Ancient Wilderness

Chapter 188 Civil War

This is the second time that Yuan Kong had dinner with Mu Yaner. The night was beautiful, and the two of them drank and enjoyed the moon in the back garden.

"Tomorrow is the day when you officially announce your successor, but there will be blood splashed thousands of miles tonight." Yuan Kong put down his glass and said.

Mu Yaner smiled and said, "There is nothing we can do. The master rebelled against Mengling Mansion, which is the best time for those elders to seize power. In addition, the war with Fang Mansion is approaching. Mengling Mansion must end the civil war as soon as possible, which is also what I hope."

"I still remember that my senior sister said that she would clean the Mengling Mansion. At that time, I only thought that your killing was too heavy, and now I understand that I had no choice but to do it." Yuan Kong said.

"Brother, you should be able to see more clearly after breaking the demon, and you won't be so confused about doing things." Mu Yaner pointed out the state of the boxing fairy.

"Yes, I used to practice desperately, and the direction was very chaotic, but now I see the road." Yuan Kong nodded.

Mu Yaner smiled when she saw this eye and said, "The world is unpredictable. Even the boxing fairy can't predict everything. For example, in tonight's battle for power, guess who is the leader."

Yuan Kong thought for a while and said, "Wu Xingfeng has withdrawn from the civil war. Among the remaining 20 elders, he has the highest unintentional cultivation. It should be him."

"That's why the world is unpredictable. The leader who seizes power tonight is a person you would never have thought of." The wooden cigarette sold a barrier and said with a smile.

"Is it Qingyan?" Yuan Kong was also a little surprised. He couldn't think of any reason for Qing Yan to seize power.

"You are smart. As for why did she seize power?" Mu Yaner suddenly raised her voice and said, "Uncle Qingyan, you'd better talk about it yourself."

A cyan figure appeared under the moon. It was Qing Yan, who was dressed in Qinglong armor. She held a Qinglong gun and stepped on the fairy bird Qingluan, who was constantly spreading its wings.

"Yan'er, I've been in Mengling Mansion for many years. I have no credit and hard work. The position of the master should have been mine." Qingyan still looks arrogant.

"Is it just for power?" Yuan Kong got up and said.

"Otherwise, you think that in terms of cultivation and temperament, I am worse than Shangguan Feifei. She has been sitting on the throne for more than a thousand years, and in the end, it's not my turn. Could it be that I, Qingyan, will always be in the second position!" Qing Yan said angrily.

"So it is, but now in terms of cultivation in Mengling Mansion, where can you rank? You can't be ranked as you." Yuan Kong said.

Qing Yan snorted coldly and said, "What right do you have to talk loudly in front of me? I still don't pay attention to the little boxing fairy.

Mu Yaner saw this sleeve robe shaking, and a golden sword appeared in her hand. She gave the sword to Yuan Kong and said, "This sword is called Light. Take this sword to kill Qingyan."

Yuan Kong took over the sword. He gently stroked the body of the sword with his left hand and felt the light of Zhan Jianxi and couldn't help sighing, "Good sword, it's a pity to kill people."

"What does the sword use to kill people?" Mu Yan said with a smile.

"This sword and beauty must be very comfortable in your arms. Naturally, it is used to comfort." Yuan Konglang laughed.

Mu Yaner smiled when she heard the words and said, "If you like it so much, I'll give it to you."

Yuan Kong saw her smiling so happily for the first time, so beautiful that the bright moon was eclipsed. He said, "My six reincarnation boxing is not suitable for this sword, and I dare not be greedy."

"It is impossible to win if justice is in people's hearts, and you have no intention to seize power." Mu Yaner took out a golden token and shouted, "The dragon order is on, and the nightmare messenger came out to see me quickly."

Whoo... It seemed that the sound of ghost crying came, and golden figures flew up from the center of the Dream Mansion and quickly appeared all over the wood smoke. There were a total of 20 people, all dressed in golden robes, lightsabers, and golden masks. From the breath, they were all in the realm of spiritual disaster.

"It's useless for the nightmare messenger to come. The ruthless killer I have spent decades cultivating is their nemesis." With a wave of words, more than 100 boxers in black light armor jumped into the war circle and surrounded the 20 nightmare messengers.

More than 100 boxers are all empty-eyed and lifeless.

"Okood! I'd like to see how many pounds you have. Mu Yaner said coldly.

Her left sleeve robe shook, and a sword of light, which was exactly the same as before, appeared in her hand. The lightsaber swept across, and the arc-shaped sword fiercely split at all the elders surrounding her.

Seeing this, those elders flew up and dodged the sword.

"Be careful of Mu Yaner's left-handed sword. Her swordsmanship is self-created, and I can't understand it." I didn't want to hear about Mu Yaner's left-handed swordsmanship from Qingyan's mouth, and I didn't dare to peep at it.

When Mu Yaner saw the other party say that her left-handed sword was also known to Qingyan. She created this set of swordsmanship that only Qingyan and Shangguan Feifei knew.

"It's too late, Aurora Sword!" Mu Yaner's left sword suddenly burst into a dazzling white light. Her figure flashed past an elder, and when she reacted, the elder's head had fallen and blood sprayed.

"So fast." Among the many elders, only those who had no intention to see the wood smoke coming out of the sword. His heart jumped and shouted, "Quickly, array up and surround this woman."

"Blood Demon Killing Array!" The rest of the elders cut their wrists together, and the blood erupted for a few miles. Many elders joined hands to make a large array, and the blood was really flowing. Even Mu Yaner did not dare to underestimate it.

Feeling this strong and bloody breath, I couldn't help holding my breath and began to breathe.

Yuan Kong flew on the top of the main house. His long sword was across his chest, and the huge bright moon hung behind him. The moon began to flow down because of Yuan Kong's reincarnation and kept pouring into the sword body.

With the infusion of the moon and yin, the lightsaber began to flash the true element of the bright moon, and the sword spirit kept swallowing.

Qingyan felt that the other party's sword spirit was getting stronger and stronger. She urged Qingluan to quickly hit Yuan Kongfei.

Yuan Kong saw that the tip of the opponent's gun was only one foot away from him, and a sword Jinghong used it again.

This sword is like a flying fairy outside the sky, and the two of them just blinked their eyes and shuttled by. Qingyan's Qinglong gun slowly cracked into two halves, and his body was also split into two halves by Yuan Kong and quickly separated.

Yuan Kong turned around and said, "You can't even beat me. What right do you have to succeed to the position of head of the house?"

Roar! A fascinating dragon roar suddenly came from Qingyan's body, which was split in half. An amazing cyan Zhenyuan emerged from the cracked flesh and blood and quickly condensed into a new Qingyan, and the fallen two halves of the bodies turned into ashes and disappeared.

"Thanks to you, I can become the body of the green dragon, and my strength will be stronger after death." Qingyan said.

"Really, it turns out to abandon the human body and turn the power of the demon into a new body." Yuan Kong said, and at the same time, he attacked the sword again.

Qingyan became more powerful after turning into the body of Qinglong. Her dragon scales were tougher than gold and iron, and there were no scars in the fight with Yuan Kong's sword with bare hands.

The Nightmare Dragon Fist, which was practiced by the Nightmare Messenger, was a dead man cultivated by Shangguan Feifei, and she did not take it away.

Their fists are also attacking the soul, disturbing the mind, and assassinating. No wonder I have no intention to train this group of ruthless killers to fight against it. Since it is ruthless, it is difficult to pass through each other's feelings. Want to assassinate their souls.

However, these 100 ruthless killers are only innately in the later stage, and there is nothing they can do with the nightmare messenger for a while, but several of them died.

"Morning and evening life marks!" Mu Yaner used another self-created swordsmanship. Her body shone with the light, and she split out with a sword as if she saw a round of sun in the night sky, and the blood demon killing array was purified most of it.

"Relentless killing!" He didn't want to participate in the formation. When he saw that Mu Yaner was about to get out of trouble, he hurriedly attacked her.

Mu Yaner smiled. She was waiting for this opportunity. There was a crack in the moment when she entered the inside from outside the array. It was a good time to break the array.

She did not take the opponent's fist, but did not dodge sideways. At the same time, she once again used the fate marks of the morning and night, and split the point of the unintentional fist through the array.

The large array was broken like a porcelain bottle. This sword directly broke the blood demon killing array, and the elders vomited blood and flew back after receiving the counterattack.

Nearly 10,000 disciples who intended to seize power also fought with the bodyguards of the Mengling master's mansion. Fortunately, Muyaner had already transferred a large number of innate masters from the other 17 masters, otherwise he would not be able to defeat the other party.

"Mengling Mansion is still in a hurry for civil war. They must think that I have to prepare for a few days to attack, but they don't know that I have been ready for a long time." Fang Tian did not know when he appeared on the clouds hundreds of thousands of miles away on the back of Mengling Mansion. He also saw the infighting of Mengling Mansion clearly from such a long distance.

He smiled faintly, and the ghost door slowly floated from the clouds. With the opening of the red door, countless ghosts and corpse soldiers struggled to rush out.

"What's going on? I can't control my body." When the star thief saw the bright moon and starry sky again, he found that he had lost his freedom and was being controlled to kill Mengling Mansion.

Behind them are Xiaoyao Thieves, Thunder Thieves, Ba Meng, Tianji Zhenren, and other masters who should have died. They also found that they had lost their freedom.

Fang Tian couldn't help smiling when he saw such a large army rushing to Mengling Mansion.

Lingling's chains sounded, and a figure came out of many unjust corpses. His body was full of crying chains, which was Fang Guangyuan who was left by Fang Tian.

"The head of the family." Fang Guangyuan knelt on one knee and said.

"If you don't die, your golden body will be great." Fang Tian is condescending.

"Yes, I believe I can do my best for the head of the family." Fang Guangyuan said respectfully.

"Okay, you can lead this army to break through the Mengling Mansion and take the first step for the glory of our family." Fang Tian said, with a little enthusiasm in his eyes.

"Yes, the head of the family." Fang Guangyuan got up and went to Mengling Mansion.