals!

"Lin Ran! Still want to resist? Surrender and come back with us!" A golden fairy roared ferociously, with a brown bead spinning around his body, and the breath was horrible. The two people beside him formed a posture of enmity towards Lin Ran.

Lin Ran smiled disdainfully, "Only the three of you? Can you take a few tricks from me?"

"Condensation, explosion!" Lin Ran shouted coldly, and the air around him exploded in an instant, and a purple wave swept over the three golden immortals.

The three golden immortals' faces changed greatly and hurriedly dodged, but they still slowed down a little and vomited blood by Lin Ran's air waves.

"Come, you don't have to go back!" Before the three golden immortals stabilized their bodies, Lin Ran's figure had appeared behind them, holding a mixed halberd and directly swept over. A huge purple flame spewed out, instantly turning the three golden immortals into ashes.

Looking at the smoke and fog in the air, Lin Ran was expressionless and quickly took out a grain of Juyuan Dan Xuandan.

"Hmm?" Suddenly, Lin Ran felt a strong breath behind him approaching quickly, and his face changed slightly, and he fell directly into the forest below and hid.

Shortly after Lin Ran left, hundreds of people appeared. The official Erlang God, with cold eyes, patrolled around, and then snorted coldly and took his men to another place.

After a while, Lin Ran rushed out again, and his eyes were extremely hazy. If his current cultivation met Erlang God, he would be completely dead. When he fought against Li Jing, he could escape because of his inexplicable golden light, otherwise he would have been beheaded long ago. Up to now, Lin Ran can't figure out what the golden light is.

"The mountain eagle asked me to go to the Thousand Magic Cave, which should be his nest, but how do I know where the Thousand Magic Cave is?" Lin Ran took the black token thrown to himself before the death of the mountain eagle and frowned.

Mountain Eagle has been planning in the mortal world for so many years. It can't be just that kind of person. It should also have developed a group of subordinates that can be used by Lin Ran.

Lin Ran smiled bitterly. Ran Shenzong, who had finally developed, was not on the right track, but he didn't expect to have nothing to do with him now. He didn't think that those men would dare to follow him to fight against the fairyland. Now if he wants to develop his power, he can only accept Shan Ying's men.

At this time, Lin Ran suddenly thought of Hong Chen. According to what he said at the beginning, the people in the forbidden place should also be their people. Moreover, the Bodhi ancestor also said that people have been planted in the four worlds, but he doesn't know who it is now. That token is completely useless.

Lin Ran is not going to go to Hong Chen now. Now his situation is too dangerous to involve Hong Chen and others.

"It seems that we can only look for the Thousand Magic Cave." Lin Ran sighed and quickly flew away.

"Where to go!"

As soon as he flew less than three breaths, a figure of a golden fairy appeared directly in front of Lin Ran. Lin Ran was stunned and wanted to escape, but more than a dozen golden immortals immediately appeared behind him, and his cultivation was all nine yuan! For a moment, Lin Ran seemed to be in a state of death!