Ancient Wilderness

Chapter 35 Mountain Patrol

Yuan Kong crawled leisurely in the bushes, holding a small wooden stick in his mouth, and constantly chewing. His heart was both excited and depressed. The beautiful woman went out of the bath and didn't move for a while. She showed her head on the water and just took a bath!

The most unpleasant thing is that the other party did not turn his head all the time, but showed half of his face on his side when taking a bath. The smooth black hair fell into the water, with a beautiful snow-like outline and enchanting and flexible curves. It was really beautiful!

"Why don't you get up!" Yuan Kong muttered secretly in his heart. At this time, the sun was setting, and there was only a curved wheel on the top of the distant mountain. The golden light sprinkled, and it seemed that he was also doing the peeping business. When Yuan Kong saw this, the young spring heart rippled, and his eyes were full of unknown brilliance.

Suddenly, Yuan Kong's eyes moved, and he saw that the girl suddenly turned her head. Her beautiful black hair fluttered, and her eyes looked at Yuan Kong's hiding place, as if she had found something.

At this time, Yuan Kong had no sense of worry at all, because his mind was almost completely attracted by the girl's eyes. Those eyes were actually gray, and the extremely strong death echoed. Yuan Kong looked at the other party's eyes, and his heart suddenly cooled down. It seemed that he had fallen into a gray area with no vitality. He could not break free, drifted, and degenerate forever. There was no way back, and he could not turn back.

Although the girl was aware of it, she had no reaction at all and no emotional fluctuations. Her cheeks were pink, but she didn't have a trace of expression and was calm. The girl took a look at Yuan Kong's hiding place, and then turned around. She straightened up as if nothing had happened. She went to the shore and put on her clothes. Her graceful and enchanting figure was perfectly displayed, which was beautiful, and her innocent cheeks revealed a dark and dead breath, especially the other party's gray eyes. Yuan Kong did not dare to do it again. Looking at it, he hurriedly diverted his eyes, and a burst of coolness gushed out of his bones. He couldn't help shivering. When he adjusted his mentality and turned around, the beautiful girl's figure was no longer there. The waterfall was rumbling, the waves were surging, and the half of golden hook of the sunset gradually hid behind the mountains. It seemed that he couldn't stand the girl's gray eyes echoed to death. The silence was gloomy, the night began to fall, and the sky faded.

Yuan Kong walked to the waterfall lake and looked at the flexible and clear flowing water, but the girl's dead face appeared in his mind from time to time. He raised funds for a while and finally decided to wash it upstream. After the waterfall and lake was bathed by the girl, it seemed to be filled with a layer of deadness. Although he knew that this was a psychological effect, Yuan Kong still decided. I won't take a shower here.

Five days passed in a blink of an eye. These days, Yuan Kong has been working hard to sense the battle the battle wheel of the six wheels in his body, hoping to understand the meaning of reincarnation. However, it didn't work at all. Although the punch was transmitted to the depths of Yuan Kong's soul, it was so profound that Yuan Kong could not understand it at all. No matter how hard he tried, there was no result at all.

Life is extremely simple. Eating and eating is solved by Xianshan Mansion. It is a distance from here. Yuan Kong went to the Spiritual Beast Mansion to adopt a flying horse. It is just a relatively psychic monster. He can understand some simple languages of the human race, but he can't speak. In Mengling Mansion, if you want to have any level of companion beast, you have to have that level of strength.

Everyone chatted casually and rode on their own mounts one after another. Except for the mounts of the Chen Ran sisters, which were lightning eagles, the other people' mounts were the same as Yuan Kong. They were all flying horses, but their hair was different in color.

Yuan Kong and Liu Yuan rode a flying horse and shuttled between the peaks and cliffs at high speed. The clouds and fog were ethereal, and the wind roared. From time to time, you can see a corner of the palace built in the mountains, which is the palace of other boxers in the refining environment.

Mengduanfeng stretches for 500,000 miles, and the area is vast. Naturally, it is impossible for only the people of this group of patrols to find the mountain. They are now only responsible for the geographical area of 300 miles.

Liu Yuan has always been silent. Yuan Kong feels that this person is very boring, can't learn anything, and has nothing to learn. After flying for a long time, Yuan Kong couldn't stand it and felt that it was always boring to fly around.

"Liu Yuan, the geographical scope we want to inspect is so vast. I think it's better for us to patrol separately and be more efficient." During the flight, Yuan Kong suddenly said to Liu Yuan next to him.

Liu Yuan turned his head and said, "If you have no problem with the journey of looking for the mountain, it's okay to patrol separately."

"How can there be a problem with such a simple thing?" Yuan Kong smiled gently, then patted the neck of the flying horse and said to him, "Since it's okay, I'll go to the south to patrol and say goodbye."

Liu Yuan nodded and didn't say anything. Yuan Kong sat down and the flying horse shook his wings, roared up, and turned a direction and flew to another peak at a high speed.

Yuan Kong rode a flying horse to shuttle between the peaks and cliffs at a high speed, and occasionally rushed into the deep forest canyon to watch. He secretly picked a few spiritual fruits in the Qin orchard to relieve his appet. Yuan Kong came here for many days and naturally knew something about many nearby courtyards.

After escaping the pursuit of several disciples guarding the garden, Yuan Kong was in a good mood. Most of the disciples here grew up in Mengling Mansion. Although they were very familiar with the way of practice, they could not catch up with Yuan Kong when it comes to trickery and conspiracy. Of course, nothing is absolute in the world. There are also many boxers in Mengling Mansion who are born good at plotting Yin people, and the boxers in Mengling Mansion can leave at will and go to the secular world to experience the world, with very little restraint.

Landing on the mountainside of a rising sun, Yuan Kong jumped off the horse's back and found a comfortable grass slope to take a rest. The flying horse was looking for food nearby.

Lying in the fragrance of birds and flowers, Yuan Kong's beautiful face showed a comfortable smile, let the bright sun shine on his body, closed his eyes and began to rest.

Dream broken peaks rise and down one after another, the scorpion rises and stands deep into the clouds, countless dangerous cliffs, thousands of waterfalls, and the purple smoke rises in the east. As always, the immortals are beautiful as ever. One of the mountainside slopes, birds and flowers, Yuan Kong, who was closing his eyes and resting, suddenly opened his eyes and jumped up.

At the same time, the flying horse in the distance also suddenly flapped its wings and roared!

A violent and turbulent breath swept through Linpo, where Yuan Kong was located, and approached here at a high speed. Yuan Kong's heart was shocked. This violent breath seemed to be a fierce beast, comparable to the fierce beast of the boxer in the early stage of the refining!

This is in the territory of Mengling Mansion. Why are there such other fierce beasts? Yuan Kong's idea turned, but he quickly crossed the * flying horse. The flying horse roared and flew away from Linpo. Yuan Kong sensed the violent breath of rapid approach and silently thought that the other party was a beast.

But the next moment, Yuan Kong's eyes were stagnant, because at the lush crown of the mountain forest, a huge figure jumped out at a high speed. It turned out to be a four-winged fierce snake. The body more than ten feet long jumped out of the mountain forest, and four huge meat wings opened, like a huge curtain, at a high speed towards Yuan Kong rushed over, Yuan Kong's pupils suddenly shrank, and his legs kicked the stomach of the flying horse, which was superfluous. The flying horse sensed the violent breath of the four-winged fierce snake, and the horror was still above Yuan Kong. His wings vibrated and fled desperately!

The four-winged fierce snake seemed to recognize Yuan Kong, or the flying horse under him. He persistently chased over and shuttled through several peaks and canyons, but Yuan Kong found a very remote mountain to rest in order to be quiet. There was no courtyard in the nearby peaks.

Yuan Kong cursed in his heart that although there were no fierce beasts in Mengling Mansion that were strong enough to threaten ordinary disciples, there were also times when low-level fierce beasts were mutated and advanced. The role of the patrol team was also here. If this situation was found, he had to return to the court immediately, and naturally there were masters to solve it.

However, Yuan Kong doesn't even have a chance to reply now. He pulled out his roaring horn and blew loudly, and his voice spread through, but no one came to save him now.

Call! Suddenly, a surging wind blew over, and the flying horse almost did not fly steadily, and his body swung. At this time, a huge shadow came over. Yuan Kong looked up and saw that the huge four-winged fierce snake had flown to the top of his head. The long core swallowed and stared at Yuan Kong fiercely.