Ancient Wilderness

Chapter 51 Condensing the flesh

Bang! At night, I saw a dangerous wall that suddenly broke through a big mouth. The rocks splashed and rolled around. In the scattered broken rocks, a huge body flew out of it. It turned out to be a nearly ten-foot tall mountain bear. The head had broken, the blood overflowed, and the breath almost disappeared.

Just as the seriously injured bear was about to fall off the cliff, a four-winged hurricane lion flew out of the hole in the cliff. He quickly grabbed the seriously injured bear and returned to the cliff cave in an instant, silent.

"This mountain bear has several times my physical strength, but the fierce beast has no wisdom, can't practice boxing, and has no vitality. Relying on physical strength alone is not my opponent at all." Yuan Kong looked at the hurricane knife and brought back the mountain bear that flew out, and smiled.

"If the fierce beast can refine its vitality, even if there is no wisdom, it will be a brutal impact, and the whole Mengling Mansion will disappear!" The hurricane knife put down the almost dead mountain bear and said, "This time it is surprisingly smooth. This mountain bear's front claws are extremely sharp. It is good at digging rocks. The cave where it lives is extremely deep and winding, otherwise we can't kill it without alarming the nearby fierce beast."

"Indeed, I almost let it run out!" Yuan Kong's eyes are solemn. Next, he will refine the essence of the mountain bear. His defense will be much weaker, and he will rely on the hurricane knife to protect it.

"Okood! No more nonsense. Hurry up and refine the essence of this mountain bear, and I'll help you protect the law. The dull sound of the hurricane knife came out, and it has dodged to the hole to protect Yuan Kong.

Seeing this, Yuan Kong nodded, grabbed the huge mountain bear, entered the inside of the cave, and stopped at a slightly wide uplift.

First of all, you should refine the whole mountain bear and enter your own boxing spirit. After absorbing the essence that condenses the boxing spirit ****, the martial arts "Blood Night Spirit Magic Fist" can completely refine the essence with its own boxing spirit and condense the body in a short time!

Gathering energy and looking at the huge mountain bear lying in front of him, Yuan Kong slowly agitated his vitality, and the power of yin and yang circulated all over his body. Xu Xuhui into his gallblader, forming a yin and yang whirlpool, which flowed at a high speed.

Suddenly, Yuan Kong's eyes moved, and he instantly burst into the power of yin and yang in his courage. In a very mysterious state, it rotated and merged, and a mysterious power emerged, wheel! Yuan Kong wants to use the power of reincarnation to refine the mountain bear.

I saw that he suddenly poured the power of reincarnation into his whole body, hit him with his right fist, and hit the mountain bear on the ground. There was no sound. The punch hit the body of the bear, and the power of reincarnation swept over. Unexpectedly, he held up the body of the bear, suspended in mid-air, and slowly rotated...

Then, Yuan Kong kept attacking with his fists and instantly hit hundreds of punches. The power of reincarnation completely bombarded the body of the bear, but it did not hurt its body, but completely penetrated into its flesh and blood, slowly refining the body of the bear.

Yuan Kong's eyes are dignified, and it is really not easy to refine a mountain bear with vitality, which is similar to Lian Dan.

Practicing elixir is more cumbersome. You need to refine many materials with boxing, integrate them together, condense into your own boxing, and moisten with vitality. After a series of procedures, you can become an elixir.

Controlling the power of reincarnation into the body of the mountain bear, you can see the pangolin bear, which was originally covered with black scales. Under the bombardment of Yuan Kong's fist, its body collapsed and slowly melted, removed its dross, and took its essence. Under the condensation of the fist, the body of the bear continued to melt, and the useless dross turned into small. The dust flew and slowly melted into a group of blood essence. The refreshing fragrance was revealed. Yuan Kong smelled it and couldn't help but cheer up and punched harder.

"I always feel that things are too smooth." The hurricane knife missed the breath of many fierce beasts, but in the shuttle, it suddenly muttered.

Yuan Kong was stunned, and then said helplessly, "You don't have to worry too much about the Seven Robberies. I contacted her once when I first entered the exile. In those seven days, I had nightmares, miserable luck, impulsive, and all kinds of unusual things, but after seven days, I still survived."

"It's just that at that time, I didn't know that it was the Seven Robberies Girl. I thought she cast a spell on me. On the eighth day, I met the other party again and fought with her. Until today, it's the third day, and I'm still alive."

After listening to the words, Hurricane Knife also changed his mind and said in surprise, "I didn't expect that your life was so big that you had escaped a disaster. Are you the nemesis of the seven-domed woman? Why didn't you kill her?"

Yuan Kong's eyes moved slightly, but he didn't answer the hurricane knife, "I don't know if it's the nemusis. In short, I won't die. I didn't die last time, and this time it's even more impossible!"

The hurricane knife shook his head, but he was quite puzzled by Yuan Kong's self-confidence. He didn't know where he came from.

"When you say that, I feel much more at ease." The hurricane knife muttered.

Just as the two of them were slightly relieved, suddenly, the whole ancient forest trembled, the giant tree shook, the earth was shaking, and a terrible and fierce breath came from the ground.

"What's going on!" Yuan Kong was shocked and blurted out.

"I don't know, but it can definitely be the role of the Seven Robberies." The hurricane knife also shrank his pupils, sensing a terrible breath from the ground in the distance. He knew that the real crisis might have arrived.

Giant trees vibrate, branches and leaves shake, and the earth is muffled, at least other fierce beasts in the innate order, which can reach innate power by physical strength alone. You can imagine the horror of the other party!

When the hurricane knife senses the power of the other party, it will burn the vitality again, escape with the wind, and try to escape. But it was too late, and I heard an amazing sound of earth crackling in the distance. A dark and ferocious giant claw suddenly rushed out of the ground. The black bone armor stood upside down, and the nails were like a long knife. The cold light burst out, stretching out like a giant tree, a hundred feet long, standing in the air and dancing under the moon.

Then, five of the same giant claws came out from different directions and broke through six huge deep holes in the earth.

A total of six hundred-foot giant claws, standing under the moon, the black bone armor glowed with cold light, and the claws made the space ripples during the dance. The horrible and frightening breath swept over, and the giant tree lay down and destroyed the dead!

"The real body hasn't come out yet!" The hurricane knife trembled slightly and said with the pressure.

"I've seen that the boxers at the innate peak have such power!" Yuan Kong's heart was extremely tense, gritted his teeth and said.