Ancient Wilderness

Chapter 177

Yuan Kong's lucky vacuum escape killed Xiaoyao several times again, but he did not kill the other party.

As long as the soul is immortal, he can control the resurrection of the soldiers of the will.

The key is how to attack the soul of the other party, Yuan Kong hid his body and thought.

"It's useless. There are thousands of spaces in the army of my will. You can't accurately locate where my soul is." After Xiaoyao stole into the army of will, there was no longer any emotional fluctuation, and he began to use words to lure Yuan Kong to appear.

Yuan Kong suddenly understood that no matter which part of the opponent he attacked, he could not hurt his soul. It turned out that there were multiple spaces in the soldiers of will. Presumably this was the means of spiritual robbery.

Trying to pour the power of vacuum into his eyes, Yuan Kong only felt a shake in front of his eyes, and then looked at the thief that his eyes had penetrated into his body. In the void, the soul of the thief was sitting in a black space.

Seeing this, Yuan Kong no longer hesitated, and the air sword in his hand stabbed directly at his soul. Just as Yuan Air Sword was about to touch the other party, the soldier of his will suddenly rippled layer by layer, and a wind barrier blocked Yuan Air Sword.

And Xiaoyao Thief judged Yuan Kong's location from this sword. He burst into all his power in an instant and killed the immortals and stabbed Yuan Kong directly.

"A sword is amazing!" It's this move again, but compared with the previous casualness, now this sword condenses 12 of the strength of Xiaoyao thieves, and the sword is full of vitality pointing straight to Yuan Kong Dantian.

Its power in the middle of the spiritual disaster was completely revealed, and it broke Yuan Kong's vacuum defense with one sword. At the critical moment, Yuan Kong shouted loudly, and the six ways were all urged, reincarnation field!

Six battle wheels flew out at the same time. During the rotation, the two only felt that the sky was spinning, and then came to their senses, they had been swallowed up into the six fields.

Yuan Kong's left shoulder has been completely pierced. If he hadn't stimulated the six fields in time, I'm afraid it would have been more than this injury. The power of reincarnation wiped out the sword spirit left in his body. Yuan Kong used the yin and yang hands again, and his strength in the field increased greatly.

"This is your field, full of the spirit of life and death of yin and yang. I feel that the body and soul will degenerate in it, and they can't be superborn." The thief was shocked.

Yuan Kong has already made a move at this time. A simple cannon punch directly hits the opposite door, and the yin and yang hands exude an extremely strong fighting spirit, which is deterredating.

Xiaoyao thief felt that his Zhenyuan had little left. Just now, the explosive force used Jinghong's sword. At this moment, Zhenyuan was almost exhausted. In addition, after being trapped in the six fields, he could not absorb the atmosphere of heaven and earth. In the face of Yuan Kong's full blow, he could not resist at all.

Yuan Kong was also confident that he could kill the other party with this punch. He calculated that Xiaoyao Thief Jinghong's Sword had no resistance, and deliberately urged the reincarnation field to trap him in order to prevent him from being saved, such as Star Thief.

Now there is a reincarnation field. Yuan Kong is confident that the star thief can't break into the field and stop himself from killing the Xiaoyao thief.

"I'm not willing to sacrifice so much in exchange for such an end!" On the very of death, the idea of free stealing the soul suddenly trembled, and the fear spread through.

How could Yuan Kong pay attention to him? The cannon punch hit his face directly. Xiaoyao thief couldn't even resist. His whole head was broken, and the soul hidden in the internal space was suddenly shocked by his fist.

After the slightly illusory soul of Xiaoyao was shaken out of his will, he quickly escaped into the body and looked at Yuan Kong in horror.

Seeing this, Yuan Kong knew that the punch just now had only destroyed his will and had not been able to kill the other party.

"Free thief, you have done a lot of evil. At the beginning, you slaughtered so many people in my caravan in the Confucian City. It's cheaper for you to kill you like this today." Yuan Kong thought of what happened at the beginning and was more determined to kill the Xiaoyao thief. While speaking, he had already hit him with a move of Lei Long.

In a flash of blood, Yuan Kong's figure had been killed in front of the other party like an arrow of Li Xuan. There was no will to resist. This time he would die.

But seeing that Xiaoyao thief burst into strength again at the time of life and death, he blew himself up with his whole courage and punched with all his efforts. Unexpectedly, he opened a gap in Yuan Kong's reincarnation field, and then Xiaoyao thief slipped out of the gap.

Yuan Kong was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that Xiaoyao was so determined that he would abolish his cultivation. Even if he escaped, he would not die soon.

Taking back the six battle wheels, Yuan Kong once again opened the wings of Shura and chased in the direction of the escape of the thief.

Although the Wing of Shura can increase Yuan Kong's speed, he must tie down the chaotic dragon robe to open it. In this way, his upper body defense will be reduced. Just now, it was also because of this that he was pierced in his left shoulder by a sword.

"Shangguan Feifei, you want to use a small number of boxers to delay my big team, and then organize an elite team to destroy Tianji Mansion. Do you think I can't see this kind of trick? Now it's up to me to hold you, and no one in Mengling Mansion can stop Tianhong. It's you who loses." Ba Meng felt that Shangguan Feifei was difficult to deal with, so he diverted his attention.

Shangguan Feifei's figure thousands of years ago saw the domineering trick at a glance. She sneered and said, "My eight boxing fairy bodyguards can't stop a Chen Tianhong, a joke."

Ba Meng was slightly shocked when he heard the words. Unexpectedly, the other party still had eight boxing fairy guards left, and he had never received any news.

"I have searched these eight people from all over the world in recent years, and I haven't officially appeared yet. It's normal for you not to get any news."

Shangguan Feifei won the victory, which in turn hit the will of hegemony.

"It seems that I can only kill you today." Not only was Ba Meng not discouraged, but his heart was full of power, which stimulated the power of demons.

A loud roar came from his body, and there was no change in Ba Meng's body. In the late Yuan Dynasty, he was able to completely integrate the power of demons with his own true element, regardless of each other.

Shangguan Feifei's power to stimulate demons will change a little, indicating that her skills are not as domineering.

However, it's a pity that the domineering golden tiger can't be compared with Shangguan Feifei's nightmare dragon, which is an innate advantage.

Nightmare Dragon Fist, Ba Meng's whole body felt in a trance, and the boxing could not be condensed.

Taking this opportunity, Shangguan Feifei's sleeve robe shook, and a cold iron sword appeared in his hand, and the sword spirit flew to the hegemony.

Ba Meng felt the other party's murderous intention, and immediately roared. While breaking free from the opponent's soul attack, his hands shone with golden light, condensing a pair of golden axes.

"Mixed Yuan Jin Zhan!" Ba Meng Li shouted, and the short axe met Shangguan Feifei's iron sword, and both sides stepped back a few steps when the sparks were shining.

Shangguan Feifei moved her sore hands and sighed that the other party's arms were strong.

At this time, Ba Meng kept his figure and attacked her at the pace of the tiger's wind. His two-handed axes burst out the strong Zhenyuan, sweeping Shangguan Feifei like a strong wind.

Shangguan Feifei's figure was like a butterfly dance, and the iron sword waved dexterously in the flying, unloaded the domineering attack, and at the same time found the right opportunity to stab him.

Although the Bameng short axe is not so flexible, it is comparable to the other party for a moment.

"Nightmare Dragon Sword!" Shangguan Feifei's sword stabbed his forehead, and the sword spirit directly penetrated his brain and attacked his soul.

Ba Meng screamed, but attacked more crazily. Before Shangguan Feifei drew his sword, he threw an axe in his left hand and quickly grabbed her right arm, and the other hand used the overlord to chop at the other party's head.

Shangguan Feifei couldn't get out for a moment, so she had to condense Zhenyuan on her shoulder. Her head was slightly on one side, and the domineering axe was split on her shoulder, almost completely submerged.

The blood splashed, and Shangguan Feifei snorted bitterly, raised her legs and kicked Ba Meng out. The axe stuck in her shoulder was still on the ground.

She showed off her nose and sweat, and her face was much paler. Her domineering fist shocked her inner house through the axe, and the trauma on her shoulder was still secondary.

However, Ba Meng was also uncomfortable. Shangguan Feifei pierced his soul with a sword. After bursting out his power, he also felt dark and unstable.

"Ba Meng, it's not so easy to recover from soul injury. It seems that I won." Shangguan Feifei picked up the iron sword in pain and slowly approached Ba Meng.

Ba Meng's mission shook his head in an attempt to regain consciousness, but he saw that Shangguan Feifei's figure was still shaking and flashing.

"Do you think you can kill me like this?" Ba Meng said rudely, doing his best to restore his strength.

Shangguan Feifei also knew that it was not so simple to kill Ba Meng. She slowly poured Zhenyuan into the sword, and the sword was swallowed, and she had reached the limit of power.

Su Xing Palace has completely advanced to the original ancient realm. Pieces of golden bone armor are covered with the critical parts of its body. Purple Kill and Starry Sky Thieves have not broken their defenses in several joint attacks.

Domineering is a series of true yuan, and the black real yuan keeps flowing out like a tide.

The third type of Overlord's Fist, Moke is incomminable!

When this punch was made, the wind and clouds changed, but he saw that Su Xinggong did not hide, and his body went straight to the other party's fist.

With a loud bang, the two of them took half a step back at the same time. Seeing this, the domineering did not stop, and kicked Su Xing Palace again with a whip.

Su Xinggong's curved arm blocked it, and at the same time, his palm crossed his waist and abdomen.

The domineering waist turned strangely, and his body turned upside down. The overlord's fist hit again and attacked Su Xinggong's chest.

Su Xinggong snorted coldly, flashed behind the other party, and punched the domineering back of the head with a move.

Domineering feels the murderous intention in the rear, escape into the space and disappears, and the reappearance is already ten miles away.

"The wolf roaring moon knife!" Zi Kill also killed Su Xingkong. On the other side was the starry sky thief. She was extremely hidden in the void. Unfortunately, Su Xing Palace was not afraid of her space escape at all.

One hand knife holds the purple killing knife, and the other hand instantly slapped the void on her side. The starry sky thief was shocked away from the void by her fist.

Zi Kill was also shocked to see that the other party actually blocked the big wolf knife in his hand with a hand. After a closer look, it turned out that the golden bone armor was also wrapped in Su Xingxing's palm.

"It's really extraordinary that your boxing skills have been able to integrate into the power of demons in your body and forcibly change demons." As a demon clan, Zi Kill also knows the power of demons very well.