official immortal road

Chapter 401: Victory Again

At that moment, more than 20 souls all turned into flying ash! The moment he became ashes, he was immediately sucked into the black vortex that Lin Ran turned into.

There are more than 20 soul respects, which can be said to be a very powerful force! Even the current ancient clans don't have so many soul members! Now it's all killed by Lin Ran alone, and it's so simple that there is no power to return the water at all!

Everyone was stunned, and Tuoba Yan was as pale as if he had been dozens of years old. His eyes were extremely dull and trance. So many souls died. This loss could not be afforded by him, the three elders of the Tuoba clan.

"I want you to die! I want you to die!" Tuoba Yan has completely fallen into madness, and his red eyes go straight to Lin Ran, but where will Gu Ningxiang behind him succeed? Countless blue floated into a sharp sword and stabbed directly.


Tuoba Yan staggered a few times in mid-air, and his chest was pierced! But he still kills Lin Ran. Now he has completely fallen into madness. He just wants to kill Lin Ran to avenge those Tuoba masters. How can he care about Gu Ningxiang's attack?

The people of the Tuoba clan also looked ferocious and crazy, and they all killed Lin Ran. If they don't kill Lin Ran, they will die together.

This opportunity gave the ancients a great opportunity to gather the strongest attacks and constantly harvest the lives of the Tuoba people. The battle, which was originally slightly superior, suddenly turned into one-sided.

Once the momentum is suppressed, it will be difficult to win back, unless there is a powerful manpower to turn the tide! But it's a pity that Tuoba Yan, the second master of the Tuoba clan here, has lost his mind. What else are the others fighting? He was killed and cried for his mother.

Tuoba Yan completely ignored Gu Ningxiang's attack and was bound to kill Lin Ran first. However, Gu Ningxiang's cultivation was comparable to that of him. He had been seriously injured before he came to Lin Ran. It was too late when he recovered his senses.

Gu Ningxiang rushed directly to his top, and the jade hand split down. Tuoba Yan only felt black in front of him, and his whole body fell down in an instant.

Gu Ningxiang didn't care so much. He took advantage of the victory and continued full attack to make Tuoba Yan on the verge of death dissipation. By this time, he had regained consciousness, but it was too late.


Tuoba Yan's body was directly bombarded to the ground and lifted the soil everywhere. His whole body was motionless, and it seemed that it would not be long before.

Lin Ran was overjoyed. He didn't know that Tuoba Yan's psychological quality was so poor. When he saw that the soul master on his side was killed by him, he directly lost his mind, which completely took advantage of them!

Of course, Gu Ningxiang knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. She tried her best to subdue Tuoba Yan directly, and then immediately attacked the nearby ancient masters. With him as a master, he joined, and those soul kings were immediately defeated.

"Go and bring him up!" Lin Ran sneered and pointed to the unknown Tuoba flame on the ground.


A soul master of the ancient clan immediately nodded and flew down. They are now completely convinced of Lin Ran and are even a little afraid of him! So many souls are not his opponents, and they don't even have the ability to counter their hands. What are they?

Originally, many masters of the ancient people had a grudge against Gu Ningxiang's listening to Lin Ran's plan, believing that this was pushing the ancient people into the fire pit, but because of Gu Ningxiang's status in the ancient people did not dare to refute it. Now they finally see how bright Gu Ningxiang's eyes are!

How long will it take? He gave the base camp of the dragon clan and the Tuoba clan, and there were not many casualties, and Lin Ran's cultivation also increased thousands of miles a day. If it goes like this, isn't it going to go to the soul king's cultivation? In that case, who else is his opponent in the whole dead world? Can't their ancient clan be revitalized?

Thinking that the ancient people who have been in decline for hundreds of years can revitalize and rise again and restore their former strength, the hearts of each ancient people are full of excitement.

With Gu Ningxiang's action, the three soul kings were soon subdued, and the other little guys had no fighting spirit at all. They cried and fled, and were chased by the ancient people.

Two of the three soul kings of the ancient clan are five-yuan soul kings and one is four yuan, which is of no use to Lin Ran at all. Gu Ningxiang killed them directly.

"Swallow it, this seven-yuan soul king is also a great tonic for you, and it should be able to bring you to the six-yuan immortal." Gu Ningxiang pointed to the dying Tuoba flame and said.

The corners of Lin Ran's mouth suddenly twitched, and he dared to swallow all the nutrients? Then what did you become? Plants in the greenhouse? Thinking about it makes him depressed.

However, Tuoba Yan's cultivation is already very good. Qiyuan Soul King, I'm very excited to think of Lin Ran! I'm secretly glad that there is a Gu Ningxiang in my heart, otherwise how could I be such a powerful hitter chasing others to devour myself?

"This is not urgent. I haven't found the magic needle yet. I need to ask him." Lin Ran is still thinking about the magic needle. If one is missing, he will stay here forever, and he doesn't want to be with some remnant souls all day long.

Gu Ningxiang looked slightly different, and then looked at the Tuoba city not far away. The masters of the ancient clan had gone in to clean up other remaining masters, but they didn't know where they would put the magic needle.

"Hey, don't pretend to be dead, say, where is the magic needle?" Lin Ran directly kicked Tuoba Yan's body and said, seeing the eyelids of the people around him jump. A seven-yuan soul king turned out to look like this and was kicked randomly, which was simply chilling!

Tuoba Yan's body twitched, but he still didn't wake up. It seemed that he was indeed hurt too much by Gu Ningxiang.

"Your Excellency, I brought the Zhenshen needle!" At this time, a man quickly flew over from the city of the Tuoba people.

Lin Ran turned his head and looked at it. He couldn't believe his eyes. The man turned out to be Ni Min!

"Ni Min? Didn't I let you stay in the ancient city? Why did you come here?"

Ni Yang smiled and handed the Zhenshen needle to Lin Ran, "You're right. The masters of the dragon and Tuoba did go to the ancient city. When they saw the ancient city, they immediately suspected the heavenly clan. All of them went to the heavenly clan, so I came here. I happened to see the Tuoba clan defeat. Knowing that you need a magic needle, I sneaked into their ancestral hall and stole it out.

Lin Ran took a slightly deep look at Ni Min, and then patted him on the shoulder with a slight smile, "Well, now that the third magic needle has been won, then the next step is to devour this man and go to the heavenly clan!"

Everyone was shocked and excited, and they even saw their own glorious future! As long as Lin Ran devoured their patriarch, the heavenly evil of the eight-yuan soul king, then his cultivation should be able to get the seven-yuan soul master, right? In that case, won't you have to fight against ordinary soul kings? You can even defeat the powerful soul king!

Lin Ran smiled, let everyone retreat, and then ran to devour, grab the Tuoba flame directly to the ground.

A trace of fine light suddenly flashed in his eyes next to him, and no one found it.

On the other side, Tuoba Lie originally wanted to lead the masters of the Tuoba clan to go to the bottom of the heavenly clan to draw a salary and directly destroy the base camp, but when he was about to reach the territory of the heavenly clan, a piece of beads in his hand suddenly burst into pieces.

Seeing this suddenly happened, the faces of all the Tuoba people changed greatly. The beads in Tuobalie's hands were the soul beads of their Tuoba clan! As long as the ancestral hall of the Tuoba people is not destroyed, it will not explode!

But now the situation is obvious, that is, the ancestral hall of their Tuoba people has been destroyed! That is their holy place. Except for the death of all people, they will never let the enemy in half a step! Not to mention destroying it!

Obviously, they also know that they have found a big deal in their clan! And it is still a major event like the dragon clan, that is, the whole Tuoba headquarters was attacked and even destroyed!

"Go back right away!" Tuobalie's eyes shot out a terrible murder, and immediately turned his head and flew in the direction of the Tuoba clan. Others also quickly followed, all of whom were extremely gloomy. This time, the sky in the dead world became a little unbelievable.