Ancient Wilderness

Chapter 130

"You only saw me block the four elephants, but you didn't see me portraying the four elephants in the palm of my hand at the same time."

"The four elephants are impossible. It takes at least a column of incense to complete such a complicated seal. Before you and I competed, how can there be a time for a column of incense?" The red-eyed corpse soldier quickly calmed down and said.

"You don't need to know about this kind of thing." While Yuan Kong spoke, his right fist suddenly hit out, and the previous disappearing tiger jumped out of his right fist again, roaring at the red-eyed corpse.

However, this must-kill blow suddenly stopped at the tip of the red-eyed corpse's nose.

"So it is. It's all illusory." The red-eyed corpse soldier suddenly laughed. The tiger that stayed in front of him cracked inch by inch, and the whole space was suddenly fragmented.

Yuan Kong's eyes showed a look of amazement and said, "You see through it, that's right. Even I can't explain it myself. How can you believe it?"

"Because I believe in my own judgment, you can't portray the four images in the battle, so there is only one possibility of all this, that is, illusion." The eyes of the red-eyed corpse soldier exuded self-confidence and said.

"Maybe I will prepare for a rainy day, and I may have painted it in the palm of my hand early." Yuan Kong secretly used words to shake the other party's will, but failed.

"I only believe in myself. It turns out that my judgment is right. If I didn't guess correctly, I cracked the illusion, and your soul was damaged."

As if to confirm the words of the red-eyed corpse soldier, Yuan Kong suddenly frowned, his nose couldn't help it, and suddenly thick blood flowed out.

When the red-eyed corpse soldiers saw this, their smiles were better.

But just the next moment, his smile froze. Yuan Kong appeared behind him at some point. His left hand flashed with an amazing light of death, piercing the heart of the red-eyed corpse soldier.

Looking at Yuan Kong in front of him turning into fragments and disappearing, and then looking at the blood hand through his heart, the red-eyed corpse muttered, "How can it be?"

"Nothing is impossible." Yuan Kong said softly, and at the same time, he pulled out his left hand to let the other party's body fall, and black blood flowed under his feet.


Yuan Kong punched through the walls, shuttled through the rocks, and went straight to the underground of the Wuting. He saw a burst of blood shining from the void below, and a huge blood pool appeared.

"It turns out that there is another cave under the martial arts court." Tan Zijing waved his sleeves to dispel the evil spirit of the invasion and said.

"It's not a hole in the sky. This is a shortcut to the ten-way seal." Yuan Kong looked at the rolling blood soup and couldn't help frowning.

This blood pool is the size of a lake, as if you can faintly see howling blood corpses in the boiling blood water, and the sad screams come one after another, and people shudder today.

, "S shortcut, how did Brother Yuan know? Even if Brother Yuan's perception is strong, even the masters of the innate peak can't escape your magic eyes, it is impossible to sense the seal of the ten directions. Tan Zijing asked doubtfully.

Yuan Kong turned his head and looked at him and said, "The most urgent task is to restore the seal. As for the rest, let's talk about it later." After that, he didn't wait for the other party to reply. His body jumped down and quickly disappeared into the blood.