Ancient Wilderness

Chapter 18 Old friend

Abruptly, when Yuan Kongxin put his left forearm, the powerful unyielding will was transmitted to the soul, and Yuan Kongxin suddenly calmed down.

At the same time, he actually felt that the same willpower came from the man in black in front of him, which was exactly the same as the soldier of will he sacrificed.

The other party must also have the wreckage of Mu Jingchen's will. Yuan Kong was shocked. It seemed that they also came here for this arm.

Mo Daoyan and Yun Taixu looked at the teenager in front of them and couldn't help wondering. There was no obvious damage to the teenager. Was it that he was not lucky enough to survive the attack of the thief, but the thief was compassionate and let go?

This is simply nonsense. If the thief had such an awareness, he would have retired to his hometown long ago and plough the fields and weave cloth. How could he come to compete for the will of the city owner?

The soldier of the will is a pure "will", but it is not consciousness and intelligence. Things with consciousness and intelligence are already creatures. All creatures have cause and effect, and the most taboo thing for soldiers of will is cause and effect. Therefore, the soldiers of their own will must not be allowed to have the slightest spirituality or be contaminated with other elements, otherwise they will not be able to exert their maximum power.

The role of the soldier of will is that when the soul escapes into it, all emotional feelings will temporarily disappear, only its original and purest "meaning".

Once entering this state, nothing can affect him in the battle. There is no fear, no hesitation, the mind is not affected by feelings, and always make the judgment that is most beneficial to himself. All schemes must be seen through by him. At this time, the boxer is the most perfect killer.

Yuan Kong sacrificed Mu Jingchen's will, and his blood also defiled this little arm. At this moment, the remnants of this part of the will that Yuan Kong fused have no longer have the original function, but the willpower of this small arm is too strong. Even without the ability to make people lose emotional feelings, his willpower can completely make a congenital peak boxer instantly break the heart demon and become a boxing fairy.

Mo Daoyan is the remnant of the will soldier who has not been sacrificed, so the remnant of the will soldier on his body is still exuding willpower, but it is sensed by Yuan Kong.

This is still the situation of Mo Daoyan's blinding with his own understanding, otherwise the willpower of the remnants of the soldier of his will on his body would have been transmitted to nowhere.

Yuan Kong turned a lot of thoughts in an instant. As soon as his eyes moved, he saw the man in white standing on the back of the huge red monster. The pattern engraved on the side of the folding fan in his hand turned out to be a fine steel head-killing knife, which was fierce and tough, horrible and murderous. In the middle of the long knife was a silver thunder and lightning, rushing to kill, as if not Fear anyone.

Yuan Kong's heart moved. This is the unique symbol of the Rumu City Steel Thunder Team. These two people are from the Steel Thunder Team. This beast can soar in the void. Look at its hair, especially the flashing thunder and lightning on the four ferocious giant claws. It must be a spirit beast with thunder and escape.

One of these two people is the chief officer of the Steel Thunder Team. This spirit beast is the purple gold and red electric beast that everyone in Confucian City is talking about, an intermediate spirit beast! Yuan Kong grew up in the Confucian City and heard a lot about it. Naturally, he also knew a lot about the Steel Thunder Team.

"This is impossible. Let alone say that you are a wise man who has gone through half a lifetime of disaster. As long as he is still practicing the atmosphere, he can't face the pressure on us so calmly. This is the oppression of the soul."

Yuan Kong's expedition, this is not a flaw that he caught in an instant, and his quickness is indeed extraordinary.

Mo Daoyan also raised his eyes, and his eyes at Yuan Kong were also sharp.

Yuan Kong couldn't help but be proud, but he had a trace of admiration for this Yuntaixu.

"Dial the clouds cover thousands of miles! I didn't believe it before, but now I'm starting to believe it.

"Yes, Xiaoyao thief did not take away the soldier of will. His heart demon broke out, and I took advantage of the gap, sacrificed the soldier of the will of the city owner, and scared him away with one punch." Yuan Kong rolled up his left sleeve and said, "The soldier of the will has been sacrificed by me and has been integrated into my left hand"

Seeing Yuan Kong say this with a smile, although he knew that the great reason was the role of the soldier of the will of the city owner, he couldn't help but admire it. Ordinary people were so scared to pee in the face of masters such as Xiaoyao Thief. How could they get into the gap of the other party? Yuan Kong's move was also a sign of great courage.

Mo Daoyan's eyes changed at this time, showing hesitation. He and Yuan Kong's father used to be best friends, but now his posterity has sacrificed the will of the city owner. To some extent, this is Yuan Kong's opportunity and Yuan Kong's own luck. It is likely to change his life and whether to be deprived.