Ancient Wilderness

Chapter 6 Free Thief

"Drink, drink!"

"Haha, come on, full!"

It was already noon at this time. The sky was clear and the sun was shining. The caravan stopped in a vast grassland. The breeze was blowing, and the grassland floated like the sea with huge green waves from the distance.

The sunshine of Xihe shone on everyone's slightly tired but smiling faces.

The caravan stopped on a raised grass slope to facilitate the visit to the surrounding situation.

The mounts are temporarily removed and rest for food. Mountain shoe horses are vegetarian, and naturally they eat grass in groups not far from everyone.

The snow lion horse is a fierce monster that eats meat, led by eight boxers to other places to hunt. This does not require a boxer to take action. The snow lion horse can solve it by himself. The boxer is just a leading care.

Except for 16 others who went to the surrounding area to watch, they concentrated on drinking and eating on the grassy slope.

Xu Jiang was more proud and cheerful. He drank with many boxers below. Yuan Kong also sat next to him and listened to them talk about some business experience, which was quite interesting.

And another leading wooden man sat alone in the distance, did not drink, but just ate some dry food. His eyes were a little confused and looked far away, motionless, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

It seems that everyone is used to his style and has not been disturbed by anyone.

There are also two congenital old people with hair, who are more dull than the wooden man. Yuan Kong has not heard them say anything so far, and has not even seen them eat and drink water. He only happened to see one of the old people eating an elixir.

"Brother Yuan, don't always nibble on big cakes. Come on, drink..." Xu Jiang just poured a few mouthfuls of demon fruit liquor to Yuan Kong, then laughed and pushed the altar with a laugh.

Yuan Kong did not refuse. He took the wine jar and looked up and shouted. Yuan Kong drank so much that he stopped and wiped the wine stains on the corners of his mouth.

He is also getting used to this kind of life.

"Okay, Brother Yuan hurts. At this time, when he surrounded the Qingfeng python, the tall man who broke the head of the python and created a trace of flaw for Yuan Kong also came over with a jar of wine.

"Come on, let's do an altar."

"Okay." Yuan Kong smiled and picked up the wine jar and touched him, and took a few sips again.

"Brother Yuan, let's also do an altar." As soon as Yuan Kong finished drinking, a few more people came up. Now Yuan Kong can't stand it, but when he gets along with them these days, he will naturally deal with it.

Yuan Kong laughed, stood up and said, "Let's do it together."

Everyone naturally stood up and drank a few sips of wine at the same time. After drinking, Xu Jiang wiped the corners of his mouth and smiled at Yuan Kong and said, "Brother Yuan also learned to be shrewd."

Everyone laughed, and Yuan Kong also smiled slightly.

When he began to drink with them, Yuan Kong came to one by one and was overturned several times. Fortunately, he advanced to practice the atmosphere, stimulated the vitality of the whole body, and could refine the wine in his body.

He has had enough of suffering these days, and he has to study with an open mind every time he drinks. Slowly sitting down, everyone continued to talk and laugh.

While listening to their chat, Yuan Kong nibbled on the big cake and felt very happy, and the gloom over the years gradually dissipated.

Suddenly, Yuan Kong's eyelids flicked. He frowned and felt a little uncomfortable.

Yuan Kong's eyes were wide open, and his mind almost stopped. A few traces of blood fell on his face, and he didn't even notice it.

And more than that boxer, at least a dozen boxers did not react, and their physical movements were cut off by the wind silk drifting from nowhere.

Some heads are broken, the waist is broken, and some are even unloaded.

Xu Jiang just finished shouting, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he knew that it was terrible. The field was touched and out of control.

It turned out that the congenital old man did not break the other party's field, but temporarily disturbed the atmosphere in the field!


field still exists!

"Cang!" In an instant! Xu Jiang's eyes suddenly shot out two golden lights, hitting the void, turning into a circular barrier, and protecting himself and Yuan Kong inside.

This is a binocular magic. Xu Jiang is a boxer in the refining period. He condenses the lungs inside and gets a binocular magic.

There are internal organs, and the internal organs correspond to the facial features. Every time a kind of internal organs is condensed, the facial features will get a magic force, and the magic comput obtained is connected with the boxer's boxer's boxing.

Xu Jiang condenses the lungs and gets the magic power of the eyes. The magic power of facial features is physical strength, which can be used without vitality.

Just as the golden light shield saved the two people, at the same time, tens of millions of wind silks suddenly floated around, and the wind silk danced wildly, and all objects were disconnected wherever they passed.

Yuan Kong saw that the wind silk instantly strangled dozens of boxers outside the shield into countless pieces of meat. The wind silk touched the golden light shield, and there was a harsh sound of gold and iron friction. The shield oscillated violently, as if it could not be supported and cracked.

The golden light of Xu Jiang's eyes suddenly burst out, mixed with a trace of blood.

His temples burst into a burst of blood and kept squirming.