Ancient Wilderness

Chapter 9 Steel Thunder Team

On both sides of the spacious and straight city road, there are simple and tall buildings, and the eaves are constantly dripping bean-sized raindrops. The raindrops fall on both sides of the city road like streams, with waves of fine ripples, reflecting the clear and refreshing sunshine after the rain.

The distant sky spans a gorgeous seven-color rainbow bridge. The mountains are quiet, the valley is elegant, the handsome white spiritual crane leaps, and the elegant swings a few long wings, and quickly disappears into the beautiful sky.

At this moment, the beautiful picture of the first sun after the rain, the life is throbbing, and the light is in all directions. At this moment, it is so gloomy and ironic. In front of the Qingxiao Tower in the Confucian City, there is a row of fine steel light armor boxers standing with their heads held high. Everyone is a master of refining the body, and there are twelve, which is usually extremely difficult to see. At this moment, Naturally, it attracted a lot of people to watch.

I saw that each of the twelve boxers was under thirty, young and strong. Everyone is resolute and serious. Obviously, it's a big deal for them to stay here. Those onlookers stood ten feet away and kept whispering.

"It turned out to be the Steel Thunder Team. What happened surprised the people of the Steel Thunder Team."

"Steel Thunder Team, this is the first guard of my Confucian City, specializing in the killing of Confucian City, selfless."

"I heard that the killing of the city owner's mansion is supervised by them, which is more powerful than the city owner's personal defense."

"The boxers of the Steel Thunder Team are at least in the refining realm. I heard that the general officer of the Steel Thunder Team is a congenital peak boxer, and he is very harmful. He is the first person under the city owner."

"No wonder it's so harmful. Look at the fine steel armor on their bodies. This is not ordinary fine steel. It's all weak jellyfish steel mined from the bottom of the wilderness in the south. It's tough and indestructible, and it's difficult to break innate."

"Yes, I don't know why I locked up this Qingxiao Tower. I think something big has happened in Qingxiao Tower."

"It's very likely."

All kinds of people gathered in front of the Qingxiao Tower to discuss. The name of the First Guard of the Confucian City is not false. The whole Confucian City in Weizhen. There is the power to be in charge of life and death in the city. The city owner can't control it at will.

Those people kept talking, but the boxers of the Steel Thunder Team standing on both sides of the door of the Qingxiao Tower were unknown, their faces remained unchanged, their eyes were strong, and their momentum was so high that people did not dare to look directly.

The gate of Qingxiao Tower was closed, and it was as silent as nothing, and there was no sound coming out.

"Can't you see it? Who did it?" At this moment, on the second floor of Qingxiao Tower, the tea and wine are still very neatly placed on the tables and rails, but the walls and floors are covered with slightly dry black and red blood stains, and the corpses are dumped everywhere, dead, and the fishy wind echoes and drifts away.

Many of them are regular guests and waiters of Qingxiao Tower. In the middle of these dozens of corpses that had long lost their vitality, two middle-aged men stood in awe, and the invisible magnificent and deep breath emanated from them, and the dozens of corpses burst out.

I saw one of them wearing a dark robe, wearing a black cloak of a beautiful beast, with a light gauze hat, and a light gauze covering both sides of his face, but it can also be seen that he was a middle-aged man who was about thirty-five or sixteen years old, with an inch-long ferocious scar on the side of his face, slightly yellow skin and a fierce face.

Yun Taixu's eyes changed. He looked at the direction of Mo Daoyan's departure, and his heart flashed violently. Unexpectedly, something happened in the city lord's mansion, which was silent. No one found out who did it.

The city owner is the boxer at the peak of the spiritual disaster. No one can kill him completely in the whole southern wilderness, unless...

Suddenly, his eyes stopped, his body flashed, and disappeared in place. There was no need to slow down at all.

On the white iron rock street of nearly 20 feet in the Confucian City, it was wet after the rain, and the eaves on both sides were dripping. Suddenly, a black shadow flashed by at a high speed. There was a trace of ripples in the rain on the ground, but no droplet splashed.

This is the magic cloud leopard of the Steel Thunder Team. It is ten feet tall and has flexible beast hair that is as black as a steel needle. It is fierce and ferocious, and its speed is comparable to the peak of refining. It is a strong spirit beast that is domesticated by the Steel Thunder Team, which can spit out people's words!

I saw a strong and powerful magic cloud leopard speeding on the street. Ordinary people could not even see its shadow. He turned a few long streets at a high speed. The magic cloud leopard stopped in front of a huge guest building without breath at all. He saw a huge star wood gold plaque hanging in the middle above the guest building. The golden plaque was written on the dragon and snake, flying three. Word, Qingxiao Tower!

These three words are like snakes and dragons, lifelike, as if they are going to fly out at any time, and they also contain a kind of powerful boxing.

As soon as the onlookers in front of the Qingxiao Tower saw that the magic cloud leopard retreated in horror, the magic cloud leopard took alms and walked through it proudly.

"This is a magic cloud leopard, a spirit beast."

"What a powerful breath, comparable to the boxer at the peak of the body."

"Spirit beast, there are not many in the whole Confucian City."

Everyone was amazed again. The steel thunder team, which was rarely seen, appeared one after another, and something big happened.

Mo Yunbao Shi Ran walked to the door of Qingxiao Tower, opened his mouth and vomited, and made a slightly dull voice, "Where's Mr. Mo?"

A boxer stationed next to him quickly came forward, hugged his fist, and said respectfully, "Mr. Mo has been in the Qingxiao Tower for a long time. I told him not to let anyone go in and disturb me. Lord Moyun, please wait a moment."

Mo Yunbao answered, "I have something very important to report immediately. Go and let me know."

The light armor boxer's eyes moved and he did not hesitate. He said, "In that case, please wait a moment for Lord Moyun." After saying that, he was about to enter the Qingxiao Tower. As soon as he turned around, he saw that the door of the Qingxiao Tower opened and a handsome counselor in white came out of it.

"Magic Cloud, what have you ever found?"